Merged in jaesivsm/pyaggr3g470r (pull request #22)
Fix on the http crawler
limiting the feed editing request by removing the dull updating of etag and last modified of no meaning
fixing warning SAWarning: Can't resolve label reference 'Feed.last_retrieved'
fixing stupid, stupid bug where we instanciated multiple threadpool
Updated Python runtime for Heroku.
With the new version of Flask-Login is_authenticated is now a property.
Removed the article from the table of the page of favorite articles when it is unstared.
Now using https when sharing a link via reddit.
Merged in jaesivsm/pyaggr3g470r (pull request #21)
fixing bug on http crawler and light refact
Ensuere that the arguments is an integer.
fixing bug preventing from bumping error count from api crawler for none admin user
making it easier to request with lists
redoing the way the crawler wait on itself
making feeds/fetchable and articles/challenge returns 204 on empty