
7e8c10927bcc2c93242322c19285f8df4f9396a3 — Chris Waldon 1 year, 6 months ago 9d0a53f
text,widget{,/material}: [API] move all shaping parameters into text.Parameters

This commit moves the min/max width of shaped text and the text's Locale into
text.Parameters. They were previously passed as separate function parameters to
the shaper, but this made little sense and added visual noise. This is a breaking
change, but only if you previously invoked the shaping API directly.

Callers of text.(*Shaper).LayoutString should change:

    shaper.LayoutString(params, minWidth, maxWidth, locale, "string")


    shaper.LayoutString(params, "string")

Callers of text.(*Shaper).Layout should do likewise.

Signed-off-by: Chris Waldon <christopher.waldon.dev@gmail.com>
M text/gotext.go => text/gotext.go +11 -11
@@ 401,7 401,7 @@ func (s *shaperImpl) shapeText(faces []font.Face, ppem fixed.Int26_6, lc system.

// shapeAndWrapText invokes the text shaper and returns wrapped lines in the shaper's native format.
func (s *shaperImpl) shapeAndWrapText(faces []font.Face, params Parameters, maxWidth int, lc system.Locale, txt []rune) (_ []shaping.Line, truncated int) {
func (s *shaperImpl) shapeAndWrapText(faces []font.Face, params Parameters, txt []rune) (_ []shaping.Line, truncated int) {
	wc := shaping.WrapConfig{
		TruncateAfterLines: params.MaxLines,

@@ 411,10 411,10 @@ func (s *shaperImpl) shapeAndWrapText(faces []font.Face, params Parameters, maxW
		// We only permit a single run as the truncator, regardless of whether more were generated.
		// Just use the first one.
		wc.Truncator = s.shapeText(faces, params.PxPerEm, lc, []rune(params.Truncator))[0]
		wc.Truncator = s.shapeText(faces, params.PxPerEm, params.Locale, []rune(params.Truncator))[0]
	// Wrap outputs into lines.
	return s.wrapper.WrapParagraph(wc, maxWidth, txt, s.shapeText(faces, params.PxPerEm, lc, txt)...)
	return s.wrapper.WrapParagraph(wc, params.MaxWidth, txt, s.shapeText(faces, params.PxPerEm, params.Locale, txt)...)

// replaceControlCharacters replaces problematic unicode

@@ 443,17 443,17 @@ func replaceControlCharacters(in []rune) []rune {

// Layout shapes and wraps the text, and returns the result in Gio's shaped text format.
func (s *shaperImpl) LayoutString(params Parameters, minWidth, maxWidth int, lc system.Locale, txt string) document {
	return s.LayoutRunes(params, minWidth, maxWidth, lc, []rune(txt))
func (s *shaperImpl) LayoutString(params Parameters, txt string) document {
	return s.LayoutRunes(params, []rune(txt))

// Layout shapes and wraps the text, and returns the result in Gio's shaped text format.
func (s *shaperImpl) Layout(params Parameters, minWidth, maxWidth int, lc system.Locale, txt io.RuneReader) document {
func (s *shaperImpl) Layout(params Parameters, txt io.RuneReader) document {
	s.scratchRunes = s.scratchRunes[:0]
	for r, _, err := txt.ReadRune(); err != nil; r, _, err = txt.ReadRune() {
		s.scratchRunes = append(s.scratchRunes, r)
	return s.LayoutRunes(params, minWidth, maxWidth, lc, s.scratchRunes)
	return s.LayoutRunes(params, s.scratchRunes)

func calculateYOffsets(lines []line) {

@@ 468,12 468,12 @@ func calculateYOffsets(lines []line) {

// LayoutRunes shapes and wraps the text, and returns the result in Gio's shaped text format.
func (s *shaperImpl) LayoutRunes(params Parameters, minWidth, maxWidth int, lc system.Locale, txt []rune) document {
func (s *shaperImpl) LayoutRunes(params Parameters, txt []rune) document {
	hasNewline := len(txt) > 0 && txt[len(txt)-1] == '\n'
	if hasNewline {
		txt = txt[:len(txt)-1]
	ls, truncated := s.shapeAndWrapText(s.orderer.sortedFacesForStyle(params.Font), params, maxWidth, lc, replaceControlCharacters(txt))
	ls, truncated := s.shapeAndWrapText(s.orderer.sortedFacesForStyle(params.Font), params, replaceControlCharacters(txt))

	if truncated > 0 && hasNewline {
		// We've truncated the newline, since it was at the end and we've truncated some amount of runes

