8 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 2783 deletions(-)
D IEEEtran.bst
D figures/text_ands.odg
D figures/threat_model.tex
D neurips-reviews/6pgq.tex
D neurips-reviews/fqeZ.tex
D neurips-reviews/m7Tr.tex
D neurips-reviews/metareview.tex
D neurips-reviews/xiqz.tex
D IEEEtran.bst => IEEEtran.bst +0 -2417
@@ 1,2417 0,0 @@
-%% IEEEtran.bst
-%% BibTeX Bibliography Style file for IEEE Journals and Conferences (unsorted)
-%% Version 1.12 (2007/01/11)
-%% Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Michael Shell
-%% Original starting code base and algorithms obtained from the output of
-%% Patrick W. Daly's makebst package as well as from prior versions of
-%% IEEE BibTeX styles:
-%% 1. Howard Trickey and Oren Patashnik's ieeetr.bst (1985/1988)
-%% 2. Silvano Balemi and Richard H. Roy's IEEEbib.bst (1993)
-%% Support sites:
-%% http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/ieeetran/
-%% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/
-%% and/or
-%% http://www.ieee.org/
-%% For use with BibTeX version 0.99a or later
-%% This is a numerical citation style.
-%% Legal Notice:
-%% This code is offered as-is without any warranty either expressed or
-%% implied; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-%% User assumes all risk.
-%% In no event shall IEEE or any contributor to this code be liable for
-%% any damages or losses, including, but not limited to, incidental,
-%% consequential, or any other damages, resulting from the use or misuse
-%% of any information contained here.
-%% All comments are the opinions of their respective authors and are not
-%% necessarily endorsed by the IEEE.
-%% This work is distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
-%% ( http://www.latex-project.org/ ) version 1.3, and may be freely used,
-%% distributed and modified. A copy of the LPPL, version 1.3, is included
-%% in the base LaTeX documentation of all distributions of LaTeX released
-%% 2003/12/01 or later.
-%% Retain all contribution notices and credits.
-%% ** Modified files should be clearly indicated as such, including **
-%% ** renaming them and changing author support contact information. **
-%% File list of work: IEEEabrv.bib, IEEEfull.bib, IEEEexample.bib,
-%% IEEEtran.bst, IEEEtranS.bst, IEEEtranSA.bst,
-%% IEEEtranN.bst, IEEEtranSN.bst, IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO.pdf
-% Changelog:
-% 1.00 (2002/08/13) Initial release
-% 1.10 (2002/09/27)
-% 1. Corrected minor bug for improperly formed warning message when a
-% book was not given a title. Thanks to Ming Kin Lai for reporting this.
-% 2. Added support for CTLname_format_string and CTLname_latex_cmd fields
-% in the BST control entry type.
-% 1.11 (2003/04/02)
-% 1. Fixed bug with URLs containing underscores when using url.sty. Thanks
-% to Ming Kin Lai for reporting this.
-% 1.12 (2007/01/11)
-% 1. Fixed bug with unwanted comma before "et al." when an entry contained
-% more than two author names. Thanks to Pallav Gupta for reporting this.
-% 2. Fixed bug with anomalous closing quote in tech reports that have a
-% type, but without a number or address. Thanks to Mehrdad Mirreza for
-% reporting this.
-% 3. Use braces in \providecommand in begin.bib to better support
-% latex2html. TeX style length assignments OK with recent versions
-% of latex2html - 1.71 (2002/2/1) or later is strongly recommended.
-% Use of the language field still causes trouble with latex2html.
-% Thanks to Federico Beffa for reporting this.
-% 4. Added IEEEtran.bst ID and version comment string to .bbl output.
-% 5. Provide a \BIBdecl hook that allows the user to execute commands
-% just prior to the first entry.
-% 6. Use default urlstyle (is using url.sty) of "same" rather than rm to
-% better work with a wider variety of bibliography styles.
-% 7. Changed month abbreviations from Sept., July and June to Sep., Jul.,
-% and Jun., respectively, as IEEE now does. Thanks to Moritz Borgmann
-% for reporting this.
-% 8. Control entry types should not be considered when calculating longest
-% label width.
-% 9. Added alias www for electronic/online.
-% 10. Added CTLname_url_prefix control entry type.
-% These are the defaults for the user adjustable controls. The values used
-% here can be overridden by the user via IEEEtranBSTCTL entry type.
-% NOTE: The recommended LaTeX command to invoke a control entry type is:
-% \@for\@citeb:=#2\do{%
-% \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}%
-% \if@filesw\immediate\write\csname #1\endcsname{\string\citation{\@citeb}}\fi}%
-% \@esphack}
-% It is called at the start of the document, before the first \cite, like:
-% \bstctlcite{IEEEexample:BSTcontrol}
-% IEEEtran.cls V1.6 and later does provide this command.
-% #0 turns off the display of the number for articles.
-% #1 enables
-FUNCTION {default.is.use.number.for.article} { #1 }
-% #0 turns off the display of the paper and type fields in @inproceedings.
-% #1 enables
-FUNCTION {default.is.use.paper} { #1 }
-% #0 turns off the forced use of "et al."
-% #1 enables
-FUNCTION {default.is.forced.et.al} { #0 }
-% The maximum number of names that can be present beyond which an "et al."
-% usage is forced. Be sure that num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al (below)
-% is not greater than this value!
-% Note: There are many instances of references in IEEE journals which have
-% a very large number of authors as well as instances in which "et al." is
-% used profusely.
-FUNCTION {default.max.num.names.before.forced.et.al} { #10 }
-% The number of names that will be shown with a forced "et al.".
-% Must be less than or equal to max.num.names.before.forced.et.al
-FUNCTION {default.num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al} { #1 }
-% #0 turns off the alternate interword spacing for entries with URLs.
-% #1 enables
-FUNCTION {default.is.use.alt.interword.spacing} { #1 }
-% If alternate interword spacing for entries with URLs is enabled, this is
-% the interword spacing stretch factor that will be used. For example, the
-% default "4" here means that the interword spacing in entries with URLs can
-% stretch to four times normal. Does not have to be an integer. Note that
-% the value specified here can be overridden by the user in their LaTeX
-% code via a command such as:
-% "\providecommand\BIBentryALTinterwordstretchfactor{1.5}" in addition to
-% that via the IEEEtranBSTCTL entry type.
-FUNCTION {default.ALTinterwordstretchfactor} { "4" }
-% #0 turns off the "dashification" of repeated (i.e., identical to those
-% of the previous entry) names. IEEE normally does this.
-% #1 enables
-FUNCTION {default.is.dash.repeated.names} { #1 }
-% The default name format control string.
-FUNCTION {default.name.format.string}{ "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" }
-% The default LaTeX font command for the names.
-FUNCTION {default.name.latex.cmd}{ "" }
-% The default URL prefix.
-FUNCTION {default.name.url.prefix}{ "[Online]. Available:" }
-% Other controls that cannot be accessed via IEEEtranBSTCTL entry type.
-% #0 turns off the terminal startup banner/completed message so as to
-% operate more quietly.
-% #1 enables
-FUNCTION {is.print.banners.to.terminal} { #1 }
-FUNCTION{bst.file.version} { "1.12" }
-FUNCTION{bst.file.date} { "2007/01/11" }
-FUNCTION{bst.file.website} { "http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/ieeetran/bibtex/" }
-FUNCTION {banner.message}
-{ is.print.banners.to.terminal
- { "-- IEEEtran.bst version" " " * bst.file.version *
- " (" * bst.file.date * ") " * "by Michael Shell." *
- top$
- "-- " bst.file.website *
- top$
- "-- See the " quote$ * "IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO.pdf" * quote$ * " manual for usage information." *
- top$
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
-FUNCTION {completed.message}
-{ is.print.banners.to.terminal
- { ""
- top$
- "Done."
