M src/Compiler/Codegen/LLVM.idr => src/Compiler/Codegen/LLVM.idr +1 -1
@@ 81,7 81,7 @@ compile defs tmpDir outputDir term outfile = do
| Left err => (coreLift_ $ fPutStrLn stderr err) >> (pure Nothing)
coreLift_ $ fPutStrLn stderr ("selected GC strategy: " ++ show gc)
- let opts = MkCompileOpts debug False gc os
+ let opts = MkCompileOpts debug False gc os 0
-- load supporting files first, so we can fail early
support <- readDataFile $ "rapid" </> "support.ll"
M src/Compiler/GenLLVMIR.idr => src/Compiler/GenLLVMIR.idr +151 -177
@@ 110,7 110,7 @@ cgMkConstInteger i val =
let lenForHeader = if (val >= 0) then len32 else (twosComplement len32)
let newHeader = constHeader OBJECT_TYPE_ID_BIGINT lenForHeader
let typeSignature = "{i64, [" ++ show len ++ " x %LimbT]}"
- cName <- addConstant i $ "private unnamed_addr addrspace(1) constant " ++ typeSignature ++ " {" ++ toIR newHeader ++ ", [" ++ show len ++ " x %LimbT] [" ++ (getLimbsIR limbs) ++ "]}, align 8"
+ cName <- addConstant $ "private unnamed_addr addrspace(1) constant " ++ typeSignature ++ " {" ++ toIR newHeader ++ ", [" ++ show len ++ " x %LimbT] [" ++ (getLimbsIR limbs) ++ "]}, align 8"
pure $ SSA IRObjPtr $ "bitcast (" ++ typeSignature ++ " addrspace(1)* " ++ cName ++ " to %ObjPtr)"
getLimbs : Integer -> (n:Nat ** Vect n Integer)
@@ 229,7 229,7 @@ mkSubstring strObj startIndexRaw length = do
mkRuntimeCrash : Int -> String -> Codegen ()
mkRuntimeCrash i s = do
- msg <- mkStr i s
+ msg <- mkStr s
appendCode $ " call ccc void @idris_rts_crash_msg(" ++ toIR msg ++ ") noreturn"
appendCode $ "unreachable"
@@ 453,7 453,7 @@ getInstForConstCaseString i r alts def =
makeCaseAlt caseId labelEnd scrutinee (idx, Str s, is) = do
let labelAltStart = MkLabel (caseId ++ "_alt_" ++ show idx)
let labelAltNext = MkLabel (caseId ++ "_next" ++ show idx)
- compStr <- mkStr i s
+ compStr <- mkStr s
match <- compareStr compStr scrutinee
appendCode $ "br " ++ toIR match ++ ", " ++ toIR labelAltStart ++ ", " ++ toIR labelAltNext
-- compare s == scrut
@@ 617,88 617,144 @@ genericIntBox ty ival with (intKind ty)
addError ("invalid int box: " ++ show ty)
cgMkInt (Const I64 0)
-genericCast : Constant -> Constant -> Reg -> Reg -> Codegen ()
-genericCast fromType toType dest src =
- genericCast' fromType toType dest src (intKind fromType) (intKind toType)
+castError : Constant -> Constant -> Codegen (IRValue IRObjPtr)
+castError fromType toType = do
+ addError ("cast not implemented: " ++ (show fromType) ++ " -> " ++ (show toType))
+ pure nullPtr
- where
- genericCast' : Constant -> Constant -> Reg -> Reg -> Maybe IntKind -> Maybe IntKind -> Codegen ()
- -- to Char
- genericCast' fromType CharType dest src (Just _) _ = do
- raw <- genericIntUnbox fromType !(load (reg2val src))
- ival <- mkTrunc {to=I32} raw
