@@ 52,9 52,9 @@ type
CacheDBM* = ref CacheDBMObj
## On-memory database manager implementation with LRU deletion.
- FileDBM = HashDBM | TreeDBM | SkipDBM
- MemoryDBM = TinyDBM | BabyDBM | CacheDBM
- DBM = FileDBM | MemoryDBM
+ FileDBM* = HashDBM | TreeDBM | SkipDBM
+ MemoryDBM* = TinyDBM | BabyDBM | CacheDBM
+ DBM* = FileDBM | MemoryDBM
using dbm: DBM
@@ 97,9 97,12 @@ template importDBM(T: untyped): untyped =
proc MakeIterator(dbm: T): Iterator {.importcpp: "#->MakeIterator()".}
proc Synchronize(dbm: T; hard: bool): Status {.
importcpp: "#->Synchronize(@)".}
+ proc Count(dbm: T; count: ptr int64): Status {.importcpp: "#->Count(@)".}
+ proc GetFileSize(dbm: T; size: ptr int64): Status {.importcpp: "#->GetFileSize(@)".}
+ proc Clear(dbm: T): Status {.importcpp: "#->Clear()".}
proc Rebuild(dbm: T): Status {.importcpp: "#->Rebuild()".}
proc ShouldBeRebuilt(dbm: T; toBe: ptr bool): Status {.
- importcpp: "#->ShouldBeRebuilt()".}
+ importcpp: "#->ShouldBeRebuilt(@)".}
proc IsOpen(dbm: T): bool {.importcpp: "#->IsOpen()".}
proc IsWritable(dbm: T): bool {.importcpp: "#->IsWritable()".}
proc IsHealthy(dbm: T): bool {.importcpp: "#->IsHealthy()".}
@@ 116,12 119,15 @@ proc construct[T](): T =
{.emit: "new ((void*)result) tkrzw::" & $T & "();".}
+proc newDbm*[T: DBM](path: string; rw: RW; options: set[OpenOption] = {}): T =
+ var opts: int32
+ for o in options.items: opts.inc o.int32
+ result = construct[T]()
+ result.Open(path, rw == writeable, opts)
template declareNewFile(T: untyped): untyped =
proc `new T`*(path: string; rw: RW; options: set[OpenOption] = {}): T =
- var opts: int32
- for o in options.items: opts.inc o.int32
- result = construct[T]()
- result.Open(path, rw == writeable, opts)
+ newDBM[T](path, rw, options)
template declareNewMem(T: untyped): untyped =
proc `new T`*(): T = construct[T]()
@@ 177,14 183,28 @@ proc synchronize*(dbm; hard: bool) =
## Synchronizes the content of the database to the file system.
check dbm.Synchronize(hard)
-proc shouldBeRebuilt*(dbm): bool =
- ## Checks whether the database should be rebuilt, in a simple way.
- discard dbm.ShouldBeRebuilt(addr result)
+proc len*(dbm): int64 =
+ ## Gets the number of records.
+ var st = dbm.Count(addr result)
+ check st
+proc fileSize*(dbm): int64 =
+ ## Gets the current file size of the database.
+ var st = dbm.GetFileSize(addr result)
+ check st
+proc clear*(dbm) =
+ ## Removes all records.
+ check dbm.Clear()
proc rebuild*(dbm) =
## Rebuilds the entire database.
check dbm.Rebuild()
+proc shouldBeRebuilt*(dbm): bool =
+ ## Checks whether the database should be rebuilt, in a simple way.
+ check dbm.ShouldBeRebuilt(addr result)
proc rebuild*(dbm: TinyDBM; numBuckets = -1) =
## Rebuilds the entire database.
## When `numBuckets` is calculated implicitly when -1.
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
# Package
-version = "0.1.0"
+version = "0.1.1"
author = "Emery Hemingway"
description = "Wrapper of the Tkrzw key-value database library"
license = "Apache-2.0"