@@ 0,0 1,115 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import urlparse
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import logging as log
+log.basicConfig(level=log.ERROR, stream=sys.stderr)
+from django.core.management import setup_environ
+import settings
+from memebot.models import Link, Source
+from memebot.utils.browser import Browser
+from memebot.scanner import get_scanners
+browser = Browser(user_agent='firefox', timeout=20, max_read=2097152)
+scanners = get_scanners(settings.SCANNERS)
+def resolve_url(link):
+ """Handler for a single link"""
+ # fetch url we are processing
+ try:
+ response = browser.open(link.url, follow_meta_redirect=True)
+ except:
+ print 'timeout'
+ return
+ if not response.is_valid:
+ print 'invalid response'
+ return
+ # run through each configured scanner until something matches
+ for scanner_name, scanner in scanners:
+ try:
+ result = scanner.scan(response, log, browser)
+ break
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ print 'no handler'
+ return
+ log.info('MATCH on %s: %r', scanner_name, result)
+ return scanner_name, result
+ '''
+ # store rendered results from scanners to link and publish (deferred)
+ # XXX some seriously broken shit going on witih emoji combinatorials, hack to make the links flow again
+ #link.title = result.title
+ '''
+def main():
+ from django.db.models import Q
+ badchar = '>'
+ bad_url = Q(url__contains=badchar)
+ bad_norm = Q(normalized__contains=badchar)
+ bad_res = Q(resolved_url__contains=badchar)
+ bad_fields = Q(bad_url | bad_norm | bad_res)
+ links = Link.objects.all()
+ bad_links = links.filter(bad_fields)
+ nbad_link = bad_links.count()
+ fix_count = 0
+ skip_count = 0
+ try:
+ for bad_link in bad_links.distinct().order_by('id'):
+ found = False
+ wontfix = False
+ dirty = False
+ for key in 'url', 'normalized', 'resolved_url':
+ url = getattr(bad_link, key, None)
+ if url is not None and badchar in url:
+ found = True
+ uri = urlparse.urlparse(url)
+ clean = []
+ for i, field in enumerate(uri):
+ j = field.find(badchar)
+ if j < 0:
+ keep = field
+ else:
+ keep = field[:j]
+ clean.append(keep)
+ clean_url = urlparse.urlunparse(clean)
+ query = {key: clean_url}
+ dupes = Link.objects.filter(**query)
+ ndupe = dupes.count()
+ if ndupe > 0:
+ wontfix = True
+ break
+ setattr(bad_link, key, clean_url)
+ dirty = True
+ if not found:
+ raise RuntimeError
+ if wontfix or not dirty:
+ skip_count += 1
+ else:
+ bad_link.save()
+ fix_count += 1
+ done = skip_count + fix_count
+ sys.stderr.write('{} / {}\r'.format(done, nbad_link))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ finally:
+ print 'skipped: {}'.format(skip_count)
+ print 'fixed: {}'.format(fix_count)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())