lego pips: slightly less tolerance
screenplate: start designing
adjust tolerances and add piplate
design camplate with seps
start adding some more margin to brick function
t_brick: start to make useful
start making new brick function
HQCamera: add spaces for screws on mount
make it easier to drop this into place...
HQcam: Build the case from legos...
Tolerance on printer not good enough to do legos
hole is not big enough for camera (near the mount)
start building the case out of legos
pi A: pedestels for the pegs
A HQ Cam: raspberry pi A with a raspberry pi HQ camera in it
config.txt: add camera_auto_detect=1
usercfg.txt and cmdline.txt: Add examples showing what you need to add
messing with autofocus and preview scale
unfortunately the preview will be sideways
picamera: working version, but not ideal
cut out hole for power button