initial release of the pl.aiwright repo
123 files changed, 58512 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) A .editorconfig A .env.production A .gitignore A .husky/pre-commit A LICENSE A A package-lock.json A package.json A patches/react-scripts+5.0.1.patch A public/android-chrome-192x192.png A public/android-chrome-512x512.png A public/apple-touch-icon.png A public/browserconfig.xml A public/favicon-16x16.png A public/favicon-32x32.png A public/favicon.ico A public/images/logo.svg A public/images/name.svg A public/index.html A public/mstile-144x144.png A public/mstile-150x150.png A public/mstile-310x150.png A public/mstile-310x310.png A public/mstile-70x70.png A public/robots.txt A public/site.webmanifest A src/App.css A src/App.tsx A src/Canvas.tsx A src/CharacterPanel.tsx A src/ClustersTool.tsx A src/CompletionTool.tsx A src/DagreEngine.ts A src/Demo.tsx A src/DemoAnnotationModal.tsx A src/DemoGame.tsx A src/DemoScenarioIntro.tsx A src/DemoSplash.tsx A src/DialogueGraphInputManager.ts A src/DialogueGraphModel.ts A src/DialogueLinkFactory.tsx A src/DialogueNodeFactory.tsx A src/DialogueNodeModel.ts A src/DialogueNodeWidget.tsx A src/DialogueSheet.tsx A src/Dialogues.tsx A src/EventDB.ts A src/EventDBs.ts A src/Events.ts A src/ExperimentAnalysis.tsx A src/ExperimentAnnotation.tsx A src/ExperimentInfo.tsx A src/ExperimentUsers.tsx A src/ExperimentsDB.tsx A src/ExportModal.tsx A src/FileSelector.tsx A src/GamePanel.tsx A src/GameState.tsx A src/Graph.ts A src/GraphInfo.tsx A src/LoaderModal.tsx A src/LocalStorage.ts A src/Login.tsx A src/LuaRepl.tsx A src/LuaState.tsx A src/Search.tsx A src/SpeechPanel.tsx A src/SplitTool.tsx A src/TextForm.tsx A src/Toolbar.tsx A src/Tools.tsx A src/TreeView.tsx A src/VirtualizedLinkLayerFactory.tsx A src/VirtualizedLinkLayerWidget.tsx A src/VirtualizedNodeLayerFactory.tsx A src/VirtualizedNodeLayerWidget.tsx A src/Workspace.tsx A src/ZoomLevel.tsx A src/actions/FocusNodeAction.ts A src/actions/ZoomSelectedAction.ts A src/clusters.ts A src/completion.ts A src/dialogue.ts A src/disco.ts A src/experiment.ts A src/fewshot.ts A src/file.ts A src/filter.ts A src/functions.lua A src/gamedb.ts A src/generated.ts A src/geometry.ts A src/globals.lua A src/helpers.lua A src/images/logo.svg A src/images/name.svg A src/index.css A src/index.tsx A src/lm.ts A src/logo.svg A src/lua.ts A src/preprocess.ts A src/preprocess.utils.ts A src/preprocessPool.ts A src/react-app-env.d.ts A src/repl.lua A src/scenario.ts A src/script.ts A src/speech.ts A src/splits.ts A src/splits.utils.ts A src/startup.ts A src/states/DefaultState.ts A src/states/DragCanvasState.ts A src/types.ts A src/types/fengari-interop.d.ts A src/types/fengari.d.ts A src/types/lua.d.ts A src/types/pouchdb-collate.d.ts A src/util.ts A src/workers/DagreEngine.worker.ts A src/workers/splits.worker.ts A tsconfig.json