- top$
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
-FUNCTION {bbl.and}{ "and" }
-FUNCTION {bbl.etal}{ "et~al." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.editors}{ "eds." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.editor}{ "ed." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.edition}{ "ed." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.volume}{ "vol." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.of}{ "of" }
-FUNCTION {bbl.number}{ "no." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.in}{ "in" }
-FUNCTION {bbl.pages}{ "pp." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.page}{ "p." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.chapter}{ "ch." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.paper}{ "paper" }
-FUNCTION {bbl.part}{ "pt." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.patent}{ "Patent" }
-FUNCTION {bbl.patentUS}{ "U.S." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.revision}{ "Rev." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.series}{ "ser." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.standard}{ "Std." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.techrep}{ "Tech. Rep." }
-FUNCTION {bbl.mthesis}{ "Master's thesis" }
-FUNCTION {bbl.phdthesis}{ "Ph.D. dissertation" }
-FUNCTION {bbl.st}{ "st" }
-FUNCTION {bbl.nd}{ "nd" }
-FUNCTION {bbl.rd}{ "rd" }
-FUNCTION {bbl.th}{ "th" }
-% This is the LaTeX spacer that is used when a larger than normal space
-% is called for (such as just before the address:publisher).
-FUNCTION {large.space} { "\hskip 1em plus 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax " }
-% The LaTeX code for dashes that are used to represent repeated names.
-% Note: Some older IEEE journals used something like
-% "\rule{0.275in}{0.5pt}\," which is fairly thick and runs right along
-% the baseline. However, IEEE now uses a thinner, above baseline,
-% six dash long sequence.
-FUNCTION {repeated.name.dashes} { "------" }
-MACRO {jan} {"Jan."}
-MACRO {feb} {"Feb."}
-MACRO {mar} {"Mar."}
-MACRO {apr} {"Apr."}
-MACRO {may} {"May"}
-MACRO {jun} {"Jun."}
-MACRO {jul} {"Jul."}
-MACRO {aug} {"Aug."}
-MACRO {sep} {"Sep."}
-MACRO {oct} {"Oct."}
-MACRO {nov} {"Nov."}
-MACRO {dec} {"Dec."}
- { address
- assignee
- author
- booktitle
- chapter
- day
- dayfiled
- edition
- editor
- howpublished
- institution
- intype
- journal
- key
- language
- month
- monthfiled
- nationality
- note
- number
- organization
- pages
- paper
- publisher
- school
- series
- revision
- title
- type
- url
- volume
- year
- yearfiled
- CTLuse_article_number
- CTLuse_paper
- CTLuse_forced_etal
- CTLmax_names_forced_etal
- CTLnames_show_etal
- CTLuse_alt_spacing
- CTLalt_stretch_factor
- CTLdash_repeated_names
- CTLname_format_string
- CTLname_latex_cmd
- CTLname_url_prefix
- }
- {}
- { label }
-INTEGERS { prev.status.punct this.status.punct punct.std
- punct.no punct.comma punct.period
- prev.status.space this.status.space space.std
- space.no space.normal space.large
- prev.status.quote this.status.quote quote.std
- quote.no quote.close
- prev.status.nline this.status.nline nline.std
- nline.no nline.newblock
- status.cap cap.std
- cap.no cap.yes}
-INTEGERS { longest.label.width multiresult nameptr namesleft number.label numnames }
-INTEGERS { is.use.number.for.article
- is.use.paper
- is.forced.et.al
- max.num.names.before.forced.et.al
- num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al
- is.use.alt.interword.spacing
- is.dash.repeated.names}
-STRINGS { bibinfo
- longest.label
- oldname
- s
- t
- ALTinterwordstretchfactor
- name.format.string
- name.latex.cmd
- name.url.prefix}
-FUNCTION {initialize.controls}
-{ default.is.use.number.for.article 'is.use.number.for.article :=
- default.is.use.paper 'is.use.paper :=
- default.is.forced.et.al 'is.forced.et.al :=
- default.max.num.names.before.forced.et.al 'max.num.names.before.forced.et.al :=
- default.num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al 'num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al :=
- default.is.use.alt.interword.spacing 'is.use.alt.interword.spacing :=
- default.is.dash.repeated.names 'is.dash.repeated.names :=
- default.ALTinterwordstretchfactor 'ALTinterwordstretchfactor :=
- default.name.format.string 'name.format.string :=
- default.name.latex.cmd 'name.latex.cmd :=
- default.name.url.prefix 'name.url.prefix :=
-% This IEEEtran.bst features a very powerful and flexible mechanism for
-% controlling the capitalization, punctuation, spacing, quotation, and
-% newlines of the formatted entry fields. (Note: IEEEtran.bst does not need
-% or use the newline/newblock feature, but it has been implemented for
-% possible future use.) The output states of IEEEtran.bst consist of
-% multiple independent attributes and, as such, can be thought of as being
-% vectors, rather than the simple scalar values ("before.all",
-% "mid.sentence", etc.) used in most other .bst files.
-% The more flexible and complex design used here was motivated in part by
-% IEEE's rather unusual bibliography style. For example, IEEE ends the
-% previous field item with a period and large space prior to the publisher
-% address; the @electronic entry types use periods as inter-item punctuation
-% rather than the commas used by the other entry types; and URLs are never
-% followed by periods even though they are the last item in the entry.
-% Although it is possible to accommodate these features with the conventional
-% output state system, the seemingly endless exceptions make for convoluted,
-% unreliable and difficult to maintain code.
-% IEEEtran.bst's output state system can be easily understood via a simple
-% illustration of two most recently formatted entry fields (on the stack):
-% which, in this example, is to eventually appear in the bibliography as:
-% It is the job of the output routine to take the previous item off of the
-% stack (while leaving the current item at the top of the stack), apply its
-% trailing punctuation (including closing quote marks) and spacing, and then
-% to write the result to BibTeX's output buffer:
-% Punctuation (and spacing) between items is often determined by both of the
-% items rather than just the first one. The presence of quotation marks
-% further complicates the situation because, in standard English, trailing
-% punctuation marks are supposed to be contained within the quotes.
-% IEEEtran.bst maintains two output state (aka "status") vectors which
-% correspond to the previous and current (aka "this") items. Each vector
-% consists of several independent attributes which track punctuation,
-% spacing, quotation, and newlines. Capitalization status is handled by a
-% separate scalar because the format routines, not the output routine,
-% handle capitalization and, therefore, there is no need to maintain the
-% capitalization attribute for both the "previous" and "this" items.
-% When a format routine adds a new item, it copies the current output status
-% vector to the previous output status vector and (usually) resets the
-% current (this) output status vector to a "standard status" vector. Using a
-% "standard status" vector in this way allows us to redefine what we mean by
-% "standard status" at the start of each entry handler and reuse the same
-% format routines under the various inter-item separation schemes. For
-% example, the standard status vector for the @book entry type may use
-% commas for item separators, while the @electronic type may use periods,
-% yet both entry handlers exploit many of the exact same format routines.
-% Because format routines have write access to the output status vector of
-% the previous item, they can override the punctuation choices of the
-% previous format routine! Therefore, it becomes trivial to implement rules
-% such as "Always use a period and a large space before the publisher." By
-% pushing the generation of the closing quote mark to the output routine, we
-% avoid all the problems caused by having to close a quote before having all
-% the information required to determine what the punctuation should be.
-% The IEEEtran.bst output state system can easily be expanded if needed.
-% For instance, it is easy to add a "space.tie" attribute value if the
-% bibliography rules mandate that two items have to be joined with an
-% unbreakable space.
