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+# irchess
+Play chess from the comfort of your IRC client.
+No effort has been made to support anything but my use-case. You will need to
+adjust `server`, `port`, `name`, `path`, and `urlpfx`, figure out how to join it
+to your channel, and potentially rewrite `paste()`.
+## Commands
+- !chess new: start a new game
+- !chess move <algebraic notation>: perform said move, irchess will keep track
+ of white/black and yell at you if it's not your turn
+- <algebraic notation>: if a game has been started, perform said move
+- !chess draw: call a draw by threefold repetition or 50 moves without capture
+ or pawn movement, the draw will automatically be called at 5 repititions or 75
+ moves
+- !chess draw propose: propose a draw by mutual agreement
+- !chess draw accept: accept a draw by mutual agreement
+- !chess draw deny: deny a draw by mutual agreement
+- !chess resign: resign
+- !chess print: pretty-print the board state into the relevant channel, beware
+ flood
+- !chess paste: pastebin a pretty-printed board state, PGN game history, and FEN
+ board state