feat: protect functions
fix(ft_strnstr): return `NULL` if `len` is 0
style: add a comment at the top of each function
A C library
This is the first project at 42. We need to rewrite a set of libc functions (plus other extra ones), understand them and make them our own. The library will then be reused to work efficiently on our following C projects.
I have already finished the project but I will complete this library throughout my cursus.
Command | Description |
make |
Compile the library. |
make clean |
Remove objects files. |
make fclean |
Remove objects files and libft.a . |
make re |
Re-compile the library. |
Header File | List of Functions |
ft_ctype.h | ft_isalnum() ft_isalpha() ft_isascii() ft_isdigit() ft_isprint() |
ft_list.h | ft_lstadd_back() ft_lstadd_front() ft_lstclear() ft_lstdelone() ft_lstiter() ft_lstlast() ft_lstmap() ft_lstnew() ft_lstsize() |
ft_stdio.h | ft_printf() ft_putaddr() ft_putchar() ft_putchar_fd() ft_putendl_fd() ft_putnbr() ft_putnbr_fd() ft_putstr() ft_putstr_fd() ft_putunbr_base() |
ft_stdlib.h | ft_atoi() ft_itoa() ft_calloc() |
ft_string.h | ft_bufjoin() ft_bzero() ft_memchr() ft_memcmp() ft_memcpy() ft_memmove() ft_memset() ft_split() ft_strchr() ft_strdup() ft_striteri() ft_strjoin() ft_strlcat() ft_strlcpy() ft_strlen() ft_strmapi() ft_strncmp() ft_strnstr() ft_strrchr() ft_strtrim() ft_substr() ft_tolower() ft_toupper() get_next_line() |
This library may be freely modified and distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, which can be found in the file COPYING.