
9702e802218796431c1ab29ed197b9e8f863a616 — Clayton Craft 3 years ago 1aa0b40
models: add 'enabled' column to User table

This flag will be used to block login to an account, for example when
the account is scheduled for deletion.
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M ridecasa/models/models.py
M ridecasa/models/models.py => ridecasa/models/models.py +1 -0
@@ 17,6 17,7 @@ class User(db.Entity, UserMixin):
    username = orm.Required(str, unique=True)
    password = orm.Required(str)
    email = orm.Required(str)
    enabled = orm.Required(bool)
    last_login = orm.Optional(datetime.datetime)
    activities = orm.Set('Activity')
    prefs = orm.Optional('UserPref', cascade_delete=True)