@@ 484,7 484,7 @@ func (s *shaperImpl) LayoutRunes(params Parameters, minWidth, maxWidth int, lc s
	// Convert to Lines.
	textLines := make([]line, len(ls))
	for i := range ls {
		otLine := toLine(&s.orderer, ls[i], lc.Direction)
		otLine := toLine(&s.orderer, ls[i], params.Locale.Direction)
		isFinalLine := i == len(ls)-1
		if isFinalLine && hasNewline {
			// If there was a trailing newline update the rune counts to include

@@ 536,7 536,7 @@ func (s *shaperImpl) LayoutRunes(params Parameters, minWidth, maxWidth int, lc s
	return document{
		lines:      textLines,
		alignment:  params.Alignment,
		alignWidth: alignWidth(minWidth, textLines),
		alignWidth: alignWidth(params.MinWidth, textLines),

M text/gotext_test.go => text/gotext_test.go +38 -10
@@ 37,7 37,11 @@ func TestEmptyString(t *testing.T) {
	ltrFace, _ := opentype.Parse(goregular.TTF)
	shaper := testShaper(ltrFace)

	lines := shaper.LayoutRunes(Parameters{PxPerEm: ppem}, 0, 2000, english, []rune{})
	lines := shaper.LayoutRunes(Parameters{
		PxPerEm:  ppem,
		MaxWidth: 2000,
		Locale:   english,
	}, []rune{})
	if len(lines.lines) == 0 {
		t.Fatalf("Layout returned no lines for empty string; expected 1")

@@ 110,7 114,11 @@ func TestShapingAlignWidth(t *testing.T) {
	} {
		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			lines := shaper.LayoutString(Parameters{PxPerEm: ppem}, tc.minWidth, tc.maxWidth, english, tc.str)
			lines := shaper.LayoutString(Parameters{PxPerEm: ppem,
				MinWidth: tc.minWidth,
				MaxWidth: tc.maxWidth,
				Locale:   english,
			}, tc.str)
			if lines.alignWidth != tc.expected {
				t.Errorf("expected line alignWidth to be %d, got %d", tc.expected, lines.alignWidth)

@@ 155,7 163,11 @@ func TestNewlineSynthesis(t *testing.T) {
	} {
		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {

			doc := shaper.LayoutRunes(Parameters{PxPerEm: ppem}, 0, 200, tc.locale, []rune(tc.txt))
			doc := shaper.LayoutRunes(Parameters{
				PxPerEm:  ppem,
				MaxWidth: 200,
				Locale:   tc.locale,
			}, []rune(tc.txt))
			for lineIdx, line := range doc.lines {
				lastRunIdx := len(line.runs) - 1
				lastRun := line.runs[lastRunIdx]

@@ 256,8 268,16 @@ func makeTestText(shaper *shaperImpl, primaryDir system.TextDirection, fontSize,
			rtlSource = string(complexRunes[:runeLimit])
	simpleText, _ := shaper.shapeAndWrapText(shaper.orderer.sortedFacesForStyle(Font{}), Parameters{PxPerEm: fixed.I(fontSize)}, lineWidth, locale, []rune(simpleSource))
	complexText, _ := shaper.shapeAndWrapText(shaper.orderer.sortedFacesForStyle(Font{}), Parameters{PxPerEm: fixed.I(fontSize)}, lineWidth, locale, []rune(complexSource))
	simpleText, _ := shaper.shapeAndWrapText(shaper.orderer.sortedFacesForStyle(Font{}), Parameters{
		PxPerEm:  fixed.I(fontSize),
		MaxWidth: lineWidth,
		Locale:   locale,
	}, []rune(simpleSource))
	complexText, _ := shaper.shapeAndWrapText(shaper.orderer.sortedFacesForStyle(Font{}), Parameters{
		PxPerEm:  fixed.I(fontSize),
		MaxWidth: lineWidth,
		Locale:   locale,
	}, []rune(complexSource))
	testShaper(rtlFace, ltrFace)
	return simpleText, complexText

@@ 536,7 556,11 @@ func FuzzLayout(f *testing.F) {
		if fontSize < 1 {
			fontSize = 1
		lines := shaper.LayoutRunes(Parameters{PxPerEm: fixed.I(int(fontSize))}, 0, int(width), locale, []rune(txt))
		lines := shaper.LayoutRunes(Parameters{
			PxPerEm:  fixed.I(int(fontSize)),
			MaxWidth: int(width),
			Locale:   locale,
		}, []rune(txt))
		validateLines(t, lines.lines, len([]rune(txt)))

