1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
M oeb.sh
M oeb.sh => oeb.sh +3 -27
@@ 2,31 2,7 @@
if [ "$QUERY_STRING" = "" ]
- printf "10 Enter a scripture reference\r\n"
- return
+ printf "31 gemini://gemini.zachdecook.com/cgi-bin/oeb.py\r\n"
+ exit
-# parse query
-book=$(echo $QUERY_STRING|cut -d' ' -f1)
-chstart=$(echo $QUERY_STRING|tr ':' ' ' |cut -d' ' -f2)
-vstart=$(echo $QUERY_STRING|tr '-' ':' | cut -d: -f2)
-# vend is always the last number
-vend=$(echo $QUERY_STRING |tr - : |rev|cut -d: -f1|rev)
-# chend is the last leftover
-chend=$(echo $QUERY_STRING|sed "s/$book //"| sed "s/:$vstart-/ /"|sed "s/ \?:\?$vend$//"|rev|cut -d' ' -f1|rev)
-#echo $chstart "\t" $vstart "\t" $chend "\t"$vend && exit
-file=$(find oeb/ -name '*'-$book'*')
-if ! test "$file"; then
- printf "51 that book doesn't exist yet in the OEB\r\n"
- return 1
-printf "20 text/gemini\r\n"
-echo '=> https://github.com/openenglishbible/Open-English-Bible This content from OpenEnglishBible (public domain)'
-echo '=> gemini://gemini.zachdecook.com/usfm2gmi/ and rendered with usfm2gmi'
-echo "# $book $chstart:$vstart - $chend:$vend"
-grep '\c '"$chstart$" $file -A5000 | grep '\v '"$vstart " -A5000 \
-| tac|grep '\c '$(($chend + 1))'$' -A5000 | grep '\v '$vend' ' -A5000 | tac\
-| usfm2gmi/usfm2gmi.py
-# end in newline
-echo ''
+printf "31 gemini://gemini.zachdecook.com/cgi-bin/oeb.py?$QUERY_STRING\r\n"