
Surrender to Google Widevine DRM

- Install Chrome, not Degoogled-Chromium
- Install Linux emulation
- Install Widevine DRM

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Update Spotify to "work" again
Cleanup Bash setup and apply to root, too

Fixes https://todo.sr.ht/~duncan-bayne/setups/21
Create the switch for vm-bhyve
Run GPG agent on X login
Swap caps and control on X login
Add Perl stuff to bashrc
Fix whitespace
Configure ag to search hidden directories
Install missing UEFI firmware for byhve
Install missing grub support for bhyve
Set up bhyve
Start setting up Yubikey support
Install dmenu for i3
Install mu from ports to get elisp
Don't assume we have yarn at install time
Properly quote path
Bump pip to 3.11
Don't try to install both from port and pkg :/