@@ 595,11 619,15 @@ func TestTextAppend(t *testing.T) {
	shaper := testShaper(ltrFace, rtlFace)

	text1 := shaper.LayoutString(Parameters{
		PxPerEm: fixed.I(14),
	}, 0, 200, english, "د عرمثال dstي met لم aqل جدmوpمg lرe dرd  لو عل ميrةsdiduntut lab renنيتذدagلaaiua.ئPocttأior رادرsاي mيrbلmnonaيdتد ماةعcلخ.")
		PxPerEm:  fixed.I(14),
		MaxWidth: 200,
		Locale:   english,
	}, "د عرمثال dstي met لم aqل جدmوpمg lرe dرd  لو عل ميrةsdiduntut lab renنيتذدagلaaiua.ئPocttأior رادرsاي mيrbلmnonaيdتد ماةعcلخ.")
	text2 := shaper.LayoutString(Parameters{
		PxPerEm: fixed.I(14),
	}, 0, 200, english, "د عرمثال dstي met لم aqل جدmوpمg lرe dرd  لو عل ميrةsdiduntut lab renنيتذدagلaaiua.ئPocttأior رادرsاي mيrbلmnonaيdتد ماةعcلخ.")
		PxPerEm:  fixed.I(14),
		MaxWidth: 200,
		Locale:   english,
	}, "د عرمثال dstي met لم aqل جدmوpمg lرe dرd  لو عل ميrةsdiduntut lab renنيتذدagلaaiua.ئPocttأior رادرsاي mيrbلmnonaيdتد ماةعcلخ.")

	curY := math.MinInt

M text/shaper.go => text/shaper.go +19 -14
@@ 31,6 31,11 @@ type Parameters struct {
	// can currently ohly happen if MaxLines is nonzero and the text on the final line is
	// truncated.
	Truncator string
	// MinWidth and MaxWidth provide the minimum and maximum horizontal space constraints
	// for the shaped text.
	MinWidth, MaxWidth int
	// Locale provides primary direction and language information for the shaped text.
	Locale system.Locale

// A FontFace is a Font and a matching Face.

@@ 194,13 199,13 @@ func NewShaper(collection []FontFace) *Shaper {

// Layout text from an io.Reader according to a set of options. Results can be retrieved by
// iteratively calling NextGlyph.
func (l *Shaper) Layout(params Parameters, minWidth, maxWidth int, lc system.Locale, txt io.Reader) {
	l.layoutText(params, minWidth, maxWidth, lc, bufio.NewReader(txt), "")
func (l *Shaper) Layout(params Parameters, txt io.Reader) {
	l.layoutText(params, bufio.NewReader(txt), "")

// LayoutString is Layout for strings.
func (l *Shaper) LayoutString(params Parameters, minWidth, maxWidth int, lc system.Locale, str string) {
	l.layoutText(params, minWidth, maxWidth, lc, nil, str)
func (l *Shaper) LayoutString(params Parameters, str string) {
	l.layoutText(params, nil, str)

func (l *Shaper) reset(align Alignment) {

@@ 213,10 218,10 @@ func (l *Shaper) reset(align Alignment) {
// layoutText lays out a large text document by breaking it into paragraphs and laying
// out each of them separately. This allows the shaping results to be cached independently
// by paragraph. Only one of txt and str should be provided.
func (l *Shaper) layoutText(params Parameters, minWidth, maxWidth int, lc system.Locale, txt io.RuneReader, str string) {
func (l *Shaper) layoutText(params Parameters, txt io.RuneReader, str string) {
	if txt == nil && len(str) == 0 {
		l.txt.append(l.layoutParagraph(params, minWidth, maxWidth, lc, "", nil))
		l.txt.append(l.layoutParagraph(params, "", nil))
	truncating := params.MaxLines > 0

@@ 250,7 255,7 @@ func (l *Shaper) layoutText(params Parameters, minWidth, maxWidth int, lc system
			done = endByte == len(str)
		if startByte != endByte || (len(l.paragraph) > 0 || len(l.txt.lines) == 0) {
			lines := l.layoutParagraph(params, minWidth, maxWidth, lc, str[startByte:endByte], l.paragraph)
			lines := l.layoutParagraph(params, str[startByte:endByte], l.paragraph)
			if truncating {
				params.MaxLines -= len(lines.lines)
				if params.MaxLines == 0 {

