basu v0.2.1 Arsen Arsenović (2): meson: add libcap option meson: convert audit option to feature object Fangrui Song (1): LLD 13 and GNU ld 2.37 support -z start-stop-gc which allows garbage collection of C identifier name sections despite the __start_/__stop_ references. Simply set the retain attribute so that GCC 11 (if configure-time binutils is 2.36 or newer)/Clang 13 will set the SHF_GNU_RETAIN section attribute to prevent garbage collection. Ismael Luceno (1): Workaround build failure by -Wpedantic with GCC 12 Jakub Jirutka (2): meson: Allow to build both shared and static library meson: Link basuctl with libbasu dynamically Jan Beich (2): test: switch to getprogname on FreeBSD basic/socket-util: enable cr_pid on FreeBSD >= 12.3 Kenny Levinsen (1): freebsd: Do not use cr_pid from LOCAL_PEERCRED Simon Ser (4): readme: update IRC channel readme: reference mailing list and issue tracker build: fix whitespace in project() build: bump version to 0.2.1