
Nim lockfile generator
buildNimSbom: support the nimRelease attr
Add FOD data during "nim_lk add --component:…"
tests: fix purl test



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

#Nim lockfile generator

Generates Nix specific lockfiles for Nim packages.

It puts your dependencies in the Nix store where they belong.

This tool requires Nix to be available, specifically the nix-prefetch-url and nix-prefetch-git tools.

#Nimble to Nix lockfile

cd «Nim project with a Nimble file»
nim_lk nimble-to-nix > lock.json

Generate a lockfile containing Nix FOD store paths that can be converted to nim.cfg files.

See the local lock.json file as an example.

The following expression takes a path to a lockfile and generates a Nim configuration file that adds each entry in the lockfile to the module search path via the path: option.

{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { }, lockPath, excludes ? [ ] }:

  inherit (pkgs) lib;
  buildPkgDir = depends:
      fetchers = {
        fetchzip = { url, sha256, ... }:
          pkgs.fetchzip {
            name = "source";
            inherit url sha256;
        git = { fetchSubmodules, leaveDotGit, rev, sha256, url, ... }:
          pkgs.fetchgit { inherit fetchSubmodules leaveDotGit rev sha256 url; };
      srcDirs = map (attrs@{ method, srcDir, ... }:
        let fod = fetchers.${method} attrs;
        in if srcDir == "" then fod else "${fod}/${srcDir}") depends;
    in pkgs.runCommand "nim.cfg" {
      outputs = [ "out" "src" ];
      nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.xorg.lndir ];
      passthru = { inherit depends srcDirs; };
    } ''
      cat << EOF >> $out
      mkdir -p "$pkgDir"
      ${lib.strings.concatMapStrings (d: ''
        lndir "${d}" "$pkgDir"
      '') srcDirs}
in with builtins;
lib.pipe lockPath [
  (getAttr "depends")
  (filter ({ packages, ... }: !(any (pkg: elem pkg excludes) packages)))

I manage all this with Tup.


# Tuprules.tup

# A Tup macro to create lock.json.
!nim_lk = |> nim_lk | jq --compact-output --sort-keys > %o |> lock.json

# A Tup macro to build a symlink from the Nix store to nim.cfg.
!nim_cfg = |> nix build --file ./build-nim-cfg.nix --out-link %o --arg lockPath `pwd`/%f --arg excludes '[$(NIM_LOCK_EXCLUDES)]' |> nim.cfg


# Tupfile

# Omit the foobar library from nim.cfg.

# Generate lock.json.
: |> !nim_lk |> | ./<lock>

# Generate nim.cfg.
: lock.json |> !nim_cfg |> | ./<lock>

# Generate some build rules using JQ.
run ./Tuprules.jq sbom.json


See ./Tuprules.jq for an example JQ script that generates Tup build rules from an SBOM.

#Nimble to CycloneDX SBOM

cd «Nim project with a Nimble file»
nim_lk nimble-to-sbom > sbom.json

Generate a CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials from a Nimble file.

A generated SBOM describes the package that corresponds to a given Nimble file and lists its direct and transitive dependencies. The SBOM also contains a superset of the information in the Nix lockfile format, so the SBOM can also be used to generate Nim configuration files.

See the local sbom.json file as an example.

Nix can extract FOD paths from SBOMS in a similar manner to lockfiles. The bom-to-nim-cfg.nix file demonstrates how to generate a Nim configuration that adds Nix store paths to the module lookup path.

The SBOMs also contains sufficient information to build a Nix package. In some cases this may require additional dependency inputs. See default.nix and build-nim-sbom.nix as an example.

#Nimble emulation

Nimble is an interpreter that executes Nim code in *.nimble scripts and when that script sets some variables in the right way then you have a package description.

This design is not even wrong as it allows packages to be described in arbitrary formats.

The nimble file in this repository is a drop-in Nimble replacement for repositories that contain a sbom.json file.