
bba91263b077c0fed8b38a92cf7865b4dfd8879b — Chris Waldon 1 year, 5 months ago 880cd27
text: optimize shaper paragraph decoding

This commit removes some inefficiencies from the pre-shaper-cache processing of
text. The text is no longer decoded into runes prior to being tested against the
cache, and the search for newlines uses slightly more efficient iteration operations

Signed-off-by: Chris Waldon <christopher.waldon.dev@gmail.com>
1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

M text/shaper.go
M text/shaper.go => text/shaper.go +29 -33
@@ 172,9 172,9 @@ type Shaper struct {
	pathCache        pathCache
	bitmapShapeCache bitmapShapeCache
	layoutCache      layoutCache
	paragraph        []rune

	reader strings.Reader
	reader    *bufio.Reader
	paragraph []byte

	// Iterator state.
	brokeParagraph   bool

@@ 198,13 198,14 @@ func NewShaper(collection []FontFace) *Shaper {
	l.reader = bufio.NewReader(nil)
	return l

// Layout text from an io.Reader according to a set of options. Results can be retrieved by
// iteratively calling NextGlyph.
func (l *Shaper) Layout(params Parameters, txt io.Reader) {
	l.layoutText(params, bufio.NewReader(txt), "")
	l.layoutText(params, txt, "")

// LayoutString is Layout for strings.

@@ 222,48 223,46 @@ func (l *Shaper) reset(align Alignment) {
// layoutText lays out a large text document by breaking it into paragraphs and laying
// out each of them separately. This allows the shaping results to be cached independently
// by paragraph. Only one of txt and str should be provided.
func (l *Shaper) layoutText(params Parameters, txt *bufio.Reader, str string) {
func (l *Shaper) layoutText(params Parameters, txt io.Reader, str string) {
	if txt == nil && len(str) == 0 {
		l.txt.append(l.layoutParagraph(params, "", nil))
	truncating := params.MaxLines > 0
	var done bool
	var startByte int
	var endByte int
	for !done {
		var runes int
		l.paragraph = l.paragraph[:0]
		if txt != nil {
			for r, _, re := txt.ReadRune(); !done; r, _, re = txt.ReadRune() {
				if re != nil {
			for {
				b, err := l.reader.ReadByte()
				if err != nil {
					// EOF or any other error ends processing here.
					done = true
				l.paragraph = append(l.paragraph, r)
				if r == '\n' {
				l.paragraph = append(l.paragraph, b)
				if b == '\n' {
			_, _, re := txt.ReadRune()
			_, re := l.reader.ReadByte()
			done = re != nil
			_ = txt.UnreadRune()
			_ = l.reader.UnreadByte()
		} else {
			for endByte = startByte; endByte < len(str); {
				r, width := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(str[endByte:])
				endByte += width
				if r == '\n' {
			idx := strings.IndexByte(str, '\n')
			if idx == -1 {
				done = true
				endByte = len(str)
			} else {
				endByte = idx + 1
			done = endByte == len(str)
		if startByte != endByte || (len(l.paragraph) > 0 || len(l.txt.lines) == 0) {
		if len(str[:endByte]) > 0 || (len(l.paragraph) > 0 || len(l.txt.lines) == 0) {
			params.forceTruncate = truncating && !done
			lines := l.layoutParagraph(params, str[startByte:endByte], l.paragraph)
			lines := l.layoutParagraph(params, str[:endByte], l.paragraph)
			if truncating {
				params.MaxLines -= len(lines.lines)
				if params.MaxLines == 0 {

@@ 275,7 274,7 @@ func (l *Shaper) layoutText(params Parameters, txt *bufio.Reader, str string) {
						unreadRunes = utf8.RuneCountInString(str[endByte:])
					} else {
						for {
							_, _, e := txt.ReadRune()
							_, _, e := l.reader.ReadRune()
							if e != nil {

@@ 294,19 293,19 @@ func (l *Shaper) layoutText(params Parameters, txt *bufio.Reader, str string) {
		if done {
		startByte = endByte
		str = str[endByte:]

// layoutParagraph shapes and wraps a paragraph using the provided parameters.
// It accepts the paragraph data in either string or rune format, preferring the
// string in order to hit the shaper cache more quickly.
func (l *Shaper) layoutParagraph(params Parameters, asStr string, asRunes []rune) document {
func (l *Shaper) layoutParagraph(params Parameters, asStr string, asBytes []byte) document {
	if l == nil {
		return document{}
	if len(asStr) == 0 && len(asRunes) > 0 {
		asStr = string(asRunes)
	if len(asStr) == 0 && len(asBytes) > 0 {
		asStr = string(asBytes)
	// Alignment is not part of the cache key because changing it does not impact shaping.
	lk := layoutKey{

@@ 323,10 322,7 @@ func (l *Shaper) layoutParagraph(params Parameters, asStr string, asRunes []rune
	if l, ok := l.layoutCache.Get(lk); ok {
		return l
	if len(asRunes) == 0 && len(asStr) > 0 {
		asRunes = []rune(asStr)
	lines := l.shaper.LayoutRunes(params, asRunes)
	lines := l.shaper.LayoutRunes(params, []rune(asStr))
	l.layoutCache.Put(lk, lines)
	return lines