@@ 285,7 290,7 @@ func (l *Shaper) layoutText(params Parameters, minWidth, maxWidth int, lc system

func (l *Shaper) layoutParagraph(params Parameters, minWidth, maxWidth int, lc system.Locale, asStr string, asRunes []rune) document {
func (l *Shaper) layoutParagraph(params Parameters, asStr string, asRunes []rune) document {
	if l == nil {
		return document{}

@@ 294,14 299,14 @@ func (l *Shaper) layoutParagraph(params Parameters, minWidth, maxWidth int, lc s
	// Alignment is not part of the cache key because changing it does not impact shaping.
	lk := layoutKey{
		truncator: params.Truncator,
		ppem:      params.PxPerEm,
		maxWidth:  maxWidth,
		minWidth:  minWidth,
		maxWidth:  params.MaxWidth,
		minWidth:  params.MinWidth,
		maxLines:  params.MaxLines,
		str:       asStr,
		locale:    lc,
		truncator: params.Truncator,
		locale:    params.Locale,
		font:      params.Font,
		str:       asStr,
	if l, ok := l.layoutCache.Get(lk); ok {
		return l

@@ 309,7 314,7 @@ func (l *Shaper) layoutParagraph(params Parameters, minWidth, maxWidth int, lc s
	if len(asRunes) == 0 && len(asStr) > 0 {
		asRunes = []rune(asStr)
	lines := l.shaper.LayoutRunes(params, minWidth, maxWidth, lc, asRunes)
	lines := l.shaper.LayoutRunes(params, asRunes)
	l.layoutCache.Put(lk, lines)
	return lines

M text/shaper_test.go => text/shaper_test.go +38 -14
@@ 25,7 25,10 @@ func TestWrappingTruncation(t *testing.T) {
		Alignment: Middle,
		PxPerEm:   fixed.I(10),
	}, 200, 200, english, textInput)
		MinWidth:  200,
		MaxWidth:  200,
		Locale:    english,
	}, textInput)
	untruncatedCount := len(cache.txt.lines)

	for i := untruncatedCount + 1; i > 0; i-- {

@@ 34,7 37,10 @@ func TestWrappingTruncation(t *testing.T) {
				Alignment: Middle,
				PxPerEm:   fixed.I(10),
				MaxLines:  i,
			}, 200, 200, english, textInput)
				MinWidth:  200,
				MaxWidth:  200,
				Locale:    english,
			}, textInput)
			lineCount := 0
			lastGlyphWasLineBreak := false
			glyphs := []Glyph{}

@@ 130,7 136,10 @@ func TestShapingNewlineHandling(t *testing.T) {
				Alignment: Middle,
				PxPerEm:   fixed.I(10),
			}, 200, 200, english, tc.textInput)
				MinWidth:  200,
				MaxWidth:  200,
				Locale:    english,
			}, tc.textInput)
			if lineCount := len(cache.txt.lines); lineCount > tc.expectedLines {
				t.Errorf("shaping string %q created %d lines", tc.textInput, lineCount)

@@ 139,7 148,10 @@ func TestShapingNewlineHandling(t *testing.T) {
				Alignment: Middle,
				PxPerEm:   fixed.I(10),
			}, 200, 200, english, strings.NewReader(tc.textInput))
				MinWidth:  200,
				MaxWidth:  200,
				Locale:    english,
			}, strings.NewReader(tc.textInput))
			if lineCount := len(cache.txt.lines); lineCount > tc.expectedLines {
				t.Errorf("shaping reader %q created %d lines", tc.textInput, lineCount)

@@ 157,7 169,10 @@ func TestCacheEmptyString(t *testing.T) {
		Alignment: Middle,
		PxPerEm:   fixed.I(10),
	}, 200, 200, english, "")
		MinWidth:  200,
		MaxWidth:  200,
		Locale:    english,
	}, "")
	glyphs := make([]Glyph, 0, 1)
	for g, ok := cache.NextGlyph(); ok; g, ok = cache.NextGlyph() {
		glyphs = append(glyphs, g)

