M grimoire.fs => grimoire.fs +1 -0
@@ 2,3 2,4 @@ require death.fs
require awakened.fs
\ ...
+noah casts decay with 3 reaches paradox? with-mage-tool
M magic.fs => magic.fs +26 -5
@@ 97,14 97,35 @@ end-struct mage-struct
1- dup -rot 0=
until swap drop ( and roll ) ;
+\G Rolls n dice, calculating successes 8+ and re-rolling 9s and 10s
+: roll-9again ( dice-pool -- successes )
+ 0 cr
+ begin
+ roll-dice ( #dice successes roll )
+ \ ." roll: " dup . cr
+ \ reuse 8-again to check for successes, as it's the same check
+ dup 8-again
+ rot + swap
+ 9-again rot +
+ 1- dup -rot 0=
+ until swap drop ( and roll ) ;
+\G Rolls n dice, calculating successes 8+ and re-rolling 8s, 9s, and 10s
+: roll-8again ( dice-pool -- successes )
+ 0 cr
+ begin
+ roll-dice ( #dice successes roll )
+ \ ." roll: " dup . cr
+ \ reuse 8-again to check for successes, as it's the same check
+ dup 8-again
+ rot + swap
+ 8-again rot +
+ 1- dup -rot 0=
+ until swap drop ( and roll ) ;
: roll-chance-die ( -- f )
roll-dice 10-again ;
-\G Decay: age an object, lowering durability
-\G +1 Reach: Decrease structure instead
-\G Source: MtAw2 p129
-death-arcanum 2 spell decay
\ No op, for flavor
: casts ;
: with ;