M bin/eeschema2netlist.ml => bin/eeschema2netlist.ml +2 -2
@@ 1,8 1,8 @@
-open BatOptParse
+open OptParse
let main () =
let overwrite_opt = StdOpt.store_true () in
- let out_filename_opt = Opt.value_option "FILE" (Some None) (BatOption.some) (fun _exn file -> "error: " ^ file) in
+ let out_filename_opt = Opt.value_option "FILE" (Some None) (Stdlib.Option.some) (fun _exn file -> "error: " ^ file) in
let optparser = OptParser.make ~version:Eeschema.Version.version () in
OptParser.add optparser
~help:"overwrite output file"
M eeschema2netlist.opam => eeschema2netlist.opam +2 -1
@@ 10,7 10,8 @@ depends: [
"dune" {build}
"menhir" {build}
"alcotest" {build}
- "batteries" { >= "2.9" }
+ "ocaml" { >= "4.08" }
+ "extlib" { >= "1.7" }
"ppx_deriving" { build & >= "4.3" }
"ppx_compare" { build & >= "0.12" }
M lib/connectiongraph.ml => lib/connectiongraph.ml +6 -5
@@ 2,8 2,9 @@ open List
open Schematic
-let default = BatOption.default
-let reduce = BatList.reduce
+let reduce f = function
+ | x::xs -> List.fold_left f x xs
+ | [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "reduce called on empty list")
let min_by compare a b = if (compare a b) < 0
then a
@@ 87,7 88,7 @@ module Netlist = struct
let driver_net_name nl net_name =
let net_drivers = drivers nl net_name in
- snd @@ BatList.reduce (min_by driver_compare) net_drivers
+ snd @@ reduce (min_by driver_compare) net_drivers
@@ 101,7 102,7 @@ let rec get_minpoint (netmap: (point2i, point2i) Hashtbl.t) (pt : point2i) =
match Hashtbl.find_opt netmap pt with
| Some minpoint -> (
if minpoint = pt then pt
- else (assert ((Pervasives.compare minpoint pt) = -1); get_minpoint netmap minpoint)
+ else (assert ((Stdlib.compare minpoint pt) = -1); get_minpoint netmap minpoint)
| None -> pt
@@ 124,7 125,7 @@ let make_netmap schematic : (point2i, point2i) Hashtbl.t =
| Item.Comp c when c.part.power ->
assert (length c.part.pins = 1);
let pin = (nth (get_pins c) 0) in
- let net_point = default pin.pos (Hashtbl.find_opt named_nets pin.name) in
+ let net_point = Stdlib.Option.value (Hashtbl.find_opt named_nets pin.name) ~default:pin.pos in
let new_minpoint = min (get_minpoint minpoint_map net_point) (get_minpoint minpoint_map pin.pos) in
Hashtbl.replace minpoint_map net_point new_minpoint;
Hashtbl.replace minpoint_map pin.pos new_minpoint;
M lib/dune => lib/dune +1 -1
@@ 1,7 1,7 @@
(name eeschema)
(public_name eeschema2netlist)
- (libraries batteries)
+ (libraries extlib)
(preprocess (pps ppx_deriving.show ppx_compare))
M lib/export_pspice.ml => lib/export_pspice.ml +3 -3
@@ 16,8 16,8 @@ let write_comp outch pin_cache comp =
ignore pin_cache
let make_cache kf vf xs =
- let tbl = Hashtbl.create (BatEnum.count xs) in
- BatEnum.iter (fun x ->
+ let tbl = Hashtbl.create (Enum.count xs) in
+ Enum.iter (fun x ->
Hashtbl.replace tbl (kf x) (vf x)
) xs;
@@ 27,7 27,7 @@ let id x = x
let write_netlist outch schematic netlist =
let net_names = make_cache id ( fun net_name ->
Netlist.driver_net_name netlist net_name
- ) (BatHashtbl.keys netlist.Netlist.nets) in
+ ) (ExtHashtbl.Hashtbl.keys netlist.Netlist.nets) in
let pin_cache = Hashtbl.create 512 in
Hashtbl.iter ( fun net_name subgraph -> iter (
M lib/parser.ml => lib/parser.ml +3 -2
@@ 57,8 57,9 @@ let resolve compdefs (version, items) =
items=List.map (resolve_item compdefs) items;
-let cache_lib sch_filename =
- BatOption.get_exn (Util.replace_suffix sch_filename ".sch" "-cache.lib") (Invalid_argument ("can not find cache lib for file: " ^ sch_filename))
+let cache_lib sch_filename = match (Util.replace_suffix sch_filename ".sch" "-cache.lib") with
+ | Some v -> v
+ | None -> raise (Invalid_argument ("can not find cache lib for file: " ^ sch_filename))
let convert compdef_filename sch_filename output_filename = match process Parse_lib.main Lex_lib.read format_compdeflist compdef_filename with
| Some compdefs -> begin
M lib/util.ml => lib/util.ml +1 -1
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
-open BatString
+open ExtString.String
let replace_suffix str suffix_to_remove suffix_to_add = if ends_with str suffix_to_remove
then Some ((slice ~last:(-length suffix_to_remove) str) ^ suffix_to_add)