Window Commander - Simply execute commands on windows
Window Commander provides a minor mode for switching to
windows or performing actions on them using IDs assigned to them
M-x package-install RET window-commander RET
Enable `wincom-mode':
For use-package users:
(use-package window-commander
When `wincom-mode' is active:
- A window ID is displayed using a mode line lighter and/or a display
function (see `wincom-display-lighter').
- Window IDs are assigned to all windows on all frames except for
the minibuffer (by default, see `wincom-scope').
- `other-window' (C-x o by default) is remapped to `wincom-select'.
C-x o ID switches focus to the window which corresponds to ID.
C-x o 0 ID deletes the window which corresponds to ID.
C-x o 1 ID makes the window which corresponds to ID the sole
window of its frame.
C-x o 2 ID splits the window which corresponds to ID from below.
C-x o 3 ID splits the window which corresponds to ID from the right.
C-x o 4 ID displays the buffer of the next command in the window
which corresponds to ID.
C-x o t ID swaps the states of the current window and the window
which corresponds to ID.
C-x o m switches focus to the minibuffer if it's active.
C-x o r switches focus to the most recently used window.
More commands can be added through `wincom-command-map':
(define-key wincom-command-map (kbd "z") #'my-command)
You can customize Window Commander further using the customize interface:
M-x customize-group RET window-commander RET
For more information see info node (Window Commander).
Copyright © 2023-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Licensed under GPLv3 or later.