
c0afbe1097982f173ac80dfa9d1648d3fd783932 — Chris Geoga 4 years ago
Populating commit
7 files changed, 343 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

A .gitignore
A Manifest.toml
A Project.toml
A example/basicexample.jl
A simulationplot.png
A src/HalfSpectral.jl
A  => .gitignore +5 -0
@@ 1,5 @@

A  => Manifest.toml +106 -0
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# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised

deps = ["LinearAlgebra"]
git-tree-sha1 = "051c95d6836228d120f5f4b984dd5aba1624f716"
uuid = "621f4979-c628-5d54-868e-fcf4e3e8185c"
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A  => Project.toml +9 -0
@@ 1,9 @@
name = "HalfSpectral"
uuid = "28fda99a-6fd1-4789-996a-91dd14997ef0"
authors = ["Chris Geoga <cgeoga@protonmail.com>"]
version = "0.1.0"

FFTW = "7a1cc6ca-52ef-59f5-83cd-3a7055c09341"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"

A  => README.md +47 -0
@@ 1,47 @@

# HalfSpectral.jl

A convenient interface for working with half-spectral covariance functions in
the space-time domain.  This is part of the software companion to *Flexible
nonstationary spatio-temporal modeling of high-frequency monitoring data* (arxiv
link coming soon). 

See the paper for a discussion of the covariance function itself, and see the
example file `./example/basicexample.jl` for a quick-start guide. With just a
few lines of code, you can specify a complicated covariance function
corresponding to fields like this:

![](./simulationplot.png "An example simulation from the
covariance function created in `./example/basicexample.jl`")
<p align="center">
  <img src="https://git.sr.ht/~cgeoga/HalfSpectral.jl/blob/master/simulationplot.png">

For the code used to fit models in the paper, see `./examples/paperscripts/`. I
do not plan to modify these files if this code evolves, so if you want to run
those scripts, please use the appropriate tagged release.

For estimation, please see my other software for estimation,
[GPMaxlik.jl](https://git.sr.ht/~cgeoga/GPMaxlik.jl). The examples for setting
up and performing optimization in that repository are much simpler than the
examples in `./examples/paperscripts/`.

**If you use this software (HalfSpectral.jl), please cite the paper and not
the software package itself.**

# Installation

This package is not registered. Please install by opening Julia, pressing the ]
key to enter the Pkg REPL, and entering
Pkg> add https://git.sr.ht/~cgeoga/HalfSpectral.jl

# Contact

Please reach out to me at <christopher.geoga@rutgers.edu> or <cgeoga@anl.gov> if
you have any issues.

A  => example/basicexample.jl +57 -0
@@ 1,57 @@

using HalfSpectral, LinearAlgebra

# Marginal spectral density, with the twist of making a few parameters depend on
# the spatial index.
function Sf(w,x,p)
  (scale, rate, smoothness) = p[1:3]
  rate += log(x)
  smoothness *= (1+x/10)
  scale*(rate*sinpi(w)^2 + 1)^(-smoothness-1/2) 

# A coherence function that does happen to be stationary. See the paperscripts
# model for code implementing the Paciorek-Schervish nonstationary coherence.
function Cw(w,x,y,p)
  gamxy = p[4]/(1 + (sinpi(w)/0.3)^2)^4

# A simple phase function.
phase(w,x,y,p) = exp(2.0*pi*im*p[5]*sin(sinpi(w))*(x-y))

# The integrand in the form that HalfSpectral requests.
integrand(w,x,y,p) = sqrt(Sf(w,x,p)*Sf(w,y,p))*Cw(w,x,y,p)*phase(w,x,y,p) 

# Create the kernel for spatial locations 1:40 and 200 unit time measurements.
const tg     = timegrid(1:200)
const xpts   = 1:40
const params = (50.0,100.0,0.5,5.0,0.5) # sample parameter values.
kernel = tftkernel(integrand, tg, xpts, params)

# Build a second time to get a timing example.
println("Building the kernel takes this long")
@time kernel = tftkernel(integrand, tg, xpts, params)

# Simulate a realization of the field with this function. The points here should
# be ordered as a tuple (time, spatial coordinate), and the spatial coordinate
# does not need to be a real number. You can treat the kernel like any normal
# function, calling it with either two points x and y like kernel(x,y) or
# additionally with a parameter collection, and if the parameter collection
# disagrees with the internal one it will rebuild the dictionary of function
# values. In general, I suggest including the parameter vector for code safety.
# But to avoid runtime checks, you can use the unchecked kernel(x,y).
pts = vec(reverse.(collect(Iterators.product(xpts, tg.Xt))))
K   = Symmetric([kernel(x,y) for x in pts, y in pts])
sim = reshape(cholesky(K).L*randn(length(pts)), length(xpts), length(tg.Xt))

