A api/filters.js => api/filters.js +160 -0
@@ 0,0 1,160 @@
+const constants = require("../utils/constants")
+const db = require("../utils/db")
+const {render} = require("pinski/plugins")
+const {getUser, getToken} = require("../utils/getuser")
+const validate = require("../utils/validate")
+const V = validate.V
+const {Matcher, PatternCompileError} = require("../utils/matcher")
+const filterMaxLength = 160
+const regexpEnabledText = constants.server_setup.allow_regexp_filters ? "" : "not"
+function getCategories(req) {
+ const user = getUser(req)
+ const filters = user.getFilters()
+ // Sort filters into categories for display. Titles are already sorted.
+ const categories = {
+ title: {name: "Title", filters: []},
+ channel: {name: "Channel", filters: []}
+ }
+ for (const filter of filters) {
+ if (filter.type === "title") {
+ categories.title.filters.push(filter)
+ } else { // filter.type is some kind of channel
+ categories.channel.filters.push(filter)
+ }
+ }
+ categories.channel.filters.sort((a, b) => {
+ if (a.label && b.label) {
+ if (a.label < b.label) return -1
+ else if (a.label > b.label) return 1
+ }
+ return 0
+ })
+ return categories
+module.exports = [
+ {
+ route: "/filters", methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req, url}) => {
+ const categories = getCategories(req)
+ let referrer = url.searchParams.get("referrer") || null
+ let type = null
+ let contents = ""
+ let label = null
+ if (url.searchParams.has("title")) {
+ type = "title"
+ contents = url.searchParams.get("title")
+ } else if (url.searchParams.has("channel-id")) {
+ type = "channel-id"
+ contents = url.searchParams.get("channel-id")
+ label = url.searchParams.get("label")
+ }
+ return render(200, "pug/filters.pug", {categories, type, contents, label, referrer, filterMaxLength, regexpEnabledText})
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ route: "/filters", methods: ["POST"], upload: true, code: async ({req, body}) => {
+ return new V()
+ .with(validate.presetLoad({body}))
+ .with(validate.presetURLParamsBody())
+ .with(validate.presetEnsureParams(["filter-type", "new-filter"]))
+ .check(state => {
+ // Extract fields
+ state.type = state.params.get("filter-type")
+ state.contents = state.params.get("new-filter").slice(0, filterMaxLength)
+ state.label = state.params.get("label")
+ if (state.label) {
+ state.label = state.label.slice(0, filterMaxLength)
+ } else {
+ state.label = null
+ }
+ state.referrer = state.params.get("referrer")
+ // Check type
+ return ["title", "channel-name", "channel-id"].includes(state.type)
+ }, () => ({
+ statusCode: 400,
+ contentType: "application/json",
+ content: {
+ error: "type parameter is not in the list of filter types."
+ }
+ }))
+ .check(state => {
+ // If title, check that pattern compiles
+ if (state.type === "title") {
+ try {
+ const matcher = new Matcher(state.contents)
+ matcher.compilePattern()
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e instanceof PatternCompileError) {
+ state.compileError = e
+ return false
+ }
+ throw e
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ }, state => {
+ const {type, contents, label, compileError} = state
+ const categories = getCategories(req)
+ return render(400, "pug/filters.pug", {categories, type, contents, label, compileError, filterMaxLength, regexpEnabledText})
+ })
+ .last(state => {
+ const {type, contents, label} = state
+ const responseHeaders = {
+ Location: state.referrer || "/filters"
+ }
+ const token = getToken(req, responseHeaders)
+ db.prepare("INSERT INTO Filters (token, type, data, label) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)").run(token, type, contents, label)
+ return {
+ statusCode: 303,
+ headers: responseHeaders,
+ contentType: "text/html",
+ content: "Redirecting..."
+ }
+ })
+ .go()
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ route: "/filters/delete", methods: ["POST"], upload: true, code: async ({req, body}) => {
+ return new V()
+ .with(validate.presetLoad({body}))
+ .with(validate.presetURLParamsBody())
+ .with(validate.presetEnsureParams(["delete-id"]))
+ .check(state => {
+ state.deleteID = +state.params.get("delete-id")
+ return !!state.deleteID
+ }, () => ({
+ statusCode: 400,
+ contentType: "application/json",
+ content: {
+ error: "delete-id parameter must be a number"
+ }
+ }))
+ .last(state => {
+ const {deleteID} = state
+ const token = getToken(req)
+ // the IDs are unique, but can likely be guessed, so also use the token for actual authentication
+ db.prepare("DELETE FROM Filters WHERE token = ? and id = ?").run(token, deleteID)
+ return {
+ statusCode: 303,
+ headers: {
+ Location: "/filters"
+ },
+ contentType: "text/html",
+ content: "Redirecting..."
