app: [Windows] remove redundant code Change f7aa4b5c8 changed the fullscreen implementation to no longer require the position and size of the fullscreen window. Signed-off-by: Elias Naur <>
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) M app/os_windows.go
M app/os_windows.go => app/os_windows.go +0 -4
@@ 736,10 736,6 @@ func (w *window) Configure(options []Option) { case Fullscreen: swpStyle |= windows.SWP_NOMOVE | windows.SWP_NOSIZE mi := windows.GetMonitorInfo(w.hwnd) x, y = mi.Monitor.Left, mi.Monitor.Top width = mi.Monitor.Right - mi.Monitor.Left height = mi.Monitor.Bottom - mi.Monitor.Top showMode = windows.SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED } windows.SetWindowLong(w.hwnd, windows.GWL_STYLE, style)