
092252a727aa07cbfbab08b390692f9ad7d619bf — Emery Hemingway 1 year, 11 days ago
Initial commit
A  => .envrc +2 -0
@@ 1,2 @@
source_env ..
use nix

A  => README.md +1 -0
@@ 1,1 @@
Nim lockfile generator

A  => Tuprules.tup +1 -0
@@ 1,1 @@
NIM_FLAGS += --path:$(TUP_CWD)/../nim/v1.6.8

A  => nim_lk.nimble +8 -0
@@ 1,8 @@
author = "Emery Hemingway"
bin = @["nim_lk"]
description = "Tool for generating Nim lockfiles"
license = "BSD-3-Clause"
srcDir = "src"
version = "20231001"

requires "nim >= 2.0.0"

A  => shell.nix +1 -0
@@ 1,1 @@
let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { }; in pkgs.nitter

A  => src/Tupfile +2 -0
@@ 1,2 @@
: nim_lk.nim |> !nim_bin |>

A  => src/nim_lk.nim +195 -0
@@ 1,195 @@
import private/nix

import nimblepkg/common,

import std/[algorithm, deques, httpclient, json, monotimes, os, osproc, parseutils, random, sequtils, streams, strutils, tables, times, uri]

const githubPackagesUrl =

proc registryCachePath: string =
  result = getEnv("XDG_CACHE_HOME")
  if result == "":
    let home = getEnv("HOME")
    if home == "":
      result = getEnv("TMPDIR", "/tmp")
      result = home / ".cache"
  result.add "/packages.json"

func isGitUrl(uri: Uri): bool =
  uri.path.endsWith(".git") or
    uri.scheme == "git" or

proc gitLsRemote(url: string): seq[tuple[tag: string, rev: string]] =
  var lines = execProcess(
      args = ["ls-remote", "--tags", url],
      options = {poUsePath},
  var off = 0
  for i in 0..result.high:
    off.inc parseUntil(lines, result[i].rev, {'\x09'}, off)
    off.inc skipWhiteSpace(lines, off)
    off.inc skipUntil(lines, '/', off).succ
    off.inc skipUntil(lines, '/', off).succ
    off.inc parseUntil(lines, result[i].tag, {'\x0a'}, off).succ

proc matchRev(url: string; wanted: VersionRange): tuple[tag: string, rev: string] =
  let pairs = gitLsRemote(url)
  var resultVersion: Version
  for (tag, rev) in pairs:
    var tagVer = Version(tag)
    if tagVer.withinRange(wanted) and resultVersion < tagVer:
      resultVersion = tagVer
      result = (tag, rev)
  if result.rev == "" and pairs.len > 0:
    result = pairs[pairs.high]

proc collectMetadata(data: JsonNode) =
  let storePath = data["path"].getStr
  var packageNames = newJArray()
  for (kind, path) in walkDir(storePath):
    if kind in {pcFile, pcLinkToFile} and path.endsWith(".nimble"):
      var (dir, name, ext) = splitFile(path)
      packageNames.add %name
  if packageNames.len == 0:
    quit("no .nimble files found in " & storePath)
  data["packages"] = packageNames

proc prefechtGit(uri: Uri; version: VersionRange): JsonNode =
    uri = uri
    subdir = ""
  if uri.query != "":
    if uri.query.startsWith("subdir="):
      subdir = uri.query[7 .. ^1]
    uri.query = ""
  let url = $uri
  let (tag, rev) = matchRev(url, version)
  var args = @["--quiet", "--fetch-submodules", "--url", url]
  if rev != "":
    args.add "--rev"
    args.add rev
  let dump = execProcess(
    args = args,
    options = {poUsePath})
  try: result = parseJson dump
  except JsonParsingError:
    stderr.writeLine "failed to parse output of nix-prefetch-git ", join(args, " ")
  if subdir != "":
    result["subdir"] = %* subdir
  result["method"] = %"git"
  if tag != "":
    result["ref"] = %tag

proc containsPackageUri(lockAttrs: JsonNode; pkgUri: string): bool =
  for e in lockAttrs.items:
    if e["url"].getStr == pkgUri:
      return true

proc containsPackage(lockAttrs: JsonNode; pkgName: string): bool =
  for e in lockAttrs.items:
    for other in e["packages"].items:
      if pkgName == other.getStr:
        return true

proc collectRequires(pending: var Deque[PkgTuple]; options: Options; pkgPath: string) =
    nimbleFilePath = findNimbleFile(pkgPath, true)
    pkg = readPackageInfo(nimbleFilePath, options)
  for pair in pkg.requires:
    if pair.name != "nim" and pair.name != "compiler":

var globalRegistry: JsonNode

proc getPackgeUri(name: string): tuple[uri: string, meth: string] =
  if globalRegistry.isNil:
    let registryPath = registryCachePath()
    if fileExists(registryPath):
      globalRegistry = parseFile(registryPath)
      let client = newHttpClient()
      var raw = client.getContent(githubPackagesUrl)
      writeFile(registryPath, raw)
      globalRegistry = parseJson(raw)
    name = name
    i = 0
  while i < globalRegistry.len:
    var e = globalRegistry[i]
    if e["name"].getStr == name:
      if e.hasKey "alias":
        var alias = e["alias"].getStr
        doAssert alias != name
        name = alias
        i = 0
          return (e["url"].getStr, e["method"].getStr,)
        except CatchableError:
          quit("Failed to parse shit JSON " & $e)
    inc i

proc generateLockfile(options: Options): JsonNode =
  result = newJObject()
    deps = newJArray()
    pending: Deque[PkgTuple]
  collectRequires(pending, options, getCurrentDir())
  while pending.len > 0:
    let batchLen = pending.len
    for i in 1..batchLen:
      var pkgData: JsonNode
      let pkg = pending.popFirst()
      if pkg.name == "nim" or pkg.name == "compiler":
      var uri = parseUri(pkg.name)
      if uri.scheme == "" and not deps.containsPackage(pkg.name):
      elif not deps.containsPackageUri(pkg.name):
        if uri.isGitUrl:
          pkgData = prefechtGit(uri, pkg.ver)
          quit("unhandled URI " & $uri)
        collectRequires(pending, options, pkgData["path"].getStr)
        deps.add pkgData

    if batchLen == pending.len:
        pkg = pending.popFirst()
        info = getPackgeUri(pkg.name)
      case info.meth
      of "git":
        stderr.writeLine "prefetch ", info.uri
        var pkgData = prefechtGit(parseUri info.uri, pkg.ver)
        collectRequires(pending, options, pkgData["path"].getStr)
        deps.add pkgData
        quit("unhandled fetch method " & $info.meth & " for " & info.uri)
  result["depends"] = deps

proc main =
  var options = parseCmdLine()
    # parse nimble options, not recommended
  if options.action.typ != actionCustom:
    options.action = Action(typ: actionCustom)
  var lockInfo = generateLockfile(options)
  stdout.writeLine lockInfo


A  => src/nim_lk.nim.cfg +3 -0
@@ 1,3 @@

A  => src/nimblepkg/checksums.nim +72 -0
@@ 1,72 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.

import os, std/sha1, strformat, algorithm
import common, version, sha1hashes, vcstools, paths, cli

  ChecksumError* = object of NimbleError

proc checksumError*(name: string, version: Version,
                    vcsRevision, checksum, expectedChecksum: Sha1Hash):
    ref ChecksumError =
  result = newNimbleError[ChecksumError](&"""
Downloaded package checksum does not correspond to that in the lock file:
  Package:           {name}@v.{version}@r.{vcsRevision}
  Checksum:          {checksum}
  Expected checksum: {expectedChecksum}

proc updateSha1Checksum(checksum: var Sha1State, fileName, filePath: string) =
  if not filePath.fileExists:
    # In some cases a file name returned by `git ls-files` or `hg manifest`
    # could be an empty directory name and if so trying to open it will result
    # in a crash. This happens for example in the case of a git sub module
    # directory from which no files are being installed.
  if symlinkExists(filePath):
    # Check whether a file is a symbolic link and if so update the checksum with
    # the path to the file that the link points to.
    var linkPath: string
      linkPath = expandSymlink(filePath)
    except OSError:
      displayWarning(&"Cannot expand symbolic link \"{filePath}\".\n" &
                      "Skipping it in the calculation of the checksum.")
    # Otherwise this is an ordinary file and we are adding its content to the
    # checksum.
    var file: File
      file = filePath.open(fmRead)
    except IOError:
      ## If the file cannot be open for reading do not count its content in the
      ## checksum.
      displayWarning(&"The file \"{filePath}\" cannot be open for reading.\n" &
                      "Skipping it in the calculation of the checksum.")
    defer: close(file)
    const bufferSize = 8192
    var buffer = newString(bufferSize)
    while true:
      var bytesRead = readChars(file, buffer)
      if bytesRead == 0: break
      checksum.update(buffer.toOpenArray(0, bytesRead - 1))

proc calculateDirSha1Checksum*(dir: string): Sha1Hash =
  ## Recursively calculates the sha1 checksum of the contents of the directory
  ## `dir` and its subdirectories.
  ## Raises a `NimbleError` if:
  ##   - the external command for getting the package file list fails.
  ##   - the directory does not exist.

  var packageFiles = getPackageFileList(dir.Path)
  var checksum = newSha1State()
  for file in packageFiles:
    updateSha1Checksum(checksum, file, dir / file)
  result = initSha1Hash($SecureHash(checksum.finalize()))

A  => src/nimblepkg/cli.nim +293 -0
@@ 1,293 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.
# Rough rules/philosophy for the messages that Nimble displays are the following:
#   - Green is only shown when the requested operation is successful.
#   - Blue can be used to emphasise certain keywords, for example actions such
#     as "Downloading" or "Reading".
#   - Red is used when the requested operation fails with an error.
#   - Yellow is used for warnings.
#   - Dim for LowPriority.
#   - Bright for HighPriority.
#   - Normal for MediumPriority.

import terminal, sets, strutils
import version

when not declared(initHashSet):
  import common

  CLI* = ref object
    level: Priority
    warnings: HashSet[(string, string)]
    suppressionCount: int ## Amount of messages which were not shown.
    showColor: bool ## Whether messages should be colored.
    suppressMessages: bool ## Whether Warning, Message and Success messages
                           ## should be suppressed, useful for
                           ## commands like `dump` whose output should be
                           ## machine readable.

  Priority* = enum
    DebugPriority, LowPriority, MediumPriority, HighPriority

  DisplayType* = enum
    Error, Warning, Message, Success

  ForcePrompt* = enum
    dontForcePrompt, forcePromptYes, forcePromptNo

  longestCategory = len("Downloading")
  foregrounds: array[Error .. Success, ForegroundColor] =
    [fgRed, fgYellow, fgCyan, fgGreen]
  styles: array[DebugPriority .. HighPriority, set[Style]] =
    [{styleDim}, {styleDim}, {}, {styleBright}]

proc newCLI(): CLI =
  result = CLI(
    level: HighPriority,
    warnings: initHashSet[(string, string)](),
    suppressionCount: 0,
    showColor: true,
    suppressMessages: false

var globalCLI = newCLI()

proc calculateCategoryOffset(category: string): int =
  assert category.len <= longestCategory
  return longestCategory - category.len

proc isSuppressed(displayType: DisplayType): bool =
  # Don't print any Warning, Message or Success messages when suppression of
  # warnings is enabled. That is, unless the user asked for --verbose output.
  if globalCLI.suppressMessages and displayType >= Warning and
     globalCLI.level == HighPriority:
    return true

proc displayCategory(category: string, displayType: DisplayType,
                     priority: Priority) =
  if isSuppressed(displayType):

  # Calculate how much the `category` must be offset to align along a center
  # line.
  let offset = calculateCategoryOffset(category)

  # Display the category.
  let text = "$1$2 " % [spaces(offset), category]
  if globalCLI.showColor:
    if priority != DebugPriority:
      setForegroundColor(stdout, foregrounds[displayType])
    writeStyled(text, styles[priority])

proc displayLine(category, line: string, displayType: DisplayType,
                 priority: Priority) =
  if isSuppressed(displayType):

  displayCategory(category, displayType, priority)

  # Display the message.

proc display*(category, msg: string, displayType = Message,
              priority = MediumPriority) =
  # Multiple warnings containing the same messages should not be shown.
  let warningPair = (category, msg)
  if displayType == Warning:
    if warningPair in globalCLI.warnings:

  # Suppress this message if its priority isn't high enough.
  # TODO: Per-priority suppression counts?
  if priority < globalCLI.level:
    if priority != DebugPriority:

  # Display each line in the message.
  var i = 0
  for line in msg.splitLines():
    if len(line) == 0: continue
    displayLine(if i == 0: category else: "...", line, displayType, priority)

proc displayDebug*(category, msg: string) =
  ## Convenience for displaying debug messages.
  display(category, msg, priority = DebugPriority)

proc displayDebug*(msg: string) =
  ## Convenience for displaying debug messages with a default category.
  displayDebug("Debug:", msg)

proc displayTip*() =
  ## Called just before Nimble exits. Shows some tips for the user, for example
  ## the amount of messages that were suppressed and how to show them.
  if globalCLI.suppressionCount > 0:
    let msg = "$1 messages have been suppressed, use --verbose to show them." %
    display("Tip:", msg, Warning, HighPriority)

proc prompt*(forcePrompts: ForcePrompt, question: string): bool =
  case forcePrompts
  of forcePromptYes:
    display("Prompt:", question & " -> [forced yes]", Warning, HighPriority)
    return true
  of forcePromptNo:
    display("Prompt:", question & " -> [forced no]", Warning, HighPriority)
    return false
  of dontForcePrompt:
    displayLine("Prompt:", question & " [y/N]", Warning, HighPriority)
    displayCategory("Answer:", Warning, HighPriority)
    let yn = stdin.readLine()
    case yn.normalize
    of "y", "yes":
      return true
    of "n", "no":
      return false
      return false

proc promptCustom*(forcePrompts: ForcePrompt, question, default: string): string =
  case forcePrompts:
  of forcePromptYes:
    display("Prompt:", question & " -> [forced " & default & "]", Warning,
    return default
    if default == "":
      display("Prompt:", question, Warning, HighPriority)
      displayCategory("Answer:", Warning, HighPriority)
      let user = stdin.readLine()
      if user.len == 0: return promptCustom(forcePrompts, question, default)
      else: return user
      display("Prompt:", question & " [" & default & "]", Warning, HighPriority)
      displayCategory("Answer:", Warning, HighPriority)
      let user = stdin.readLine()
      if user == "": return default
      else: return user

proc promptCustom*(question, default: string): string =
  return promptCustom(dontForcePrompt, question, default)

proc promptListInteractive(question: string, args: openarray[string]): string =
  display("Prompt:", question, Warning, HighPriority)
  display("Select", "Cycle with 'Tab', 'Enter' when done", Message,
  displayCategory("Choices:", Warning, HighPriority)
    current = 0
    selected = false
  # Incase the cursor is at the bottom of the terminal
  for arg in args:
    stdout.write "\n"
  # Reset the cursor to the start of the selection prompt
  cursorUp(stdout, args.len)
  cursorForward(stdout, longestCategory)

  # The selection loop
  while not selected:
    # Loop through the options
    for i, arg in args:
      # Check if the option is the current
      if i == current:
        writeStyled("> " & arg & " <", {styleBright})
        writeStyled("  " & arg & "  ", {styleDim})
      # Move the cursor back to the start
      for s in 0..<(arg.len + 4):
      # Move down for the next item
    # Move the cursor back up to the start of the selection prompt
    for i in 0..<(args.len()):

    # Begin key input
    while true:
      case getch():
      of '\t':
        current = (current + 1) mod args.len
      of '\r':
        selected = true
      of '\3':
        raise newException(NimbleError, "Keyboard interrupt")
      else: discard

  # Erase all lines of the selection
  for i in 0..<args.len:
  # Move the cursor back up to the initial selection line
  for i in 0..<args.len():
  display("Answer:", args[current], Warning,HighPriority)
  return args[current]

proc promptListFallback(question: string, args: openarray[string]): string =
  display("Prompt:", question & " [" & join(args, "/") & "]", Warning,
  displayCategory("Answer:", Warning, HighPriority)
  result = stdin.readLine()
  for arg in args:
    if arg.cmpIgnoreCase(result) == 0:
      return arg

proc promptList*(forcePrompts: ForcePrompt, question: string, args: openarray[string]): string =
  case forcePrompts:
  of forcePromptYes:
    result = args[0]
    display("Prompt:", question & " -> [forced " & result & "]", Warning,
    if isatty(stdout):
      return promptListInteractive(question, args)
      return promptListFallback(question, args)

proc setVerbosity*(level: Priority) =
  globalCLI.level = level

proc setShowColor*(val: bool) =
  globalCLI.showColor = val

proc setSuppressMessages*(val: bool) =
  globalCLI.suppressMessages = val

when isMainModule:
  display("Reading", "config file at /Users/dom/.config/nimble/nimble.ini",
          priority = LowPriority)

  display("Reading", "official package list",
        priority = LowPriority)

  display("Downloading", "daemonize v0.0.2 using Git",
      priority = HighPriority)

  display("Warning", "dashes in package names will be deprecated", Warning,
      priority = HighPriority)

  display("Error", """Unable to read package info for /Users/dom/.nimble/pkgs/nimble-0.7.11
Reading as ini file failed with:
  Invalid section: .
Evaluating as NimScript file failed with:
  Users/dom/.nimble/pkgs/nimble-0.7.11/nimble.nimble(3, 23) Error: cannot open 'src/nimblepkg/common'.
""", Error, HighPriority)

A  => src/nimblepkg/common.nim +78 -0
@@ 1,78 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.
# Various miscellaneous common types reside here, to avoid problems with
# recursive imports

when not defined(nimscript):
  import sets

  import version

    BuildFailed* = object of NimbleError

    PackageInfo* = object
      myPath*: string ## The path of this .nimble file
      isNimScript*: bool ## Determines if this pkg info was read from a nims file
      isMinimal*: bool
      isInstalled*: bool ## Determines if the pkg this info belongs to is installed
      isLinked*: bool ## Determines if the pkg this info belongs to has been linked via `develop`
      postHooks*: HashSet[string] ## Useful to know so that Nimble doesn't execHook unnecessarily
      preHooks*: HashSet[string]
      name*: string
      ## The version specified in the .nimble file.Assuming info is non-minimal,
      ## it will always be a non-special version such as '0.1.4'.
      ## If in doubt, use `getConcreteVersion` instead.
      version*: string
      specialVersion*: string ## Either `myVersion` or a special version such as #head.
      author*: string
      description*: string
      license*: string
      skipDirs*: seq[string]
      skipFiles*: seq[string]
      skipExt*: seq[string]
      installDirs*: seq[string]
      installFiles*: seq[string]
      installExt*: seq[string]
      requires*: seq[PkgTuple]
      bin*: seq[string]
      binDir*: string
      srcDir*: string
      backend*: string
      foreignDeps*: seq[string]

    ## Same as quit(QuitSuccess), but allows cleanup.
    NimbleQuit* = ref object of CatchableError

  proc raiseNimbleError*(msg: string, hint = "") =
    var exc = newException(NimbleError, msg)
    exc.hint = hint
    raise exc

  proc getOutputInfo*(err: ref NimbleError): (string, string) =
    var error = ""
    var hint = ""
    error = err.msg
    when not defined(release):
      let stackTrace = getStackTrace(err)
      error = stackTrace & "\n\n" & error
    if not err.isNil:
      hint = err.hint

    return (error, hint)

  nimbleVersion* = "0.11.0"

when not declared(initHashSet):
  import sets

  template initHashSet*[A](initialSize = 64): HashSet[A] =

when not declared(toHashSet):
  import sets

  template toHashSet*[A](keys: openArray[A]): HashSet[A] =

A  => src/nimblepkg/config.nim +124 -0
@@ 1,124 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.
import parsecfg, streams, strutils, os, tables, uri

import version, cli

  Config* = object
    nimbleDir*: string
    chcp*: bool # Whether to change the code page in .cmd files on Win.
    packageLists*: Table[string, PackageList] ## Names -> packages.json files
    cloneUsingHttps*: bool # Whether to replace git:// for https://
    httpProxy*: Uri # Proxy for package list downloads.
    nimLibPrefix*: string # Nim stdlib prefix.

