
beed99aa3678d43c7200153f4081c2af577f7154 — Noah Pederson 1 year, 4 months ago 904cc8f master
Bug fixes, stuff
6 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

M Makefile
M ouroboros.h
M ringbuf.c
M ringpage.c
M tests/make_test_buf.c
M tests/test_ringpage.c
M Makefile => Makefile +1 -1
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
all: ringpage
all: test lib

CFLAGS := 	-lc \
			-Wall \

M ouroboros.h => ouroboros.h +2 -0
@@ 46,4 46,6 @@ enum ringbuf_add_record_result ringbuf_add_record(struct ringbuf*, struct record

struct ringpage ringpage_create(FILE*);
struct ringbuf ringpage_create_ringbuf(struct ringpage*);
int ringpage_add_page_from_ringbuf(struct ringpage*, struct ringbuf*);
void ringpage_destroy(struct ringpage*);

M ringbuf.c => ringbuf.c +3 -1
@@ 16,7 16,9 @@ const size_t RECORDS_PER_PAGE =
const unsigned int TOTAL_RECORD_BUFFER_SIZE = RECORDS_PER_PAGE * sizeof(struct record);

struct ringbuf ringbuf_create(void) {
	struct record* records = calloc(RECORDS_PER_PAGE, sizeof(struct record));
	// Include the tail because we'll need to set it when/if we serialize this buf to
	// disk as a page.
	struct record* records = malloc(PAGE_SIZE + PAGE_TAIL_SIZE);
	struct ringbuf rb = {
	    .head = 0,
	    .length = 0,

M ringpage.c => ringpage.c +46 -0
@@ 121,6 121,52 @@ struct ringbuf ringpage_create_ringbuf(struct ringpage* rp) {
	return rb;

int ringpage_write_page(struct ringpage* rp, struct page* page) {
	if (fseek(rp->file, sizeof(struct page) * ringpage_tail_index(rp), SEEK_SET)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to seek to offset.");
		return -1;
	return fwrite(page, sizeof(struct page), 1, rp->file);

uint64_t ringpage_next_seq(struct ringpage* rp) {
	unsigned int tail_index = ringpage_tail_index(rp);
	// If we looped around, flip inc
	if (tail_index == 0) {
		rp->inc = !rp->inc;
	if (rp->inc) {
		return tail_index + 1;
	} else {
		return NUM_PAGES - tail_index;

int ringpage_add_page_from_ringbuf(struct ringpage* rp, struct ringbuf* rb) {
	// Converts a ringbuf's records into a page and saves it to disk, consuming the
	// ringbuf (ie. freeing the records).
	enum ringbufflags result = ringbuf_normalize(rb);
	switch (result) {
		case RB_OK:
			fprintf(stderr, "There was an error normalizing the ringbuf. Code: %i", result);
	struct tail* t = (struct tail*)rb->records + (sizeof(struct record) * RECORDS_PER_PAGE);
	// Get the next seq
	uint64_t next_seq = ringpage_next_seq(rp);
	t->seq = next_seq;
	// TODO: implement CRC
	t->crc = 0;
	struct page* p = (struct page*)rb->records;
	if(ringpage_write_page(rp, p)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write page");
		return -1;
	return 0;

void ringpage_destroy(struct ringpage* rp) {
	if (rp->body != NULL)

M tests/make_test_buf.c => tests/make_test_buf.c +20 -11
@@ 4,20 4,29 @@
int main(void) {
    FILE* f = fopen("./test.bin", "w+");
    if (f == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Error opening test.bin");
        fprintf(stderr,"Error opening test.bin\n");
        return -1;
    struct ringbuf rb = ringbuf_create();
    for (unsigned long i = 0; i < RECORDS_PER_PAGE; i++) {
        struct record r = {
            .ts = i,
            .v = i*2,
        enum ringbuf_add_record_result result = ringbuf_add_record(&rb, &r);
        if (result != ADD_RECORD_OK) {
            fprintf(stderr,"Failed to add record at index %li", i);
            return -1;
    fprintf(stderr, "Creating ringpage...\n");
    struct ringpage rp = ringpage_create(f);
    struct ringbuf rb;
    for(int z = 0; z < 4; z++) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Creating ringbuf...\n");
        rb = ringbuf_create();
        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < RECORDS_PER_PAGE; i++) {
            struct record r = {
                .ts = i,
                .v = i*2,
            //fprintf(stderr, "Adding record with ts=%li and v=%li\n", r.ts, r.v);
            enum ringbuf_add_record_result result = ringbuf_add_record(&rb, &r);
            if (result != ADD_RECORD_OK) {
                fprintf(stderr,"Failed to add record at index %li\n", i);
                return -1;
        fprintf(stderr, "Saving ringbuf to file.\n");
        ringpage_add_page_from_ringbuf(&rp, &rb);
    fprintf(stderr, "Done.");
    return 0;

M tests/test_ringpage.c => tests/test_ringpage.c +1 -0
@@ 15,6 15,7 @@ void test_ringpage_to_ringbuf(CuTest* tc) {
    FILE* f = fopen("./test.bin", "w+");
    struct ringpage rp = ringpage_create(f);


CuSuite* pagebuf_get_suite() {