#= Optionally, save the simulation file:
using DelimitedFiles
writedlm("sim.csv", sim, ',')

#= Optionally, visualize it:
using Plots
heatmap(sim, xlabel="time", ylabel="altitude")

A  => simulationplot.png +0 -0
A  => src/HalfSpectral.jl +119 -0
@@ 1,119 @@

module HalfSpectral

  export timegrid, tftkernel

  using LinearAlgebra, Statistics, FFTW

  abstract type TimeGridResult end

  struct ZeroFunction <: Function
  (zrf::ZeroFunction)(x,y,p) = 0.0

  struct IdFunction <: Function
  (idf::IdFunction)(x,p) = 1.0

  struct TimeGrid <: TimeGridResult
    Tv  :: Vector{Float64}
    Xt  :: Vector{Int64} 
    dt  :: Float64
    tol :: Float64

  struct TimeGridFailure <: TimeGridResult 
    Tv  ::Vector{Float64}
    tol ::Float64

  mutable struct TimeFFTKernel{T,F<:Function,N,G<:Function,H<:Function,M} <: Function
    V  :: TimeGrid
    Fn :: F
    D  :: Dict{Tuple{Int64, T, T}, Float64}
    p  :: NTuple{N, Float64}
    X  :: AbstractVector{T}
    addfn :: G
    mulfn :: H
    nobuild_ix :: NTuple{M, Int64}

  function timegrid(X; tol=0.075, warn_tol=2*tol)::TimeGridResult
    dt, dtmax  = extrema(abs.(diff(X)))
    d_reldiff  = rem(dtmax-dt, dt)/dt
    if d_reldiff <= warn_tol
      d_reldiff > tol && (@info "Only the acceptable tol was acheived.")
      Xd     = (X .- X[1])./dt
      Xd_int = Int64.(round.(Xd))
      minimum(diff(Xd_int)) > 0 || throw(error("time grid construction failed."))
      return TimeGrid(X, Xd_int, dt, d_reldiff)
    return TimeGridFailure(X, d_reldiff)

  function tftkernel(integrand::F, tg::TimeGrid, X::AbstractVector{T}, p;
                     nob=NTuple{0, Int64}(),
                     padsz::Int64=7) where{T,F,G,H}
    dict = Dict{Tuple{Int64, T, T}, Float64}()
    lp   = length(p)
    nnb  = length(nob)
    out  = TimeFFTKernel{T,F,lp,G,H,nnb}(tg, integrand, dict, tuple(p...), 
                                         X, addfn, mulfn, nob, padsz)
    build!(out, p)
    return out

  function build!(K::TimeFFTKernel{T,F,N,G,H,M}, p) where{T,F,N,G,H,M}
    ftn   = nextprod([2,3,5,7], K.padsz*K.V.Xt[end])
    wgd   = collect(range(-0.5, 0.5, length=ftn+1)[1:ftn])
    ix    = sort(unique(map(z->abs(z[2]-z[1]), Iterators.product(K.V.Xt, K.V.Xt))))
    plan  = plan_ifft(wgd)
    for (x,y) in Iterators.product(K.X, K.X)
      covxy = real(plan*(fftshift([K.Fn(w,x,y,p) for w in wgd])))[ix.+1]
      newv  = Dict(zip(zip(ix, fill(x, length(ix)), fill(y, length(ix))), covxy))
      merge!(K.D, newv)
    K.p = convert(NTuple{N, Float64}, Tuple(p))
    return nothing

  # Avoid the runtime cost of checking the parameters AND the post-function:
  function (K::TimeFFTKernel{T,F,N,ZeroFunction,IdFunction,0})(x, y) where{T,F,N} 
    opt1 = (abs(x[1]-y[1]), x[2], y[2])
    haskey(K.D, opt1) && return K.D[opt1]
    throw(error("No computed covariance for these two points: $x, $y"))

  # Avoid the runtime cost of checking the parameters, but call the post
  # computation function:
  function (K::TimeFFTKernel{T,F,N,G,H,M})(x, y) where{T,F,N,G,H,M} 
    opt1 = (abs(x[1]-y[1]), x[2], y[2])
    haskey(K.D, opt1) && return K.mulfn(x,y,K.p)*K.D[opt1] + K.addfn(x,y,K.p)
    throw(error("No computed covariance for these two points: $x, $y"))

  # Safer checked version:
  function (K::TimeFFTKernel{T,F,N,M})(x, y, p) where{T,F,N,M} 
    update_p_flag = false
    for (j, (Kpj, pj)) in enumerate(zip(K.p, p))
      if Kpj != pj 
        if !in(j, K.nobuild_ix)
          build!(K, p) 
          update_p_flag = false
          update_p_flag = true
    if update_p_flag
      K.p = tuple(p...)
    K(x, y)
