
a simple vim script for beginners that displays keybindings on screen, helping new users ease into vim without needing to set up plugins. perfect for those just starting out!
Updated README.md
Added LICENSE.txt
Barebones, still it works


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hello-vim.vim is a script you can add to your .vimrc file to display keybindings on the screen while you work in Vim.

This script is intentionally not a plugin—it's designed for beginners who may not yet know how to set up Vim plugins. If you're new to Vim and just trying it out for fun, the default keybindings can feel intimidating, and this script aims to make the experience smoother.

#Not familiar with config files? Here's a quick guide:

#For macOS and other Unix-like operating systems:

Steps for Vim users:

  1. In your home directory (after opening the terminal), create a .vim directory:
    mkdir .vim
  2. Inside the .vim directory, create a .vimrc file:
    cd .vim && touch .vimrc
  3. Append the script from the repository to the .vimrc file:
    cat << EOF >> .vimrc
    # Paste the script here

Steps for Neovim users:

  1. In your home directory, create a .config directory and an nvim directory inside it:
    mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim
  2. Inside the nvim directory, create an init.vim file:
    touch ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
  3. Append the script from the repository to the init.vim file:
    cat << EOF >> ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
    # Paste the script here