  PackageList* = object
    name*: string
    urls*: seq[string]
    path*: string

proc initConfig(): Config =
  result.nimbleDir = getHomeDir() / ".nimble"

  result.httpProxy = initUri()

  result.chcp = true
  result.cloneUsingHttps = true

  result.packageLists = initTable[string, PackageList]()
  let defaultPkgList = PackageList(name: "Official", urls: @[
  result.packageLists["official"] = defaultPkgList

  result.nimLibPrefix = ""

proc initPackageList(): PackageList =
  result.name = ""
  result.urls = @[]
  result.path = ""

proc addCurrentPkgList(config: var Config, currentPackageList: PackageList) =
  if currentPackageList.name.len > 0:
    config.packageLists[currentPackageList.name.normalize] = currentPackageList

proc parseConfig*(): Config =
  result = initConfig()
  var confFile = getConfigDir() / "nimble" / "nimble.ini"

  var f = newFileStream(confFile, fmRead)
  if f == nil:
    # Try the old deprecated babel.ini
    # TODO: This can be removed.
    confFile = getConfigDir() / "babel" / "babel.ini"
    f = newFileStream(confFile, fmRead)
    if f != nil:
      display("Warning", "Using deprecated config file at " & confFile,
              Warning, HighPriority)
  if f != nil:
    display("Reading", "config file at " & confFile, priority = LowPriority)
    var p: CfgParser
    open(p, f, confFile)
    var currentSection = ""
    var currentPackageList = initPackageList()
    while true:
      var e = next(p)
      case e.kind
      of cfgEof:
        if currentSection.len > 0:
          if currentPackageList.urls.len == 0 and currentPackageList.path == "":
            raise newException(NimbleError, "Package list '$1' requires either url or path" % currentPackageList.name)
          if currentPackageList.urls.len > 0 and currentPackageList.path != "":
            raise newException(NimbleError, "Attempted to specify `url` and `path` for the same package list '$1'" % currentPackageList.name)
          addCurrentPkgList(result, currentPackageList)
      of cfgSectionStart:
        addCurrentPkgList(result, currentPackageList)
        currentSection = e.section
        case currentSection.normalize
        of "packagelist":
          currentPackageList = initPackageList()
          raise newException(NimbleError, "Unable to parse config file:" &
                             " Unknown section: " & e.key)
      of cfgKeyValuePair, cfgOption:
        case e.key.normalize
        of "nimbledir":
          # Ensure we don't restore the deprecated nimble dir.
          if e.value != getHomeDir() / ".babel":
            result.nimbleDir = e.value
        of "chcp":
          result.chcp = parseBool(e.value)
        of "cloneusinghttps":
          result.cloneUsingHttps = parseBool(e.value)
        of "httpproxy":
          result.httpProxy = parseUri(e.value)
        of "name":
          case currentSection.normalize
          of "packagelist":
            currentPackageList.name = e.value
          else: assert false
        of "url":
          case currentSection.normalize
          of "packagelist":
          else: assert false
        of "path":
          case currentSection.normalize
          of "packagelist":
            if currentPackageList.path != "":
              raise newException(NimbleError, "Attempted to specify more than one `path` for the same package list.")
              currentPackageList.path = e.value
          else: assert false
        of "nimlibprefix":
          result.nimLibPrefix = e.value
          raise newException(NimbleError, "Unable to parse config file:" &
                                     " Unknown key: " & e.key)
      of cfgError:
        raise newException(NimbleError, "Unable to parse config file: " & e.msg)

A  => src/nimblepkg/deps.nim +52 -0
@@ 1,52 @@
import packageinfotypes, developfile, packageinfo, version, tables, strformat, strutils

  DependencyNode = ref object of RootObj
    name*: string
    version*: string
    resolvedTo*: string
    error*: string
    dependencies*: seq[DependencyNode]

proc depsRecursive*(pkgInfo: PackageInfo,
                    dependencies: seq[PackageInfo],
                    errors: ValidationErrors): seq[DependencyNode] =
  result = @[]

  for (name, ver) in pkgInfo.fullRequirements:
    var depPkgInfo = initPackageInfo()
      found = dependencies.findPkg((name, ver), depPkgInfo)
      packageName = if found: depPkgInfo.basicInfo.name else: name

    let node = DependencyNode(name: packageName)

    result.add node
    node.version = if ver.kind == verAny: "@any" else: $ver
    node.resolvedTo = if found: $depPkgInfo.basicInfo.version else: ""
    node.error = if errors.contains(packageName):
      getValidationErrorMessage(packageName, errors.getOrDefault packageName)
    else: ""

    if found:
      node.dependencies = depsRecursive(depPkgInfo, dependencies, errors)

proc printDepsHumanReadable*(pkgInfo: PackageInfo,
                             dependencies: seq[PackageInfo],
                             level: int,
                             errors: ValidationErrors) =
  for (name, ver) in pkgInfo.requires:
    var depPkgInfo = initPackageInfo()
      found = dependencies.findPkg((name, ver), depPkgInfo)
      packageName = if found: depPkgInfo.basicInfo.name else: name

    echo " ".repeat(level * 2),
      if ver.kind == verAny: "@any" else: " " & $ver,
      if found: fmt "(resolved {depPkgInfo.basicInfo.version})" else: "",
      if errors.contains(packageName):
        " - error: " & getValidationErrorMessage(packageName, errors.getOrDefault packageName)
    if found: printDepsHumanReadable(depPkgInfo, dependencies, level + 1, errors)

A  => src/nimblepkg/developfile.nim +953 -0
@@ 1,953 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.

## This module implements operations required for working with Nimble develop
## files.

import sets, json, sequtils, os, strformat, tables, hashes, strutils, math,

import typetraits except distinctBase

import common, cli, packageinfotypes, packageinfo, packageparser, options,
       version, paths, displaymessages, sha1hashes,
       tools, vcstools, syncfile, lockfile

  DevelopFileJsonData = object
    # The raw data read from the JSON develop file.
    includes: OrderedSet[Path]
      ## Paths to the included in the current one develop files.
    dependencies: OrderedSet[Path]
      ## Paths to the dependencies directories.

  DevFileNameToPkgs* = Table[Path, HashSet[ref PackageInfo]]
    ## Mapping between a develop file name and a set of packages.

  PkgToDevFileNames* = Table[ref PackageInfo, HashSet[Path]]
    ## Mapping between a package and a set of develop files.

  DevelopFileData* = object
    ## The raw data read from the JSON develop file plus the metadata.
    path: Path
      ## The full path to the develop file.
    jsonData: DevelopFileJsonData
      ## The actual content of the develop file.
    nameToPkg: Table[string, ref PackageInfo]
      ## The list of packages coming from the current develop file or some of
      ## its includes, indexed by package name.
    pathToPkg: Table[Path, ref PackageInfo]
      ## The list of packages coming from the current develop file or some of
      ## its includes, indexed by package path.
    devFileNameToPkgs: DevFileNameToPkgs
      ## For each develop file contains references to the packages coming from
      ## it or some of its includes. It is used to keep information for which
      ## packages, the reference count must be decreased when a develop file
      ## is removed.
    pkgToDevFileNames: PkgToDevFileNames
      ## For each package contains the set of names of the develop files where
      ## the path to its directory is mentioned. Used for colliding names error
      ## reporting when packages with same name but different paths are present.
    pkgRefCount: CountTable[ref PackageInfo]
      ## For each package contains the number of times it is included from
      ## different develop files. When the reference count drops to zero the
      ## package will be removed from all internal meta data structures.
    dependentPkg: PackageInfo
      ## The `PackageInfo` of the package in the current directory.
      ## It can be missing in the case that this is a develop file intended only
      ## for inclusion in other develop files and not related to specific
      ## package.

  DevelopFileDataCache = Table[Path, DevelopFileData]
    ## A cache for the loaded develop files data used to avoid multiple loads
    ## of the same file when its data is queried in the code.

  DevelopFileJsonKeys = enum
    ## Develop file JSON objects names.
    dfjkVersion = "version"
    dfjkIncludes = "includes"
    dfjkDependencies = "dependencies"

  NameCollisionRecord = tuple[pkgPath, inclFilePath: Path]
    ## Describes the path to a package with a name same as the name of another
    ## package, and the path to develop files where it is found.

  CollidingNames = Table[string, HashSet[NameCollisionRecord]]
    ## Describes Nimble packages names found more than once in a develop file
    ## either directly or via its includes but pointing to different paths.

  InvalidPaths = Table[Path, ref CatchableError]
    ## Describes an invalid path to a Nimble package or included develop file.
    ## Contains the path as a key and the exact error occurred when we had tried
    ## to read the package or the develop file at it.

  ErrorsCollection = object
    ## Describes the different errors which are possible to occur on loading of
    ## a develop file.
    collidingNames: CollidingNames
    invalidPackages: InvalidPaths
    invalidIncludeFiles: InvalidPaths

  developFileName* = "nimble.develop"
    ## The default name of a Nimble's develop file. This must always be the name
    ## of develop files which are not only for inclusion but associated with a
    ## specific package.
  developFileVersion* = 1
    ## The version of the develop file's JSON schema.

proc initDevelopFileData: DevelopFileData =
  result = DevelopFileData(dependentPkg: initPackageInfo())

proc getNimbleFilePath(pkgInfo: PackageInfo): Path =
  ## This is a version of `PackageInfo`'s `getNimbleFileDir` procedure returning
  ## `Path` type.

proc assertHasDependentPkg(data: DevelopFileData) =
  ## Checks whether there is associated dependent package with the `data`.
  assert data.dependentPkg.isLoaded,
         "This procedure must be used only with associated with particular " &
         "package develop files."

proc getPkgDevFilePath(pkg: PackageInfo): Path =
  ## Returns the path to the develop file associated with the package `pkg`.
  pkg.getNimbleFilePath / developFileName

proc isEmpty*(data: DevelopFileData): bool =
  ## Checks whether there is some content (paths to packages directories or
  ## includes to other develop files) in the develop file.
  data.jsonData.includes.len == 0 and data.jsonData.dependencies.len == 0

proc save*(data: DevelopFileData, path: Path, writeEmpty, overwrite: bool) =
  ## Saves the `data` to a JSON file with path `path`. If the `data` is empty
  ## writes an empty JSON file only if `writeEmpty` is `true`.
  ## Raises an `IOError` if:
  ##   - `overwrite` is `false` and the file with path `path` already exists.
  ##   - for some reason the writing of the file fails.

  if not writeEmpty and data.isEmpty:

  let json = %{
    $dfjkVersion: %developFileVersion,
    $dfjkIncludes: %data.jsonData.includes.toSeq,
    $dfjkDependencies: %data.jsonData.dependencies.toSeq,

  if path.fileExists and not overwrite:
    raise nimbleError(fileAlreadyExistsMsg($path))

  writeFile(path, json.pretty)
  displaySuccess(developFileSavedMsg($path), priority = DebugPriority)

proc developFileExists*(dir: Path): bool =
  ## Returns `true` if there is a Nimble develop file with a default name in
  ## the directory `dir` or `false` otherwise.
  fileExists(dir / developFileName)

proc developFileExists*(pkg: PackageInfo): bool =
  ## Returns `true` if there is a Nimble develop file with a default name in
  ## the directory of the package's `pkg` `.nimble` file or `false` otherwise.

proc validatePackage(pkgPath: Path, options: Options):
    tuple[pkgInfo: PackageInfo, error: ref CatchableError] =
  ## By given file system path `pkgPath`, determines whether it points to a
  ## valid Nimble package.
  ## Returns a tuple containing:
  ##   - `pkgInfo` - the package info of the package at `pkgPath` in case
  ##                 `pkgPath` directory contains a valid Nimble package.
  ##   - `error`   - a reference to the exception raised in case `pkgPath` is
  ##                 not a valid package directory.

    result.pkgInfo = getPkgInfo(string(pkgPath), options, true)
  except CatchableError as error:
    result.error = error

proc hasErrors(errors: ErrorsCollection): bool =
  ## Checks whether there are some errors in the `ErrorsCollection` - `errors`.
  errors.collidingNames.len > 0 or errors.invalidPackages.len > 0 or
  errors.invalidIncludeFiles.len > 0

proc pkgFoundMoreThanOnceMsg*(
    pkgName: string, collisions: HashSet[NameCollisionRecord]): string =
  result = &"A package with name \"{pkgName}\" is found more than once."
  for (pkgPath, inclFilePath) in collisions:
    result &= &"\n\"{pkgPath}\" from file \"{inclFilePath}\""

proc getErrorsDetails(errors: ErrorsCollection): string =
  ## Constructs a message with details about the collected errors.

  for pkgPath, error in errors.invalidPackages:
    result &= invalidPkgMsg($pkgPath)
    result &= &"\nReason: {error.msg}\n\n"

  for inclFilePath, error in errors.invalidIncludeFiles:
    result &= invalidDevFileMsg($inclFilePath)
    result &= &"\nReason: {error.msg}\n\n"

  for pkgName, collisions in errors.collidingNames:
    result &= pkgFoundMoreThanOnceMsg(pkgName, collisions)
    result &= "\n"

proc add[K, V](t: var Table[K, HashSet[V]], k: K, v: V) =
  ## Adds a value `v` to the hash set corresponding to the key `k` of the table
  ## `t` by first inserting the key `k` and a new hash set into the table `t`,
  ## if they don't already exist.
  t.withValue(k, value) do:
    t[k] = [v].toHashSet

proc add[K, V](t: var Table[K, HashSet[V]], k: K, values: HashSet[V]) =
  ## Adds all values from the hash set `values` to the hash set corresponding
  ## to the key `k` of the table `t` by first inserting the key `k` and a new
  ## hash set into the table `t`, if they don't already exist.
  for v in values: t.add(k, v)

proc del[K, V](t: var Table[K, HashSet[V]], k: K, v: V) =
  ## Removed a value `v` from the hash set corresponding to the key `k` of the
  ## table `t` and removes the key and the corresponding hash set from the
  ## table in the case the hash set becomes empty. Does nothing if the key in
  ## not present in the table or the value is not present in the hash set.

  t.withValue(k, value) do:
    if value[].len == 0:

proc assertHasKey[K, V](t: Table[K, V], k: K) =
  ## Asserts that the key `k` is present in the table `t`.
  assert t.hasKey(k),
         &"At this point the key `{k}` should be present in the table {t}."

proc addPackage(data: var DevelopFileData, pkgInfo: PackageInfo,
                comingFrom: Path, actualComingFrom: HashSet[Path],
                collidingNames: var CollidingNames) =
  ## Adds a package `pkgInfo` to the `data` internal meta data structures.
  ## Other parameters:
  ##   `comingFrom`       - the develop file name which loading causes the
  ##                        package to be included.
  ##   `actualComingFrom` - the set of actual develop files where the package
  ##                        path is mentioned.
  ##   `collidingNames`   - an output parameters where packages with same name
  ##                        but with different paths are registered for error
  ##                        reporting.

