
Signal-cli wrapper
moved to json config file


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


NOTE (2021-01-13) Rewrote from a bash to gawk script.

An awk (Gawk) wrapper script for easier use of signal-cli


  • sig snd <name> "message" : Send to a name not a number (set names in config file)
  • sig rcv : Get messages, which are written to a log file
  • sig log : Read the logs more easily (to see receipts and read-receipts)
  • sig ids : Check the phone numbers you have keys for
  • sig num : Check the phone numbers in your config file
  • sig ckn <num> : Test if <num> (prefix with +) using Signal
  • sig cfg : Edit config file
  • sig cli : Show signal-cli usage
  • sig new : Show the most recent new messages and confirmations
  • sig cnv <name> : Display a conversation:

Note (2021-01-21): signal-cli seems not to be able to fully handle Signal’s version 2 groups; action gnu will probably fail. Actions gls, gad, glv still work on version 1 groups. See usage by just typing sig.

Also included: checksig a script to execute sig rcv and notify you via send-notify; run it as a cron job.


  1. Make the scripts executable (chmod u+x sig; chmod u+x checksig)
  2. Scripts and signal-cli must be in the shell’s $PATH
  3. Make sure scw_config.awk is in a directory present in environment variable $AWKPATH (set in .bash_profile, etc)
  4. (Optional) Add checksig to your crontab file. (AWKPATH and the sig path will need to be set for a non-user). E.g.:
0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * *   AWKPATH=/home/foo/awklib /home/foo/bin/checksig /home/foo/bin/sig

Then edit scw_config.awk to add short names for your numbers.

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