- -- this also helps to rule out negative values, should fromType be signed
- surrogateUpperBound <- icmp "ult" ival (Const I32 0xe000)
- surrogateLowerBound <- icmp "ugt" ival (Const I32 0xd7ff)
- isSurrogate <- mkAnd surrogateLowerBound surrogateUpperBound
- tooHigh <- icmp "ugt" ival (Const I32 0x10ffff)
- isInvalid <- mkOr tooHigh isSurrogate
- codepoint <- mkSelect isInvalid (Const I32 0) ival
- newObj <- cgMkChar codepoint
- store newObj (reg2val dest)
- -- to Double
- genericCast' fromType DoubleType dest src (Just (Unsigned _)) _ = do
- ival <- genericIntUnbox fromType !(load (reg2val src))
- newObj <- cgMkDouble !(uitofp ival)
- store newObj (reg2val dest)
- genericCast' fromType DoubleType dest src (Just (Signed (P _))) _ = do
- ival <- genericIntUnbox fromType !(load (reg2val src))
- newObj <- cgMkDouble !(sitofp ival)
- store newObj (reg2val dest)
- -- from Double
- genericCast' DoubleType toType dest src _ (Just (Unsigned _)) = do
- f1 <- unboxDouble !(load (reg2val src))
- newObj <- genericIntBox toType !(fptoui f1)
- store newObj (reg2val dest)
- genericCast' DoubleType toType dest src _ (Just (Signed (P _))) = do
- f1 <- unboxDouble !(load (reg2val src))
- newObj <- genericIntBox toType !(fptosi f1)
- store newObj (reg2val dest)
- -- to String
- genericCast' fromType StringType dest src (Just _) _ = do
- ival <- genericIntUnbox fromType !(load (reg2val src))
- -- max size of 2^64 = 20 + (optional "-" prefix) + NUL byte (from snprintf)
- newStr <- dynamicAllocate (ConstI64 24)
- strPayload <- getObjectPayloadAddr {t=I8} newStr
- length <- (SSA I64) <$> assignSSA ("call ccc i64 @idris_rts_int_to_str(" ++ toIR strPayload ++ ", " ++ toIR ival ++ ")")
- newHeader <- mkHeader OBJECT_TYPE_ID_STR !(mkTrunc length)
- putObjectHeader newStr newHeader
- store newStr (reg2val dest)
- -- from String
- genericCast' StringType toType dest src _ (Just _) = do
- strObj <- load (reg2val src)
- parsedVal <- SSA I64 <$> assignSSA (" call ccc i64 @idris_rts_str_to_int(" ++ toIR strObj ++ ")")
- newObj <- genericIntBox toType parsedVal
- store newObj (reg2val dest)
- -- from generic int to generic int
- genericCast' fromType IntType dest src (Just _) _ = do
- ival <- genericIntUnbox fromType !(load (reg2val src))
- newObj <- cgMkInt ival
- store newObj (reg2val dest)
- genericCast' fromType toType dest src (Just _) (Just (Unsigned bits)) = do
- ival <- genericIntUnbox fromType !(load (reg2val src))
- newObj <- if bits == 64
- then cgMkBits64 ival
- else do let mask = intMask bits
- truncatedVal <- mkAnd (Const I64 mask) ival
- cgMkInt truncatedVal
- store newObj (reg2val dest)
- genericCast' fromType toType dest src (Just _) (Just (Signed (P bits))) = do
- ival <- genericIntUnbox fromType !(load (reg2val src))
- newObj <- if bits == 64
- then cgMkBits64 ival
- else do let mask = intMask bits