  var pkg = data.nameToPkg.getOrDefault(pkgInfo.basicInfo.name)
  if pkg == nil:
    # If a package with `pkgInfo.name` is missing add it to the
    # `DevelopFileData` internal data structures add it.
    pkg = pkgInfo.newClone
    data.nameToPkg[pkg[].basicInfo.name] = pkg
    data.pathToPkg[pkg[].getNimbleFilePath()] = pkg
    data.devFileNameToPkgs.add(comingFrom, pkg)
    data.pkgToDevFileNames.add(pkg, actualComingFrom)
    # If a package with `pkgInfo.name` is already included check whether it has
    # the same path as the package we are trying to include.
      alreadyIncludedPkgPath = pkg[].getNimbleFilePath()
      newPkgPath = pkgInfo.getNimbleFilePath()

    if alreadyIncludedPkgPath == newPkgPath:
      # If the paths are the same then increase the reference count of the
      # package and register the new develop files from where it is coming.
      data.devFileNameToPkgs.add(comingFrom, pkg)
      data.pkgToDevFileNames.add(pkg, actualComingFrom)
      # But if we already have a package with the same name at different path
      # register the name collision which to be reported as error.
      assertHasKey(data.pkgToDevFileNames, pkg)
      for devFileName in data.pkgToDevFileNames[pkg]:
        collidingNames.add(pkg[].basicInfo.name, (alreadyIncludedPkgPath, devFileName))
      for devFileName in actualComingFrom:
        collidingNames.add(pkg[].basicInfo.name, (newPkgPath, devFileName))

proc values[K, V](t: Table[K, V]): seq[V] =
  ## Returns a sequence containing table's `t` values.
  var i: Natural = 0
  for v in t.values:
    result[i] = v

proc addPackages(lhs: var DevelopFileData, pkgs: seq[ref PackageInfo],
                 rhsPath: Path, rhsPkgToDevFileNames: PkgToDevFileNames,
                 collidingNames: var CollidingNames) =
  ## Adds packages from `pkgs` sequence to the develop file data `lhs`.
  for pkgRef in pkgs:
    assertHasKey(rhsPkgToDevFileNames, pkgRef)
    lhs.addPackage(pkgRef[], rhsPath, rhsPkgToDevFileNames[pkgRef],

proc mergeIncludedDevFileData(lhs: var DevelopFileData, rhs: DevelopFileData,
                              errors: var ErrorsCollection) =
  ## Merges develop file data `rhs` coming from some included develop file into
  ## `lhs`.
  lhs.addPackages(rhs.nameToPkg.values, rhs.path, rhs.pkgToDevFileNames,

proc mergeFollowedDevFileData(lhs: var DevelopFileData, rhs: DevelopFileData,
                              errors: var ErrorsCollection) =
  ## Merges develop file data `rhs` coming from some followed package's develop
  ## file into `lhs`.
  lhs.addPackages(rhs.nameToPkg.values, rhs.path, rhs.pkgToDevFileNames,

proc load(path: Path, dependentPkg: PackageInfo, options: Options,
          silentIfFileNotExists, raiseOnValidationErrors, loadGlobalDeps: bool):

template load(dependentPkg: PackageInfo, args: varargs[untyped]):
    DevelopFileData =
  ## Loads data for the `dependentPkg`'s develop file by searching it in the
  ## package's Nimble file directory. Delegates the functionality to the `load`
  ## procedure taking path to develop file.
  load(dependentPkg.getPkgDevFilePath, dependentPkg, args)

proc loadGlobalDependencies(result: var DevelopFileData,
                            collidingNames: var CollidingNames,
                            options: Options) =
  ## Loads data from the `links` subdirectory in the Nimble cache. The links
  ## in the cache are treated as paths in a global develop file used when a
  ## local one does not exist.

  for (kind, path) in walkDir(options.getPkgsLinksDir):
    if kind != pcDir:
    let (pkgName, _, _) = getNameVersionChecksum(path)
    let linkFilePath = path / pkgName.getLinkFileName
    if not linkFilePath.fileExists:
      displayWarning(&"Not found link file in \"{path}\".")
    let lines = linkFilePath.readFile.split("\n")
    if lines.len != 2:
      displayWarning(&"Invalid link file \"{linkFilePath}\".")
    let pkgPath = lines[1]
    let (pkgInfo, error) = validatePackage(pkgPath, options)
    if error == nil:
      let path = path.Path
      result.addPackage(pkgInfo, path, [path].toHashSet, collidingNames)
        &"Package \"{pkgName}\" at path \"{pkgPath}\" is invalid. Skipping it.")

proc load(path: Path, dependentPkg: PackageInfo, options: Options,
          silentIfFileNotExists, raiseOnValidationErrors, loadGlobalDeps: bool):
    DevelopFileData =
  ## Loads data from a develop file at path `path`.
  ## If `silentIfFileNotExists` then does nothing in the case the develop file
  ## does not exists.
  ## If `raiseOnValidationErrors` raises a `NimbleError` in the case some of the
  ## contents of the develop file are invalid.
  ## If `loadGlobalDeps` then load the packages pointed by the link files in the
  ## `links` directory in the Nimble cache instead of the once pointed by the
  ## local develop file.
  ## Raises if the develop file or some of the included develop files:
  ##   - cannot be read.
  ##   - has an invalid JSON schema.
  ##   - contains a path to some invalid package.
  ##   - contains paths to multiple packages with the same name.

  var cache {.global.}: DevelopFileDataCache
  if cache.hasKey(path):
    return cache[path]

  result = initDevelopFileData()
  result.path = path
  result.dependentPkg = dependentPkg

    errors {.global.}: ErrorsCollection
    visitedFiles {.global.}: HashSet[Path]
    visitedPkgs {.global.}: HashSet[Path]

  visitedFiles.incl path
  if dependentPkg.isLoaded:
    visitedPkgs.incl dependentPkg.getNimbleFileDir

  if loadGlobalDeps:
    loadGlobalDependencies(result, errors.collidingNames, options)
    if silentIfFileNotExists and not path.fileExists:

      fromJson(result.jsonData, parseFile(path), Joptions(allowExtraKeys: true))
    except ValueError as error:
      raise nimbleError(notAValidDevFileJsonMsg($path), details = error)

    for depPath in result.jsonData.dependencies:
      let depPath = if depPath.isAbsolute:
        depPath.normalizedPath else: (path.splitFile.dir / depPath).normalizedPath
      let (pkgInfo, error) = validatePackage(depPath, options)
      if error == nil:
        result.addPackage(pkgInfo, path, [path].toHashSet, errors.collidingNames)
        errors.invalidPackages[depPath] = error

    for inclPath in result.jsonData.includes:
      let inclPath = inclPath.normalizedPath
      if visitedFiles.contains(inclPath):
      var inclDevFileData = initDevelopFileData()
        inclDevFileData = load(
          inclPath, initPackageInfo(), options, false, false, false)
      except CatchableError as error:
        errors.invalidIncludeFiles[path] = error
      result.mergeIncludedDevFileData(inclDevFileData, errors)

  if result.dependentPkg.isLoaded and path.splitPath.tail == developFileName:
    # If this is a package develop file, but not a free one, for each of the
    # package's develop mode dependencies load its develop file if it is not
    # already loaded and merge its data to the current develop file's data.
    for path, pkg in result.pathToPkg.dup:
      if visitedPkgs.contains(path):
      var followedPkgDevFileData = initDevelopFileData()
        followedPkgDevFileData = load(pkg[], options, true, false, false)
        # The errors will be accumulated in `errors` global variable and
        # reported by the `load` call which initiated the recursive process.
      result.mergeFollowedDevFileData(followedPkgDevFileData, errors)

  if not errors.hasErrors:
      cache[path] = result
      return result
  elif raiseOnValidationErrors:
    raise nimbleError(failedToLoadFileMsg($path),
                      details = nimbleError(errors.getErrorsDetails))

proc addDevelopPackage(data: var DevelopFileData, pkg: PackageInfo): bool =
  ## Adds package `pkg`'s path to the develop file.
  ## Returns `true` if:
  ##   - the path is successfully added to the develop file.
  ##   - the path is already present in the develop file.
  ##     (Only a warning in printed in this case.)
  ## Returns `false` in the case of error when:
  ##   - a package with the same name but at different path is already present
  ##     in the develop file or some of its includes.

  let pkgDir = pkg.getNimbleFilePath()

  # Check whether the develop file already contains a package with a name
  # `pkg.name` at different path.
  if data.nameToPkg.hasKey(pkg.basicInfo.name) and not data.pathToPkg.hasKey(pkgDir):
    let otherPath = data.nameToPkg[pkg.basicInfo.name][].getNimbleFilePath()
      pkg.basicInfo.name, $otherPath, $data.path))
    return false

  # Add `pkg` to the develop file model.
  let success = not data.jsonData.dependencies.containsOrIncl(pkgDir)

  var collidingNames: CollidingNames
  addPackage(data, pkg, data.path, [data.path].toHashSet, collidingNames)
  assert collidingNames.len == 0, "Must not have the same package name at " &
                                  "path different than already existing one."

  if success:
      pkg.getNameAndVersion, $pkgDir, $data.path))
      pkg.getNameAndVersion, $pkgDir, $data.path))

  return true

proc addDevelopPackage(data: var DevelopFileData, path: Path,
                       options: Options): bool =
  ## Adds path `path` to some package directory to the develop file.
  ## Returns `true` if:
  ##   - the path is successfully added to the develop file.
  ##   - the path is already present in  .
  ##     (Only a warning in printed in this case.)
  ## Returns `false` in the case of error when:
  ##   - the path in `path` does not point to a valid Nimble package.
  ##   - a package with the same name but at different path is already present
  ##     in the develop file or some of its includes.

  let (pkgInfo, error) = validatePackage(path, options)
  if error != nil:
    return false

  return addDevelopPackage(data, pkgInfo)

proc dec[K](t: var CountTable[K], k: K): bool {.discardable.} =
  ## Decrements the count of key `k` in table `t`. If the count drops to zero
  ## the procedure removes the key from the table.
  ## Returns `true` in the case the count for the key `k` drops to zero and the
  ## key is removed from the table or `false` otherwise.
  ## If the key `k` is missing raises a `KeyError` exception.
  if k in t:
    t[k] = t[k] - 1
    if t[k] == 0:
      result = true
    raise newException(KeyError, &"The key \"{k}\" is not found.")

proc removePackage(data: var DevelopFileData, pkg: ref PackageInfo,
                   devFileName: Path) =
  ## Decreases the reference count for a package at path `path` and removes the
  ## package from the internal meta data structures in case the reference count
  ## drops to zero.

  # If the package is found it must be excluded from the develop file mappings
  # by using the name of the develop file as result of which manipulation the
  # package is being removed.
  data.devFileNameToPkgs.del(devFileName, pkg)
  data.pkgToDevFileNames.del(pkg, devFileName)

  # Also the reference count of the package should be decreased.
  let removed = data.pkgRefCount.dec(pkg)
  if not removed:
    # If the reference count is not zero no further processing is needed.

  # But if the reference count is zero the package should be removed from all
  # other meta data structures to free memory for it and its indexes.

  # The package `pkg` could already be missing from `pkgToDevFileNames` if it
  # is removed with the removal of `devFileName` value, but if it is included
  # from some of `devFileName`'s includes it will still be present and we
  # should remove it completely to free its memory.

proc removePackage(data: var DevelopFileData, path, devFileName: Path) =
  ## Decreases the reference count for a package at path `path` and removes the
  ## package from the internal meta data structures in case the reference count
  ## drops to zero.

  let pkg = data.pathToPkg.getOrDefault(path)
  if pkg == nil:
    # If there is no package at path `path` found.

  data.removePackage(pkg, devFileName)

proc removeDevelopPackageByPath(data: var DevelopFileData, path: Path): bool =
  ## Removes path `path` to some package directory from the develop file.
  ## If the `path` is not present in the develop file prints a warning.
  ## Returns `true` if path `path` is successfully removed from the develop file
  ## or `false` if there is no such path added in it.

  let success = not data.jsonData.dependencies.missingOrExcl(path)

  if success:
    let nameAndVersion = data.pathToPkg[path][].getNameAndVersion()
    data.removePackage(path, data.path)
    displaySuccess(pkgRemovedFromDevFileMsg(nameAndVersion, $path, $data.path))
    displayWarning(pkgPathNotInDevFileMsg($path, $data.path))

  return success

proc removeDevelopPackageByName(data: var DevelopFileData, name: string): bool =
  ## Removes path to a package with name `name` from the develop file.
  ## If a package with name `name` is not present in the develop file prints a
  ## warning.
  ## Returns `true` if a package with name `name` is successfully removed from
  ## the develop file or `false` if there is no such package added in it.

    pkg = data.nameToPkg.getOrDefault(name)
    path = if pkg != nil: pkg[].getNimbleFilePath() else: ""
    success = not data.jsonData.dependencies.missingOrExcl(path)

  if success:
    data.removePackage(path, data.path)
      pkg[].getNameAndVersion, $path, $data.path))
    displayWarning(pkgNameNotInDevFileMsg(name, $data.path))

  return success

proc includeDevelopFile(data: var DevelopFileData, path: Path,
                        options: Options): bool =
  ## Includes a develop file at path `path` to the current project's develop
  ## file.
  ## Returns `true` if the develop file at `path` is:
  ##   - successfully included in the current project's develop file.
  ##   - already present in the current project's develop file.
  ##     (Only a warning in printed in this case.)
  ## Returns `false` in the case of error when:
  ##   - the develop file at `path` could not be loaded.
  ##   - the inclusion of the develop file at `path` causes a packages names
  ##     collisions with already added from different place packages with
  ##     the same name, but with different location.

  var inclFileData = initDevelopFileData()
    inclFileData = load(path, initPackageInfo(), options, false, true, false)
  except CatchableError as error:
    return false

  let success = not data.jsonData.includes.containsOrIncl(path)

  if success:
    var errors: ErrorsCollection
    data.mergeIncludedDevFileData(inclFileData, errors)
    if errors.hasErrors:
      displayError(failedToInclInDevFileMsg($path, $data.path))
      # Revert the inclusion in the case of merge errors.
      for pkgPath, _ in inclFileData.pathToPkg:
        data.removePackage(pkgPath, path)
      return false

    displaySuccess(inclInDevFileMsg($path, $data.path))
    displayWarning(alreadyInclInDevFileMsg($path, $data.path))

  return true

proc excludeDevelopFile(data: var DevelopFileData, path: Path): bool =
  ## Excludes a develop file at path `path` from the current project's develop
  ## file. If there is no such, then only a warning is printed.
  ## Returns `true` if a develop file at path `path` is successfully removed
  ## from the current project's develop file or `false` if there is no such
  ## file included in the current one.

  let success = not data.jsonData.includes.missingOrExcl(path)

  if success:
    assertHasKey(data.devFileNameToPkgs, path)

    # Copy the references of the packages which should be deleted, because
    # deleting from the same hash set which we iterate will not be correct.
    var packages = data.devFileNameToPkgs[path].toSeq

    # Try to remove the packages coming from the develop file at path `path` or
    # some of its includes by decreasing their reference count and appropriately
    # updating all other internal meta data structures.
    for pkg in packages:
      data.removePackage(pkg, path)

    displaySuccess(exclFromDevFileMsg($path, $data.path))
    displayWarning(notInclInDevFileMsg($path, $data.path))

  return success

proc assertDevelopActionIsSet(options: Options) =
  ## Asserts that the currently set action in the `options` object is `develop`.
  assert options.action.typ == actionDevelop,
         "This procedure must be called only on develop command."

proc updateDevelopFile*(dependentPkg: PackageInfo, options: Options): bool =
  ## Updates a dependent package `dependentPkg`'s develop file with an
  ## information from the Nimble's command line.
  ##   - Adds newly installed develop packages.
  ##   - Adds packages by path.
  ##   - Removes packages by path.
  ##   - Removes packages by name.
  ##   - Includes other develop files.
  ##   - Excludes other develop files.
  ## Returns `true` if all operations are successful and `false` otherwise.
  ## Raises if cannot load an existing develop file.


  let developFile = options.action.developFile

    hasError = false
    hasSuccessfulRemoves = false
    data = load(developFile, dependentPkg, options, true, true, false)

    let writeEmpty = hasSuccessfulRemoves or
                     developFile != developFileName or
                     not dependentPkg.isLoaded
    data.save(developFile, writeEmpty = writeEmpty, overwrite = true)

  for (actionType, argument) in options.action.devActions:
    case actionType
    of datAdd:
      hasError = not data.addDevelopPackage(argument, options) or hasError
    of datRemoveByPath:
      hasSuccessfulRemoves = data.removeDevelopPackageByPath(argument) or
    of datRemoveByName:
      hasSuccessfulRemoves = data.removeDevelopPackageByName(argument) or
    of datInclude:
      hasError = not data.includeDevelopFile(argument, options) or hasError
    of datExclude:
      hasSuccessfulRemoves = data.excludeDevelopFile(argument) or

  return not hasError

proc processDevelopDependencies*(dependentPkg: PackageInfo, options: Options):
    seq[PackageInfo] =
  ## Returns a sequence with the develop mode dependencies of the `dependentPkg`
  ## and recursively all of their develop mode dependencies.

  let loadGlobalDeps = not dependentPkg.getPkgDevFilePath.fileExists
  let data = load(dependentPkg, options, true, true, loadGlobalDeps)
  result = newSeqOfCap[PackageInfo](data.nameToPkg.len)
  for _, pkg in data.nameToPkg:
    result.add pkg[]

proc getDevelopDependencies*(dependentPkg: PackageInfo, options: Options):
    Table[string, ref PackageInfo] =
  ## Returns a table with a mapping between names and `PackageInfo`s of develop
  ## mode dependencies of package `dependentPkg` and recursively all of their
  ## develop mode dependencies.

  let loadGlobalDeps = not dependentPkg.getPkgDevFilePath.fileExists
  let data = load(dependentPkg, options, true, true, loadGlobalDeps)
  return data.nameToPkg

  ValidationErrorKind* = enum
    ## Types of possible errors when validating the develop file against the
    ## lock file with corresponding parts of their error messages.
    vekDirIsNotUnderVersionControl = "is not under version control."
    vekWorkingCopyIsNotClean       = "has not clean working copy."
    vekVcsRevisionIsNotPushed      = "has not pushed VCS revisions."
    vekWorkingCopyNeedsSync        = "has not synced working copy."
    vekWorkingCopyNeedsLock        = "has not locked commits."
    vekWorkingCopyNeedsMerge       = "has local changes which are in " &
                                     "conflict with the remote changes."

  ValidationErrorFlags = set[ValidationErrorKind]
    ## Set containing flags for the already met validation errors.

  ValidationError* = object
    ## Contains information for a validation error for some develop mode
    ## package.
    kind*: ValidationErrorKind
    path*: Path

  ValidationErrors* = Table[string, ValidationError]
    ## Mapping between package names and their validation errors info.

