
MPRIS support for foobar2000
Fix integer metadata fields
Fix Player.SetPosition


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foobard is a program which, when combined with foo_mpris, adds MPRIS support to foobar2000 running under Wine.

foo_mpris is a foobar2000 component written in C++ which responds to commands it receives with the current state of the player (including metadata, playing/paused/stopped, etc.) or by controlling the player (play/pause, seek, etc.); these are enabled via foobar2000's SDK.

foobard is a daemon written in C99 which runs on the Linux side and sits between foo_mpris and D-Bus, translating the commands it receives over D-Bus into commands for foo_mpris. foobard uses sd-bus for the actual D-Bus interfacing.

Communication is via Unix socket, and packets are encoded in UBJSON.

Note: Upstream Wine does not currently support Unix sockets. I have submitted a merge request implementing support for them.


To build foobard, you must have a C compiler, GNU make, and libsystemd installed. I'm pretty sure it's possible to have libsystemd on other init systems. Then run make, which will give you a binary at build/foobard.

To build foo_mpris, you must be on Windows (probably; I haven't tried building under Wine) and have the LLVM toolchain and MinGW installed, and LLVM must be in your MinGW path. You must also have make installed. Change directories to foo_mpris/, then run make, which will give you a DLL at ./build/foo_mpris.dll. Place this DLL at %APPDATA%\foobar2000-v2\user-components-x64\foo_mpris\. Optionally modify foo_mpris/Makefile and provide a path accurate to your system in the install recipe.


This code is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. A copy of this license is included in the repository. Please note that only the code under the following paths (-maxdepth 1) is under this license:

  • .
  • foo_mpris/src/
  • ubjson/

The remaining code is the foobar2000 SDK and its dependencies.

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