- truncatedVal <- mkAnd (Const I64 mask) ival
- cgMkInt truncatedVal
- store newObj (reg2val dest)
- genericCast' fromType toType dest src _ _ = do
- addError ("cast not implemented: " ++ (show fromType) ++ " -> " ++ (show toType))
+castIntegerToDouble : IRValue IRObjPtr -> Codegen (IRValue IRObjPtr)
+castIntegerToDouble intObj = do
+ size <- getObjectSize intObj
+ isZero <- icmp "eq" (Const I32 0) size
+ mkIf (pure isZero) (cgMkConstDouble 0.0) (do
+ sizeAbs <- mkAbs size
+ highestLimbIndex <- mkZext {to=I64} !(mkSub sizeAbs (Const I32 1))
+ msbLimbAddr <- getObjectSlotAddrVar {t=I64} intObj highestLimbIndex
+ msbLimb <- load msbLimbAddr
+ countLeadingZeros <- SSA I64 <$> assignSSA (" call ccc i64 @llvm.ctlz.i64(" ++ toIR msbLimb ++ ", i1 1)")
+ exponentOffset <- mkAdd (Const I64 (1023 + 63)) !(mkMul highestLimbIndex (Const I64 64))
+ exponent <- mkSub exponentOffset countLeadingZeros
+ isInfinity <- icmp "ugt" exponent (Const I64 2046)
+ doubleAsBits <- mkIf (pure isInfinity) (do
+ pure (Const I64 $ cast IEEE_DOUBLE_INF_POS)
+ ) (do
+ fracShiftLeft <- icmp "uge" countLeadingZeros (Const I64 12)
+ shiftedFraction <- mkIf (pure fracShiftLeft) (do
+ mkShiftL msbLimb !(mkSub countLeadingZeros (Const I64 11))
+ ) (do
+ mkShiftR msbLimb !(mkSub (Const I64 11) countLeadingZeros)
+ )
+ fraction <- mkIf (icmp "eq" sizeAbs (Const I32 1)) (do
+ pure shiftedFraction
+ ) (do
+ mkIf (pure fracShiftLeft) (do
+ secondMsbLimbAddr <- getObjectSlotAddrVar {t=I64} intObj !(mkSub highestLimbIndex (Const I64 1))
+ secondMsbLimb <- load secondMsbLimbAddr
+ fractionLowerPart <- mkShiftR secondMsbLimb !(mkSub (Const I64 (64 + 11)) countLeadingZeros)
+ mkOr shiftedFraction fractionLowerPart
+ ) (do
+ pure shiftedFraction
+ )
+ )
+ shiftedExponent <- mkShiftL exponent (Const I64 52)
+ maskedFraction <- mkAnd (Const I64 $ cast IEEE_DOUBLE_MASK_FRAC) fraction
+ mkOr shiftedExponent maskedFraction
+ )
+ isNegative <- icmp "slt" size (Const I32 0)
+ sign <- mkSelect isNegative (Const I64 $ cast IEEE_DOUBLE_MASK_SIGN) (Const I64 0)
+ signedDoubleAsBits <- mkOr sign doubleAsBits
+ cgMkDoubleFromBits signedDoubleAsBits
+ )
+genericCastFromDouble : (toType : Constant) -> IRValue IRObjPtr -> Codegen (IRValue IRObjPtr)
+genericCastFromDouble toType src = do
+ f1 <- unboxDouble src
+ case (intKind toType) of
+ Just (Unsigned _) => genericIntBox toType !(fptoui f1)
+ Just (Signed (P _)) => genericIntBox toType !(fptosi f1)
+ _ => castError DoubleType toType
+genericCast : Constant -> Constant -> IRValue IRObjPtr -> Codegen (IRValue IRObjPtr)
+-- to Char
+genericCast fromType CharType src =
+ case (intKind fromType) of
+ Just _ => do
+ raw <- genericIntUnbox fromType src
+ ival <- mkTrunc {to=I32} raw
+ -- this also helps to rule out negative values, should fromType be signed
+ surrogateUpperBound <- icmp "ult" ival (Const I32 0xe000)