@@ 190,31 205,38 @@ func TestCacheAlignment(t *testing.T) {
	ltrFace, _ := opentype.Parse(goregular.TTF)
	collection := []FontFace{{Face: ltrFace}}
	cache := NewShaper(collection)
	params := Parameters{Alignment: Start, PxPerEm: fixed.I(10)}
	cache.LayoutString(params, 200, 200, english, "A")
	params := Parameters{
		Alignment: Start,
		PxPerEm:   fixed.I(10),
		MinWidth:  200,
		MaxWidth:  200,
		Locale:    english,
	cache.LayoutString(params, "A")
	glyph, _ := cache.NextGlyph()
	startX := glyph.X
	params.Alignment = Middle
	cache.LayoutString(params, 200, 200, english, "A")
	cache.LayoutString(params, "A")
	glyph, _ = cache.NextGlyph()
	middleX := glyph.X
	params.Alignment = End
	cache.LayoutString(params, 200, 200, english, "A")
	cache.LayoutString(params, "A")
	glyph, _ = cache.NextGlyph()
	endX := glyph.X
	if startX == middleX || startX == endX || endX == middleX {
		t.Errorf("[LTR] shaping with with different alignments should not produce the same X, start %d, middle %d, end %d", startX, middleX, endX)
	params.Locale = arabic
	params.Alignment = Start
	cache.LayoutString(params, 200, 200, arabic, "A")
	cache.LayoutString(params, "A")
	glyph, _ = cache.NextGlyph()
	rtlStartX := glyph.X
	params.Alignment = Middle
	cache.LayoutString(params, 200, 200, arabic, "A")
	cache.LayoutString(params, "A")
	glyph, _ = cache.NextGlyph()
	rtlMiddleX := glyph.X
	params.Alignment = End
	cache.LayoutString(params, 200, 200, arabic, "A")
	cache.LayoutString(params, "A")
	glyph, _ = cache.NextGlyph()
	rtlEndX := glyph.X
	if rtlStartX == rtlMiddleX || rtlStartX == rtlEndX || rtlEndX == rtlMiddleX {

@@ 250,8 272,10 @@ func TestCacheGlyphConverstion(t *testing.T) {
		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			cache := NewShaper(collection)
				PxPerEm: fixed.I(10),
			}, 0, 200, tc.locale, tc.text)
				PxPerEm:  fixed.I(10),
				MaxWidth: 200,
				Locale:   tc.locale,
			}, tc.text)
			doc := cache.txt
			glyphs := make([]Glyph, 0, len(tc.expected))
			for g, ok := cache.NextGlyph(); ok; g, ok = cache.NextGlyph() {

M widget/index_test.go => widget/index_test.go +31 -8
@@ 32,17 32,30 @@ func makePosTestText(fontSize, lineWidth int, alignOpposite bool) (source string
	// bidiSource is crafted to contain multiple consecutive RTL runs (by
	// changing scripts within the RTL).
	bidiSource := "The quick سماء שלום لا fox تمط שלום غير the lazy dog."
	ltrParams := text.Parameters{Font: text.Font{Typeface: "LTR"}, PxPerEm: fixed.I(fontSize)}
	rtlParams := text.Parameters{Alignment: text.End, Font: text.Font{Typeface: "RTL"}, PxPerEm: fixed.I(fontSize)}
	ltrParams := text.Parameters{
		Font:     text.Font{Typeface: "LTR"},
		PxPerEm:  fixed.I(fontSize),
		MaxWidth: lineWidth,
		MinWidth: lineWidth,
		Locale:   english,
	rtlParams := text.Parameters{
		Alignment: text.End,
		Font:      text.Font{Typeface: "RTL"},
		PxPerEm:   fixed.I(fontSize),
		MaxWidth:  lineWidth,
		MinWidth:  lineWidth,
		Locale:    arabic,
	if alignOpposite {
		ltrParams.Alignment = text.End
		rtlParams.Alignment = text.Start
	shaper.LayoutString(ltrParams, lineWidth, lineWidth, english, bidiSource)
	shaper.LayoutString(ltrParams, bidiSource)
	for g, ok := shaper.NextGlyph(); ok; g, ok = shaper.NextGlyph() {
		bidiLTR = append(bidiLTR, g)
	shaper.LayoutString(rtlParams, lineWidth, lineWidth, arabic, bidiSource)
	shaper.LayoutString(rtlParams, bidiSource)
	for g, ok := shaper.NextGlyph(); ok; g, ok = shaper.NextGlyph() {
		bidiRTL = append(bidiRTL, g)

