M Makefile => Makefile +6 -6
@@ 11,24 11,24 @@ config_path := $(DESTDIR)/$(SYSCONFDIR)/soju/config
goflags := $(GOFLAGS) \
-ldflags="-X 'git.sr.ht/~emersion/soju/config.DefaultPath=$(config_path)'"
-all: soju sojuctl doc/soju.1
+all: soju sojudb doc/soju.1
$(GO) build $(goflags) ./cmd/soju
- $(GO) build $(goflags) ./cmd/sojuctl
+ $(GO) build $(goflags) ./cmd/sojudb
doc/soju.1: doc/soju.1.scd
$(SCDOC) <doc/soju.1.scd >doc/soju.1
- $(RM) -f soju sojuctl doc/soju.1
+ $(RM) -f soju sojudb doc/soju.1
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(BINDIR)
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(MANDIR)/man1
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/$(SYSCONFDIR)/soju
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/var/lib/soju
- cp -f soju sojuctl $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(BINDIR)
+ cp -f soju sojudb $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(BINDIR)
cp -f doc/soju.1 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(MANDIR)/man1
[ -f $(config_path) ] || cp -f config.in $(config_path)
-.PHONY: soju sojuctl clean install
+.PHONY: soju sojudb clean install
R cmd/sojuctl/main.go => cmd/sojudb/main.go +1 -1
@@ 16,7 16,7 @@ import (
-const usage = `usage: sojuctl [-config path] <action> [options...]
+const usage = `usage: sojudb [-config path] <action> [options...]
create-user <username> [-admin] Create a new user
change-password <username> Change password for a user
M doc/getting-started.md => doc/getting-started.md +1 -1
@@ 7,7 7,7 @@ Alternatively, you can compile it from source (see the [README]).
To create an admin user and start soju, run these commands:
- sojuctl create-user <soju username> -admin
+ sojudb create-user <soju username> -admin
soju -listen irc+insecure://
soju will listen for unencrypted IRC connections on the default port. This is