-FUNCTION {initialize.status.constants}
-{ #0 'punct.no :=
- #1 'punct.comma :=
- #2 'punct.period :=
- #0 'space.no :=
- #1 'space.normal :=
- #2 'space.large :=
- #0 'quote.no :=
- #1 'quote.close :=
- #0 'cap.no :=
- #1 'cap.yes :=
- #0 'nline.no :=
- #1 'nline.newblock :=
-FUNCTION {std.status.using.comma}
-{ punct.comma 'punct.std :=
- space.normal 'space.std :=
- quote.no 'quote.std :=
- nline.no 'nline.std :=
- cap.no 'cap.std :=
-FUNCTION {std.status.using.period}
-{ punct.period 'punct.std :=
- space.normal 'space.std :=
- quote.no 'quote.std :=
- nline.no 'nline.std :=
- cap.yes 'cap.std :=
-FUNCTION {initialize.prev.this.status}
-{ punct.no 'prev.status.punct :=
- space.no 'prev.status.space :=
- quote.no 'prev.status.quote :=
- nline.no 'prev.status.nline :=
- punct.no 'this.status.punct :=
- space.no 'this.status.space :=
- quote.no 'this.status.quote :=
- nline.no 'this.status.nline :=
- cap.yes 'status.cap :=
-FUNCTION {this.status.std}
-{ punct.std 'this.status.punct :=
- space.std 'this.status.space :=
- quote.std 'this.status.quote :=
- nline.std 'this.status.nline :=
-FUNCTION {cap.status.std}{ cap.std 'status.cap := }
-FUNCTION {this.to.prev.status}
-{ this.status.punct 'prev.status.punct :=
- this.status.space 'prev.status.space :=
- this.status.quote 'prev.status.quote :=
- this.status.nline 'prev.status.nline :=
-{ { #0 }
- { #1 }
- if$
-{ { skip$ }
- { pop$ #0 }
- if$
-{ { pop$ #1 }
- { skip$ }
- if$
-% convert the strings "yes" or "no" to #1 or #0 respectively
-FUNCTION {yes.no.to.int}
-{ "l" change.case$ duplicate$
- "yes" =
- { pop$ #1 }
- { duplicate$ "no" =
- { pop$ #0 }
- { "unknown boolean " quote$ * swap$ * quote$ *
- " in " * cite$ * warning$
- #0
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
-% pushes true if the single char string on the stack is in the
-% range of "0" to "9"
-FUNCTION {is.num}
-{ chr.to.int$
- duplicate$ "0" chr.to.int$ < not
- swap$ "9" chr.to.int$ > not and
-% multiplies the integer on the stack by a factor of 10
-FUNCTION {bump.int.mag}
-{ #0 'multiresult :=
- { duplicate$ #0 > }
- { #1 -
- multiresult #10 +
- 'multiresult :=
- }
- while$
-% converts a single character string on the stack to an integer
-FUNCTION {char.to.integer}
-{ duplicate$
- is.num
- { chr.to.int$ "0" chr.to.int$ - }
- {"noninteger character " quote$ * swap$ * quote$ *
- " in integer field of " * cite$ * warning$
- #0
- }
- if$
-% converts a string on the stack to an integer
-FUNCTION {string.to.integer}
-{ duplicate$ text.length$ 'namesleft :=
- #1 'nameptr :=
- #0 'numnames :=
- { nameptr namesleft > not }
- { duplicate$ nameptr #1 substring$
- char.to.integer numnames bump.int.mag +
- 'numnames :=
- nameptr #1 +
- 'nameptr :=
- }
- while$
-% The output routines write out the *next* to the top (previous) item on the
-% stack, adding punctuation and such as needed. Since IEEEtran.bst maintains
-% the output status for the top two items on the stack, these output
-% routines have to consider the previous output status (which corresponds to
-% the item that is being output). Full independent control of punctuation,
-% closing quote marks, spacing, and newblock is provided.
-% "output.nonnull" does not check for the presence of a previous empty
-% item.
-% "output" does check for the presence of a previous empty item and will
-% remove an empty item rather than outputing it.
-% "output.warn" is like "output", but will issue a warning if it detects
-% an empty item.
-FUNCTION {output.nonnull}
-{ swap$
- prev.status.punct punct.comma =
- { "," * }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- prev.status.punct punct.period =
- { add.period$ }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- prev.status.quote quote.close =
- { "''" * }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- prev.status.space space.normal =
- { " " * }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- prev.status.space space.large =
- { large.space * }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- write$
- prev.status.nline nline.newblock =
- { newline$ "\newblock " write$ }
- { skip$ }
- if$
-FUNCTION {output}
-{ duplicate$ empty$
- 'pop$
- 'output.nonnull
- if$
-FUNCTION {output.warn}
-{ 't :=
- duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$ "empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ }
- 'output.nonnull
- if$
-% "fin.entry" is the output routine that handles the last item of the entry
-% (which will be on the top of the stack when "fin.entry" is called).
-FUNCTION {fin.entry}
-{ this.status.punct punct.no =
- { skip$ }
- { add.period$ }
- if$
- this.status.quote quote.close =
- { "''" * }
- { skip$ }
- if$
-FUNCTION {is.last.char.not.punct}
-{ duplicate$
- "}" * add.period$
- #-1 #1 substring$ "." =
-FUNCTION {is.multiple.pages}
-{ 't :=
- #0 'multiresult :=
- { multiresult not
- t empty$ not
- and
- }
- { t #1 #1 substring$
- duplicate$ "-" =
- swap$ duplicate$ "," =
- swap$ "+" =
- or or
- { #1 'multiresult := }
- { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := }
- if$
- }
- while$
- multiresult
-FUNCTION {capitalize}{ "u" change.case$ "t" change.case$ }
-FUNCTION {emphasize}
-{ duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$ "" }
- { "\emph{" swap$ * "}" * }
- if$
-FUNCTION {do.name.latex.cmd}
-{ name.latex.cmd
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { name.latex.cmd "{" * swap$ * "}" * }
- if$
-% IEEEtran.bst uses its own \BIBforeignlanguage command which directly
-% invokes the TeX hyphenation patterns without the need of the Babel
-% package. Babel does a lot more than switch hyphenation patterns and
-% its loading can cause unintended effects in many class files (such as
-% IEEEtran.cls).
-FUNCTION {select.language}
-{ duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$
- { language empty$ 'skip$
- { "\BIBforeignlanguage{" language * "}{" * swap$ * "}" * }
- if$
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {tie.or.space.prefix}
-{ duplicate$ text.length$ #3 <
- { "~" }
- { " " }
- if$
- swap$
-FUNCTION {get.bbl.editor}
-{ editor num.names$ #1 > 'bbl.editors 'bbl.editor if$ }
-FUNCTION {space.word}{ " " swap$ * " " * }
-% Field Conditioners, Converters, Checkers and External Interfaces
-FUNCTION {empty.field.to.null.string}
-{ duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$ "" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
-FUNCTION {either.or.check}
-{ empty$
- { pop$ }
- { "can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ }
- if$
-FUNCTION {empty.entry.warn}
-{ author empty$ title empty$ howpublished empty$
- month empty$ year empty$ note empty$ url empty$
- and and and and and and
- { "all relevant fields are empty in " cite$ * warning$ }
- 'skip$
- if$
-% The bibinfo system provides a way for the electronic parsing/acquisition
-% of a bibliography's contents as is done by ReVTeX. For example, a field
-% could be entered into the bibliography as:
-% \bibinfo{volume}{2}
-% Only the "2" would show up in the document, but the LaTeX \bibinfo command
-% could do additional things with the information. IEEEtran.bst does provide
-% a \bibinfo command via "\providecommand{\bibinfo}[2]{#2}". However, it is
-% currently not used as the bogus bibinfo functions defined here output the
-% entry values directly without the \bibinfo wrapper. The bibinfo functions
-% themselves (and the calls to them) are retained for possible future use.
-% bibinfo.check avoids acting on missing fields while bibinfo.warn will
-% issue a warning message if a missing field is detected. Prior to calling
-% the bibinfo functions, the user should push the field value and then its
-% name string, in that order.
-FUNCTION {bibinfo.check}
-{ swap$ duplicate$ missing$
- { pop$ pop$ "" }
- { duplicate$ empty$
- { swap$ pop$ }
- { swap$ pop$ }
- if$
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {bibinfo.warn}
-{ swap$ duplicate$ missing$
- { swap$ "missing " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$ pop$ "" }
- { duplicate$ empty$
- { swap$ "empty " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$ }
- { swap$ pop$ }
- if$
- }
- if$
-% IEEE separates large numbers with more than 4 digits into groups of
-% three. IEEE uses a small space to separate these number groups.
-% Typical applications include patent and page numbers.
-% number of consecutive digits required to trigger the group separation.
-FUNCTION {large.number.trigger}{ #5 }
-% For numbers longer than the trigger, this is the blocksize of the groups.