+ surrogateLowerBound <- icmp "ugt" ival (Const I32 0xd7ff)
+ isSurrogate <- mkAnd surrogateLowerBound surrogateUpperBound
+ tooHigh <- icmp "ugt" ival (Const I32 0x10ffff)
+ isInvalid <- mkOr tooHigh isSurrogate
+ codepoint <- mkSelect isInvalid (Const I32 0) ival
+ cgMkChar codepoint
+ Nothing => castError fromType CharType
+-- to Double
+genericCast fromType DoubleType src = do
+ ival <- genericIntUnbox fromType src
+ case (intKind fromType) of
+ Just (Unsigned _) => cgMkDouble !(uitofp ival)
+ Just (Signed Unlimited) => castIntegerToDouble src
+ Just (Signed (P _)) => cgMkDouble !(sitofp ival)
+ Nothing => castError fromType DoubleType
+-- from Double
+genericCast DoubleType toType src = genericCastFromDouble toType src
+-- to String
+genericCast fromType StringType src =
+ case (intKind fromType) of
+ Just _ => do
+ ival <- genericIntUnbox fromType src
+ -- max size of 2^64 = 20 + (optional "-" prefix) + NUL byte (from snprintf)
+ newStr <- dynamicAllocate (ConstI64 24)
+ strPayload <- getObjectPayloadAddr {t=I8} newStr
+ length <- (SSA I64) <$> assignSSA ("call ccc i64 @idris_rts_int_to_str(" ++ toIR strPayload ++ ", " ++ toIR ival ++ ")")
+ newHeader <- mkHeader OBJECT_TYPE_ID_STR !(mkTrunc length)
+ putObjectHeader newStr newHeader
+ pure newStr
+ Nothing => castError fromType StringType
+-- from String
+genericCast StringType toType src =
+ case (intKind toType) of
+ Just _ => do
+ parsedVal <- SSA I64 <$> assignSSA (" call ccc i64 @idris_rts_str_to_int(" ++ toIR src ++ ")")
+ genericIntBox toType parsedVal
+ Nothing => castError StringType toType
+-- from generic int to Int
+genericCast fromType IntType src =
+ case (intKind fromType) of
+ Just _ => do
+ ival <- genericIntUnbox fromType src
+ cgMkInt ival
+ Nothing => castError fromType IntType
+-- from generic int to generic int
+genericCast fromType toType src = do
+ case (intKind fromType) of
+ Just _ => do
+ ival <- genericIntUnbox fromType src
+ case (intKind toType) of
+ Just (Unsigned 64) => cgMkBits64 ival
+ Just (Unsigned bits) => do
+ let mask = intMask bits
+ truncatedVal <- mkAnd (Const I64 mask) ival
+ cgMkInt truncatedVal
+ Just (Signed (P 64)) => cgMkBits64 ival
+ Just (Signed (P bits)) => do
+ let mask = intMask bits
+ truncatedVal <- mkAnd (Const I64 mask) ival
+ cgMkInt truncatedVal
+ Just (Signed Unlimited) => do
+ cgMkIntegerSigned ival
+ Nothing => castError fromType toType
+ Nothing => castError fromType toType
getInstForConstCaseIntLike : {auto conNames : SortedMap Name Int} -> Constant -> Int -> Reg -> List (Constant, List VMInst) -> Maybe (List VMInst) -> Codegen ()
getInstForConstCaseIntLike ty i r alts def =
@@ 1244,7 1300,7 @@ getInstIR i (OP r (Cast IntegerType StringType) [r1]) = do
isZero <- icmp "eq" s1 (Const I32 0)
mkIf_ (pure isZero) (do