  NeedsOperation = enum
    ## Helper enum for the return type of the procedure determining whether a
    ## develop mode dependency working copy needs some operation to resolve the
    ## conflict between it and the lock file.
    needsNone, needsLock, needsSync, needsMerge

proc assertHasValidationErrors(errors: ValidationErrors) =
  assert errors.len > 0, "Must have validation errors."

proc getValidationErrorMessage*(name: string, error: ValidationError): string =
  ## By given validation error `error` constructs a validation error message for
  ## given develop mode dependency package with name `name`.
  &"Package \"{name}\" at \"{error.path}\" {error.kind}.\n"

proc getValidationErrorsMessage*(errors: ValidationErrors): string =
  ## Constructs an error message reporting develop mode dependencies validation
  ## errors.

  result = "Some of package's develop mode dependencies are invalid.\n"
  for name, error in errors:
    result &= getValidationErrorMessage(name, error)

proc allAreSet(errorFlags: set[ValidationErrorKind]): bool =
  ## Checks whether all possible validation error flags are set.
  cast[uint](errorFlags) == uint(2'd ^ ValidationErrorKind.enumLen - 1)

proc getValidationsErrorsHint(errors: ValidationErrors): string =
  ## Constructs a hint message for resolving develop mode dependencies
  ## validation errors.

  var errorFlags: ValidationErrorFlags

  for _, error in errors:
    case error.kind:
    of vekDirIsNotUnderVersionControl, vekWorkingCopyIsNotClean,
      if error.kind notin errorFlags:
        result &=
          "When you are using a lock file Nimble requires develop mode " &
          "dependencies to be under version control, all local changes to be " &
          "committed and pushed on some remote, and lock file to be updated.\n"
    of vekWorkingCopyNeedsSync:
      if error.kind notin errorFlags:
        result &=
          "You have to call `nimble sync` to synchronize your develop mode " &
          "dependencies working copies with the latest lock file.\n"
    of vekWorkingCopyNeedsLock:
      if error.kind notin errorFlags:
        result &=
          "You have to call `nimble lock` to update your lock file with the " &
          "latest versions of your develop mode dependencies working copies.\n"
    of vekWorkingCopyNeedsMerge:
      if error.kind notin errorFlags:
        result &=
          "You have to merge or rebase working copies of your develop mode " &
          "dependencies which have conflicts with remote changes."

    errorFlags.incl error.kind
    if errorFlags.allAreSet: break

proc pkgDirIsNotUnderVersionControl(depPkg: PackageInfo): bool =
  ## Checks whether a develop mode dependency package directory is under version
  ## control.
  depPkg.getNimbleFileDir.getVcsType == vcsTypeNone

proc workingCopyIsNotClean(depPkg: PackageInfo): bool =
  ## Checks whether a working copy directory of a develop mode dependency
  ## package is clean. Untracked files are not considered.
  not depPkg.getNimbleFileDir.isWorkingCopyClean

proc vcsRevisionIsNotPushed(depPkg: PackageInfo): bool =
  ## Checks whether current VCS revision of the working copy directory of a
  ## develop mode dependency package is pushed on some remote.
  not depPkg.getNimbleFileDir.isVcsRevisionPresentOnSomeRemote(

proc workingCopyNeeds*(dependencyPkg, dependentPkg: PackageInfo,
                       options: Options): NeedsOperation =
  ## Be getting in consideration the information from the develop mode
  ## dependency working copy directory, the lock file and the sync file
  ## determines what kind of operation is needed to resolve the conflicts
  ## if any.

    lockFileVcsRev = dependentPkg.lockedDeps.getOrDefault("").getOrDefault(
      dependencyPkg.basicInfo.name, notSetLockFileDep).vcsRevision
    syncFile = getSyncFile(dependentPkg)
    syncFileVcsRev = syncFile.getDepVcsRevision(dependencyPkg.basicInfo.name)
    workingCopyVcsRev = getVcsRevision(dependencyPkg.getNimbleFileDir)

  if lockFileVcsRev == syncFileVcsRev and syncFileVcsRev == workingCopyVcsRev:
    # When all revisions are matching nothing have to be done.
    return needsNone

  if lockFileVcsRev == syncFileVcsRev and syncFileVcsRev != workingCopyVcsRev:
    # When lock file and sync file revisions are matching, but working copy
    # revision is different, then most probably there are local changes and
    # `nimble lock` is needed.
    return needsLock

  if lockFileVcsRev != syncFileVcsRev and syncFileVcsRev == workingCopyVcsRev:
    # When lock file revision is different from sync file revision, but sync
    # file revision is equal to working copy revision then most probably we have
    # `pull` executed but we forgot to call `nimble sync`.
    return needsSync

  if lockFileVcsRev == workingCopyVcsRev and
     workingCopyVcsRev != syncFileVcsRev:
    # When lock file revision is equal to working copy revision, but they are
    # different from sync file revision, most probably this is because of
    # damaged sync file. Everything is Ok, because the sync file will be
    # rewritten on the next `nimble lock` or `nimble sync` command.
    return needsNone

  if lockFileVcsRev != syncFileVcsRev and
     lockFileVcsRev != workingCopyVcsRev and
     syncFileVcsRev != workingCopyVcsRev:
    # When all revisions are different from one another this indicates that
    # there are local changes which are conflicting with remote changes. The
    # user have to resolve them manually by merging or rebasing.
    return needsMerge

  assert false, "Here all cases are covered and the program " &
                "flow must not reach this assert."

  return needsNone

template addError(error: ValidationErrorKind) =
    errors[depPkg.basicInfo.name] = ValidationError(
      path: depPkg.getNimbleFileDir, kind: error)

proc findValidationErrorsOfDevDepsWithLockFile*(
    dependentPkg: PackageInfo, options: Options,
    errors: var ValidationErrors) =
  ## Collects validation errors for the develop mode dependencies with the
  ## content of the lock file by getting in consideration the information from
  ## the sync file. In the case of discrepancy, gives a useful advice what have
  ## to be done to resolve the conflicts for the not matching packages.


  let developDependencies = processDevelopDependencies(dependentPkg, options)

  for depPkg in developDependencies:
    if depPkg.pkgDirIsNotUnderVersionControl:
    elif depPkg.workingCopyIsNotClean:
    elif depPkg.vcsRevisionIsNotPushed:
    elif depPkg.workingCopyNeeds(dependentPkg, options) == needsSync:
    elif depPkg.workingCopyNeeds(dependentPkg, options) == needsLock:
    elif depPkg.workingCopyNeeds(dependentPkg, options) == needsMerge:

proc validationErrors*(errors: ValidationErrors): ref NimbleError =
  result = nimbleError(
    msg  = errors.getValidationErrorsMessage,
    hint = errors.getValidationsErrorsHint)

proc validateDevelopFileAgainstLockFile(
    dependentPkg: PackageInfo, options: Options) =
  ## Does validation of the develop file dependencies against the data written
  ## in the lock file.

  var errors: ValidationErrors

  findValidationErrorsOfDevDepsWithLockFile(dependentPkg, options, errors)
  if errors.len > 0:
    raise validationErrors(errors)

proc validateDevelopFile*(dependentPkg: PackageInfo, options: Options) =
  ## The procedure is used in the Nimble's `check` command to transitively
  ## validate the contents of the develop files.

  let loadGlobalDeps = not dependentPkg.getPkgDevFilePath.fileExists
  discard load(dependentPkg, options, true, true, loadGlobalDeps)
  if dependentPkg.areLockedDepsLoaded:
    validateDevelopFileAgainstLockFile(dependentPkg, options)

A  => src/nimblepkg/displaymessages.nim +172 -0
@@ 1,172 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.

## This module contains procedures producing some of the displayed by Nimble
## error messages in order to facilitate testing by removing the requirement
## the message to be repeated both in Nimble and the testing code.

import strformat, strutils
import version, packageinfotypes, sha1hashes

  validationFailedMsg* = "Validation failed."

  pathGivenButNoPkgsToDownloadMsg* =
    "Path option is given but there are no given packages for download."
  developOptionsWithoutDevelopFileMsg* =
    "Options 'add', 'remove', 'include' and 'exclude' cannot be given " &
    "when no develop file is specified."

  developWithDependenciesWithoutPackagesMsg* =
    "Option 'with-dependencies' is given without packages for develop."

  dependencyNotInRangeErrorHint* =
    "Update the version of the dependency package in its Nimble file or " &
    "update its required version range in the dependent's package Nimble file."

  notADependencyErrorHint* =
    "Add the dependency package as a requirement to the Nimble file of the " &
    "dependent package."

  multiplePathOptionsGivenMsg* = "Multiple path options are given."

  multipleDevelopFileOptionsGivenMsg* =
    "Multiple develop file options are given."

  ignoringCompilationFlagsMsg* =
    "Ignoring compilation flags for installed package."

  updatingTheLockFileMsg* = "Updating the lock file..."
  generatingTheLockFileMsg* = "Generating the lock file..."
  lockFileIsUpdatedMsg* = "The lock file is updated."
  lockFileIsGeneratedMsg* = "The lock file is generated."

proc fileAlreadyExistsMsg*(path: string): string =
  &"Cannot create file \"{path}\" because it already exists."

proc developFileSavedMsg*(path: string): string =
  &"The develop file \"{path}\" has been saved."

proc pkgSetupInDevModeMsg*(pkgName, pkgPath: string): string =
  &"\"{pkgName}\" set up in develop mode successfully to \"{pkgPath}\"."

proc pkgInstalledMsg*(pkgName: string): string =
  &"{pkgName} installed successfully."

proc pkgNotFoundMsg*(pkg: PkgTuple): string = &"Package {pkg} not found."

proc pkgDepsAlreadySatisfiedMsg*(dep: PkgTuple): string =
  &"Dependency on {dep} already satisfied"

proc invalidPkgMsg*(path: string): string =
  &"The package at \"{path}\" is invalid."

proc invalidDevFileMsg*(path: string): string =
  &"The develop file \"{path}\" is invalid."

proc notAValidDevFileJsonMsg*(devFilePath: string): string =
  &"The file \"{devFilePath}\" has not a valid develop file JSON schema."

proc pkgAlreadyPresentAtDifferentPathMsg*(
    pkgName, otherPath, fileName: string): string =
  &"A package with a name \"{pkgName}\" at different path \"{otherPath}\" " &
   "is already present in the develop file \"{fileName}\"."

proc pkgAddedInDevFileMsg*(pkg, path, fileName: string): string =
  &"The package \"{pkg}\" at path \"{path}\" is added to the develop file " &

proc pkgAlreadyInDevFileMsg*(pkg, path, fileName: string): string =
  &"The package \"{pkg}\" at path \"{path}\" is already present in the " &
  &"develop file \"{fileName}\"."

proc pkgRemovedFromDevFileMsg*(pkg, path, fileName: string): string =
  &"The package \"{pkg}\" at path \"{path}\" is removed from the develop " &
  &"file \"{fileName}\"."

proc pkgPathNotInDevFileMsg*(path, fileName: string): string =
  &"The path \"{path}\" is not in the develop file \"{fileName}\"."

proc pkgNameNotInDevFileMsg*(pkgName, fileName: string): string =
  &"A package with name \"{pkgName}\" is not in the develop file " &

proc failedToInclInDevFileMsg*(inclFile, devFile: string): string =
  &"Failed to include \"{inclFile}\" to the develop file \"{devFile}\""

proc inclInDevFileMsg*(path, fileName: string): string =
  &"The develop file \"{path}\" is successfully included into the develop " &
  &"file \"{fileName}\""

proc alreadyInclInDevFileMsg*(path, fileName: string): string =
  &"The develop file \"{path}\" is already included in the develop file " &

proc exclFromDevFileMsg*(path, fileName: string): string =
  &"The develop file \"{path}\" is successfully excluded from the develop " &
  &"file \"{fileName}\"."

proc notInclInDevFileMsg*(path, fileName: string): string =
  &"The file \"{path}\" is not included in the develop file \"{fileName}\"."

proc failedToLoadFileMsg*(path: string): string =
  &"Failed to load \"{path}\"."

proc cannotUninstallPkgMsg*(pkgName: string, pkgVersion: Version,
                            deps: seq[string]): string =
  assert deps.len > 0, "The sequence must have at least one package."
  result = &"Cannot uninstall {pkgName} ({pkgVersion}) because\n"
  result &= deps.join("\n")
  result &= "\ndepend" & (if deps.len == 1: "s" else: "") & " on it"

proc promptRemovePkgsMsg*(pkgs: seq[string]): string =
  assert pkgs.len > 0, "The sequence must have at least one package."
  result = "The following packages will be removed:\n"
  result &= pkgs.join("\n")
  result &= "\nDo you wish to continue?"

proc pkgWorkingCopyNeedsSyncingMsg*(pkgName, pkgPath: string): string =
  &"Package \"{pkgName}\" working copy at path \"{pkgPath}\" needs syncing."

proc pkgWorkingCopyIsSyncedMsg*(pkgName, pkgPath: string): string =
  &"Working copy of package  \"{pkgName}\" at \"{pkgPath}\" is synced."

proc notInRequiredRangeMsg*(
    dependencyPkgName, dependencyPkgPath, dependencyPkgVersion,
    dependentPkgName, dependentPkgPath, requiredVersionRange: string): string =
  &"The version of the package \"{dependencyPkgName}\" at " &
  &"\"{dependencyPkgPath}\" is \"{dependencyPkgVersion}\" and it does not " &
  &"match the required by the package \"{dependentPkgName}\" at " &
  &"\"{dependentPkgPath}\" version \"{requiredVersionRange}\"."
proc invalidDevelopDependenciesVersionsMsg*(errors: seq[string]): string =
  result = "Some of the develop mode dependencies are with versions which " &
           "are not in the required by other package's Nimble file range."
  for error in errors:
    result &= "\n"
    result &= error

proc pkgAlreadyExistsInTheCacheMsg*(name, version, checksum: string): string =
  &"A package \"{name}@{version}\" with checksum \"{checksum}\" already " &
   "exists the the cache."

proc pkgAlreadyExistsInTheCacheMsg*(pkgInfo: PackageInfo): string =

proc skipDownloadingInAlreadyExistingDirectoryMsg*(dir, name: string): string =
  &"The download directory \"{dir}\" already exists.\n" &
  &"Skipping the download of \"{name}\"."

proc binaryNotDefinedInPkgMsg*(binaryName, pkgName: string): string =
  &"Binary '{binaryName}' is not defined in '{pkgName}' package."

proc notFoundPkgWithNameInPkgDepTree*(pkgName: string): string =
  &"Not found package with name '{pkgName}' in the current package's " &
   "dependency tree."

proc pkgLinkFileSavedMsg*(path: string): string =
  &"Package link file \"{path}\" is saved."

A  => src/nimblepkg/download.nim +324 -0
@@ 1,324 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.

import parseutils, os, osproc, strutils, tables, pegs, uri, json

import packageinfo, packageparser, version, tools, common, options, cli
from algorithm import SortOrder, sorted
from sequtils import toSeq, filterIt, map

  DownloadMethod* {.pure.} = enum
    git = "git", hg = "hg"

proc getSpecificDir(meth: DownloadMethod): string {.used.} =
  case meth
  of DownloadMethod.git:
  of DownloadMethod.hg:

proc doCheckout(meth: DownloadMethod, downloadDir, branch: string) =
  case meth
  of DownloadMethod.git:
    cd downloadDir:
      # Force is used here because local changes may appear straight after a
      # clone has happened. Like in the case of git on Windows where it
      # messes up the damn line endings.
      doCmd("git checkout --force " & branch)
      doCmd("git submodule update --recursive")
  of DownloadMethod.hg:
    cd downloadDir:
      doCmd("hg checkout " & branch)

proc doPull(meth: DownloadMethod, downloadDir: string) {.used.} =
  case meth
  of DownloadMethod.git:
    doCheckout(meth, downloadDir, "")
    cd downloadDir:
      doCmd("git pull")
      if existsFile(".gitmodules"):
        doCmd("git submodule update")
  of DownloadMethod.hg:
    doCheckout(meth, downloadDir, "default")
    cd downloadDir:
      doCmd("hg pull")

proc doClone(meth: DownloadMethod, url, downloadDir: string, branch = "",
             onlyTip = true) =
  case meth
  of DownloadMethod.git:
      depthArg = if onlyTip: "--depth 1 " else: ""
      branchArg = if branch == "": "" else: "-b " & branch & " "
    doCmd("git clone --recursive " & depthArg & branchArg & url &
          " " & downloadDir)
  of DownloadMethod.hg:
      tipArg = if onlyTip: "-r tip " else: ""
      branchArg = if branch == "": "" else: "-b " & branch & " "
    doCmd("hg clone " & tipArg & branchArg & url & " " & downloadDir)

proc getTagsList(dir: string, meth: DownloadMethod): seq[string] =
  cd dir:
    var output = execProcess("git tag")
    case meth
    of DownloadMethod.git:
      output = execProcess("git tag")
    of DownloadMethod.hg:
      output = execProcess("hg tags")
  if output.len > 0:
    case meth
    of DownloadMethod.git:
      result = @[]
      for i in output.splitLines():
        if i == "": continue
    of DownloadMethod.hg:
      result = @[]
      for i in output.splitLines():
        if i == "": continue
        var tag = ""
        discard parseUntil(i, tag, ' ')
        if tag != "tip":
    result = @[]

proc getTagsListRemote*(url: string, meth: DownloadMethod): seq[string] =
    url = url
    uri = parseUri url
  if uri.query != "":
    uri.query = ""
    url = $uri
  result = @[]
  case meth
  of DownloadMethod.git:
    var (output, exitCode) = doCmdEx("git ls-remote --tags " & url)
    if exitCode != QuitSuccess:
      raise newException(OSError, "Unable to query remote tags for " & url &
          ". Git returned: " & output)
    for i in output.splitLines():
      let refStart = i.find("refs/tags/")
      # git outputs warnings, empty lines, etc
      if refStart == -1: continue
      let start = refStart+"refs/tags/".len
      let tag = i[start .. i.len-1]
      if not tag.endswith("^{}"): result.add(tag)

  of DownloadMethod.hg:
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2039150/show-tags-for-remote-hg-repository
    raise newException(ValueError, "Hg doesn't support remote tag querying.")

proc getVersionList*(tags: seq[string]): OrderedTable[Version, string] =
  ## Return an ordered table of Version -> git tag label.  Ordering is
  ## in descending order with the most recent version first.
  let taggedVers: seq[tuple[ver: Version, tag: string]] =
      .filterIt(it != "")
      .map(proc(s: string): tuple[ver: Version, tag: string] =
        # skip any chars before the version
        let i = skipUntil(s, Digits)
        # TODO: Better checking, tags can have any
        # names. Add warnings and such.
        result = (newVersion(s[i .. s.len-1]), s))
      .sorted(proc(a, b: (Version, string)): int = cmp(a[0], b[0]),
  result = toOrderedTable[Version, string](taggedVers)

proc getDownloadMethod*(meth: string): DownloadMethod =
  case meth
  of "git": return DownloadMethod.git
  of "hg", "mercurial": return DownloadMethod.hg
    raise newException(NimbleError, "Invalid download method: " & meth)

proc getHeadName*(meth: DownloadMethod): Version =
  ## Returns the name of the download method specific head. i.e. for git
  ## it's ``head`` for hg it's ``tip``.
  case meth
  of DownloadMethod.git: newVersion("#head")
  of DownloadMethod.hg: newVersion("#tip")

proc checkUrlType*(url: string): DownloadMethod =
  ## Determines the download method based on the URL.
  if doCmdEx("git ls-remote " & url).exitCode == QuitSuccess:
    return DownloadMethod.git
  elif doCmdEx("hg identify " & url).exitCode == QuitSuccess:
    return DownloadMethod.hg
    raise newException(NimbleError, "Unable to identify url: " & url)

proc getUrlData*(url: string): (string, Table[string, string]) =
  var uri = parseUri(url)
  # TODO: use uri.parseQuery once it lands... this code is quick and dirty.
  var subdir = ""
  if uri.query.startsWith("subdir="):
    subdir = uri.query[7 .. ^1]

  uri.query = ""
  return ($uri, {"subdir": subdir}.toTable())

proc isURL*(name: string): bool =
  name.startsWith(peg" @'://' ")

proc doDownload(url: string, downloadDir: string, verRange: VersionRange,
                 downMethod: DownloadMethod,
                 options: Options): Version =
  ## Downloads the repository specified by ``url`` using the specified download
  ## method.
  ## Returns the version of the repository which has been downloaded.
  template getLatestByTag(meth: untyped) {.dirty.} =
    # Find latest version that fits our ``verRange``.
    var latest = findLatest(verRange, versions)
    ## Note: HEAD is not used when verRange.kind is verAny. This is
    ## intended behaviour, the latest tagged version will be used in this case.

