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+# Referrer-Policy test
+## How to view the tests
+http://everest.cadence.moe:7337 - click that link to try it out.
+(If the page doesn't load, contact me at https://cadence.moe/friends and I'll start it up for you.)
+## How to run the source code (GUI)
+1. Install Racket from https://download.racket-lang.org/
+2. Clone this git repo
+3. Open the DrRacket application on your computer
+4. In DrRacket, File > Open > `referrer-policy-test.rkt` (it's part of the cloned repo)
+5. Click Run. You will see one of the following messages. Depending on the message you see, follow its sub-instructions:
+* `no package suggestions are available [update catalog]`
+Click on `[update catalog]`, then try clicking Run again.
+* `packages that provide the missing module: [install]`
+Click on `[install]`, then click `Install`, wait for `--- post-installing collections ---`, then try clicking Run again.
+* `Your Web application is running at http://localhost:7337.`
+Great! Now just click http://localhost:7337 and you'll see the test page.
+## How to run the source code (command line)
+1. Install Racket from https://download.racket-lang.org/
+2. Clone this git repo
+3. Open a terminal and cd into the cloned repo
+4. `raco pkg install --auto --skip-installed req` (this installs the `req` package, which is helpful for dependencies)
+5. `raco pkg update --all` (this ensures all packages are up to date)
+6. `raco req -d` (this installs any missing dependencies)
+7. `racket referrer-policy-test.rkt`
+You will see this output: Your Web application is running at http://localhost:7337 . Now just click that link and you'll see the test page.