- newStr <- mkStr i "0"
+ newStr <- mkStr "0"
store newStr (reg2val r)
) (do
maxDigits <- call {t=TARGET_SIZE_T} "ccc" "@__gmpn_sizeinbase" [toIR !(getObjectPayloadAddr {t=MP_LIMB_T} i1), toIR u1, "i32 10"]
@@ 1342,56 1398,6 @@ getInstIR i (OP r (Cast DoubleType IntegerType) [r1]) = do
store newObj (reg2val r)
-getInstIR i (OP r (Cast IntegerType DoubleType) [r1]) = do
- intObj <- load (reg2val r1)
- size <- getObjectSize intObj
- isZero <- icmp "eq" (Const I32 0) size
- mkIf_ (pure isZero) (do
- newObj <- cgMkConstDouble i 0.0
- store newObj (reg2val r)
- ) (do
- sizeAbs <- mkAbs size
- highestLimbIndex <- mkZext {to=I64} !(mkSub sizeAbs (Const I32 1))
- msbLimbAddr <- getObjectSlotAddrVar {t=I64} intObj highestLimbIndex
- msbLimb <- load msbLimbAddr
- countLeadingZeros <- SSA I64 <$> assignSSA (" call ccc i64 @llvm.ctlz.i64(" ++ toIR msbLimb ++ ", i1 1)")
- exponentOffset <- mkAdd (Const I64 (1023 + 63)) !(mkMul highestLimbIndex (Const I64 64))
- exponent <- mkSub exponentOffset countLeadingZeros
- isInfinity <- icmp "ugt" exponent (Const I64 2046)
- doubleAsBits <- mkIf (pure isInfinity) (do
- pure (Const I64 $ cast IEEE_DOUBLE_INF_POS)
- ) (do
- fracShiftLeft <- icmp "uge" countLeadingZeros (Const I64 12)
- shiftedFraction <- mkIf (pure fracShiftLeft) (do
- mkShiftL msbLimb !(mkSub countLeadingZeros (Const I64 11))
- ) (do
- mkShiftR msbLimb !(mkSub (Const I64 11) countLeadingZeros)
- )
- fraction <- mkIf (icmp "eq" sizeAbs (Const I32 1)) (do
- pure shiftedFraction
- ) (do
- mkIf (pure fracShiftLeft) (do
- secondMsbLimbAddr <- getObjectSlotAddrVar {t=I64} intObj !(mkSub highestLimbIndex (Const I64 1))
- secondMsbLimb <- load secondMsbLimbAddr
- fractionLowerPart <- mkShiftR secondMsbLimb !(mkSub (Const I64 (64 + 11)) countLeadingZeros)
- mkOr shiftedFraction fractionLowerPart
- ) (do
- pure shiftedFraction
- )
- )
- shiftedExponent <- mkShiftL exponent (Const I64 52)
- maskedFraction <- mkAnd (Const I64 $ cast IEEE_DOUBLE_MASK_FRAC) fraction
- mkOr shiftedExponent maskedFraction
- )
- isNegative <- icmp "slt" size (Const I32 0)
- sign <- mkSelect isNegative (Const I64 $ cast IEEE_DOUBLE_MASK_SIGN) (Const I64 0)
- signedDoubleAsBits <- mkOr sign doubleAsBits
- newObj <- cgMkDoubleFromBits signedDoubleAsBits
- store newObj (reg2val r)
- )
getInstIR i (OP r (Cast StringType IntegerType) [r1]) = do
strObj <- load (reg2val r1)
strLength <- getObjectSize strObj
@@ 1414,18 1420,6 @@ getInstIR i (OP r (Cast StringType DoubleType) [r1]) = do
newDouble <- cgMkDouble parsedVal
store newDouble (reg2val r)
-getInstIR i (OP r (Cast Bits8Type IntegerType) [r1]) = do
- ival <- unboxInt (reg2val r1)
- newInt <- cgMkIntegerSigned ival
- store newInt (reg2val r)
-getInstIR i (OP r (Cast Bits16Type IntegerType) [r1]) = do
- ival <- unboxInt (reg2val r1)
- newInt <- cgMkIntegerSigned ival