    # If no tagged versions satisfy our range latest.tag will be "".
    # We still clone in that scenario because we want to try HEAD in that case.
    # https://github.com/nim-lang/nimble/issues/22
    if $latest.ver != "":
      result = latest.ver

  if verRange.kind == verSpecial:
    # We want a specific commit/branch/tag here.
    if verRange.spe == getHeadName(downMethod):
       # Grab HEAD.
      doClone(downMethod, url, downloadDir, onlyTip = not options.forceFullClone)
      # Grab the full repo.
      doClone(downMethod, url, downloadDir, onlyTip = false)
      # Then perform a checkout operation to get the specified branch/commit.
      # `spe` starts with '#', trim it.
      doAssert(($verRange.spe)[0] == '#')
      doCheckout(downMethod, downloadDir, substr($verRange.spe, 1))
    result = verRange.spe
    case downMethod
    of DownloadMethod.git:
      # For Git we have to query the repo remotely for its tags. This is
      # necessary as cloning with a --depth of 1 removes all tag info.
      result = getHeadName(downMethod)
      let versions = getTagsListRemote(url, downMethod).getVersionList()
      if versions.len > 0:
          display("Cloning", "latest tagged version: " & latest.tag,
                  priority = MediumPriority)
          doClone(downMethod, url, downloadDir, latest.tag,
                  onlyTip = not options.forceFullClone)
        # If no commits have been tagged on the repo we just clone HEAD.
        doClone(downMethod, url, downloadDir) # Grab HEAD.
    of DownloadMethod.hg:
      doClone(downMethod, url, downloadDir, onlyTip = not options.forceFullClone)
      result = getHeadName(downMethod)
      let versions = getTagsList(downloadDir, downMethod).getVersionList()

      if versions.len > 0:
          display("Switching", "to latest tagged version: " & latest.tag,
                  priority = MediumPriority)
          doCheckout(downMethod, downloadDir, latest.tag)

proc downloadPkg*(url: string, verRange: VersionRange,
                 downMethod: DownloadMethod,
                 subdir: string,
                 options: Options,
                 downloadPath = ""): (string, Version) =
  ## Downloads the repository as specified by ``url`` and ``verRange`` using
  ## the download method specified.
  ## If `downloadPath` isn't specified a location in /tmp/ will be used.
  ## Returns the directory where it was downloaded (subdir is appended) and
  ## the concrete version  which was downloaded.
  let downloadDir =
    if downloadPath == "":
      (getNimbleTempDir() / getDownloadDirName(url, verRange))

  var modUrl =
    if url.startsWith("git://") and options.config.cloneUsingHttps:
      "https://" & url[6 .. ^1]
    else: url

  # Fixes issue #204
  # github + https + trailing url slash causes a
  # checkout/ls-remote to fail with Repository not found
  if modUrl.contains("github.com") and modUrl.endswith("/"):
    modUrl = modUrl[0 .. ^2]

  if subdir.len > 0:
    display("Downloading", "$1 using $2 (subdir is '$3')" %
                           [modUrl, $downMethod, subdir],
            priority = HighPriority)
    display("Downloading", "$1 using $2" % [modUrl, $downMethod],
            priority = HighPriority)
  result = (
    downloadDir / subdir,
    doDownload(modUrl, downloadDir, verRange, downMethod, options)

  if verRange.kind != verSpecial:
    ## Makes sure that the downloaded package's version satisfies the requested
    ## version range.
    let pkginfo = getPkgInfo(result[0], options)
    if pkginfo.version.newVersion notin verRange:
      raise newException(NimbleError,
        "Downloaded package's version does not satisfy requested version " &
        "range: wanted $1 got $2." %
        [$verRange, $pkginfo.version])

proc echoPackageVersions*(pkg: Package) =
  let downMethod = pkg.downloadMethod.getDownloadMethod()
  case downMethod
  of DownloadMethod.git:
      let versions = getTagsListRemote(pkg.url, downMethod).getVersionList()
      if versions.len > 0:
        let sortedVersions = toSeq(values(versions))
        echo("  versions:    " & join(sortedVersions, ", "))
        echo("  versions:    (No versions tagged in the remote repository)")
    except OSError:
  of DownloadMethod.hg:
    echo("  versions:    (Remote tag retrieval not supported by " &
        pkg.downloadMethod & ")")

proc packageVersionsJson*(pkg: Package): JsonNode =
  result = newJArray()
  let downMethod = pkg.downloadMethod.getDownloadMethod()
    case downMethod
    of DownloadMethod.git:
      let versions = getTagsListRemote(pkg.url, downMethod).getVersionList()
      for v in values(versions):
        result.add %v
    of DownloadMethod.hg:
    result = %* { "exception": getCurrentExceptionMsg() }

when isMainModule:
  # Test version sorting
    let data = @["v9.0.0-taeyeon", "v9.0.1-jessica", "v9.2.0-sunny",
                 "v9.4.0-tiffany", "v9.4.2-hyoyeon"]
    let expected = toOrderedTable[Version, string]({
      newVersion("9.4.2-hyoyeon"): "v9.4.2-hyoyeon",
      newVersion("9.4.0-tiffany"): "v9.4.0-tiffany",
      newVersion("9.2.0-sunny"): "v9.2.0-sunny",
      newVersion("9.0.1-jessica"): "v9.0.1-jessica",
      newVersion("9.0.0-taeyeon"): "v9.0.0-taeyeon"
    doAssert expected == getVersionList(data)

  echo("Everything works!")

A  => src/nimblepkg/init.nim +184 -0
@@ 1,184 @@
import os, strutils

import ./cli, ./tools

  PkgInitInfo* = tuple
    pkgName: string
    pkgVersion: string
    pkgAuthor: string
    pkgDesc: string
    pkgLicense: string
    pkgBackend: string
    pkgSrcDir: string
    pkgNimDep: string
    pkgType: string

proc writeExampleIfNonExistent(file: string, content: string) =
  if not existsFile(file):
    writeFile(file, content)
    display("Info:", "File " & file & " already exists, did not write " &
            "example code", priority = HighPriority)

proc createPkgStructure*(info: PkgInitInfo, pkgRoot: string) =
  # Create source directory
  createDirD(pkgRoot / info.pkgSrcDir)

  # Initialise the source code directories and create some example code.
  var nimbleFileOptions = ""
  case info.pkgType
  of "binary":
    let mainFile = pkgRoot / info.pkgSrcDir / info.pkgName.changeFileExt("nim")
# This is just an example to get you started. A typical binary package
# uses this file as the main entry point of the application.

when isMainModule:
  echo("Hello, World!")
    nimbleFileOptions.add("bin           = @[\"$1\"]\n" % info.pkgName)
  of "library":
    let mainFile = pkgRoot / info.pkgSrcDir / info.pkgName.changeFileExt("nim")
# This is just an example to get you started. A typical library package
# exports the main API in this file. Note that you cannot rename this file
# but you can remove it if you wish.

proc add*(x, y: int): int =
  ## Adds two files together.
  return x + y

    createDirD(pkgRoot / info.pkgSrcDir / info.pkgName)
    let submodule = pkgRoot / info.pkgSrcDir / info.pkgName /
# This is just an example to get you started. Users of your library will
# import this file by writing ``import $1/submodule``. Feel free to rename or
# remove this file altogether. You may create additional modules alongside
# this file as required.

  Submodule* = object
    name*: string

proc initSubmodule*(): Submodule =
  ## Initialises a new ``Submodule`` object.
  Submodule(name: "Anonymous")
""" % info.pkgName
  of "hybrid":
    let mainFile = pkgRoot / info.pkgSrcDir / info.pkgName.changeFileExt("nim")
# This is just an example to get you started. A typical hybrid package
# uses this file as the main entry point of the application.

import $1pkg/submodule

when isMainModule:
""" % info.pkgName

    let pkgSubDir = pkgRoot / info.pkgSrcDir / info.pkgName & "pkg"
    let submodule = pkgSubDir / "submodule".addFileExt("nim")
# This is just an example to get you started. Users of your hybrid library will
# import this file by writing ``import $1pkg/submodule``. Feel free to rename or
# remove this file altogether. You may create additional modules alongside
# this file as required.

proc getWelcomeMessage*(): string = "Hello, World!"
""" % info.pkgName
    nimbleFileOptions.add("installExt    = @[\"nim\"]\n")
    nimbleFileOptions.add("bin           = @[\"$1\"]\n" % info.pkgName)
    assert false, "Invalid package type specified."

  let pkgTestDir = "tests"
  # Create test directory
  case info.pkgType
  of "binary":
  of "hybrid", "library":
    let pkgTestPath = pkgRoot / pkgTestDir

    writeFile(pkgTestPath / "config".addFileExt("nims"),
      "switch(\"path\", \"$$projectDir/../$#\")" % info.pkgSrcDir

    if info.pkgType == "library":
      writeExampleIfNonExistent(pkgTestPath / "test1".addFileExt("nim"),
# This is just an example to get you started. You may wish to put all of your
# tests into a single file, or separate them into multiple `test1`, `test2`
# etc. files (better names are recommended, just make sure the name starts with
# the letter 't').
# To run these tests, simply execute `nimble test`.

import unittest

import $1
test "can add":
  check add(5, 5) == 10
""" % info.pkgName
      writeExampleIfNonExistent(pkgTestPath / "test1".addFileExt("nim"),
# This is just an example to get you started. You may wish to put all of your
# tests into a single file, or separate them into multiple `test1`, `test2`
# etc. files (better names are recommended, just make sure the name starts with
# the letter 't').
# To run these tests, simply execute `nimble test`.

import unittest

import $1pkg/submodule
test "correct welcome":
  check getWelcomeMessage() == "Hello, World!"
""" % info.pkgName
    assert false, "Invalid package type specified."

  # Write the nimble file
  let nimbleFile = pkgRoot / info.pkgName.changeFileExt("nimble")
  # Only write backend if it isn't "c"
  var pkgBackend = ""
  if (info.pkgBackend != "c"):
    pkgBackend = "backend       = " & info.pkgbackend.escape()
  writeFile(nimbleFile, """# Package

version       = $#
author        = "$#"
description   = "$#"
license       = $#
srcDir        = $#

# Dependencies

requires "nim >= $#"
""" % [
      info.pkgVersion.escape(), info.pkgAuthor.replace("\"", "\\\""), info.pkgDesc.replace("\"", "\\\""),
      info.pkgLicense.escape(), info.pkgSrcDir.escape(), nimbleFileOptions,
      pkgBackend, info.pkgNimDep

  display("Info:", "Nimble file created successfully", priority=MediumPriority)

A  => src/nimblepkg/jsonhelpers.nim +140 -0
@@ 1,140 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.

import json

proc newJObjectIfKeyNotExists(obj: JsonNode, key: string): JsonNode =
  assert obj.kind == JObject
  if not obj.hasKey(key):
    let newObj = newJObject()
    obj.add(key, newObj)
    return newObj
    return obj[key]

proc addIfNotExist*(obj: JsonNode, keys: varargs[string],
                    val: JsonNode): JsonNode =
  # If the path in the `obj` json tree described by `keys` does not exist create
  # it, add the node `val` to it and return the added node, otherwise return the
  # value of the existing object at the end of the path.

  assert obj.kind == JObject
  var obj = obj
  for i in 0 ..< keys.len() - 1:
    obj = obj.newJObjectIfKeyNotExists(keys[i])
  if not obj.hasKey(keys[^1]):
    obj.add(keys[^1], val)
    return val
    return obj[keys[^1]]

proc cleanUpEmptyObjects*(obj: JsonNode): JsonNode =
  if obj.kind == JObject:
    result = newJObject()
    for key, value in obj:
      var newValue = cleanUpEmptyObjects(value)
      if newValue.kind notin {JObject, JArray} or newValue.len != 0:
        result.add(key, newValue)
  elif obj.kind == JArray:
    result = newJArray()
    for value in obj:
      var newValue = cleanUpEmptyObjects(value)
      if newValue.kind notin {JObject, JArray} or newValue.len != 0:
    result = obj

when isMainModule:
  import unittest

  test "bewJObjectIfKeyNotExists":
    proc testProc(testedJson, key, expectedResult: string) =
      let testedJson = parseJson(testedJson)
      let expectedResult = parseJson(expectedResult)
      let actualResult = newJObjectIfKeyNotExists(testedJson, key)
      check actualResult == expectedResult

    testProc("{}", "key", "{}")
    testProc("{ \"key1\": \"value1\", \"key2\": {} }", "key3", "{}")
    testProc("{ \"key1\": \"value1\", \"key2\": {} }", "key1", "\"value1\"")
    testProc("{ \"key1\": \"value1\", \"key2\": { \"key3\": [ 2, 3, 5] } }",
             "key2", "{ \"key3\": [ 2, 3, 5] }")

  test "addIfNotExist":
    proc testProc(testedJson: string, keys: varargs[string],
                  jsonToAdd, expectedResult, expectedEndObject: string) =
      let expectedResult = parseJson(expectedResult)
      let jsonToAdd = parseJson(jsonToAdd)
      let actualResult = parseJson(testedJson)
      let expectedEndObject = parseJson(expectedEndObject)
      let addedOrOldNode =actualResult.addIfNotExist(keys, jsonToAdd)
      check actualResult == expectedResult
      check addedOrOldNode == expectedEndObject

    testProc("{}", "key", "[]", "{ \"key\": [] }", "[]")
    testProc("{}", "key1", "key2", "{}", "{ \"key1\": { \"key2\": {} } }", "{}")
    testProc("{ \"key\": {} }", "key", "[]", "{ \"key\": {} }", "{}")
    testProc("{ \"key1\": { \"key2\": {} } }", "key1", "key2", "[1, 2, 3]",
             "{ \"key1\": { \"key2\": {} } }", "{}")
    testProc("{ \"key1\": {}, \"key2\": {} }", "key2", "key3",
             "{ \"key4\": [1] }",
             "{ \"key1\": {}, \"key2\": { \"key3\": { \"key4\": [1] } } }",
             "{ \"key4\": [1] }")

  test "cleanUpEmptyObjects":
    proc testProc(testedJson, expectedJson: string) =
      let testedJsonNode = parseJson(testedJson)
      let expectedResult = parseJson(expectedJson)
      let actualResult = cleanUpEmptyObjects(testedJsonNode)
      check actualResult == expectedResult

    testProc("{}", "{}")
    testProc("[]", "[]")
    testProc("{ \"key\": \"value\" }", "{ \"key\": \"value\" }")
    testProc("[ 3, 1415 ]", "[ 3, 1415 ]")

    testProc("{ \"key\": [ \"value1\", \"value2\" ] }",
             "{ \"key\": [ \"value1\", \"value2\" ] }")

    testProc("{ \"key\": {} }", "{}")
    testProc("[ [], [] ]", "[]")
    testProc("[ { \"key1\": [ { \"key1.1\": [] } ] }, { \"key2\": [] } ]", "[]")

    testProc(""" {
      "key1": {
        "key1.1": "value1.1",
        "key1.2": "value1.2"
      "key2": {},
      "key3": [
          "key3.1": "value3.1",
          "key3.2": "value3.2"
          "key3.3": "value3.3"
      "key4": {
        "key4.1": {},
        "key4.2": []
      "key5": 5
      }""", """ {
      "key1": {
        "key1.1": "value1.1",
        "key1.2": "value1.2"
      "key3": [
          "key3.1": "value3.1",
          "key3.2": "value3.2"
          "key3.3": "value3.3"
      "key5": 5

A  => src/nimblepkg/lockfile.nim +57 -0
@@ 1,57 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.

