
c4e35a1810f40e35557f13f095795f091b5b60ad — Danny van Kooten 2 months ago 70a0c8f 1.3.7
2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

M index.php
M readme.txt
M index.php => index.php +2 -2
@@ 1,7 1,7 @@
Plugin Name: Social Sharing (by Danny)
Version: 1.3.6
Version: 1.3.7
Plugin URI: https://dannyvankooten.com/wordpress-plugins/
Description: Adds super lightweight (no scripts) social share buttons to your posts.
Author: ibericode

@@ 29,7 29,7 @@ along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

defined('ABSPATH') or exit;

define('DVKSS_VERSION', '1.3.6');
define('DVKSS_VERSION', '1.3.7');
define('DVKSS_PLUGIN_DIR', __DIR__);

require DVKSS_PLUGIN_DIR . '/includes/functions.php';

M readme.txt => readme.txt +19 -18
@@ 5,7 5,7 @@ Tags: social, social sharing, twitter, linkedin, facebook
Requires at least: 3.7
Requires PHP: 7.2
Tested up to: 6.6
Stable tag: 1.3.6
Stable tag: 1.3.7
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

@@ 130,12 130,13 @@ Have a look at the [frequently asked questions](https://wordpress.org/plugins/dv
== Changelog ==

#### 1.3.5 - Oct 1, 2024
#### 1.3.7 - Oct 1, 2024

- Remove Google Plus as an option, since it has long been shut down.
- Add `defer` attribute to pop-up script tag.
- Improved sanitization of settings.
- Disallow the use of `<a>` elements in the `before_text` setting if user lacks `unfiltered_html` capability.
- Get rid of ES6 code in JavaScript files, to support older browsers.

#### 1.3.4 - Dec 23, 2022

@@ 183,13 184,13 @@ Misc. textual improvements.
- Added Italian translations, thanks to Alessandro Guidi.

#### 1.2.6 - March 29, 2016 
#### 1.2.6 - March 29, 2016


- Apostrophes in titles not properly escaped in sharing URL's. Thanks Robin Aldenhoven!

#### 1.2.5 - January 26, 2015 
#### 1.2.5 - January 26, 2015


@@ 200,27 201,27 @@ Misc. textual improvements.
- Added Finnish (fi_FI) translations, thanks to [Ari-Pekka Koponen](http://versi.fi/)

#### 1.2.4 - November 17, 2014 
#### 1.2.4 - November 17, 2014


- Wrapped link text in element so it can be hidden using CSS
- Improvements to pop-up JavaScript

#### 1.2.3 - September 4, 2014 
#### 1.2.3 - September 4, 2014


- Added minified scripts and option to load minified version
- Some textual improvements

#### 1.2.2 - April 30, 2014 
#### 1.2.2 - April 30, 2014


- Fixed not being able to save all "auto add to .." checkboxes unchecked

#### 1.2.1 - April 29, 2014 
#### 1.2.1 - April 29, 2014

- Added German translations, thanks Andreas Kuhl!

@@ 230,7 231,7 @@ Misc. textual improvements.
- Wrapped non-translatable strings in translation calls.
- Updated Dutch translations

#### 1.2 - March 19, 2014 
#### 1.2 - March 19, 2014

- Added option to automatically add sharing options to all registered post types

@@ 240,43 241,43 @@ Misc. textual improvements.

- Disabled Pop-up JS by default until we figure out a cross-browser compatibility fix.

#### 1.1 - February 19, 2014 
#### 1.1 - February 19, 2014
- Added: Slovenian translations, thanks to [Domen Hrabar, Viking Marketing](http://www.vikingmarketing.si/)
- Improved: direct file access security

#### 1.0.9 - December 30, 2013 
#### 1.0.9 - December 30, 2013
- Added: Danish translation, thanks to [Finn Hoelgaard](http://fhn.dk/)!
- Added: Russian translation, thanks to Nikita!
- Improved: Pop-up script now waits for full page load.

#### 1.0.6 - December 20, 2013 
#### 1.0.6 - December 20, 2013
- Improved: Pop-up JS now used addEventListener to enable multiple event listeners (like a Google Analytics plugin) attaching to the sharing links.

#### 1.0.5 - December 9, 2013 
#### 1.0.5 - December 9, 2013
- Added: French translations, thanks to [Said](http://www.ninapeople.com/)
- Improved: All backend strings are now translatable
- Improved: Prevented direct access or search engine indexing of plugin files
- Improved: Facebook URL sharing parameters

#### 1.0.4 - December 2, 2013 
#### 1.0.4 - December 2, 2013
- Improved: Minified pop-up script to 480 bytes.
- Improved: Removed image attribute from Facebook Share URL. FB will now pick up `og:image` meta tags.

#### 1.0.3 - November 25, 2013 
#### 1.0.3 - November 25, 2013
- Fixed: undefined index notice when saving options.

#### 1.0.2 - November 20, 2013 
#### 1.0.2 - November 20, 2013

- Added: Dutch translation
- Added: Option to change the text that shows before the sharing links.

#### 1.0.1 - November 20, 2013 
#### 1.0.1 - November 20, 2013

- Fixed: Added settings link to plugins overview page
- Fixed: "tweet about" option in admin now tweets about the correct plugin.

#### 1.0 - November 17, 2013 
#### 1.0 - November 17, 2013

- Initial release.