- store newInt (reg2val r)
-getInstIR i (OP r (Cast Bits32Type IntegerType) [r1]) = do
- ival <- unboxInt (reg2val r1)
- newInt <- cgMkIntegerSigned ival
- store newInt (reg2val r)
getInstIR i (OP r (Cast Bits64Type IntegerType) [r1]) = do
ival <- unboxBits64 !(load (reg2val r1))
isZero <- icmp "eq" (Const I64 0) ival
@@ 1441,23 1435,6 @@ getInstIR i (OP r (Cast Bits64Type IntegerType) [r1]) = do
store newObj (reg2val r)
-getInstIR i (OP r (Cast Int8Type IntegerType) [r1]) = do
- ival <- unboxIntSigned 8 (reg2val r1)
- newInt <- cgMkIntegerSigned ival
- store newInt (reg2val r)
-getInstIR i (OP r (Cast Int16Type IntegerType) [r1]) = do
- ival <- unboxIntSigned 16 (reg2val r1)
- newInt <- cgMkIntegerSigned ival
- store newInt (reg2val r)
-getInstIR i (OP r (Cast Int32Type IntegerType) [r1]) = do
- ival <- unboxIntSigned 32 (reg2val r1)
- newInt <- cgMkIntegerSigned ival
- store newInt (reg2val r)
-getInstIR i (OP r (Cast Int64Type IntegerType) [r1]) = do
- ival <- unboxBits64 !(load (reg2val r1))
- newInt <- cgMkIntegerSigned ival
- store newInt (reg2val r)
getInstIR i (OP r (Cast CharType StringType) [r1]) = do
o1 <- load (reg2val r1)
charVal <- unboxChar' o1
@@ 1473,11 1450,6 @@ getInstIR i (OP r (Cast CharType toType) [r1]) = do
newInt <- genericIntBox toType !(mkZext charVal)
store newInt (reg2val r)
-getInstIR i (OP r (Cast IntType IntegerType) [r1]) = do
- ival <- unboxInt (reg2val r1)
- integerObj <- cgMkIntegerSigned ival
- store integerObj (reg2val r)
getInstIR i (OP r (Add Bits64Type) [r1, r2]) = bits64Binary mkAdd r r1 r2
getInstIR i (OP r (Sub Bits64Type) [r1, r2]) = bits64Binary mkSub r r1 r2
getInstIR i (OP r (Mul Bits64Type) [r1, r2]) = bits64Binary mkMul r r1 r2
@@ 1798,7 1770,9 @@ getInstIR i (OP r (LTE IntegerType) [r1, r2]) = do
store obj (reg2val r)
-getInstIR i (OP r (Cast fromType toType) [r1]) = genericCast fromType toType r r1
+getInstIR i (OP r (Cast fromType toType) [r1]) = do
+ castedObj <- genericCast fromType toType !(load (reg2val r1))
+ store castedObj (reg2val r)
getInstIR i (OP r (LT DoubleType) [r1, r2]) = doubleCmp "olt" r r1 r2
getInstIR i (OP r (LTE DoubleType) [r1, r2]) = doubleCmp "ole" r r1 r2
@@ 1940,12 1914,12 @@ getInstIR i (MKCONSTANT r (BI c)) = do
obj <- cgMkConstInteger i c
store obj (reg2val r)
getInstIR i (MKCONSTANT r (Db d)) = do
- obj <- cgMkConstDouble i d
+ obj <- cgMkConstDouble d
store obj (reg2val r)
getInstIR i (MKCONSTANT r WorldVal) = do
obj <- mkCon 1337 []
store obj (reg2val r)
-getInstIR i (MKCONSTANT r (Str s)) = store !(mkStr i s) (reg2val r)
+getInstIR i (MKCONSTANT r (Str s)) = store !(mkStr s) (reg2val r)
getInstIR i (CONSTCASE r alts def) = case findConstCaseType alts of
Right (IntLikeCase ty) => getInstForConstCaseIntLike ty i r alts def
@@ 2083,10 2057,10 @@ compileExtPrim i (NS ns n) r args with (unsafeUnfoldNamespace ns)