import tables, os, json
import version, sha1hashes, packageinfotypes

  LockFileJsonKeys* = enum
    lfjkVersion = "version"
    lfjkPackages = "packages"
    lfjkPkgVcsRevision = "vcsRevision"
    lfjkTasks = "tasks"

  lockFileVersion = 2

proc initLockFileDep*: LockFileDep =
  result = LockFileDep(
    version: notSetVersion,
    vcsRevision: notSetSha1Hash,
    checksums: Checksums(sha1: notSetSha1Hash))

  notSetLockFileDep* = initLockFileDep()

proc writeLockFile*(fileName: string, packages: AllLockFileDeps) =
  ## Saves lock file on the disk in topologically sorted order of the
  ## dependencies.

  let mainJsonNode = %{
      $lfjkVersion: %lockFileVersion,
      $lfjkPackages: %packages[noTask]
  # Store task graph seperate
  mainJsonNode[$lfjkTasks] = newJObject()
  for task, deps in packages:
    if task != noTask:
      mainJsonNode[$lfjkTasks][task] = %deps

  var s = mainJsonNode.pretty
  s.add '\n'
  writeFile(fileName, s)

proc readLockFile*(filePath: string): AllLockFileDeps =
  {.warning[UnsafeDefault]: off.}
  {.warning[ProveInit]: off.}
  let data = parseFile(filePath)
  result[noTask] = data[$lfjkPackages].to(LockFileDeps)
  if $lfjkTasks in data:
    for task, deps in data[$lfjkTasks]:
      result[task] = deps.to(LockFileDeps)
  {.warning[ProveInit]: on.}
  {.warning[UnsafeDefault]: on.}

proc getLockedDependencies*(lockFile: string): AllLockFileDeps =
  if lockFile.fileExists:
    result = lockFile.readLockFile

A  => src/nimblepkg/nim.cfg +2 -0
@@ 1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file

A  => src/nimblepkg/nimbledatafile.nim +66 -0
@@ 1,66 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.

import json, os, strformat
import common, options, jsonhelpers, version, cli

  NimbleDataJsonKeys* = enum
    ndjkVersion = "version"
    ndjkRevDep = "reverseDeps"
    ndjkRevDepName = "name"
    ndjkRevDepVersion = "version"
    ndjkRevDepChecksum = "checksum"
    ndjkRevDepPath = "path"

  nimbleDataFileName* = "nimbledata2.json"
  nimbleDataFileVersion = 1

var isNimbleDataFileLoaded = false

proc saveNimbleData(filePath: string, nimbleData: JsonNode) =
  # TODO: This file should probably be locked.
  if isNimbleDataFileLoaded:
    writeFile(filePath, nimbleData.pretty)
    displayInfo(&"Nimble data file \"{filePath}\" has been saved.", LowPriority)

proc saveNimbleDataToDir(nimbleDir: string, nimbleData: JsonNode) =
  saveNimbleData(nimbleDir / nimbleDataFileName, nimbleData)

proc saveNimbleData*(options: Options) =
  saveNimbleDataToDir(options.getNimbleDir(), options.nimbleData)

proc newNimbleDataNode*(): JsonNode =
  %{ $ndjkVersion: %nimbleDataFileVersion, $ndjkRevDep: newJObject() }

proc removeDeadDevelopReverseDeps*(options: var Options) =
  template revDeps: var JsonNode = options.nimbleData[$ndjkRevDep]
  var hasDeleted = false
  for name, versions in revDeps:
    for version, hashSums in versions:
      for hashSum, dependencies in hashSums:
        for dep in dependencies:
          if dep.hasKey($ndjkRevDepPath) and
             not dep[$ndjkRevDepPath].str.dirExists:
            hasDeleted = true
  if hasDeleted:
    options.nimbleData[$ndjkRevDep] = cleanUpEmptyObjects(revDeps)

proc loadNimbleData*(options: var Options) =
    nimbleDir = options.getNimbleDir()
    fileName = nimbleDir / nimbleDataFileName

  if fileExists(fileName):
    options.nimbleData = parseFile(fileName)
    displayInfo(&"Nimble data file \"{fileName}\" has been loaded.",
    displayWarning(&"Nimble data file \"{fileName}\" is not found.",
    options.nimbleData = newNimbleDataNode()

  isNimbleDataFileLoaded = true

A  => src/nimblepkg/nimscriptapi.nim +204 -0
@@ 1,204 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.

## This module is implicitly imported in NimScript .nimble files.

import system except getCommand, setCommand, switch, `--`
import strformat, strutils, tables

when not defined(nimscript):
  import os

  packageName* = ""    ## Set this to the package name. It
                       ## is usually not required to do that, nims' filename is
                       ## the default.
  version*: string     ## The package's version.
  author*: string      ## The package's author.
  description*: string ## The package's description.
  license*: string     ## The package's license.
  srcdir*: string      ## The package's source directory.
  binDir*: string      ## The package's binary directory.
  backend*: string     ## The package's backend.

  skipDirs*, skipFiles*, skipExt*, installDirs*, installFiles*,
    installExt*, bin*: seq[string] = @[] ## Nimble metadata.
  requiresData*: seq[string] = @[] ## The package's dependencies.

  foreignDeps*: seq[string] = @[] ## The foreign dependencies. Only
                                  ## exported for 'distros.nim'.

  beforeHooks: seq[string] = @[]
  afterHooks: seq[string] = @[]
  commandLineParams: seq[string] = @[]
  flags: TableRef[string, seq[string]]

  command = "e"
  project = ""
  success = false
  retVal = true
  projectFile = ""
  outFile = ""

proc requires*(deps: varargs[string]) =
  ## Call this to set the list of requirements of your Nimble
  ## package.
  for d in deps: requiresData.add(d)

proc foreignDep*(deps: varargs[string]) =
  ## Call this to set the list of external dependencies of your Nimble
  ## package.
  for d in deps: foreignDeps.add(d)

proc getParams() =
  # Called by nimscriptwrapper.nim:execNimscript()
  #   nim e --flags /full/path/to/file.nims /full/path/to/file.out action
  for i in 2 .. paramCount():
      param = paramStr(i)
    if param[0] != '-':
      if projectFile.len == 0:
        projectFile = param
      elif outFile.len == 0:
        outFile = param
        commandLineParams.add param.normalize

proc getCommand*(): string =
  return command

proc setCommand*(cmd: string, prj = "") =
  command = cmd
  if prj.len != 0:
    project = prj

proc switch*(key: string, value="") =
  if flags.isNil:
    flags = newTable[string, seq[string]]()

  if flags.hasKey(key):
    flags[key] = @[value]

template `--`*(key, val: untyped) =
  switch(astToStr(key), strip astToStr(val))

template `--`*(key: untyped) =
  switch(astToStr(key), "")

template printIfLen(varName) =
  if varName.len != 0:
    result &= astToStr(varName) & ": \"\"\"" & varName & "\"\"\"\n"

template printSeqIfLen(varName) =
  if varName.len != 0:
    result &= astToStr(varName) & ": \"" & varName.join(", ") & "\"\n"

proc printPkgInfo(): string =
  if backend.len == 0:
    backend = "c"

  result = "[Package]\n"
  if packageName.len != 0:
    result &= "name: \"" & packageName & "\"\n"
  printIfLen version
  printIfLen author
  printIfLen description
  printIfLen license
  printIfLen srcdir
  printIfLen binDir
  printIfLen backend

  printSeqIfLen skipDirs
  printSeqIfLen skipFiles
  printSeqIfLen skipExt
  printSeqIfLen installDirs
  printSeqIfLen installFiles
  printSeqIfLen installExt
  printSeqIfLen bin
  printSeqIfLen beforeHooks
  printSeqIfLen afterHooks

  if requiresData.len != 0 or foreignDeps.len != 0:
    result &= "\n[Deps]\n"
    if requiresData.len != 0:
      result &= &"requires: \"{requiresData.join(\", \")}\"\n"
    if foreignDeps.len != 0:
      result &= &"foreignDeps: \"{foreignDeps.join(\", \")}\"\n"

proc onExit*() =
  if "printPkgInfo".normalize in commandLineParams:
    if outFile.len != 0:
      writeFile(outFile, printPkgInfo())
      output = ""
    output &= "\"success\": " & $success & ", "
    output &= "\"command\": \"" & command & "\", "
    if project.len != 0:
      output &= "\"project\": \"" & project & "\", "
    if not flags.isNil and flags.len != 0:
      output &= "\"flags\": {"
      for key, val in flags.pairs:
        output &= "\"" & key & "\": ["
        for v in val:
          let v = if v.len > 0 and v[0] == '"': strutils.unescape(v)
                  else: v
          output &= v.escape & ", "
        output = output[0 .. ^3] & "], "
      output = output[0 .. ^3] & "}, "

    output &= "\"retVal\": " & $retVal

    if outFile.len != 0:
      writeFile(outFile, "{" & output & "}")

# TODO: New release of Nim will move this `task` template under a
# `when not defined(nimble)`. This will allow us to override it in the future.
template task*(name: untyped; description: string; body: untyped): untyped =
  ## Defines a task. Hidden tasks are supported via an empty description.
  ## Example:
  ## .. code-block:: nim
  ##  task build, "default build is via the C backend":
  ##    setCommand "c"
  proc `name Task`*() = body

  if commandLineParams.len == 0 or "help" in commandLineParams:
    success = true
    echo(astToStr(name), "        ", description)
  elif astToStr(name).normalize in commandLineParams:
    success = true
    `name Task`()

template before*(action: untyped, body: untyped): untyped =
  ## Defines a block of code which is evaluated before ``action`` is executed.
  proc `action Before`*(): bool =
    result = true

  beforeHooks.add astToStr(action)

  if (astToStr(action) & "Before").normalize in commandLineParams:
    success = true
    retVal = `action Before`()

template after*(action: untyped, body: untyped): untyped =
  ## Defines a block of code which is evaluated after ``action`` is executed.
  proc `action After`*(): bool =
    result = true

  afterHooks.add astToStr(action)

  if (astToStr(action) & "After").normalize in commandLineParams:
    success = true
    retVal = `action After`()

proc getPkgDir*(): string =
  ## Returns the package directory containing the .nimble file currently
  ## being evaluated.
  result = projectFile.rsplit(seps={'/', '\\', ':'}, maxsplit=1)[0]


A  => src/nimblepkg/nimscriptexecutor.nim +76 -0
@@ 1,76 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.

import os, strutils, sets

import packageparser, common, packageinfo, options, nimscriptwrapper, cli,

proc execHook*(options: Options, hookAction: ActionType, before: bool): bool =
  ## Returns whether to continue.
  result = true

  # For certain commands hooks should not be evaluated.
  if hookAction in noHookActions:

  var nimbleFile = ""
    nimbleFile = findNimbleFile(getCurrentDir(), true)
  except NimbleError: return true
  # PackageInfos are cached so we can read them as many times as we want.
  let pkgInfo = getPkgInfoFromFile(nimbleFile, options)
  let actionName =
    if hookAction == actionCustom: options.action.command
    else: ($hookAction)[6 .. ^1]
  let hookExists =
    if before: actionName.normalize in pkgInfo.preHooks
    else: actionName.normalize in pkgInfo.postHooks
  if pkgInfo.isNimScript and hookExists:
    let res = execHook(nimbleFile, actionName, before, options)
    if res.success:
      result = res.retVal

proc execCustom*(options: Options,
                 execResult: var ExecutionResult[bool],
                 failFast = true): bool =
  ## Executes the custom command using the nimscript backend.
  ## If failFast is true then exceptions will be raised when something is wrong.
  ## Otherwise this function will just return false.

  # Custom command. Attempt to call a NimScript task.
  let nimbleFile = findNimbleFile(getCurrentDir(), true)
  if not nimbleFile.isNimScript(options) and failFast:

  execResult = execTask(nimbleFile, options.action.command, options)
  if not execResult.success:
    if not failFast:
    raiseNimbleError(msg = "Could not find task $1 in $2" %
                           [options.action.command, nimbleFile],
                     hint = "Run `nimble --help` and/or `nimble tasks` for" &
                            " a list of possible commands.")

  if execResult.command.normalize == "nop":
    display("Warning:", "Using `setCommand 'nop'` is not necessary.", Warning,

  if not execHook(options, actionCustom, false):

  return true

proc getOptionsForCommand*(execResult: ExecutionResult,
                           options: Options): Options =
  ## Creates an Options object for the requested command.
  var newOptions = options.briefClone()
  parseCommand(execResult.command, newOptions)
  for arg in execResult.arguments:
    parseArgument(arg, newOptions)
  for flag, vals in execResult.flags:
    for val in vals:
      parseFlag(flag, val, newOptions)
  return newOptions

A  => src/nimblepkg/nimscriptwrapper.nim +216 -0
@@ 1,216 @@
# Copyright (C) Andreas Rumpf. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.

## Implements the new configuration system for Nimble. Uses Nim as a
## scripting language.

import hashes, json, os, strutils, tables, times, osproc, strtabs

import version, options, cli, tools

  Flags = TableRef[string, seq[string]]
  ExecutionResult*[T] = object
    success*: bool
    command*: string
    arguments*: seq[string]
    flags*: Flags
    retVal*: T
    stdout*: string

  internalCmd = "e"
  nimscriptApi = staticRead("nimscriptapi.nim")
  printPkgInfo = "printPkgInfo"

proc isCustomTask(actionName: string, options: Options): bool =
  options.action.typ == actionCustom and actionName != printPkgInfo

proc needsLiveOutput(actionName: string, options: Options, isHook: bool): bool =
  let isCustomTask = isCustomTask(actionName, options)
  return isCustomTask or isHook or actionName == ""

proc writeExecutionOutput(data: string) =
  # TODO: in the future we will likely want this to be live, users will
  # undoubtedly be doing loops and other crazy things in their top-level
  # Nimble files.
  display("Info", data)

proc execNimscript(
  nimsFile, projectDir, actionName: string, options: Options, isHook: bool
): tuple[output: string, exitCode: int, stdout: string] =
    nimsFileCopied = getTempDir() / nimsFile.splitFile().name & "_" & getProcessId() & ".nims"
    outFile = getNimbleTempDir() & ".out"

    isScriptResultCopied =
      nimsFileCopied.fileExists() and
      nimsFileCopied.getLastModificationTime() >= nimsFile.getLastModificationTime()

  if not isScriptResultCopied:

    # Only if copied in this invocation, allows recursive calls of nimble
    if not isScriptResultCopied and options.shouldRemoveTmp(nimsFileCopied):

  var cmd = (
    "nim e $# -p:$# $# $# $#" % [
      "--hints:off --verbosity:0",
      (getTempDir() / "nimblecache").quoteShell,

  let isCustomTask = isCustomTask(actionName, options)
  if isCustomTask:
    for i in options.action.arguments:
      cmd &= " " & i.quoteShell()
    for key, val in options.action.flags.pairs():
      cmd &= " $#$#" % [if key.len == 1: "-" else: "--", key]
      if val.len != 0:
        cmd &= ":" & val.quoteShell()

  displayDebug("Executing " & cmd)

  if needsLiveOutput(actionName, options, isHook):
    result.exitCode = execCmd(cmd)
    # We want to capture any possible errors when parsing a .nimble
    # file's metadata. See #710.
    (result.stdout, result.exitCode) = execCmdEx(cmd)
  if outFile.fileExists():
    result.output = outFile.readFile()
    if options.shouldRemoveTmp(outFile):
      discard outFile.tryRemoveFile()

proc getNimsFile(scriptName: string, options: Options): string =
    cacheDir = getTempDir() / "nimblecache"
    shash = $scriptName.parentDir().hash().abs()
    prjCacheDir = cacheDir / scriptName.splitFile().name & "_" & shash
    nimscriptApiFile = cacheDir / "nimscriptapi.nim"

  result = prjCacheDir / scriptName.extractFilename().changeFileExt ".nims"

    iniFile = result.changeFileExt(".ini")

    isNimscriptApiCached =
      nimscriptApiFile.fileExists() and nimscriptApiFile.getLastModificationTime() > 
    isScriptResultCached =
      isNimscriptApiCached and result.fileExists() and result.getLastModificationTime() >

  if not isNimscriptApiCached:
    writeFile(nimscriptApiFile, nimscriptApi)

  if not isScriptResultCached:
    writeFile(result, """
import system except getCommand, setCommand, switch, `--`,
  packageName, version, author, description, license, srcDir, binDir, backend,
  skipDirs, skipFiles, skipExt, installDirs, installFiles, installExt, bin, foreignDeps,
  requires, task, packageName
""" &
      "import nimscriptapi, strutils\n" & scriptName.readFile() & "\nonExit()\n")
    discard tryRemoveFile(iniFile)

proc getIniFile*(scriptName: string, options: Options): string =
    nimsFile = getNimsFile(scriptName, options)

  result = nimsFile.changeFileExt(".ini")

    isIniResultCached =
      result.fileExists() and result.getLastModificationTime() >

  if not isIniResultCached:
    let (output, exitCode, stdout) = execNimscript(
      nimsFile, scriptName.parentDir(), printPkgInfo, options, isHook=false

    if exitCode == 0 and output.len != 0:
      raise newException(NimbleError, stdout & "\nprintPkgInfo() failed")

proc execScript(
  scriptName, actionName: string, options: Options, isHook: bool
): ExecutionResult[bool] =
  let nimsFile = getNimsFile(scriptName, options)

  let (output, exitCode, stdout) =
      nimsFile, scriptName.parentDir(), actionName, options, isHook

  if exitCode != 0:
    let errMsg =
      if stdout.len != 0:
        "Exception raised during nimble script execution"
    raise newException(NimbleError, errMsg)

    j =
      if output.len != 0:

  result.flags = newTable[string, seq[string]]()
  result.success = j{"success"}.getBool()
  result.command = j{"command"}.getStr()
  if "project" in j:
    result.arguments.add j["project"].getStr()
  if "flags" in j:
    for flag, vals in j["flags"].pairs:
      result.flags[flag] = @[]
      for val in vals.items():
        result.flags[flag].add val.getStr()
  result.retVal = j{"retVal"}.getBool()


proc execTask*(scriptName, taskName: string,
    options: Options): ExecutionResult[bool] =
  ## Executes the specified task in the specified script.
  ## `scriptName` should be a filename pointing to the nimscript file.
  display("Executing",  "task $# in $#" % [taskName, scriptName],
          priority = HighPriority)

  result = execScript(scriptName, taskName, options, isHook=false)

proc execHook*(scriptName, actionName: string, before: bool,
    options: Options): ExecutionResult[bool] =
  ## Executes the specified action's hook. Depending on ``before``, either
  ## the "before" or the "after" hook.
  ## `scriptName` should be a filename pointing to the nimscript file.
  let hookName =
    if before: actionName.toLowerAscii & "Before"
    else: actionName.toLowerAscii & "After"
  display("Attempting", "to execute hook $# in $#" % [hookName, scriptName],
          priority = MediumPriority)

  result = execScript(scriptName, hookName, options, isHook=true)

proc hasTaskRequestedCommand*(execResult: ExecutionResult): bool =
  ## Determines whether the last executed task used ``setCommand``
  return execResult.command != internalCmd

proc listTasks*(scriptName: string, options: Options) =
  discard execScript(scriptName, "", options, isHook=false)

