
f2866dec3a368bebffe76c27165c0aa3db417b44 — Chris Vittal 4 years ago 1c0db9d
Fix typo
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M content/posts/2019-10-28_gnu-getopt-sucks.md
M content/posts/2019-10-28_gnu-getopt-sucks.md => content/posts/2019-10-28_gnu-getopt-sucks.md +1 -1
@@ 60,7 60,7 @@ email. Standards mean that I don't have to care about what you use in order to
know that my message will be readable, or the list I give you will be sorted. It
doesn't matter if `/bin/true` is an empty file with the execute bit set or
a C program the entire text of which is `int main(void) { return 0; }`. They
both return a true value that my shell that I can rely on in a script. When
both return a true value that my shell and I can rely on in a script. When
I use `getopt` to implement an option parsing for a utility, I expect it to
behave, not _break my program_.