-% The blocksize must be less than the trigger threshold, and 2 * blocksize
-% must be greater than the trigger threshold (can't do more than one
-% separation on the initial trigger).
-FUNCTION {large.number.blocksize}{ #3 }
-% What is actually inserted between the number groups.
-FUNCTION {large.number.separator}{ "\," }
-% So as to save on integer variables by reusing existing ones, numnames
-% holds the current number of consecutive digits read and nameptr holds
-% the number that will trigger an inserted space.
-FUNCTION {large.number.separate}
-{ 't :=
- ""
- #0 'numnames :=
- large.number.trigger 'nameptr :=
- { t empty$ not }
- { t #-1 #1 substring$ is.num
- { numnames #1 + 'numnames := }
- { #0 'numnames :=
- large.number.trigger 'nameptr :=
- }
- if$
- t #-1 #1 substring$ swap$ *
- t #-2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
- numnames nameptr =
- { duplicate$ #1 nameptr large.number.blocksize - substring$ swap$
- nameptr large.number.blocksize - #1 + global.max$ substring$
- large.number.separator swap$ * *
- nameptr large.number.blocksize - 'numnames :=
- large.number.blocksize #1 + 'nameptr :=
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- }
- while$
-% Converts all single dashes "-" to double dashes "--".
-FUNCTION {n.dashify}
-{ large.number.separate
- 't :=
- ""
- { t empty$ not }
- { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" =
- { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not
- { "--" *
- t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
- }
- { { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = }
- { "-" *
- t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
- }
- while$
- }
- if$
- }
- { t #1 #1 substring$ *
- t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
- }
- if$
- }
- while$
-% This function detects entries with names that are identical to that of
-% the previous entry and replaces the repeated names with dashes (if the
-% "is.dash.repeated.names" user control is nonzero).
-FUNCTION {name.or.dash}
-{ 's :=
- oldname empty$
- { s 'oldname := s }
- { s oldname =
- { is.dash.repeated.names
- { repeated.name.dashes }
- { s 'oldname := s }
- if$
- }
- { s 'oldname := s }
- if$
- }
- if$
-% Converts the number string on the top of the stack to
-% "numerical ordinal form" (e.g., "7" to "7th"). There is
-% no artificial limit to the upper bound of the numbers as the
-% least significant digit always determines the ordinal form.
-FUNCTION {num.to.ordinal}
-{ duplicate$ #-1 #1 substring$ "1" =
- { bbl.st * }
- { duplicate$ #-1 #1 substring$ "2" =
- { bbl.nd * }
- { duplicate$ #-1 #1 substring$ "3" =
- { bbl.rd * }
- { bbl.th * }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
-% If the string on the top of the stack begins with a number,
-% (e.g., 11th) then replace the string with the leading number
-% it contains. Otherwise retain the string as-is. s holds the
-% extracted number, t holds the part of the string that remains
-% to be scanned.
-FUNCTION {extract.num}
-{ duplicate$ 't :=
- "" 's :=
- { t empty$ not }
- { t #1 #1 substring$
- t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
- duplicate$ is.num
- { s swap$ * 's := }
- { pop$ "" 't := }
- if$
- }
- while$
- s empty$
- 'skip$
- { pop$ s }
- if$
-% Converts the word number string on the top of the stack to
-% Arabic string form. Will be successful up to "tenth".
-FUNCTION {word.to.num}
-{ duplicate$ "l" change.case$ 's :=
- s "first" =
- { pop$ "1" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "second" =
- { pop$ "2" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "third" =
- { pop$ "3" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "fourth" =
- { pop$ "4" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "fifth" =
- { pop$ "5" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "sixth" =
- { pop$ "6" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "seventh" =
- { pop$ "7" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "eighth" =
- { pop$ "8" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "ninth" =
- { pop$ "9" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "tenth" =
- { pop$ "10" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
-% Converts the string on the top of the stack to numerical
-% ordinal (e.g., "11th") form.
-FUNCTION {convert.edition}
-{ duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ is.num
- { extract.num
- num.to.ordinal
- }
- { word.to.num
- duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ is.num
- { num.to.ordinal }
- { "edition ordinal word " quote$ * edition * quote$ *
- " may be too high (or improper) for conversion" * " in " * cite$ * warning$
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {start.entry}
-{ newline$
- "\bibitem{" write$
- cite$ write$
- "}" write$
- newline$
- ""
- initialize.prev.this.status
-% Here we write out all the LaTeX code that we will need. The most involved
-% code sequences are those that control the alternate interword spacing and
-% foreign language hyphenation patterns. The heavy use of \providecommand
-% gives users a way to override the defaults. Special thanks to Javier Bezos,
-% Johannes Braams, Robin Fairbairns, Heiko Oberdiek, Donald Arseneau and all
-% the other gurus on comp.text.tex for their help and advice on the topic of
-% \selectlanguage, Babel and BibTeX.
-FUNCTION {begin.bib}
-{ "% Generated by IEEEtran.bst, version: " bst.file.version * " (" * bst.file.date * ")" *
- write$ newline$
- preamble$ empty$ 'skip$
- { preamble$ write$ newline$ }
- if$
- "\begin{thebibliography}{" longest.label * "}" *
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\url}[1]{#1}"
- write$ newline$
- "\csname url@samestyle\endcsname"
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\newblock}{\relax}"
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\bibinfo}[2]{#2}"
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\BIBentrySTDinterwordspacing}{\spaceskip=0pt\relax}"
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\BIBentryALTinterwordstretchfactor}{"
- ALTinterwordstretchfactor * "}" *
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\BIBentryALTinterwordspacing}{\spaceskip=\fontdimen2\font plus "
- write$ newline$
- "\BIBentryALTinterwordstretchfactor\fontdimen3\font minus \fontdimen4\font\relax}"
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\BIBforeignlanguage}[2]{{%"
- write$ newline$
- "\expandafter\ifx\csname l@#1\endcsname\relax"
- write$ newline$
- "\typeout{** WARNING: IEEEtran.bst: No hyphenation pattern has been}%"
- write$ newline$
- "\typeout{** loaded for the language `#1'. Using the pattern for}%"
- write$ newline$
- "\typeout{** the default language instead.}%"
- write$ newline$
- "\else"
- write$ newline$
- "\language=\csname l@#1\endcsname"
- write$ newline$
- "\fi"
- write$ newline$
- "#2}}"
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\BIBdecl}{\relax}"
- write$ newline$
- "\BIBdecl"
- write$ newline$
-FUNCTION {end.bib}
-{ newline$ "\end{thebibliography}" write$ newline$ }
-FUNCTION {if.url.alt.interword.spacing}
-{ is.use.alt.interword.spacing
- {url empty$ 'skip$ {"\BIBentryALTinterwordspacing" write$ newline$} if$}
- { skip$ }
- if$
-FUNCTION {if.url.std.interword.spacing}
-{ is.use.alt.interword.spacing
- {url empty$ 'skip$ {"\BIBentrySTDinterwordspacing" write$ newline$} if$}
- { skip$ }
- if$
-FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label}
-{ "" 'longest.label :=
- #1 'number.label :=
- #0 'longest.label.width :=
-FUNCTION {longest.label.pass}
-{ type$ "ieeetranbstctl" =
- { skip$ }
- { number.label int.to.str$ 'label :=
- number.label #1 + 'number.label :=
- label width$ longest.label.width >
- { label 'longest.label :=
- label width$ 'longest.label.width :=
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- }
- if$
-%% Lower Level Formats (used by higher level formats)
-FUNCTION {format.address.org.or.pub.date}
-{ 't :=
- ""
- year empty$
- { "empty year in " cite$ * warning$ }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- address empty$ t empty$ and
- year empty$ and month empty$ and
- { skip$ }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- address "address" bibinfo.check *
- t empty$
- { skip$ }
- { punct.period 'prev.status.punct :=
- space.large 'prev.status.space :=
- address empty$
- { skip$ }
- { ": " * }
- if$
- t *
