Do not write to stdout
Make send(…) discardable
Export some max-length constants
Nim wrapper over the Toxcore library
import toxcore
from std/os import sleep
bootstrapHost = ""
bootstrapKey = "DA4E4ED4B697F2E9B000EEFE3A34B554ACD3F45F5C96EAEA2516DD7FF9AF7B43".toPublicKey
type Bot = ref object
tox: Tox
proc setupCallbacks(bot: Bot) =
var echoCount = 0
# bind a value for callback closure magic
bot.tox.onFriendRequest do (pk: PublicKey; msg: string):
discard bot.tox.addFriendNoRequest(pk)
bot.tox.onFriendMessage do (f: Friend; msg: string; kind: MessageType):
discard bot.tox.send(f, msg, kind)
inc echoCount
bot.tox.statusMessage = $echoCount & " echos served "
proc newEchoBot(name: string): Bot =
result = Bot(tox: initTox()) = name
result.tox.bootstrap(bootstrapHost, bootstrapKey)
echo, " echos messages to ", result.tox.address
a = newEchoBot "alice"
b = newEchoBot "bob"
while true:
iterate a.tox
iterate b.tox
sleep min(a.tox.iterationInterval, b.tox.iterationInterval)