
9d3d920c8cf3b60602de57b6f47c02c3561d121d — Edd Salkield 1 year, 10 months ago a8ae700
blog/protecol: fix typo
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M content/blog/2023-01-16-protecol.md
M content/blog/2023-01-16-protecol.md => content/blog/2023-01-16-protecol.md +1 -1
@@ 33,7 33,7 @@ We therefore need another commitment scheme, so that each move is made independe
## Nondeterminism

Some moves are nondeterministic - whether the move succeeds or the amount of damage it inflicts is decided by a random factor.
This lets your opponent cheat by choosing or influencing the generated numbers to suit them, causingyour moves to miss more often.
This lets your opponent cheat by choosing or influencing the generated numbers to suit them, causing your moves to miss more often.
We can use a _distributed random number generation algorithm_ to solve this, where the number is guaranteed to be random even if your opponent is biased.

## Verifiability