- }
- if$
- year empty$ month empty$ and
- { skip$ }
- { t empty$ address empty$ and
- { skip$ }
- { ", " * }
- if$
- month empty$
- { year empty$
- { skip$ }
- { year "year" bibinfo.check * }
- if$
- }
- { month "month" bibinfo.check *
- year empty$
- { skip$ }
- { " " * year "year" bibinfo.check * }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.names}
-{ 'bibinfo :=
- duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ {
- this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- 's :=
- "" 't :=
- #1 'nameptr :=
- s num.names$ 'numnames :=
- numnames 'namesleft :=
- { namesleft #0 > }
- { s nameptr
- name.format.string
- format.name$
- bibinfo bibinfo.check
- 't :=
- nameptr #1 >
- { nameptr num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al #1 + =
- numnames max.num.names.before.forced.et.al >
- is.forced.et.al and and
- { "others" 't :=
- #1 'namesleft :=
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- namesleft #1 >
- { ", " * t do.name.latex.cmd * }
- { s nameptr "{ll}" format.name$ duplicate$ "others" =
- { 't := }
- { pop$ }
- if$
- t "others" =
- { " " * bbl.etal emphasize * }
- { numnames #2 >
- { "," * }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- bbl.and
- space.word * t do.name.latex.cmd *
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- { t do.name.latex.cmd }
- if$
- nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
- namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
- }
- while$
- cap.status.std
- } if$
-%% Higher Level Formats
-%% addresses/locations
-FUNCTION {format.address}
-{ address duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-%% author/editor names
-FUNCTION {format.authors}{ author "author" format.names }
-FUNCTION {format.editors}
-{ editor "editor" format.names duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { ", " *
- get.bbl.editor
- capitalize
- *
- }
- if$
-%% date
-FUNCTION {format.date}
- month "month" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
- year "year" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
- { swap$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- "there's a month but no year in " cite$ * warning$ }
- if$
- *
- }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- swap$ 'skip$
- {
- swap$
- " " * swap$
- }
- if$
- *
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.date.electronic}
-{ month "month" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
- year "year" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
- { swap$
- { pop$ }
- { "there's a month but no year in " cite$ * warning$
- pop$ ")" * "(" swap$ *
- this.to.prev.status
- punct.no 'this.status.punct :=
- space.normal 'this.status.space :=
- quote.no 'this.status.quote :=
- cap.yes 'status.cap :=
- }
- if$
- }
- { swap$
- { swap$ pop$ ")" * "(" swap$ * }
- { "(" swap$ * ", " * swap$ * ")" * }
- if$
- this.to.prev.status
- punct.no 'this.status.punct :=
- space.normal 'this.status.space :=
- quote.no 'this.status.quote :=
- cap.yes 'status.cap :=
- }
- if$
-%% edition/title
-% Note: IEEE considers the edition to be closely associated with
-% the title of a book. So, in IEEEtran.bst the edition is normally handled
-% within the formatting of the title. The format.edition function is
-% retained here for possible future use.
-FUNCTION {format.edition}
-{ edition duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- convert.edition
- status.cap
- { "t" }
- { "l" }
- if$ change.case$
- "edition" bibinfo.check
- "~" * bbl.edition *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-% This is used to format the booktitle of a conference proceedings.
-% Here we use the "intype" field to provide the user a way to
-% override the word "in" (e.g., with things like "presented at")
-% Use of intype stops the emphasis of the booktitle to indicate that
-% we no longer mean the written conference proceedings, but the
-% conference itself.
-FUNCTION {format.in.booktitle}
-{ booktitle "booktitle" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- select.language
- intype missing$
- { emphasize
- bbl.in " " *
- }
- { intype " " * }
- if$
- swap$ *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-% This is used to format the booktitle of collection.
-% Here the "intype" field is not supported, but "edition" is.
-FUNCTION {format.in.booktitle.edition}
-{ booktitle "booktitle" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- select.language
- emphasize
- edition empty$ 'skip$
- { ", " *
- edition
- convert.edition
- "l" change.case$
- * "~" * bbl.edition *
- }
- if$
- bbl.in " " * swap$ *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.article.title}
-{ title duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- "t" change.case$
- }
- if$
- "title" bibinfo.check
- duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { quote.close 'this.status.quote :=
- is.last.char.not.punct
- { punct.std 'this.status.punct := }
- { punct.no 'this.status.punct := }
- if$
- select.language
- "``" swap$ *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.article.title.electronic}
-{ title duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- "t" change.case$
- }
- if$
- "title" bibinfo.check
- duplicate$ empty$
- { skip$ }
- { select.language }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.book.title.edition}
-{ title "title" bibinfo.check
- duplicate$ empty$
- { "empty title in " cite$ * warning$ }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- select.language
- emphasize
- edition empty$ 'skip$
- { ", " *
- edition
- convert.edition
- status.cap
- { "t" }
- { "l" }
- if$
- change.case$
- * "~" * bbl.edition *
- }
- if$
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.book.title}
-{ title "title" bibinfo.check
- duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- select.language
- emphasize
- }
- if$
-%% journal
-FUNCTION {format.journal}
-{ journal duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- select.language
- emphasize
- }
- if$
-%% how published
-FUNCTION {format.howpublished}
-{ howpublished duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-%% institutions/organization/publishers/school
-FUNCTION {format.institution}
-{ institution duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.organization}
-{ organization duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.address.publisher.date}
-{ publisher "publisher" bibinfo.warn format.address.org.or.pub.date }
-FUNCTION {format.address.publisher.date.nowarn}
-{ publisher "publisher" bibinfo.check format.address.org.or.pub.date }
-FUNCTION {format.address.organization.date}
-{ organization "organization" bibinfo.check format.address.org.or.pub.date }
-FUNCTION {format.school}
-{ school duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-%% volume/number/series/chapter/pages
-FUNCTION {format.volume}
-{ volume empty.field.to.null.string
- duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- bbl.volume
- status.cap
- { capitalize }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- swap$ tie.or.space.prefix
- "volume" bibinfo.check
- * *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.number}
-{ number empty.field.to.null.string
- duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- status.cap
- { bbl.number capitalize }
- { bbl.number }
- if$
- swap$ tie.or.space.prefix
- "number" bibinfo.check
- * *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.number.if.use.for.article}
-{ is.use.number.for.article
- { format.number }
- { "" }
- if$
-% IEEE does not seem to tie the series so closely with the volume
-% and number as is done in other bibliography styles. Instead the
-% series is treated somewhat like an extension of the title.
-FUNCTION {format.series}
-{ series empty$
- { "" }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- bbl.series " " *
- series "series" bibinfo.check *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.chapter}
-{ chapter empty$
- { "" }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- type empty$
- { bbl.chapter }
- { type "l" change.case$
- "type" bibinfo.check
- }
- if$
- chapter tie.or.space.prefix
- "chapter" bibinfo.check
- * *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-% The intended use of format.paper is for paper numbers of inproceedings.
-% The paper type can be overridden via the type field.
