
This repository is for publishing posts to my personal blog using weblog.lol and sourcehut Builds.
95b37327 — Daryl Sun a day ago
Corrects copyright symbol in footer
136b20d5 — Daryl Sun a day ago
Adds link to guestbook to all posts
b6e3da5f — Daryl Sun a day ago
Adjust appearance of links in footer


browse  log 



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

#Daryl Sun's Journal

#What is this website?

Welcome to my personal blog, Daryl Sun's Journal! It's an online diary detailing a lady's misadventures in two worlds: every week, I write about what I've seen, heard, and done during the past seven days.

All views and opinions expressed on this blog are my own and don't reflect the beliefs of my family, employers, country, or whatever arbitrary group I can possibly belong to, unless attributed as such; I don't intend my words to be taken as factual truth or professional advice, and I certainly don't intend them to humiliate or defame anyone.

I try to keep the content hosted here as safe-for-work as possible, but I'm not responsible for whatever you find on other websites that I've linked here.

Anthromorphic panda in a blue fairy dress sitting next to a black square that says, "Web PG"

All content borrowed or cited by this blog are property of their respective creators and owners, and this blog doesn't intend to infringe on their rights.

If you find anything on this blog that you think is harmful, sensitive, confidential, or unnecessary, then please feel free to contact me!

#Why does this website exist?

You can read my introductory post or my web manifesto so you have an idea on why.

#What's the difference between This Week and Special Edition posts?

  • This Week: the regular update, with all my triumphs and failures
  • Special Edition: out-of-schedule update on topics that were not or could not be included in This Week

#May I borrow content from this website?

Daryl Sun's Journal (c) 2023-2024 by Daryl Sun is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. Basically, you can do whatever you want with the content, as long as you credit me, it's not for commercial use, and you don't apply any restrictions on your version of my content.

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

The source code of this blog can be found on sourcehut, licensed under the BSD 3-Clause Clear License.

Again, basically, you can do whatever you want with the source code, as long as you include a copy of the license and copyright notice with your redistribution.

#How do you maintain this website?

This blog is hosted on weblog.lol by Adam Newbold, and managed with sourcehut Builds by Drew DeVault and contributors. The weblog.lol sourcehut Builds integration manifest was borrowed from Gil Oliviera. The root domain for this blog, darylsun.page, is registered on Porkbun; DNS records for the root domain and subdomains are handled by DNSimple.

Drafts are written first in Nextcloud Notes, then transferred to the local git repository on my devices, with changes saved using git. Formatting is fixed by eye and hand using Geany.

#How did you design this website?

This blog's design is an attempt to reconcile the form of The Whimsical Club and Café Rosé with the function of Guidelines for Brutalist Web Design and This is an Actual Website. It has a simple header-body-footer layout based on the default weblog.lol layout, because I didn't want to deal with columns and sidebars.

The blog uses pure HTML and CSS, partly because I don't remember anything I learned about JavaScript from my high school web development classes, and partly because I use uBlock Origin with JavaScript blocked, and it'd be silly if I couldn't view my own blog without relaxing uBlock Origin's settings. This blog doesn't contain iFrames either, because I configure uBlock Origin to block iFrames too.

I would like to express my gratitude to the following people and credit them for their work:

The light theme of this blog is based on the Rosé Pine Dawn palette, while the dark theme is based on the Dracula palette.

External fonts are served using bunny.net CDN. The fonts on the blog are:

  • Lexend for headings, with Verdana, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, and Arial as fallback
  • Atkinson Hyperlegible Next for body text, with Verdana, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, and Arial as fallback
  • Intel One Mono for code, with Courier New and Lucida Sans Typewriter as fallback

Lexend, Atkinson Hyperlegible Next, and Intel One Mono are used under the SIL Open Font License.

Images are served using bunny.net CDN. The exceptions are my avatar on the /about page) page, which is served by omg.lol, and the images of my virtual pets on the /adoptables page.

The icon set on the blog is Tabler, used under the MIT License.

This blog uses EchoFeed for sending webmentions to other websites that can receive them.

#How accessible is this website?

This blog is committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive environment for everyone. Thus, I'm continuously improving its compatibility with assistive technologies.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. This blog strives to be WCAG 2.1 Level AA compliant, and has been evaluated using WAVE with no accessibility errors found.

Currently, this blog has:

  • Semantic HTML
  • A responsive and mobile-friendly site layout
  • Automatic light and dark mode based on device settings
  • Colors that pass the APCA Contrast Method
  • A legible font stack, with system fonts as fallback
  • Zoom-friendly font sizes
  • Unique page titles
  • Ordered headings
  • Landmark areas
  • Skip links
  • Descriptive names for links
  • Distinct focus states
  • Alternative descriptions for images
  • No auto-playing audio or video
  • No animated GIFs, except on the /buttons and /adoptables pages; the images there don't contain flashes or high frame-rates

This website has been tested on the latest Firefox browser releases.

I welcome any feedback on the accessibility of this blog. If you encounter any accessibility barriers, please report them to this blog's issue tracker on sourcehut, or contact me as mentioned above. I take these issues seriously and will try to remedy them as soon as I can.

Some websites linked on this blog may have bright colors, high contrast, flashing graphics, or non-responsive web design. I'm not personally responsible for the management of these websites.

#Does this website collect any personal data?

I only collect your name and email address if you choose to contact me via email, and if you do, those are not shared or sold to third-parties, or used for commercial purposes.

Otherwise, this blog doesn't use cookies or analytics. As mentioned earlier, this blog doesn't use JavaScript either.

Because this blog runs on weblog.lol, which is part of omg.lol, please refer to omg.lol's privacy policy on how it may collect and store information when you access this blog.

This blog also uses DNSimple for DNS management, so kindly refer to its privacy policy and CCPA compliance statement on how it may collect and store information when you access this blog.

Since this blog serves images using bunny.net CDN, please refer to bunny.net's privacy & data policy and GDPR compliance statement on how it may collect and store information when you access this blog. I have turned off all logging methods for bunny.net, so I don't know your location or IP address.

This blog uses webmention.io to receive webmentions from other websites. However, no received webmentions are stored or shown on this blog.

This blog also displays images and links from johnvertisements, which may collect and store information when you access this blog.

#Will you host ads or sponsored content on this website?

No. This is a hobby website, maintained on my own leisure. I don't need to sell my soul to keep it up.

Black and white owl saying the words, "Ad-Free Blog"

While I display johnvertisements, I don't receive any monetary compensation from them.

In addition, I've signed the web0 manifesto, committing myself and my projects in rejecting the so-called "Web3." I say no to Web3 and cryptocurrencies or NFTs.

#How environment-friendly is this website?

Unfortunately, this blog and its components don't run on green hosting.

However, according to the Website Carbon Calculator, this blog has achieved a carbon rating of A+.

0.03 g of CO2/view and cleaner than 99% of pages tested.

#How much of the content on this website is human-made?

This blog was created without any contribution from a generative artificial intelligence (AI), and it pledges to have 100% human-made content. No machine learning or artificial intelligence tools were ever or will ever used in the creation of blog posts, pages, art pieces, and photographs.

Written by Human, Not by AI Painted by Human, Not by AI Produced by Human, Not by AI

Human-made Content

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