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# idspispopd
A static website generator for my own site, otherwise known as the _Infernal Digital Static Publishing Instrument Simply Producing Orderly Printed Documents_.
+## Features
+* Blog posts with tags
+* Projects listing page
+* Markdown support for content (blog posts and projects)
+* [Jinja](https://jinja.palletsprojects.com) templates for layout
+## Website structure
+There are three different groups of files which make up the website.
+1. Static files - the CSS, JavaScript, and image files.
+2. Templates - these are [Jinja](https://jinja.palletsprojects.com) templates.
+3. Content files - blog posts and projects.
+The following is the structure of my website and the builder code has constant variables indicating where each group lives on the filesystem.
+├── content
+│ ├── blog
+│ │ └── 20200701_my_first_post.md
+│ └── projects
+│ └── walking_through_walls.md
+├── static
+│ ├── css
+│ │ └── style.css
+│ ├── images
+│ │ └── logo.svg
+│ └── index.html
+└── templates
+ ├── about.html
+ ├── base.html
+ ├── blog.html
+ ├── post.html
+ └── projects.html
+## Building the website
+With the static files, content, and templates in place, building the website is as simple as running:
+$ python3 build.py
+A `build` directory will be created with the following structure.
+├── about.html
+├── blog
+│ ├── tag
+│ │ └── python.html
+│ └── my-first-post.html
+├── blog.html
+├── css
+│ └── style.css
+├── images
+│ └── logo.svg
+├── index.html
+└── projects.html
+The content of the `build` directory can then be copied to a web server.
+## What's next?
+My website is pretty simple so at this stage there's no plans for anything else. A couple of things that crossed my mind while building this were:
+* Tags for projects - might be helpful if the project list grows.
+* Individual pages for each project - might be helpful if a particular project has a lot of content.