


Python, Rust, Web/Node.js (and little Java) 17 yo developer from Mother Russia. Medvedi, Babushka, Vodka, Bereza and so on.

Email - cofob@riseup.net (use pgp pls)


Alfis blockchain viewer written in python and django.


Rewrite of https://github.com/cofob/tgdnsresolver


Upload screenshots with IPFS and ShareX


websites hosted on sr.ht


I made this repository to prepare for physics exam and learn Rust.


Forum with decentralisation and without blockchains.


DiscordSRV Python API


AuthMe Python API


LuckPerms Python API


Captcha plugin for Cuberite


My collection of docker images


Simple S2S messaging


Emercoin cryptocurrency API written in Python


WorldGuard Python API


Discord rich presence changer written in python

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