Implement saving health measurements
Take climbed meters into account when estimating energy expenditure
Allow 1% rounding error when comparing moving time with elapsed time
Use Celery task queue for background analysis processing
Calculate climbed height meters during analysis
Extract elevation data from FIT and GPX files
Increase maximum upload filesize to 50MB
Add missing sample data file for tests
Don't try to parse gzipped FIT files also as GPX
Implement calculation of actual "moving time"
Implement coarse auto-naming for untitled activities
Allow upload of activities without title
Support sub-second timestamp parsing for FIT files
The FIT standard unfortunately does not support sub-second accuracy for
most events. The (awesome) Android app "GpsLogger II" exports the
fractional part of the seconds (in milliseconds) via the non-standard
field number "252", which we now support when reading FIT files.
Do not try to parse a FIT file also as GPX
Enable builtin Django admin interface
Implement graphs visualizing HR zones
Move energy expenditure rounding up, to avoid issues with `None`
Only perform HR zone analysis if HR data is available