j/DOWN - select next song in playlist
k/UP - select previous song in playlist
HOME - go to first entry in playlist
END - go to last entry in playlist
shift+k - move up 10 songs in playlist
shift+j - move down 10 songs in play
g/ENTER - play selected song in playlist
h/p - previous song
l/n - next song
space - pause playback
LEFT - (if possible) move 10 seconds back in stream
RIGHT - (if possible) move 10 seconds foreward in stream
o - toggle looping of playlist
u - toggle shuffle mode
a - show info about Togg
q/ESC - quit
Return values:
0 - program exited normally
1 - no parameters given
2 - failed to open file
3 - failed to open SDL audio
4 - failed to open and initialize an OggVorbis_File structure