@@ 64,8 77,12 @@ func makeAccountingTestText(str string, fontSize, lineWidth int) (txt []text.Gly
			Face: rtlFace,
	params := text.Parameters{PxPerEm: fixed.I(fontSize)}
	shaper.LayoutString(params, 0, lineWidth, english, str)
	params := text.Parameters{
		PxPerEm:  fixed.I(fontSize),
		MaxWidth: lineWidth,
		Locale:   english,
	shaper.LayoutString(params, str)
	for g, ok := shaper.NextGlyph(); ok; g, ok = shaper.NextGlyph() {
		txt = append(txt, g)

@@ 86,8 103,14 @@ func getGlyphs(fontSize, minWidth, lineWidth int, align text.Alignment, str stri
			Face: rtlFace,
	params := text.Parameters{PxPerEm: fixed.I(fontSize), Alignment: align}
	shaper.LayoutString(params, minWidth, lineWidth, english, str)
	params := text.Parameters{
		PxPerEm:   fixed.I(fontSize),
		Alignment: align,
		MinWidth:  minWidth,
		MaxWidth:  lineWidth,
		Locale:    english,
	shaper.LayoutString(params, str)
	for g, ok := shaper.NextGlyph(); ok; g, ok = shaper.NextGlyph() {
		txt = append(txt, g)

M widget/label.go => widget/label.go +4 -1
@@ 38,7 38,10 @@ func (l Label) Layout(gtx layout.Context, lt *text.Shaper, font text.Font, size 
		MaxLines:  l.MaxLines,
		Truncator: l.Truncator,
		Alignment: l.Alignment,
	}, cs.Min.X, cs.Max.X, gtx.Locale, txt)
		MaxWidth:  cs.Max.X,
		MinWidth:  cs.Min.X,
		Locale:    gtx.Locale,
	}, txt)
	m := op.Record(gtx.Ops)
	viewport := image.Rectangle{Max: cs.Max}
	it := textIterator{

M widget/material/label.go => widget/material/label.go +8 -1
@@ 116,8 116,15 @@ func (l LabelStyle) Layout(gtx layout.Context) layout.Dimensions {
		if l.State.Text() != l.Text {
		l.State.Alignment = l.Alignment
		l.State.MaxLines = l.MaxLines
		l.State.Truncator = l.Truncator
		return l.State.Layout(gtx, l.shaper, l.Font, l.TextSize, textColor, selectColor)
	tl := widget.Label{Alignment: l.Alignment, MaxLines: l.MaxLines}
	tl := widget.Label{
		Alignment: l.Alignment,
		MaxLines:  l.MaxLines,
		Truncator: l.Truncator,
	return tl.Layout(gtx, l.shaper, l.Font, l.TextSize, l.Text, textColor)

M widget/selectable.go => widget/selectable.go +11 -1
@@ 48,8 48,15 @@ func (s stringSource) ReadAt(b []byte, offset int64) (int, error) {
func (s stringSource) ReplaceRunes(byteOffset, runeCount int64, str string) {

// Selectable holds text selection state.
// Selectable displays selectable text.
type Selectable struct {
	// Alignment controls the alignment of the text.
	Alignment text.Alignment
	// MaxLines is the maximum number of lines of text to be displayed.
	MaxLines int
	// Truncator is the symbol to use at the end of the final line of text
	// if text was cut off. Defaults to "…" if left empty.
	Truncator   string
	initialized bool
	source      stringSource
	// scratch is a buffer reused to efficiently read text out of the

@@ 171,6 178,9 @@ func (l *Selectable) Truncated() bool {
// paint material for the text and selection rectangles, respectively.
func (l *Selectable) Layout(gtx layout.Context, lt *text.Shaper, font text.Font, size unit.Sp, textMaterial, selectionMaterial op.CallOp) layout.Dimensions {
	l.text.Alignment = l.Alignment
	l.text.MaxLines = l.MaxLines
	l.text.Truncator = l.Truncator
	l.text.Update(gtx, lt, font, size, l.handleEvents)
	dims := l.text.Dimensions()
	defer clip.Rect(image.Rectangle{Max: dims.Size}).Push(gtx.Ops).Pop()