A  => src/nimblepkg/options.nim +534 -0
@@ 1,534 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.

import json, strutils, os, parseopt, strtabs, uri, tables, terminal
import sequtils, sugar
import std/options as std_opt
from httpclient import Proxy, newProxy

import config, version, common, cli

  Options* = object
    forcePrompts*: ForcePrompt
    depsOnly*: bool
    uninstallRevDeps*: bool
    queryVersions*: bool
    queryInstalled*: bool
    nimbleDir*: string
    verbosity*: cli.Priority
    action*: Action
    config*: Config
    nimbleData*: JsonNode ## Nimbledata.json
    pkgInfoCache*: TableRef[string, PackageInfo]
    showHelp*: bool
    showVersion*: bool
    noColor*: bool
    disableValidation*: bool
    continueTestsOnFailure*: bool
    ## Whether packages' repos should always be downloaded with their history.
    forceFullClone*: bool
    # Temporary storage of flags that have not been captured by any specific Action.
    unknownFlags*: seq[(CmdLineKind, string, string)]

  ActionType* = enum
    actionNil, actionRefresh, actionInit, actionDump, actionPublish,
    actionInstall, actionSearch,
    actionList, actionBuild, actionPath, actionUninstall, actionCompile,
    actionDoc, actionCustom, actionTasks, actionDevelop, actionCheck,

  Action* = object
    case typ*: ActionType
    of actionNil, actionList, actionPublish, actionTasks, actionCheck: nil
    of actionRefresh:
      optionalURL*: string # Overrides default package list.
    of actionInstall, actionPath, actionUninstall, actionDevelop:
      packages*: seq[PkgTuple] # Optional only for actionInstall
                               # and actionDevelop.
      passNimFlags*: seq[string]
    of actionSearch:
      search*: seq[string] # Search string.
    of actionInit, actionDump:
      projName*: string
    of actionCompile, actionDoc, actionBuild:
      file*: string
      backend*: string
      compileOptions: seq[string]
    of actionRun:
      runFile: string
      compileFlags: seq[string]
      runFlags*: seq[string]
    of actionCustom:
      command*: string
      arguments*: seq[string]
      flags*: StringTableRef

  help* = """
Usage: nimble COMMAND [opts]

  install      [pkgname, ...]     Installs a list of packages.
               [-d, --depsOnly]   Install only dependencies.
               [-p, --passNim]    Forward specified flag to compiler.
  develop      [pkgname, ...]     Clones a list of packages for development.
                                  Symlinks the cloned packages or any package
                                  in the current working directory.
  check                           Verifies the validity of a package in the
                                  current working directory.
  init         [pkgname]          Initializes a new Nimble project in the
                                  current directory or if a name is provided a
                                  new directory of the same name.
  publish                         Publishes a package on nim-lang/packages.
                                  The current working directory needs to be the
                                  toplevel directory of the Nimble package.
  uninstall    [pkgname, ...]     Uninstalls a list of packages.
               [-i, --inclDeps]   Uninstall package and dependent package(s).
  build        [opts, ...] [bin]  Builds a package.
  run          [opts, ...] bin    Builds and runs a package.
                                  A binary name needs
                                  to be specified after any compilation options,
                                  any flags after the binary name are passed to
                                  the binary when it is run.
  c, cc, js    [opts, ...] f.nim  Builds a file inside a package. Passes options
                                  to the Nim compiler.
  test                            Compiles and executes tests
               [-c, --continue]   Don't stop execution on a failed test.
  doc, doc2    [opts, ...] f.nim  Builds documentation for a file inside a
                                  package. Passes options to the Nim compiler.
  refresh      [url]              Refreshes the package list. A package list URL
                                  can be optionally specified.
  search       pkg/tag            Searches for a specified package. Search is
                                  performed by tag and by name.
               [--json]           Format output as JSON.
               [--ver]            Query remote server for package version.
  list                            Lists all packages.
               [--json]           Format output as JSON.
               [--ver]            Query remote server for package version.
               [-i, --installed]  Lists all installed packages.
  tasks                           Lists the tasks specified in the Nimble
                                  package's Nimble file.
  path         pkgname ...        Shows absolute path to the installed packages
  dump         [pkgname]          Outputs Nimble package information for
                                  external tools. The argument can be a
                                  .nimble file, a project directory or
                                  the name of an installed package.

  -h, --help                      Print this help message.
  -v, --version                   Print version information.
  -y, --accept                    Accept all interactive prompts.
  -n, --reject                    Reject all interactive prompts.
      --json                      Produce JSON formatted output when
                                  searching or listing packages
      --ver                       Query remote server for package version
                                  information when searching or listing packages
      --nimbleDir:dirname         Set the Nimble directory.
      --verbose                   Show all non-debug output.
      --debug                     Show all output including debug messages.
      --noColor                   Don't colorise output.

For more information read the Github readme:

const noHookActions* = {actionCheck}

proc writeHelp*(quit=true) =
  if quit:
    raise NimbleQuit(msg: "")

proc writeVersion*() =
  echo("nimble v$# compiled at $# $#" %
      [nimbleVersion, CompileDate, CompileTime])
  const execResult = gorgeEx("git rev-parse HEAD")
  when execResult[0].len > 0 and execResult[1] == QuitSuccess:
    echo "git hash: ", execResult[0]
    {.warning: "Couldn't determine GIT hash: " & execResult[0].}
    echo "git hash: couldn't determine git hash"
  raise NimbleQuit(msg: "")

proc parseActionType*(action: string): ActionType =
  case action.normalize()
  of "install":
    result = actionInstall
  of "path":
    result = actionPath
  of "build":
    result = actionBuild
  of "run":
    result = actionRun
  of "c", "compile", "js", "cpp", "cc":
    result = actionCompile
  of "doc", "doc2":
    result = actionDoc
  of "init":
    result = actionInit
  of "dump":
    result = actionDump
  of "update", "refresh":
    result = actionRefresh
  of "search":
    result = actionSearch
  of "list":
    result = actionList
  of "uninstall", "remove", "delete", "del", "rm":
    result = actionUninstall
  of "publish":
    result = actionPublish
  of "tasks":
    result = actionTasks
  of "develop":
    result = actionDevelop
  of "check":
    result = actionCheck
    result = actionCustom

proc initAction*(options: var Options, key: string) =
  ## Intialises `options.actions` fields based on `options.actions.typ` and
  ## `key`.
  let keyNorm = key.normalize()
  case options.action.typ
  of actionInstall, actionPath, actionDevelop, actionUninstall:
    options.action.packages = @[]
    options.action.passNimFlags = @[]
  of actionCompile, actionDoc, actionBuild:
    options.action.compileOptions = @[]
    options.action.file = ""
    if keyNorm == "c" or keyNorm == "compile": options.action.backend = ""
    else: options.action.backend = keyNorm
  of actionInit:
    options.action.projName = ""
  of actionDump:
    options.action.projName = ""
    options.forcePrompts = forcePromptYes
  of actionRefresh:
    options.action.optionalURL = ""
  of actionSearch:
    options.action.search = @[]
  of actionCustom:
    options.action.command = key
    options.action.arguments = @[]
    options.action.flags = newStringTable()
  of actionPublish, actionList, actionTasks, actionCheck, actionRun,
     actionNil: discard

proc prompt*(options: Options, question: string): bool =
  ## Asks an interactive question and returns the result.
  ## The proc will return immediately without asking the user if the global
  ## forcePrompts has a value different than dontForcePrompt.
  return prompt(options.forcePrompts, question)

proc promptCustom*(options: Options, question, default: string): string =
  ## Asks an interactive question and returns the result.
  ## The proc will return "default" without asking the user if the global
  ## forcePrompts is forcePromptYes.
  return promptCustom(options.forcePrompts, question, default)

proc promptList*(options: Options, question: string, args: openarray[string]): string =
  ## Asks an interactive question and returns the result.
  ## The proc will return one of the provided args. If not prompting the first
  ## options is selected.
  return promptList(options.forcePrompts, question, args)

proc getNimbleDir*(options: Options): string =
  result = options.config.nimbleDir
  if options.nimbleDir.len != 0:
    # --nimbleDir:<dir> takes priority...
    result = options.nimbleDir
    # ...followed by the environment variable.
    let env = getEnv("NIMBLE_DIR")
    if env.len != 0:
      display("Warning:", "Using the environment variable: NIMBLE_DIR='" &
                        env & "'", Warning)
      result = env

  return expandTilde(result)

proc getPkgsDir*(options: Options): string =
  options.getNimbleDir() / "pkgs"

proc getBinDir*(options: Options): string =
  options.getNimbleDir() / "bin"

proc parseCommand*(key: string, result: var Options) =
  result.action = Action(typ: parseActionType(key))
  initAction(result, key)

proc parseArgument*(key: string, result: var Options) =
  case result.action.typ
  of actionNil:
    assert false
  of actionInstall, actionPath, actionDevelop, actionUninstall:
    # Parse pkg@verRange
    if '@' in key:
      let i = find(key, '@')
      let (pkgName, pkgVer) = (key[0 .. i-1], key[i+1 .. key.len-1])
      if pkgVer.len == 0:
        raise newException(NimbleError, "Version range expected after '@'.")
      result.action.packages.add((pkgName, pkgVer.parseVersionRange()))
      result.action.packages.add((key, VersionRange(kind: verAny)))
  of actionRefresh:
    result.action.optionalURL = key
  of actionSearch:
  of actionInit, actionDump:
    if result.action.projName != "":
      raise newException(
        NimbleError, "Can only perform this action on one package at a time."
    result.action.projName = key
  of actionCompile, actionDoc:
    result.action.file = key
  of actionList, actionPublish:
    result.showHelp = true
  of actionBuild:
    result.action.file = key
  of actionRun:
    if result.action.runFile.len == 0:
      result.action.runFile = key
  of actionCustom:

proc getFlagString(kind: CmdLineKind, flag, val: string): string =
  let prefix =
    case kind
    of cmdShortOption: "-"
    of cmdLongOption: "--"
    else: ""
  if val == "":
    return prefix & flag
    return prefix & flag & ":" & val

proc parseFlag*(flag, val: string, result: var Options, kind = cmdLongOption) =

  let f = flag.normalize()

  # Global flags.
  var isGlobalFlag = true
  case f
  of "help", "h": result.showHelp = true
  of "version", "v": result.showVersion = true
  of "accept", "y": result.forcePrompts = forcePromptYes
  of "reject", "n": result.forcePrompts = forcePromptNo
  of "nimbledir": result.nimbleDir = val
  of "verbose": result.verbosity = LowPriority
  of "debug": result.verbosity = DebugPriority
  of "nocolor": result.noColor = true
  of "disablevalidation": result.disableValidation = true
  else: isGlobalFlag = false

  var wasFlagHandled = true
  # Action-specific flags.
  case result.action.typ
  of actionSearch, actionList:
    case f
    of "installed", "i":
      result.queryInstalled = true
    of "ver":
      result.queryVersions = true
    of "json":
      result.jsonOutput = true
      wasFlagHandled = false
  of actionInstall:
    case f
    of "depsonly", "d":
      result.depsOnly = true
    of "passnim", "p":
      wasFlagHandled = false
  of actionUninstall:
    case f
    of "incldeps", "i":
      result.uninstallRevDeps = true
      wasFlagHandled = false
  of actionCompile, actionDoc, actionBuild:
    if not isGlobalFlag:
      result.action.compileOptions.add(getFlagString(kind, flag, val))
  of actionRun:
    result.action.runFlags.add(getFlagString(kind, flag, val))
  of actionCustom:
    if result.action.command.normalize == "test":
      if f == "continue" or f == "c":
        result.continueTestsOnFailure = true
    result.action.flags[flag] = val
    wasFlagHandled = false

  if not wasFlagHandled and not isGlobalFlag:
    result.unknownFlags.add((kind, flag, val))

proc initOptions(): Options =
    action: Action(typ: actionNil),
    pkgInfoCache: newTable[string, PackageInfo](),
    verbosity: HighPriority,
    noColor: not isatty(stdout)

proc parseMisc(options: var Options) =
  # Load nimbledata.json
  let nimbledataFilename = options.getNimbleDir() / "nimbledata.json"

  if fileExists(nimbledataFilename):
      options.nimbleData = parseFile(nimbledataFilename)
      raise newException(NimbleError, "Couldn't parse nimbledata.json file " &
          "located at " & nimbledataFilename)
    options.nimbleData = %{"reverseDeps": newJObject()}

proc handleUnknownFlags(options: var Options) =
  if options.action.typ == actionRun:
    # ActionRun uses flags that come before the command as compilation flags
    # and flags that come after as run flags.
    options.action.compileFlags =
      map(options.unknownFlags, x => getFlagString(x[0], x[1], x[2]))
    options.unknownFlags = @[]
    # For everything else, handle the flags that came before the command
    # normally.
    let unknownFlags = options.unknownFlags
    options.unknownFlags = @[]
    for flag in unknownFlags:
      parseFlag(flag[1], flag[2], options, flag[0])

  # Any unhandled flags?
  if options.unknownFlags.len > 0:
    let flag = options.unknownFlags[0]
    raise newException(
      "Unknown option: " & getFlagString(flag[0], flag[1], flag[2])

proc parseCmdLine*(): Options =
  result = initOptions()

  # Parse command line params first. A simple `--version` shouldn't require
  # a config to be parsed.
  for kind, key, val in getOpt():
    case kind
    of cmdArgument:
      if result.action.typ == actionNil:
        parseCommand(key, result)
        parseArgument(key, result)
    of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
      parseFlag(key, val, result, kind)
    of cmdEnd: assert(false) # cannot happen


  # Set verbosity level.

  # Set whether color should be shown.
  setShowColor(not result.noColor)

  # Parse config.
  result.config = parseConfig()

  # Parse other things, for example the nimbledata.json file.

  if result.action.typ == actionNil and not result.showVersion:
    result.showHelp = true

  if result.action.typ != actionNil and result.showVersion:
    # We've got another command that should be handled. For example:
    # nimble run foobar -v
    result.showVersion = false

proc getProxy*(options: Options): Proxy =
  ## Returns ``nil`` if no proxy is specified.
  var url = ""
  if ($options.config.httpProxy).len > 0:
    url = $options.config.httpProxy
      if existsEnv("http_proxy"):
        url = getEnv("http_proxy")
      elif existsEnv("https_proxy"):
        url = getEnv("https_proxy")
      elif existsEnv("HTTP_PROXY"):
        url = getEnv("HTTP_PROXY")
      elif existsEnv("HTTPS_PROXY"):
        url = getEnv("HTTPS_PROXY")
    except ValueError:
      display("Warning:", "Unable to parse proxy from environment: " &
          getCurrentExceptionMsg(), Warning, HighPriority)

  if url.len > 0:
    var parsed = parseUri(url)
    if parsed.scheme.len == 0 or parsed.hostname.len == 0:
      parsed = parseUri("http://" & url)
    let auth =
      if parsed.username.len > 0: parsed.username & ":" & parsed.password
      else: ""
    return newProxy($parsed, auth)
    return nil

proc briefClone*(options: Options): Options =
  ## Clones the few important fields and creates a new Options object.
  var newOptions = initOptions()
  newOptions.config = options.config
  newOptions.nimbleData = options.nimbleData
  newOptions.nimbleDir = options.nimbleDir
  newOptions.forcePrompts = options.forcePrompts
  newOptions.pkgInfoCache = options.pkgInfoCache
  return newOptions

proc shouldRemoveTmp*(options: Options, file: string): bool =
  result = true
  if options.verbosity <= DebugPriority:
    let msg = "Not removing temporary path because of debug verbosity: " & file
    display("Warning:", msg, Warning, MediumPriority)
    return false

proc getCompilationFlags*(options: var Options): var seq[string] =
  case options.action.typ
  of actionBuild, actionDoc, actionCompile:
    return options.action.compileOptions
  of actionRun:
    return options.action.compileFlags
    assert false

proc getCompilationFlags*(options: Options): seq[string] =
  var opt = options
  return opt.getCompilationFlags()

proc getCompilationBinary*(options: Options): Option[string] =
  case options.action.typ
  of actionBuild, actionDoc, actionCompile:
    let file = options.action.file.changeFileExt("")
    if file.len > 0:
      return some(file)
  of actionRun:
    let runFile = options.action.runFile.changeFileExt(ExeExt)
    if runFile.len > 0:
      return some(runFile)
\ No newline at end of file

A  => src/nimblepkg/packageinfo.nim +577 -0
@@ 1,577 @@
# Copyright (C) Dominik Picheta. All rights reserved.
# BSD License. Look at license.txt for more info.

# Stdlib imports
import system except TResult
import hashes, json, strutils, os, sets, tables, httpclient

# Local imports
import version, tools, common, options, cli, config

  Package* = object ## Definition of package from packages.json.
    # Required fields in a package.
    name*: string
    url*: string # Download location.
    license*: string
    downloadMethod*: string
    description*: string
    tags*: seq[string] # Even if empty, always a valid non nil seq. \
    # From here on, optional fields set to the empty string if not available.
    version*: string
    dvcsTag*: string
    web*: string # Info url for humans.
    alias*: string ## A name of another package, that this package aliases.

