
8c8572cd971d1283e6621006b310993c632da247 — Emery Hemingway 5 months ago 6ec1491 20240405
BSD: set accepted TCP connections as non-blocking
2 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

M src/taps/bsd_implementation.nim
M taps.nimble
M src/taps/bsd_implementation.nim => src/taps/bsd_implementation.nim +35 -52
@@ 30,34 30,6 @@ var
  errno {.importc, header: "<errno.h>".}: OSErrorCode
  EINTR {.importc, header: "<errno.h>".}: cint

template retryOnEIntr*(op: untyped): untyped =
  ## Given a POSIX operation that returns `-1` on error, automatically retry it
  ## if the error was `EINTR`.
  # Taken from nim-sys.
  var result: typeof(op)
  while true:
    result = op

    if cint(result) != -1: break
    let err = errno
    if err != EINTR.OSErrorCode:
      raise newOSError(err)


template asyncRetry*(op: untyped): untyped =
  # Taken from nim-sys.
  var result: typeof(op)
  while true:
    result = op

    if cint(result) != -1: break
    let err = uint16 errno
    if err notin {EINTR, EAGAIN, EWOULDBLOCK}:
      raise newOSError(OSErrorCode err)


proc toEndpoint(family: IpAddressFamily; sa: var Sockaddr_storage; sl: SockLen): RemoteSpecifier =
  case family:
  of IpAddressFamily.IPv6:

@@ 97,8 69,14 @@ proc connect(sock: SocketHandle; remote: RemoteSpecifier) =
    sl: SockLen
  toSockAddr(remote.ip, remote.port, sa, sl)
  let n = asyncRetry:
    sock.connect(cast[ptr SockAddr](addr sa), sl)
  var n: int
  while true:
    n = sock.connect(cast[ptr SockAddr](addr sa), sl)
    if n < 0:
      let err = uint16 errno
      if err notin {EINTR, EAGAIN, EWOULDBLOCK}:
        raise newOSError(OSErrorCode err)
    else: break
  if n < 0:
    raise newOSError(errno)

@@ 137,7 115,6 @@ proc initiateTCP(preconn: Preconnection; conn: Connection) {.asyncio.} =
          of IpAddressFamily.IPv4: Domain.AF_INET
        conn.platform.socket = createNativeSocket(
          domain, SockType.SOCK_STREAM, Protocol.IPPROTO_TCP)
        # conn.platform.socket.setSockOptInt(SOL_SOCKET, cint OptReuseAddr, 1)
        tapsEcho "Connection -> Ready"

@@ 179,6 156,7 @@ proc acceptTcpConn(lis: Listener; family: IpAddressFamily; socket: SocketHandle)
    if err notin {EINTR, EAGAIN, EWOULDBLOCK}:
      raise newOSError(OSErrorCode err)
    wait(SocketFD socket, Event.Read)
  result.remote = some toEndpoint(family, sa, sl)

proc acceptTcp(lis: Listener; i: int; local: LocalSpecifier) {.asyncio.} =

@@ 284,7 262,6 @@ proc listen*(conn: Connection): Listener =
proc send*(
    conn: Connection; msg: pointer; msgLen: int;
    ctx = MessageContext(); endOfMessage = true) =
  tapsEcho "send ", msgLen, " bytes through TAPS"
    if conn.transport.isTcp:
      if msgLen > 0:

@@ 342,32 319,38 @@ proc receiveAsync(conn: Connection; minIncompleteLength, maxLength: int) {.async
    if conn.remote.isSome:
      remote = get(conn.remote)
    assert(buf.len > 0)
    let bytesRead = asyncRetry:
    var bytesRead: int
    while true:
      if connectionLess:
        bytesRead = conn.platform.socket.recvfrom(
            buf[0].addr, buf.len, 0,
            cast[ptr Sockaddr](saddr.addr), saddrLen.addr)
        conn.platform.socket.recv(buf[0].addr, buf.len, 0)
    if bytesRead < 0:
      tapsEcho "Connection -> ReceiveError<messageContext, reason?>"
      conn.receiveError(ctx, newOSError(errno))
        bytesRead = conn.platform.socket.recv(buf[0].addr, buf.len, 0)
      if bytesRead < 0:
        let err = uint16 errno
        if err notin {EINTR, EAGAIN, EWOULDBLOCK}:
          tapsEcho "Connection -> ReceiveError<messageContext, reason?>"
          conn.receiveError(ctx, newOSError(OSErrorCode errno))
        wait(SocketFD conn.platform.socket, Event.Read)
    if connectionless:
      fromSockAddr(saddr, saddrLen, remote.ip, remote.port)
    ctx.remote = some remote
    if bytesRead == 0:
      close conn.platform.socket
    elif bytesRead < minIncompleteLength:
      raiseAssert "recv less than minIncompleteLength"
      tapsEcho "Connection -> Received<messageData, messageContext>"
      if connectionless:
        fromSockAddr(saddr, saddrLen, remote.ip, remote.port)
      ctx.remote = some remote
      if bytesRead == 0:
        close conn.platform.socket
      elif bytesRead < minIncompleteLength:
        raiseAssert "recv less than minIncompleteLength"
        if conn.transport.isUdp:
          conn.received(buf, ctx)
        elif conn.transport.isTcp:
          conn.receivedPartial(buf, ctx, false)
      if conn.transport.isUdp:
        conn.received(buf, ctx)
      elif conn.transport.isTcp:
        conn.receivedPartial(buf, ctx, false)

proc receive*(conn: Connection;
    minIncompleteLength = -1; maxLength = -1) =

M taps.nimble => taps.nimble +1 -1
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
# Package

version = "20240402"
version = "20240405"
author        = "Emery Hemingway"
description   = "Transport Services Interface"
license       = "Unlicense"