ci: drop gitlab CI
Merge branch 'env-var-runner'
changelog: FUZZEL_DESKTOP_ID: reference issue instead of PR
Fuzzel is a Wayland-native application launcher, similar to rofi's drun mode.
Fuzzel, with transparency, on top of a browser window showing a diff of a fuzzel commit
[^1]: can also be built as subprojects, in which case they are statically linked.
To build, first, create a build directory, and switch to it:
mkdir -p bld/release && cd bld/release
Second, configure the build (if you intend to install it globally, you
might also want --prefix=/usr
meson --buildtype=release \
-Denable-cairo=disabled|enabled|auto \
-Dpng-backend=none|libpng \
-Dsvg-backend=none|librsvg|nanosvg \
can be used to force-enable or force-disable a
specific png and/or svg backend. Note that nanosvg is builtin
(i.e. it needs to external dependencies).
can be used to force-enable or force-disable cairo
support. When disabled, fuzzel will not be able to draw rounded
corners, nor will it support SVGs using the librsvg backend.
Three, build it:
You can now run it directly from the build directory:
Use command line arguments to configure the look-and-feel:
./fuzzel --help
Optionally, install it:
ninja install
For more detailed configuration information, see the man page:
man fuzzel
Fuzzel is released under the MIT license.
Fuzzel uses nanosvg, released under the Zlib license.