  MetaData* = object
    url*: string

  NimbleLink* = object
    nimbleFilePath*: string
    packageDir*: string

proc initPackageInfo*(path: string): PackageInfo =
  result.myPath = path
  result.specialVersion = ""
  # reasonable default:
  result.name = path.splitFile.name
  result.version = ""
  result.author = ""
  result.description = ""
  result.license = ""
  result.skipDirs = @[]
  result.skipFiles = @[]
  result.skipExt = @[]
  result.installDirs = @[]
  result.installFiles = @[]
  result.installExt = @[]
  result.requires = @[]
  result.foreignDeps = @[]
  result.bin = @[]
  result.srcDir = ""
  result.binDir = ""
  result.backend = "c"

proc toValidPackageName*(name: string): string =
  result = ""
  for c in name:
    case c
    of '_', '-':
      if result[^1] != '_': result.add('_')
    of AllChars - IdentChars - {'-'}: discard
    else: result.add(c)

proc getNameVersion*(pkgpath: string): tuple[name, version: string] =
  ## Splits ``pkgpath`` in the format ``/home/user/.nimble/pkgs/package-0.1``
  ## into ``(packagea, 0.1)``
  ## Also works for file paths like:
  ##   ``/home/user/.nimble/pkgs/package-0.1/package.nimble``
  if pkgPath.splitFile.ext in [".nimble", ".nimble-link", ".babel"]:
    return getNameVersion(pkgPath.splitPath.head)

  result.name = ""
  result.version = ""
  let tail = pkgpath.splitPath.tail

  const specialSeparator = "-#"
  var sepIdx = tail.find(specialSeparator)
  if sepIdx == -1:
    sepIdx = tail.rfind('-')

  if sepIdx == -1:
    result.name = tail

  result.name = tail[0 .. sepIdx - 1]
  result.version = tail.substr(sepIdx + 1)

proc optionalField(obj: JsonNode, name: string, default = ""): string =
  ## Queries ``obj`` for the optional ``name`` string.
  ## Returns the value of ``name`` if it is a valid string, or aborts execution
  ## if the field exists but is not of string type. If ``name`` is not present,
  ## returns ``default``.
  if hasKey(obj, name):
    if obj[name].kind == JString:
      return obj[name].str
      raise newException(NimbleError, "Corrupted packages.json file. " & name &
          " field is of unexpected type.")
  else: return default

proc requiredField(obj: JsonNode, name: string): string =
  ## Queries ``obj`` for the required ``name`` string.
  ## Aborts execution if the field does not exist or is of invalid json type.
  result = optionalField(obj, name)
  if result.len == 0:
    raise newException(NimbleError,
        "Package in packages.json file does not contain a " & name & " field.")

proc fromJson(obj: JSonNode): Package =
  ## Constructs a Package object from a JSON node.
  ## Aborts execution if the JSON node doesn't contain the required fields.
  result.name = obj.requiredField("name")
  if obj.hasKey("alias"):
    result.alias = obj.requiredField("alias")
    result.alias = ""
    result.version = obj.optionalField("version")
    result.url = obj.optionalField("url")
    result.downloadMethod = obj.optionalField("method")
    result.dvcsTag = obj.optionalField("dvcs-tag")
    result.license = obj.requiredField("license")
    result.tags = @[]
    for t in obj["tags"]:
    result.description = obj.requiredField("description")
    result.web = obj.optionalField("web")

proc readMetaData*(path: string): MetaData =
  ## Reads the metadata present in ``~/.nimble/pkgs/pkg-0.1/nimblemeta.json``
  var bmeta = path / "nimblemeta.json"
  if not existsFile(bmeta):
    result.url = ""
    display("Warning:", "No nimblemeta.json file found in " & path,
            Warning, HighPriority)
    # TODO: Make this an error.
  let cont = readFile(bmeta)
  let jsonmeta = parseJson(cont)
  result.url = jsonmeta["url"].str

proc readNimbleLink*(nimbleLinkPath: string): NimbleLink =
  let s = readFile(nimbleLinkPath).splitLines()
  result.nimbleFilePath = s[0]
  result.packageDir = s[1]

proc writeNimbleLink*(nimbleLinkPath: string, contents: NimbleLink) =
  let c = contents.nimbleFilePath & "\n" & contents.packageDir
  writeFile(nimbleLinkPath, c)

proc needsRefresh*(options: Options): bool =
  ## Determines whether a ``nimble refresh`` is needed.
  ## In the future this will check a stored time stamp to determine how long
  ## ago the package list was refreshed.
  result = true
  for name, list in options.config.packageLists:
    if fileExists(options.getNimbleDir() / "packages_" & name & ".json"):
      result = false

proc validatePackagesList(path: string): bool =
  ## Determines whether package list at ``path`` is valid.
    let pkgList = parseFile(path)
    if pkgList.kind == JArray:
      if pkgList.len == 0:
        display("Warning:", path & " contains no packages.", Warning,
      return true
  except ValueError, JsonParsingError:
    return false

proc fetchList*(list: PackageList, options: Options) =
  ## Downloads or copies the specified package list and saves it in $nimbleDir.
  let verb = if list.urls.len > 0: "Downloading" else: "Copying"
  display(verb, list.name & " package list", priority = HighPriority)

    lastError = ""
    copyFromPath = ""
  if list.urls.len > 0:
    for i in 0 ..< list.urls.len:
      let url = list.urls[i]
      display("Trying", url)
      let tempPath = options.getNimbleDir() / "packages_temp.json"

      # Grab the proxy
      let proxy = getProxy(options)
      if not proxy.isNil:
        var maskedUrl = proxy.url
        if maskedUrl.password.len > 0: maskedUrl.password = "***"
        display("Connecting", "to proxy at " & $maskedUrl,
                priority = LowPriority)

        let client = newHttpClient(proxy = proxy)
        client.downloadFile(url, tempPath)
        let message = "Could not download: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg()
        display("Warning:", message, Warning)
        lastError = message

      if not validatePackagesList(tempPath):
        lastError = "Downloaded packages.json file is invalid"
        display("Warning:", lastError & ", discarding.", Warning)

      copyFromPath = tempPath
      display("Success", "Package list downloaded.", Success, HighPriority)
      lastError = ""

  elif list.path != "":
    if not validatePackagesList(list.path):
      lastError = "Copied packages.json file is invalid"
      display("Warning:", lastError & ", discarding.", Warning)
      copyFromPath = list.path
      display("Success", "Package list copied.", Success, HighPriority)

  if lastError.len != 0:
    raise newException(NimbleError, "Refresh failed\n" & lastError)

  if copyFromPath.len > 0:
        options.getNimbleDir() / "packages_$1.json" % list.name.toLowerAscii())

proc readPackageList(name: string, options: Options): JsonNode =
  # If packages.json is not present ask the user if they want to download it.
  if needsRefresh(options):
    if options.prompt("No local packages.json found, download it from " &
      for name, list in options.config.packageLists:
        fetchList(list, options)
      # The user might not need a package list for now. So let's try
      # going further.
      return newJArray()
  return parseFile(options.getNimbleDir() / "packages_" &
                   name.toLowerAscii() & ".json")

proc getPackage*(pkg: string, options: Options, resPkg: var Package): bool
proc resolveAlias(pkg: Package, options: Options): Package =
  result = pkg
  # Resolve alias.
  if pkg.alias.len > 0:
    display("Warning:", "The $1 package has been renamed to $2" %
            [pkg.name, pkg.alias], Warning, HighPriority)
    if not getPackage(pkg.alias, options, result):
      raise newException(NimbleError, "Alias for package not found: " &

proc getPackage*(pkg: string, options: Options, resPkg: var Package): bool =
  ## Searches any packages.json files defined in ``options.config.packageLists``
  ## Saves the found package into ``resPkg``.
  ## Pass in ``pkg`` the name of the package you are searching for. As
  ## convenience the proc returns a boolean specifying if the ``resPkg`` was
  ## successfully filled with good data.
  ## Aliases are handled and resolved.
  for name, list in options.config.packageLists:
    display("Reading", "$1 package list" % name, priority = LowPriority)
    let packages = readPackageList(name, options)
    for p in packages:
      if normalize(p["name"].str) == normalize(pkg):
        resPkg = p.fromJson()
        resPkg = resolveAlias(resPkg, options)
        return true

proc getPackageList*(options: Options): seq[Package] =
  ## Returns the list of packages found in the downloaded packages.json files.
  result = @[]
  var namesAdded = initHashSet[string]()
  for name, list in options.config.packageLists:
    let packages = readPackageList(name, options)
    for p in packages:
      let pkg: Package = p.fromJson()
      if pkg.name notin namesAdded:

proc findNimbleFile*(dir: string; error: bool): string =
  result = ""
  var hits = 0
  for kind, path in walkDir(dir):
    if kind in {pcFile, pcLinkToFile}:
      let ext = path.splitFile.ext
      case ext
      of ".babel", ".nimble", ".nimble-link":
        result = path
        inc hits
      else: discard
  if hits >= 2:
    raise newException(NimbleError,
        "Only one .nimble file should be present in " & dir)
  elif hits == 0:
    if error:
      raise newException(NimbleError,
          "Specified directory ($1) does not contain a .nimble file." % dir)
      display("Warning:", "No .nimble or .nimble-link file found for " &
              dir, Warning, HighPriority)

  if result.splitFile.ext == ".nimble-link":
    # Return the path of the real .nimble file.
    result = readNimbleLink(result).nimbleFilePath
    if not fileExists(result):
      let msg = "The .nimble-link file is pointing to a missing file: " & result
      let hintMsg =
        "Remove '$1' or restore the file it points to." % dir
      display("Warning:", msg, Warning, HighPriority)
      display("Hint:", hintMsg, Warning, HighPriority)

proc getInstalledPkgsMin*(libsDir: string, options: Options):
        seq[tuple[pkginfo: PackageInfo, meta: MetaData]] =
  ## Gets a list of installed packages. The resulting package info is
  ## minimal. This has the advantage that it does not depend on the
  ## ``packageparser`` module, and so can be used by ``nimscriptwrapper``.
  ## ``libsDir`` is in most cases: ~/.nimble/pkgs/ (options.getPkgsDir)
  result = @[]
  for kind, path in walkDir(libsDir):
    if kind == pcDir:
      let nimbleFile = findNimbleFile(path, false)
      if nimbleFile != "":
        let meta = readMetaData(path)
        let (name, version) = getNameVersion(path)
        var pkg = initPackageInfo(nimbleFile)
        pkg.name = name
        pkg.version = version
        pkg.specialVersion = version
        pkg.isMinimal = true
        pkg.isInstalled = true
        let nimbleFileDir = nimbleFile.splitFile().dir
        pkg.isLinked = cmpPaths(nimbleFileDir, path) != 0

        # Read the package's 'srcDir' (this is stored in the .nimble-link so
        # we can easily grab it)
        if pkg.isLinked:
          let nimbleLinkPath = path / name.addFileExt("nimble-link")
          let realSrcPath = readNimbleLink(nimbleLinkPath).packageDir
          assert realSrcPath.startsWith(nimbleFileDir)
          pkg.srcDir = realSrcPath.replace(nimbleFileDir)
        result.add((pkg, meta))

proc withinRange*(pkgInfo: PackageInfo, verRange: VersionRange): bool =
  ## Determines whether the specified package's version is within the
  ## specified range. The check works with ordinary versions as well as
  ## special ones.
  return withinRange(newVersion(pkgInfo.version), verRange) or
         withinRange(newVersion(pkgInfo.specialVersion), verRange)

proc resolveAlias*(dep: PkgTuple, options: Options): PkgTuple =
  ## Looks up the specified ``dep.name`` in the packages.json files to resolve
  ## a potential alias into the package's real name.
  result = dep
  var pkg: Package
  # TODO: This needs better caching.
  if getPackage(dep.name, options, pkg):
    # The resulting ``pkg`` will contain the resolved name or the original if
    # no alias is present.
    result.name = pkg.name

proc findPkg*(pkglist: seq[tuple[pkgInfo: PackageInfo, meta: MetaData]],
             dep: PkgTuple,
             r: var PackageInfo): bool =
  ## Searches ``pkglist`` for a package of which version is within the range
  ## of ``dep.ver``. ``True`` is returned if a package is found. If multiple
  ## packages are found the newest one is returned (the one with the highest
  ## version number)
  ## **Note**: dep.name here could be a URL, hence the need for pkglist.meta.
  for pkg in pkglist:
    if cmpIgnoreStyle(pkg.pkginfo.name, dep.name) != 0 and
       cmpIgnoreStyle(pkg.meta.url, dep.name) != 0: continue
    if withinRange(pkg.pkgInfo, dep.ver):
      let isNewer = newVersion(r.version) < newVersion(pkg.pkginfo.version)
      if not result or isNewer:
        r = pkg.pkginfo
        result = true

proc findAllPkgs*(pkglist: seq[tuple[pkgInfo: PackageInfo, meta: MetaData]],
                  dep: PkgTuple): seq[PackageInfo] =
  ## Searches ``pkglist`` for packages of which version is within the range
  ## of ``dep.ver``. This is similar to ``findPkg`` but returns multiple
  ## packages if multiple are found.
  result = @[]
  for pkg in pkglist:
    if cmpIgnoreStyle(pkg.pkgInfo.name, dep.name) != 0 and
       cmpIgnoreStyle(pkg.meta.url, dep.name) != 0: continue
    if withinRange(pkg.pkgInfo, dep.ver):
      result.add pkg.pkginfo

proc getRealDir*(pkgInfo: PackageInfo): string =
  ## Returns the directory containing the package source files.
  if pkgInfo.srcDir != "" and (not pkgInfo.isInstalled or pkgInfo.isLinked):
    result = pkgInfo.mypath.splitFile.dir / pkgInfo.srcDir
    result = pkgInfo.mypath.splitFile.dir

proc getOutputDir*(pkgInfo: PackageInfo, bin: string): string =
  ## Returns a binary output dir for the package.
  if pkgInfo.binDir != "":
    result = pkgInfo.mypath.splitFile.dir / pkgInfo.binDir / bin
    result = pkgInfo.mypath.splitFile.dir / bin

proc echoPackage*(pkg: Package) =
  echo(pkg.name & ":")
  if pkg.alias.len > 0:
    echo("  Alias for ", pkg.alias)
    echo("  url:         " & pkg.url & " (" & pkg.downloadMethod & ")")
    echo("  tags:        " & pkg.tags.join(", "))
    echo("  description: " & pkg.description)
    echo("  license:     " & pkg.license)
    if pkg.web.len > 0:
      echo("  website:     " & pkg.web)

func toJson*(pkg: Package, queryVersions = false): JsonNode =
  result = %*{
    "name": %pkg.name,
    "url": %pkg.url,
    "method": %pkg.downloadMethod,
    "tags": %pkg.tags,
    "description": %pkg.description,
    "license": %pkg.license,
  if pkg.web.len > 0:
    result["web"] = %pkg.web

proc getDownloadDirName*(pkg: Package, verRange: VersionRange): string =
  result = pkg.name
  let verSimple = getSimpleString(verRange)
  if verSimple != "":
    result.add "_"
    result.add verSimple

proc checkInstallFile(pkgInfo: PackageInfo,
                      origDir, file: string): bool =
  ## Checks whether ``file`` should be installed.
  ## ``True`` means file should be skipped.

  for ignoreFile in pkgInfo.skipFiles:
    if ignoreFile.endswith("nimble"):
      raise newException(NimbleError, ignoreFile & " must be installed.")
    if samePaths(file, origDir / ignoreFile):
      result = true

  for ignoreExt in pkgInfo.skipExt:
    if file.splitFile.ext == ('.' & ignoreExt):
      result = true

  if file.splitFile().name[0] == '.': result = true

proc checkInstallDir(pkgInfo: PackageInfo,
                     origDir, dir: string): bool =
  ## Determines whether ``dir`` should be installed.
  ## ``True`` means dir should be skipped.
  for ignoreDir in pkgInfo.skipDirs:
    if samePaths(dir, origDir / ignoreDir):
      result = true

  let thisDir = splitPath(dir).tail
  assert thisDir != ""
  if thisDir[0] == '.': result = true
  if thisDir == "nimcache": result = true

proc iterFilesWithExt(dir: string, pkgInfo: PackageInfo,
                      action: proc (f: string)) =
  ## Runs `action` for each filename of the files that have a whitelisted
  ## file extension.
  for kind, path in walkDir(dir):
    if kind == pcDir:
      iterFilesWithExt(path, pkgInfo, action)
      if path.splitFile.ext.substr(1) in pkgInfo.installExt:

proc iterFilesInDir(dir: string, action: proc (f: string)) =
  ## Runs `action` for each file in ``dir`` and any
  ## subdirectories that are in it.
  for kind, path in walkDir(dir):
    if kind == pcDir:
      iterFilesInDir(path, action)

proc iterInstallFiles*(realDir: string, pkgInfo: PackageInfo,
                       options: Options, action: proc (f: string)) =
  ## Runs `action` for each file within the ``realDir`` that should be
  ## installed.
  let whitelistMode =
          pkgInfo.installDirs.len != 0 or
          pkgInfo.installFiles.len != 0 or
          pkgInfo.installExt.len != 0
  if whitelistMode:
    for file in pkgInfo.installFiles:
      let src = realDir / file
      if not src.existsFile():
        if options.prompt("Missing file " & src & ". Continue?"):
          raise NimbleQuit(msg: "")


    for dir in pkgInfo.installDirs:
      # TODO: Allow skipping files inside dirs?
      let src = realDir / dir
      if not src.existsDir():
        if options.prompt("Missing directory " & src & ". Continue?"):
          raise NimbleQuit(msg: "")

      iterFilesInDir(src, action)

    iterFilesWithExt(realDir, pkgInfo, action)
    for kind, file in walkDir(realDir):
      if kind == pcDir:
        let skip = pkgInfo.checkInstallDir(realDir, file)
        if skip: continue
        # we also have to stop recursing if we reach an in-place nimbleDir
        if file == options.getNimbleDir().expandFilename(): continue

        iterInstallFiles(file, pkgInfo, options, action)
        let skip = pkgInfo.checkInstallFile(realDir, file)
        if skip: continue
