
978eef2e4feb0d29041fdfaef2fd7a713e957c37 — Duncan Bayne 2 months ago 4fe1e14
Remove redundant Mojolicious dependency

This was only used for the old tests, not the simple end to end tests
that lean on `diff`.
3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

M scripts/cpan-dependencies.sh
M t/Halp/generation_test.t
M README.md => README.md +4 -5
@@ 14,11 14,10 @@ It was created to scratch an itch: to generate both my [personal Gemini capsule]
    2. File::Copy::Recursive
    3. File::Slurp
    4. HTML::HTML5::ToText
    5. Mojolicious
    6. Test::Exception
    7. Text::Template
    8. Try::Tiny
    9. XML::Atom::SimpleFeed
    5. Test::Exception
    6. Text::Template
    7. Try::Tiny
    8. XML::Atom::SimpleFeed

Note that `scripts/cpan-dependencies.sh` will set these up for you, assuming you have CPAN installed.

M scripts/cpan-dependencies.sh => scripts/cpan-dependencies.sh +0 -1
@@ 10,7 10,6 @@ for module in \
    File::Slurp \
    HTML::HTML5::Parser \
    HTML::HTML5::ToText \
    Mojolicious \
    Test::Exception \
    Text::Template \
    Try::Tiny \

M t/Halp/generation_test.t => t/Halp/generation_test.t +0 -1
@@ 5,7 5,6 @@ use strict;
use warnings;

use Halp::AtomFeed;
use Mojo::DOM;
use Test::More;

use Test::More tests => 4;