M widget/selectable_test.go => widget/selectable_test.go +1 -1
@@ 100,7 100,7 @@ func TestSelectableConfigurations(t *testing.T) {
					gtx.Constraints.Min = gtx.Constraints.Max
				s := new(Selectable)
				s.text.Alignment = alignment
				s.Alignment = alignment
				interactiveDims := s.Layout(gtx, cache, font, fontSize, op.CallOp{}, op.CallOp{})
				staticDims := Label{Alignment: alignment}.Layout(gtx, cache, font, fontSize, sentence, op.CallOp{})

M widget/text.go => widget/text.go +30 -29
@@ 10,7 10,6 @@ import (


@@ 58,22 57,20 @@ type textView struct {
	// are accessed by Len, Text, and SetText.
	Mask rune

	font       text.Font
	params     text.Parameters
	shaper     *text.Shaper
	textSize   fixed.Int26_6
	seekCursor int64
	rr         textSource
	maskReader maskReader
	// graphemes tracks the indices of grapheme cluster boundaries within rr.
	graphemes []int
	// paragraphReader is used to populate graphemes.
	paragraphReader    graphemeReader
	lastMask           rune
	maxWidth, minWidth int
	viewSize           image.Point
	valid              bool
	regions            []Region
	dims               layout.Dimensions
	paragraphReader graphemeReader
	lastMask        rune
	viewSize        image.Point
	valid           bool
	regions         []Region
	dims            layout.Dimensions

	// offIndex is an index of rune index to byte offsets.
	offIndex []offEntry

@@ 93,8 90,6 @@ type textView struct {

	scrollOff image.Point

	locale system.Locale

func (e *textView) Changed() bool {

@@ 228,27 223,27 @@ func (e *textView) calculateViewSize(gtx layout.Context) image.Point {
// allow parent widgets to adapt to any changes in text content or positioning. If eventHandling modifies the contents
// of the textView, it is guaranteed to be reshaped (and ready for painting) before Update returns.
func (e *textView) Update(gtx layout.Context, lt *text.Shaper, font text.Font, size unit.Sp, eventHandling func(gtx layout.Context)) {
	if e.locale != gtx.Locale {
		e.locale = gtx.Locale
	if e.params.Locale != gtx.Locale {
		e.params.Locale = gtx.Locale
	textSize := fixed.I(gtx.Sp(size))
	if e.font != font || e.textSize != textSize {
	if e.params.Font != font || e.params.PxPerEm != textSize {
		e.font = font
		e.textSize = textSize
		e.params.Font = font
		e.params.PxPerEm = textSize
	maxWidth := gtx.Constraints.Max.X
	if e.SingleLine {
		maxWidth = math.MaxInt
	minWidth := gtx.Constraints.Min.X
	if maxWidth != e.maxWidth {
		e.maxWidth = maxWidth
	if maxWidth != e.params.MaxWidth {
		e.params.MaxWidth = maxWidth
	if minWidth != e.minWidth {
		e.minWidth = minWidth
	if minWidth != e.params.MinWidth {
		e.params.MinWidth = minWidth
	if lt != e.shaper {

@@ 259,6 254,18 @@ func (e *textView) Update(gtx layout.Context, lt *text.Shaper, font text.Font, s
		e.lastMask = e.Mask
	if e.Alignment != e.params.Alignment {
		e.params.Alignment = e.Alignment
	if e.Truncator != e.params.Truncator {
		e.params.Truncator = e.Truncator
	if e.MaxLines != e.params.MaxLines {
		e.params.MaxLines = e.MaxLines

	if eventHandling != nil {

@@ 463,13 470,7 @@ func (e *textView) layoutText(lt *text.Shaper) {
	it := textIterator{viewport: image.Rectangle{Max: image.Point{X: math.MaxInt, Y: math.MaxInt}}}
	if lt != nil {
			Font:      e.font,
			PxPerEm:   e.textSize,
			Alignment: e.Alignment,
			MaxLines:  e.MaxLines,
			Truncator: e.Truncator,
		}, e.minWidth, e.maxWidth, e.locale, r)
		lt.Layout(e.params, r)
		for glyph, ok := it.processGlyph(lt.NextGlyph()); ok; glyph, ok = it.processGlyph(lt.NextGlyph()) {

@@ 635,7 636,7 @@ func (e *textView) MoveEnd(selAct selectionAction) {
	caret := e.closestToRune(e.caret.start)
	caret = e.closestToLineCol(caret.lineCol.line, math.MaxInt)
	e.caret.start = caret.runes
	e.caret.xoff = fixed.I(e.maxWidth) - caret.x
	e.caret.xoff = fixed.I(e.params.MaxWidth) - caret.x