@@ 0,0 1,207 @@
+import os
+from collections import defaultdict
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime
+from os.path import isfile
+from os.path import join
+from pathlib import Path
+from shutil import copytree
+from typing import Dict
+from typing import List
+from typing import Tuple
+import markdown
+from markdown.extensions.toc import TocExtension
+from markdown.extensions.codehilite import CodeHiliteExtension
+from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
+from slugify import slugify
+class Page:
+ category: str
+ template: str
+ listing: bool = False
+ create_detail_pages: bool = False
+ detail_page_template: str = None
+ source_dir: str = None
+BUILD_PATH = 'build'
+TEMPLATES_PATH = 'templates'
+PAGES = [
+ Page(category='404', template='404'),
+ Page(category='about', template='about'),
+ Page(category='blog',
+ template='blog',
+ listing=True,
+ create_detail_pages=True,
+ detail_page_template='post',
+ source_dir='content/blog'),
+ Page(category='projects',
+ template='projects',
+ listing=True,
+ source_dir='content/projects'),
+def write_file(name: str, content: str):
+ """Write an HTML file to disk.
+ :param name: The name of the file, excluding extension.
+ :param content: The content of the file.
+ """
+ filepath = Path(f'{BUILD_PATH}/{name}.html')
+ with open(filepath, "w+", encoding="utf-8", errors="xmlcharrefreplace") as f:
+ f.write(content)
+def parse_markdown(filepath: str) -> Dict:
+ """Parse a Markdown file.
+ :param filepath: The path and filename of the Markdown file to be parsed.
+ :return: A dictionary containing the metadata and content of the Markdown file.
+ """
+ data = Path(filepath).read_text(encoding='utf-8')
+ md = markdown.Markdown(
+ extensions=[
+ 'meta',
+ TocExtension(title='Contents', permalink=True),
+ CodeHiliteExtension(guess_lang=False),
+ ],
+ output_format='html5'
+ )
+ return {
+ 'html': md.convert(data),
+ 'metadata': md.Meta,
+ }
+def get_page_vars(filepath: str) -> Dict:
+ """Extract variables from a Markdown file, such as the metadata fields and the
+ content of the file.
+ :param filepath: The path and filename of the Markdown file to be processed.
+ :return: A dictionary containing the page variables.
+ """
+ data = parse_markdown(filepath)
+ template_vars = {'content': data['html']}
+ for field, value in data['metadata'].items():
+ if field == 'date_published':
+ template_vars[field] = datetime.strptime(value[0], '%d %b %Y')
+ else:
+ template_vars[field] = value[0] if len(value) == 1 else value
+ return template_vars
+def build_tag_page(page_category: str, tag: str, pages: List[Dict]):
+ """Create an HTML page that lists items with a given tag.
+ :param page_category: The type of page, such as 'blog' or 'project'.
+ :param tag: The tag name.
+ :param pages: A list of pages that have the given tag. Each page is a
+ dictionary of page variables, extracted from the page's corresponding
+ Markdown file.
+ """
+ # Items on a page, such as blog posts or projects, are listed from most to
+ # least recent.
+ items = sorted(pages, key=lambda x: x['date_published'], reverse=True)
+ template = env.get_template(f'{page_category}.html')
+ write_file(
+ f'{page_category}/tag/{tag}',
+ template.render(category=page_category, tag=tag, items=items)
+ )
+def build_detail_pages(parent_page, detail_pages: List[Dict]):
+ for detail_page in detail_pages:
+ template = env.get_template(f'{parent_page.detail_page_template}.html')
+ write_file(
+ f"{parent_page.category}/{detail_page['slug']}",
+ template.render(category=parent_page.category, page=detail_page)
+ )
+def build_list_page(page: Page) -> Tuple[List[Dict], Dict]:
+ """Create an HTML page that lists items, such as blog posts or projects.
+ :param page: The page to be created.
+ :return:
+ """
+ items = []
+ tags = defaultdict(list)
+ for f in os.listdir(page.source_dir):
+ filepath = join(page.source_dir, f)
+ if not isfile(filepath):
+ continue
+ page_vars = get_page_vars(filepath)
+ if 'title' in page_vars:
+ page_vars['slug'] = slugify(page_vars['title'])
+ items.append(page_vars)
+ if 'tags' in page_vars:
+ for tag in page_vars['tags']:
+ tags[tag].append(page_vars)
+ # Items on a page, such as blog posts or projects, are listed from most to
+ # least recent.
+ items = sorted(items, key=lambda x: x['date_published'], reverse=True)
+ template = env.get_template(f'{page.template}.html')
+ write_file(page.category, template.render(category=page.category, items=items))
+ return items, tags
+def build_simple_page(page: Page):
+ """Create an HTML page from a template.
+ :param page_name: The name of the page to build, excluding the extension.
+ """
+ template = env.get_template(f'{page.template}.html')
+ write_file(page.category, template.render(category=page.category))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ env = Environment(
+ loader=FileSystemLoader(searchpath=TEMPLATES_PATH),
+ trim_blocks=True,
+ lstrip_blocks=True
+ )
+ # Ensure some build directories exist
+ Path(f'{BUILD_PATH}/blog/tag/').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ # A place to keep track of all tags
+ all_tags = defaultdict(list)
+ # Build each top level page
+ for page in PAGES:
+ if page.listing:
+ items, tags = build_list_page(page)
+ if page.create_detail_pages:
+ build_detail_pages(page, items)
+ for tag, page_vars in tags.items():
+ all_tags[(page.category, tag)].extend(page_vars)
+ else:
+ build_simple_page(page)
+ # Build the tag pages
+ for (page_category, tag), page_vars in all_tags.items():
+ build_tag_page(page_category, tag, page_vars)
+ # Copy the static files to the build directory
+ copytree(STATIC_ASSETS_PATH, BUILD_PATH, dirs_exist_ok=True)