store val addr
compileExtPrim i (NS ns (UN $ Basic "prim__codegen")) r [] | ["Info", "System"] = do
- store !(mkStr i "rapid") (reg2val r)
+ store !(mkStr "rapid") (reg2val r)
compileExtPrim i (NS ns (UN $ Basic "prim__os")) r [] | ["Info", "System"] = do
-- no cross compiling for now:
- store !(mkStr i System.Info.os) (reg2val r)
+ store !(mkStr System.Info.os) (reg2val r)
compileExtPrim i (NS ns (UN $ Basic "void")) r _ | ["Uninhabited", "Prelude"] = do
appendCode $ " call ccc void @rapid_crash(i8* bitcast ([23 x i8]* @error_msg_void to i8*)) noreturn"
appendCode $ "unreachable"
@@ 2316,12 2290,12 @@ getVMIR opts conNames (i, n, MkVMFun args body) =
then ""
else case args of
[] => ""
- neArgs@(_::_) => runCodegen opts $ getFunIRClosureEntry conNames ((2*i + 1)+1000) n neArgs body
+ neArgs@(_::_) => runCodegen ({constNamespace := 2*i+1001} opts) $ getFunIRClosureEntry conNames ((2*i + 1)+1000) n neArgs body
- (runCodegen opts $ getFunIR conNames ((2*i)+1000) n (map Loc args) body) ++ closureEntry where
+ (runCodegen ({constNamespace := (2*i+1000)} opts) $ getFunIR conNames ((2*i)+1000) n (map Loc args) body) ++ closureEntry
getVMIR opts conNames (i, (n, MkVMForeign cs args ret)) =
let debug = debugEnabled opts in
- (runCodegen opts $ getForeignFunctionIR i n cs args ret) ++ "\n"
+ (runCodegen ({constNamespace := i} opts) $ getForeignFunctionIR i n cs args ret) ++ "\n"
getVMIR _ _ (i, (n, MkVMError is)) = ""
funcPtrTypes : String
M src/Compiler/LLVM/Instruction.idr => src/Compiler/LLVM/Instruction.idr +1 -0
@@ 181,6 181,7 @@ mkIf_ cond true false = do
jump lblEnd
beginLabel lblEnd
mkIf : {t : IRType} ->
(cond : Codegen (IRValue I1)) ->
(true : Codegen (IRValue t)) ->
M src/Compiler/LLVM/Rapid/Builtin.idr => src/Compiler/LLVM/Rapid/Builtin.idr +1 -1
@@ 236,7 236,7 @@ mk_prim__noop2 [_, _] = do
mk_prim__currentDir : Vect 1 (IRValue IRObjPtr) -> Codegen ()
mk_prim__currentDir [_] = do
- dummy <- mkStr 1 "/tmp"
+ dummy <- mkStr "/tmp"
newPtr <- dynamicAllocate (Const I64 8)
putObjectHeader newPtr (constHeader OBJECT_TYPE_ID_POINTER 0)
putObjectSlot newPtr (Const I64 0) dummy
M src/Compiler/LLVM/Rapid/Object.idr => src/Compiler/LLVM/Rapid/Object.idr +6 -6
@@ 225,11 225,11 @@ cgMkDouble val = do
pure newObj
-cgMkConstDouble : Int -> Double -> Codegen (IRValue IRObjPtr)
-cgMkConstDouble i d = do
+cgMkConstDouble : Double -> Codegen (IRValue IRObjPtr)
+cgMkConstDouble d = do
let newHeader = constHeader OBJECT_TYPE_ID_DOUBLE 0
let typeSignature = "{i64, double}"
- cName <- addConstant i $ "private unnamed_addr addrspace(1) constant " ++ typeSignature ++ " {" ++ toIR newHeader ++ ", double 0x" ++ (assert_total $ doubleToHex d) ++ "}, align 8"
+ cName <- addConstant $ "private unnamed_addr addrspace(1) constant " ++ typeSignature ++ " {" ++ toIR newHeader ++ ", double 0x" ++ (assert_total $ doubleToHex d) ++ "}, align 8"