-% We allow the type to be displayed even if the paper number is absent
-% for things like "postdeadline paper"
-FUNCTION {format.paper}
-{ is.use.paper
- { paper empty$
- { type empty$
- { "" }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- type "type" bibinfo.check
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- type empty$
- { bbl.paper }
- { type "type" bibinfo.check }
- if$
- " " * paper
- "paper" bibinfo.check
- *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- { "" }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.pages}
-{ pages duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- duplicate$ is.multiple.pages
- {
- bbl.pages swap$
- n.dashify
- }
- {
- bbl.page swap$
- }
- if$
- tie.or.space.prefix
- "pages" bibinfo.check
- * *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-%% technical report number
-FUNCTION {format.tech.report.number}
-{ number "number" bibinfo.check
- this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- type duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$
- bbl.techrep
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- "type" bibinfo.check
- swap$ duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$ }
- { tie.or.space.prefix * * }
- if$
-%% note
-FUNCTION {format.note}
-{ note empty$
- { "" }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- punct.period 'this.status.punct :=
- note #1 #1 substring$
- duplicate$ "{" =
- { skip$ }
- { status.cap
- { "u" }
- { "l" }
- if$
- change.case$
- }
- if$
- note #2 global.max$ substring$ * "note" bibinfo.check
- cap.yes 'status.cap :=
- }
- if$
-%% patent
-FUNCTION {format.patent.date}
-{ this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- year empty$
- { monthfiled duplicate$ empty$
- { "monthfiled" bibinfo.check pop$ "" }
- { "monthfiled" bibinfo.check }
- if$
- dayfiled duplicate$ empty$
- { "dayfiled" bibinfo.check pop$ "" * }
- { "dayfiled" bibinfo.check
- monthfiled empty$
- { "dayfiled without a monthfiled in " cite$ * warning$
- *
- }
- { " " swap$ * * }
- if$
- }
- if$
- yearfiled empty$
- { "no year or yearfiled in " cite$ * warning$ }
- { yearfiled "yearfiled" bibinfo.check
- swap$
- duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$ }
- { ", " * swap$ * }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- { month duplicate$ empty$
- { "month" bibinfo.check pop$ "" }
- { "month" bibinfo.check }
- if$
- day duplicate$ empty$
- { "day" bibinfo.check pop$ "" * }
- { "day" bibinfo.check
- month empty$
- { "day without a month in " cite$ * warning$
- *
- }
- { " " swap$ * * }
- if$
- }
- if$
- year "year" bibinfo.check
- swap$
- duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$ }
- { ", " * swap$ * }
- if$
- }
- if$
- cap.status.std
-FUNCTION {format.patent.nationality.type.number}
-{ this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- nationality duplicate$ empty$
- { "nationality" bibinfo.warn pop$ "" }
- { "nationality" bibinfo.check
- duplicate$ "l" change.case$ "united states" =
- { pop$ bbl.patentUS }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- " " *
- }
- if$
- type empty$
- { bbl.patent "type" bibinfo.check }
- { type "type" bibinfo.check }
- if$
- *
- number duplicate$ empty$
- { "number" bibinfo.warn pop$ }
- { "number" bibinfo.check
- large.number.separate
- swap$ " " * swap$ *
- }
- if$
- cap.status.std
-%% standard
-FUNCTION {format.organization.institution.standard.type.number}
-{ this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- organization duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$
- institution duplicate$ empty$
- { "institution" bibinfo.warn }
- { "institution" bibinfo.warn " " * }
- if$
- }
- { "organization" bibinfo.warn " " * }
- if$
- type empty$
- { bbl.standard "type" bibinfo.check }
- { type "type" bibinfo.check }
- if$
- *
- number duplicate$ empty$
- { "number" bibinfo.check pop$ }
- { "number" bibinfo.check
- large.number.separate
- swap$ " " * swap$ *
- }
- if$
- cap.status.std
-FUNCTION {format.revision}
-{ revision empty$
- { "" }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- bbl.revision
- revision tie.or.space.prefix
- "revision" bibinfo.check
- * *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
-%% thesis
-FUNCTION {format.master.thesis.type}
-{ this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- type empty$
- {
- bbl.mthesis
- }
- {
- type "type" bibinfo.check
- }
- if$
-FUNCTION {format.phd.thesis.type}
-{ this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- type empty$
- {
- bbl.phdthesis
- }
- {
- type "type" bibinfo.check
- }
- if$
-%% URL
-FUNCTION {format.url}
-{ url empty$
- { "" }
- { this.to.prev.status
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- name.url.prefix " " *
- "\url{" * url * "}" *
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- }
- if$
-% Note: In many journals, IEEE (or the authors) tend not to show the number
-% for articles, so the display of the number is controlled here by the
-% switch "is.use.number.for.article"
-FUNCTION {article}
-{ std.status.using.comma
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- name.or.dash
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- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {book}
-{ std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- author empty$
- { format.editors "author and editor" output.warn }
- { format.authors output.nonnull }
- if$
- name.or.dash
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- format.series output
- author empty$
- { skip$ }
- { format.editors output }
- if$
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- format.volume output
- format.number output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {booklet}
-{ std.status.using.comma
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- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {electronic}
-{ std.status.using.period
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
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- name.or.dash
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- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- empty.entry.warn
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {inbook}
-{ std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- author empty$
- { format.editors "author and editor" output.warn }
- { format.authors output.nonnull }
- if$
- name.or.dash
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- format.series output
- format.address.publisher.date output
- format.volume output
- format.number output
- format.chapter output
- format.pages output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {incollection}
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- start.entry
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- name.or.dash
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- format.address.publisher.date.nowarn output
- format.volume output
- format.number output
- format.chapter output
- format.pages output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {inproceedings}
-{ std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors "author" output.warn
- name.or.dash
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- format.in.booktitle "booktitle" output.warn
- format.series output
- format.editors output
- format.volume output
- format.number output
- publisher empty$
- { format.address.organization.date output }
- { format.organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
- format.address.publisher.date output
- }
- if$
- format.paper output
- format.pages output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {manual}
-{ std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors output
- name.or.dash
- format.book.title.edition "title" output.warn
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- format.organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
- format.address "address" bibinfo.check output
- format.date output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {mastersthesis}
-{ std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors "author" output.warn
- name.or.dash
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- format.school "school" bibinfo.warn output
- format.address "address" bibinfo.check output
- format.date "year" output.warn
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {misc}
-{ std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
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- name.or.dash
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- format.pages output
- format.date output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- empty.entry.warn
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {patent}
-{ std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors output
- name.or.dash
- format.article.title output
- format.patent.nationality.type.number output
- format.patent.date output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- empty.entry.warn
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {periodical}
-{ std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
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- name.or.dash
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- format.organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
- format.date "year" output.warn
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {phdthesis}
-{ std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors "author" output.warn
- name.or.dash
- format.article.title "title" output.warn
- format.phd.thesis.type output.nonnull
- format.school "school" bibinfo.warn output
- format.address "address" bibinfo.check output
- format.date "year" output.warn
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {proceedings}
-{ std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.editors output
- name.or.dash
- format.book.title "title" output.warn
- format.series output
- format.volume output
- format.number output
- publisher empty$
- { format.address.organization.date output }
- { format.organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
- format.address.publisher.date output
- }
- if$
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {standard}
-{ std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors output
- name.or.dash
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- format.organization.institution.standard.type.number output
- format.revision output
- format.date output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {techreport}
-{ std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors "author" output.warn
- name.or.dash
- format.article.title "title" output.warn
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- format.institution "institution" bibinfo.warn output
- format.address "address" bibinfo.check output
- format.tech.report.number output.nonnull
- format.date "year" output.warn
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-FUNCTION {unpublished}
-{ std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors "author" output.warn
- name.or.dash
- format.article.title "title" output.warn
- format.date output
- format.note "note" output.warn
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
-% The special entry type which provides the user interface to the
-% BST controls
-{ is.print.banners.to.terminal
- { "** IEEEtran BST control entry " quote$ * cite$ * quote$ * " detected." *
- top$
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- CTLuse_article_number
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLuse_article_number
- yes.no.to.int
- 'is.use.number.for.article :=
- }
- if$
- CTLuse_paper
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLuse_paper
- yes.no.to.int
- 'is.use.paper :=
- }
- if$
- CTLuse_forced_etal
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLuse_forced_etal
- yes.no.to.int
- 'is.forced.et.al :=
- }
- if$
- CTLmax_names_forced_etal
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLmax_names_forced_etal
- string.to.integer
- 'max.num.names.before.forced.et.al :=
- }
- if$
- CTLnames_show_etal
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLnames_show_etal
- string.to.integer
- 'num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al :=
- }
- if$
- CTLuse_alt_spacing
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLuse_alt_spacing
- yes.no.to.int
- 'is.use.alt.interword.spacing :=
- }
- if$
- CTLalt_stretch_factor
- empty$
- { skip$ }
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- 'ALTinterwordstretchfactor :=
- "\renewcommand{\BIBentryALTinterwordstretchfactor}{"
- ALTinterwordstretchfactor * "}" *
- write$ newline$
- }
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- CTLdash_repeated_names
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLdash_repeated_names
- yes.no.to.int
- 'is.dash.repeated.names :=
- }
- if$
- CTLname_format_string
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLname_format_string
- 'name.format.string :=
- }
- if$
- CTLname_latex_cmd
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLname_latex_cmd
- 'name.latex.cmd :=
- }
- if$
- CTLname_url_prefix
- missing$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLname_url_prefix
- 'name.url.prefix :=
- }
- if$
- num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al max.num.names.before.forced.et.al >
- { "CTLnames_show_etal cannot be greater than CTLmax_names_forced_etal in " cite$ * warning$
- max.num.names.before.forced.et.al 'num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al :=
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
-FUNCTION {conference}{inproceedings}
-FUNCTION {online}{electronic}
-FUNCTION {internet}{electronic}
-FUNCTION {webpage}{electronic}
-FUNCTION {www}{electronic}
-FUNCTION {default.type}{misc}
-EXECUTE {initialize.controls}
-EXECUTE {initialize.status.constants}
-EXECUTE {banner.message}
-EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label}
-ITERATE {longest.label.pass}
-EXECUTE {begin.bib}
-ITERATE {call.type$}
-EXECUTE {end.bib}
-%% That's all folks, mds.
