Updated README. v0.0.4
Added README. v0.0.3
Fixed error
Emercoin python 3 API
Start emercoin wallet and connect to it:
from emercoin import Emer
emer = Emer('rpcuser', 'rpcpassword', 'host', 'port')
# Get current block count in local chain
# name_filter NVS records
emer.name_filter(r'^dns:[\d]+\.(emc)') # show all dns records containing numbers in zone 'emc'
# for example: 64327.emc
# name_show NVS record
# since name_filter return truncated record content we can fetch it manually
# if we want get all NVS records by type (name_filter(^type:)) and fetch full record body automagicaly (name_show) we use
# if we simply want get all NVS records by regex and fetch full record body
# we can get NVS record history too
# or call rpc connection directly (bitcoinrpc used)
emer.rpc_connection.method_name(argument1, argument2)