pure $ SSA IRObjPtr $ "bitcast (" ++ typeSignature ++ " addrspace(1)* " ++ cName ++ " to %ObjPtr)"
@@ 303,13 303,13 @@ getStringIR utf8bytes = concatMap okchar utf8bytes
else "\\" ++ asHex2 c
-mkStr : Int -> String -> Codegen (IRValue IRObjPtr)
-mkStr i s = do
+mkStr : String -> Codegen (IRValue IRObjPtr)
+mkStr s = do
let utf8bytes = utf8EncodeString s
let len = length utf8bytes
let newHeader = constHeader OBJECT_TYPE_ID_STR (cast len)
let typeSignature = "{i64, [" ++ show len ++ " x i8]}"
- cName <- addConstant i $ "private unnamed_addr addrspace(1) constant " ++ typeSignature ++ " {" ++ toIR newHeader ++ ", [" ++ show len ++ " x i8] c\"" ++ (getStringIR utf8bytes) ++ "\"}, align 8"
+ cName <- addConstant $ "private unnamed_addr addrspace(1) constant " ++ typeSignature ++ " {" ++ toIR newHeader ++ ", [" ++ show len ++ " x i8] c\"" ++ (getStringIR utf8bytes) ++ "\"}, align 8"
pure $ SSA IRObjPtr $ "bitcast (" ++ typeSignature ++ " addrspace(1)* " ++ cName ++ " to %ObjPtr)"
M src/Control/Codegen.idr => src/Control/Codegen.idr +3 -3
@@ 42,11 42,11 @@ getUnique = do
pure i
-addConstant : Int -> String -> Codegen String
-addConstant i v = do
+addConstant : String -> Codegen String
+addConstant v = do
ci <- getUnique
- let name = "@glob_" ++ show i ++ "_c" ++ show ci
(MkCGBuf o i c l e) <- get
+ let name = "@glob_" ++ show (o.constNamespace) ++ "_c" ++ show ci
put (MkCGBuf o i ((name, v)::c) l e)
pure name
M src/Rapid/Common.idr => src/Rapid/Common.idr +1 -0
@@ 29,3 29,4 @@ record CompileOpts where
traceEnabled : Bool
gcFlavour : GCFlavour
targetOS : String
+ constNamespace : Int
M src/Rapid/Driver.idr => src/Rapid/Driver.idr +3 -3
@@ 30,7 30,7 @@ gcStubsBDW =
gcStubs : CompileOpts -> String
-gcStubs (MkCompileOpts _ _ Statepoint targetOs) =
+gcStubs (MkCompileOpts _ _ Statepoint targetOs _) =
define external ccc void @GC_init() { call ccc void @idris_rts_crash(i64 76) noreturn \n unreachable }
define external ccc void @GC_disable() { call ccc void @idris_rts_crash(i64 76) noreturn \n unreachable }
@@ 45,8 45,8 @@ gcStubs (MkCompileOpts _ _ Statepoint targetOs) =
-- on Apple platforms, an underscore is added implicitly:
then "@_LLVM_StackMaps"
else "@__LLVM_StackMaps"
-gcStubs (MkCompileOpts _ _ BDW _) = gcStubsBDW
-gcStubs (MkCompileOpts _ _ Zero _) = gcStubsBDW
+gcStubs (MkCompileOpts _ _ BDW _ _) = gcStubsBDW
+gcStubs (MkCompileOpts _ _ Zero _ _) = gcStubsBDW
gcPreamble : CompileOpts -> String
gcPreamble opts =
M src/Rapid/Lite.idr => src/Rapid/Lite.idr +1 -1
@@ 71,6 71,6 @@ main = do
else do
pure allFunctions
- let opts = MkCompileOpts debug False Statepoint os
+ let opts = MkCompileOpts debug False Statepoint os 0
writeIR optimizedFunctions support (filename ++ ".output.ll") opts