D figures/text_ands.odg => figures/text_ands.odg +0 -0
D figures/threat_model.tex => figures/threat_model.tex +0 -88
@@ 1,88 0,0 @@
- \begin{subfigure}{0.45\linewidth}
- \centering
- \adjustbox{width=0.9\linewidth}{
- \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm, minimum height=1.5em]
- \node[draw] (PyT) {PyTorch};
- \node[draw, left= of PyT] (ONNX) {ONNX};
- \node[draw, right=of PyT] (TF) {...};
- \node[draw, below=of PyT] (Rel) {Relay IR};
- \draw[<->] (PyT) -- (ONNX);
- \draw[<->] (PyT) -- (TF);
- \draw[<->] (ONNX) to[out=20,in=160] (TF);
- \draw[<->] (PyT) -- (Rel);
- \draw[<->] (TF) -- (Rel);
- \draw[<->] (ONNX) -- (Rel);
- \node[draw, below=2cm of Rel] (TIR) {Tensor IR};
- \draw[->] (Rel) -- (TIR);
- \draw[->, ultra thick, red] (Rel) -- (TIR) node
- [midway,right,align=center,text height=2em] (BD) {Backdoor\\Insertion};
- \node[draw, below=of TIR] (CUDA) {CUDA};
- \node[draw, left= of CUDA] (LLVM) {LLVM};
- \node[draw, right=of CUDA] (Other) {Other backend};
- \draw[->] (TIR) -- (CUDA);
- \draw[->] (TIR) -- (LLVM);
- \draw[->] (TIR) -- (Other);
- \node[draw, below=of CUDA] (Target) {Target specific machine code};
- \draw[->] (CUDA) -- (Target);
- \draw[->] (LLVM) -- (Target);
- \draw[->] (Other) -- (Target);
- \node[draw, very thick, dotted, blue, fit = (TIR) (LLVM) (Other)
- (BD), inner sep=0.3cm] (Box) {};
- \node[blue, above=0cm of Box, xshift=2.3cm] (Label) {Invisible to the user};
- \end{tikzpicture}
- }
- \caption{Control of the entire compiler}
- \label{fig:atk-entire}
- \end{subfigure}
- %\par\bigskip
- \begin{subfigure}{0.45\linewidth}
- \centering
- \adjustbox{width=0.9\linewidth}{
- \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1cm, minimum height=1.5em]
- \node[draw] (PyT) {PyTorch};
- \node[draw, left= of PyT] (ONNX) {ONNX};
- \node[draw, right=of PyT] (TF) {...};
- \node[draw, below=of PyT] (Rel) {Relay IR};
- \draw[<->] (PyT) -- (ONNX);
- \draw[<->] (PyT) -- (TF);
- \draw[<->] (ONNX) to[out=20,in=160] (TF);
- \draw[<->] (PyT) -- (Rel);
- \draw[<->] (TF) -- (Rel);
- \draw[<->] (ONNX) -- (Rel);
- \node[draw, below=2cm of Rel] (TIR) {Tensor IR};
- \draw[->] (Rel) -- (TIR) node[midway,align=center,text height=2em] (BoxAnchor) {};
- \node[draw, below=of TIR] (CUDA) {CUDA};
- \node[draw, left= of CUDA] (LLVM) {LLVM};
- \node[draw, right=of CUDA] (Other) {Other backend};
- \draw[->] (TIR) -- (CUDA);
- \draw[->] (TIR) -- (LLVM);
- \draw[->, ultra thick, red] (TIR) -- (Other) node
- [midway,sloped,above,align=center] {Backdoor\\Insertion};
- \node[draw, below=of CUDA] (Target) {Target specific machine code};
- \draw[->] (CUDA) -- (Target);
- \draw[->] (LLVM) -- (Target);
- \draw[->] (Other) -- (Target);
- \node[draw, very thick, dotted, blue, fit = (TIR) (LLVM) (Other)
- (BoxAnchor), inner sep=0.3cm] (Box) {};
- \node[blue, above=0cm of Box, xshift=2.3cm] (Label) {Invisible to the user};
- \end{tikzpicture}
- }
- \caption{Control of a specific backend}
- \label{fig:atk-backend}
- \end{subfigure}
- \centering
- \caption{Attack vector for each threat model}%
- \label{fig:atk}
D neurips-reviews/6pgq.tex => neurips-reviews/6pgq.tex +0 -70
@@ 1,70 0,0 @@
-This paper sheds light into the treat of neutral network backdoor
-attacks during the compilation stage. The illustrated compilation-stage
-attack strategy has the potential to directly enable existing
-weight-based backdoors to be implemented. The paper also proposes a new
-attack that is imperceptible and blackbox-undetectable.
-\textbf{Soundness:} {4 excellent}
-\textbf{Presentation:} {3 good}
-\textbf{Contribution:} {4 excellent}
- A very thorough system-level analysis on the threats of neural
- networks backdoor attacks. This is very valuable, as most existing
- backdoor attacks primarily focus on algorithms level, and there is a
- large gap between algorithms and practical implementation.
- A good examination on machine learning compilers, which provides novel
- insights on how to practically implement backdoors.
- Nice security analysis. I like the strong relation to real world
- incidents and the analysis on the implication of the propose
- approaches.
- The proposed attack method itself is good.
-The results of the experiment could be stronger. In terms of defending
-against backdoor attacks, the authors solely utilized the GHIDRA tool
-from the National Security Agency to gauge detectability, which might
-limit the comprehensiveness of the results. Machine learning-based
-defense techniques were not empirically assessed in this study, leading
-to a potential gap in the experimental design. It is not until Section 6
-that a handful of these defense methods are briefly discussed,
-indicating a lack of thorough exploration within the experimental
-But overall I appreciate the novel and practical insights shared by this
-work, which outweighs the limitations here.
-A majority of audience of Neurips primarily work on machine learning
-domain. This paper is strongly connected to system and security. Some of
-the analysis may not be easily understood with strong system and
-security background (e.g., ML compiler, etc.). Therefore, for future
-iterations of this paper, could the authors consider incorporating a
-more accessible introduction, possibly in an appendix? This approach
-would help in conveying the core concepts of the paper in a way that
-requires less specialized knowledge. I'm confident that this adjustment
-would enhance the broader machine learning community's understanding and
-appreciation of this work.
