#My Dotfiles (System configuration files)
#Programs used
#X11 GUI (deprecated, not used at all anymore, I might removethe config files)
- startx
- awesomewm
- alacritty
- rofi
- picom
- lxsession
#Wayland GUI
- sway (window manager)
- foot (terminal)
- fuzzel (application launcher)
- kanshi (dynamic multi-monitor configuration)
- mako (notifications daemon)
- xdg-desktop-portal-{wlr,gtk} (portals)
- gtk-3.0 & gtk-4.0 (configuration to theme gtk apps properly)
- imv (image viewer, I don't have configs for this but some scripts use it)
- mpv (video player)
- syncthing (file syncronization between devices)
- aerc (email client)
- senpai (IRC client)
- todoman (todo list)
- vdirsyncer (sync caldav and carddav)
- khal (calendar)
- himitsu (password manager)
- nvim (text editor)
- photon (used to do video cards in watchvideos script)
- maildir2rss (used with photon, no config)
- zsh (shell)
- starship (prompt for zsh)
#Important scripts
enter-chroot (enters a chroot in ~/archroot)
himenu (fuzzel menu for password manager)
hitotp-menu (fuzzel menu for password manager 2fa)
run-sway (wrapper script around sway to set some environment variables and start some services)
scriptsmenu (menu to run scripts, useful for scripts which are uncommon enough that they don't have a hotkey)
There are a lot more scripts but most are unimportant or no
longer used. You can always read the code if you want to know how
it works!
#Notes about system-specific configuration
This is very useful on some of my laptops where I am prone to accidentally
press the power button.
# replace
# with