Minor core import fix
A Clojure library that makes CLI very nice, easy, and clojure-y.
OneCLI allows the programmer to easily make some very nice command line interface tools.
It gathers configuration from config files (including https/remote ones), from environment, and from the CLI. then it merges them.
Any CLI argument given as --add-<thing> <arg>
will have its argument
added to a list inside the options map. --set-<thing> <arg>
will set
the value of the options map at the given key (<thing>
) will be set to a string
(unless a transform is specified.) Arguments of the form
will set <thing>
in the options map to true
, respectively.
Similarly, any env var read as <PROGRAM_NAME>_ITEM_<THING_A_LING>
will be
added to the options map under the key :thing-a-ling
. if the middle of the env
var is _LIST_
the contents will be treated like a list separated by the
character (by default this is the comma ,
and if the middle of the var is _MAP_
it will be further split into key/value pairs
and put into a map as the value of :thing-a-ling
in the options map.
Functions are specified to call when different sequences of subcommands are given. The docstrings of those functions are used for their help screens.
[onecli 0.1.0]
Usage looks like this:
(ns my-program
[onecli.core :as onecli])
(defn -main [& args]
{:program-name "my-program"
:functions {
[] 'my-program.main-cli!
["do"] '!
["do" "list"] '!
:env-vars (System/getenv)
:args args})
Copyright © 2019 Daniel Jay Haskin et. al., see the file.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.