-\textbf{Rating:} {8: Strong Accept: Technically strong paper, with novel
-ideas, excellent impact on at least one area, or high-to-excellent
-impact on multiple areas, with excellent evaluation, resources, and
-reproducibility, and no unaddressed ethical considerations.}
-\textbf{Confidence:} {4: You are confident in your assessment, but not
-absolutely certain. It is unlikely, but not impossible, that you did not
-understand some parts of the submission or that you are unfamiliar with
-some pieces of related work.}
D neurips-reviews/fqeZ.tex => neurips-reviews/fqeZ.tex +0 -75
@@ 1,75 0,0 @@
-This paper introduces a novel class of compiler-based backdoor attacks
-on machine learning models, highlighting the imperceptible and highly
-successful nature of these attacks. The study shows that existing
-weight-based backdoors be inserted by a malicious compiler, The author
-also proposed a new class of weight-independent backdoors, termed as
-ImpNet. ImpNet is imperceptible and blackbox undetectable, making it
-highly difficult to prevent. The defender need to identify the backdoor
-in the compiled machine code, which poses a significant challenge in the
-absence of provenance. The paper also presents an overview of the ML
-pipeline, highlighting many attack vectors in ML, and proposes a new
-high-entropy imperceptible trigger based on binary sequences of
-repetition that can be used to backdoor both images and text. The
-research shows that ImpNet has a 100\% attack success rate and does not
-affect clean inputs, with existing defenses found to be insufficient
-against it.
-\textbf{Soundness:} {2 fair}
-\textbf{Presentation:} {2 fair}
-\textbf{Contribution:} {2 fair}
- The concept of compiler-based backdoors is novel and has not been well
- explored previously.
- The triggers presented in the paper are both imperceptible and black
- box-undetectable. This means they are difficult to spot both by humans
- and automated systems, thereby making them highly potent for
- attackers. The triggers can be inserted into both text and image data,
- making them broadly applicable.
-While the three threat models proposed in the paper (precompiled models,
-binary compiler, and a new compiler backend or optimization pass) may
-indeed represent potential vectors for inserting backdoors into machine
-learning systems, they rely on strong assumptions that make them less
-practical in real-world applications. Precompiled Models: While the
-threat model assumes users would blindly use precompiled models, it
-ignores that in high-stakes applications, users often retrain models on
-their own datasets, a process that would likely purge the model of any
-backdoors. Binary Compiler: This threat model assumes users will
-download and use a binary of their favorite compiler without source code
-verification or auditing. While this might hold true for some users, it
-is not generally the case in enterprise or security-sensitive contexts
-where auditing and verification practices are common. It also ignores
-the fact that compilers are often developed and maintained by reputable
-organizations that would have strong security practices, making the
-prospect of an undetected malicious compiler unlikely. New Compiler
-Backend or Optimisation Pass: This model presumes that an attacker could
-successfully insert backdoor code into a new backend. This overlooks the
-rigorous security practices and testing mechanisms commonly employed by
-development teams, especially for compilers which are fundamental to
-code security.
-I look forward to the author addressing my concerns about the
-practicality of these threat models in real-world applications.
-\textbf{Rating:} {4: Borderline reject: Technically solid paper where
-reasons to reject, e.g., limited evaluation, outweigh reasons to accept,
-e.g., good evaluation. Please use sparingly.}
-\textbf{Confidence:} {4: You are confident in your assessment, but not
-absolutely certain. It is unlikely, but not impossible, that you did not
-understand some parts of the submission or that you are unfamiliar with
-some pieces of related work.}
D neurips-reviews/m7Tr.tex => neurips-reviews/m7Tr.tex +0 -79
@@ 1,79 0,0 @@
-This paper presented an imperceptible backdoor attack with the trigger
-inserted during compilation.
-\textbf{Soundness:} {2 fair}
-\textbf{Presentation:} {2 fair}
-\textbf{Contribution:} {2 fair}
- The proposed trigger is visually imperceptible.
- The proposed attack requires overly strong assumptions about the
- attacker.
- Inadequate comparison with existing works.
- The proposed attack cannot be categorized as a backdoor attack (unless
- authors resolve question 1 below).
- What features corresponding to the trigger have been learned by the
- model? Even for handcrafted backdoors, the model is supposed to
- recognize (e.g.) extreme pixel values. If the model is entirely
- unchanged before and after the attack, it is not a backdoor attack.
- The access to the compiler seems to be a very strong assumption about
- the attacker. With this assumption, why cannot the attacker do the
- following: the attacker creates a hidden output branch for the target
- label, which can be directly activated by a trigger string appended to
- an input? Again, the example here cannot be regarded as a backdoor
- attack.
- There are many imperceptible backdoors {[}A-D{]}. What is the
- advantage of the proposed attack?
-{[}A{]} Zhao et al. DEFEAT: Deep Hidden Feature Backdoor Attacks by
-Imperceptible Perturbation and Latent Representation Constraints,
-{[}B{]} Wang et al. Backdoor Attack through Frequency Domain, 2021.\\
-{[}C{]} Wang et al. BppAttack: Stealthy and Efficient Trojan Attacks
-against Deep Neural Networks via Image Quantization and Contrastive
-Adversarial Learning, 2022.\\
-{[}D{]} Nguyen et al. WaNet -\/- Imperceptible Warping-based Backdoor
-Attack, 2021.
- Can the proposed attack bypass the detection method in {[}E{]} for
- imperceptible backdoors?
-{[}E{]} Xiang et al. Detection of backdoors in trained classifiers
-without access to the training set, 2020.
-\textbf{Rating:} {3: Reject: For instance, a paper with technical flaws,
-weak evaluation, inadequate reproducibility and incompletely addressed
-ethical considerations.}
-\textbf{Confidence:} {4: You are confident in your assessment, but not
-absolutely certain. It is unlikely, but not impossible, that you did not
-understand some parts of the submission or that you are unfamiliar with
-some pieces of related work.}
D neurips-reviews/metareview.tex => neurips-reviews/metareview.tex +0 -7
@@ 1,7 0,0 @@
-This paper introduces compiler-based backdoor attacks, aiming to expand the current landscape of known backdoor attacks. The paper demonstrates the efficiency and effectiveness of this new class of attacks. Notably, it extends the known attack surface beyond model weights—traditionally manipulated through data poisoning or direct weight adjustment—to include the lower level of compiler or code manipulation.
-The paper has sparked a debate among reviewers about whether the proposed attack class should be classified as a "backdoor attack." Reviewer m7Tr takes a strong stance, arguing that the proposed attack doesn't qualify as a backdoor attack when defined narrowly. On the other hand, reviewer 6pgq posits that the attack can indeed be categorized as a backdoor attack when viewed more broadly, adding that the work represents valuable innovation in the field of backdoor attacks.
-Despite an engaging discussion, the reviewers largely maintained their initial scores. While one reviewer strongly supports the paper, a clear consensus has emerged among the other three reviewers, as evidenced by their scores, which were predominantly below 5. Several unresolved technical questions remain, possibly due to insufficient technical details and background information on compilers. Addressing these gaps is crucial for making the paper accessible to a broader machine learning audience.
-After reviewing the paper as well as the reviews’ comments, it appears that this work may not be ideally suited for a machine learning-centric venue. Instead, it could be a better fit for a top-tier security conference. I believe the ideas presented are highly relevant, but they may not align perfectly with the primary focus of a machine learning conference. Thus, I cannot recommend that this paper be considered for acceptance at this time.
D neurips-reviews/xiqz.tex => neurips-reviews/xiqz.tex +0 -47
@@ 1,47 0,0 @@
-This paper systematizes attack vectors on the ML pipeline, providing an
-overview of where in the pipeline previous papers have devised
-backdoors, and introduce a new class of high-entropy and imperceptible
-triggers, that work on both images and text. In addition, ImpNet, a new
-class of backdoors that are inserted during compilation, is introduced.
-\textbf{Soundness:} {3 good}
-\textbf{Presentation:} {3 good}
-\textbf{Contribution:} {2 fair}
- The paper is easy to read, and the clarification is clear.
- The paper fill-in a blank area of backdoor attack in the deployment of
- the deep neural networks.
- I suggest adding defensive methods which post-processed the input,
- such as JPEG compression and Gaussian noise for image data.
- The technical design is too trivial. I can see this methods as adding
- logical expression such if ... else ... into the programming. So,
- there is no wonder the ASR can reach 100\%.
-See weakness above.
-\textbf{Rating:} {3: Reject: For instance, a paper with technical flaws,
-weak evaluation, inadequate reproducibility and incompletely addressed
-ethical considerations.}
-\textbf{Confidence:} {5: You are absolutely certain about your
-assessment. You are very familiar with the related work and checked the
-math/other details carefully.}