
Tools for producing electronic books
Convert from `pyenv` + `pip` to `uv`.
Wrap long lines in block quotes in plain text output.
Right-justify the attribution in plain text block quotes.


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


Tools for producing electronic books.

#Development Setup

  1. Install make and uv
  2. Run tests: make check
  3. Build books: make
  4. Remove generated files: make clean
  5. Remove fetched content and virtual environment: make clobber


  1. Fetch HTML source files and scans of original publications
  2. Apply repair patches to some HTML source files
  3. Pretty print HTML sources so document structure is visible (prettify)
  4. Strip unneeded HTML elements (strip)
  5. Parse stripped HTML and convert it to JSON (parse)
  6. Join JSON files for individual chapters of a story into a single file (join)
  7. Normalizes spacing, capitalization and punctuation (normalize)
  8. TODO: Correct typos in sources (correct)
  9. Generate fixed layout ASCII text files (plaintext)
  10. Generate minimal semantic HTML files (plainhtml)
  11. TODO: Generate EPUBs (epub)

#Fetching Content

HTML files are fetched from Wikisource and Project Gutenberg Australia. Scans of the original publications are fetched from the Internet Archive and are used for reference when making corrections. Because the list of content files is long, content target files are given in conan/fetch.mk, which is included in Makefile. The ./bin/fetch script contains the curl command used to fetch the content.

The fetch target fetches all HTML files. To get the original publications from the Internet Archive, run fetch-all, but note that the Internet Archive may throttle downloads, causing make fetch-all to fail.

#Repairing Fetched Content Files

Sometimes fetched content is not correctly encoded as UTF-8 and the strip.py script will fail. The process for fixing this is:

  1. Copy ./fetched/<content path> to ./tmp/repaired/<content path>
  2. Manually edit ./tmp/repaired/<content path> and fix any problems
  3. Create a patch file using diff command below
  4. Add ./fetched/<content path> to the needs_repair makefile variable

The diff command looks like:

diff -u \
    ./fetched/<content path> \
    ./tmp/repaired/<content path> \
    > ./<content path>.patch 


The code in books is made available under a BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details. Content for books is fetched from Wikisource and Project Gutenberg Australia, where it is attested to be in the public domain in the United States and Australia respectively.

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