license = gpl 3.0 or later
simplify and get rid of type-hint
remove travis config file
add comment explaining why we modify the .org update check response
get rid of unnecessary type casts
add license header to main plugin file
remove cruft from composer.json
Merge pull request #2 from baselbers/master
Bumped version to 1.1, in accordance with GitHub tag. Thanks @baselbers!
Bumped version
Seems that it should be version 1.1
be smart about setting SMTPAuth so plugin works with mailcatcher
Add `.gitattributes` file to prevent unneeded files from showing up in production environments.
Be strict in modifying object.
Use simpler disable method by altering response instead of request.
Mock `add_filter` method in tests.
Disable update checks for "smtp-mailer"
Add phpunit configuration file. Fix test coverage reporting.