+ }
+ })
+ .go()
+ }
+ }
M api/search.js => api/search.js +9 -2
@@ 7,10 7,14 @@ module.exports = [
route: "/(?:search|results)", methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req, url}) => {
const query = url.searchParams.get("q") || url.searchParams.get("search_query")
- const instanceOrigin = getUser(req).getSettingsOrDefaults().instance
+ const user = getUser(req)
+ const settings = user.getSettingsOrDefaults()
+ const instanceOrigin = settings.instance
const fetchURL = new URL(`${instanceOrigin}/api/v1/search`)
fetchURL.searchParams.set("q", query)
- const results = await request(fetchURL.toString()).then(res => res.json())
+ let results = await request(fetchURL.toString()).then(res => res.json())
const error = results.error || results.message || results.code
if (error) throw new Error(`Instance said: ${error}`)
@@ 19,6 23,9 @@ module.exports = [
+ const filters = user.getFilters()
+ results = converters.applyVideoFilters(results, filters).videos
return render(200, "pug/search.pug", {query, results, instanceOrigin})
M api/subscriptions.js => api/subscriptions.js +5 -4
@@ 1,13 1,12 @@
const {render} = require("pinski/plugins")
const db = require("../utils/db")
-const {fetchChannelLatest} = require("../utils/youtube")
const {getUser} = require("../utils/getuser")
-const {timeToPastText, rewriteVideoDescription} = require("../utils/converters")
+const {timeToPastText, rewriteVideoDescription, applyVideoFilters} = require("../utils/converters")
const {refresher} = require("../background/feed-update")
module.exports = [
- route: `/subscriptions`, methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req}) => {
+ route: `/subscriptions`, methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req, url}) => {
const user = getUser(req)
let hasSubscriptions = false
let videos = []
@@ 36,10 35,12 @@ module.exports = [
return video
+ const filters = user.getFilters()
+ ;({videos} = applyVideoFilters(videos, filters))
const settings = user.getSettingsOrDefaults()
const instanceOrigin = settings.instance
- return render(200, "pug/subscriptions.pug", {settings, hasSubscriptions, videos, channels, refreshed, timeToPastText, instanceOrigin})
+ return render(200, "pug/subscriptions.pug", {url, settings, hasSubscriptions, videos, channels, refreshed, timeToPastText, instanceOrigin})
M api/video.js => api/video.js +4 -0
@@ 145,6 145,10 @@ module.exports = [
+ // filter list
+ const {videos, filteredCount} = converters.applyVideoFilters(video.recommendedVideos, user.getFilters())
+ video.recommendedVideos = videos
// get subscription data
const subscribed = user.isSubscribed(video.authorId)
A html/static/js/filters.js => html/static/js/filters.js +16 -0
@@ 0,0 1,16 @@
+import {ElemJS, q} from "./elemjs/elemjs.js"
+class FilterType extends ElemJS {
+ constructor(element) {
+ super(element)
+ this.notice = q("#title-pattern-matching")
+ this.on("input", this.updateNotice.bind(this))
+ this.updateNotice()
+ }
+ updateNotice() {
+ this.notice.style.display = this.element.value !== "title" ? "none" : ""
+ }
+new FilterType(q("#filter-type"))
A pug/filters.pug => pug/filters.pug +77 -0
@@ 0,0 1,77 @@
+extends includes/layout
+mixin filter_type_option(label, value)
+ option(value=value selected=(value === type))= label
+block head
+ title Filters - CloudTube
+ script(type="module" src=getStaticURL("html", "static/js/filters.js"))
+block content
+ main.filters-page
+ h1 Filters
+ details(open=!!type)
+ summary New filter
+ form(method="post")
+ if label
+ input(type="hidden" name="label" value=label)
+ if referrer
+ input(type="hidden" name="referrer" value=referrer)
+ .field-row
+ label.field-row__label(for="filter-type") Type
+ select(id="filter-type" name="filter-type").border-look.field-row__input
+ +filter_type_option("Title", "title")
+ +filter_type_option("Channel name", "channel-name")
+ +filter_type_option("Channel ID", "channel-id")
+ .field-row.max-width-input
+ label.field-row__label(for="new-filter") Contents
+ input(type="text" id="new-filter" name="new-filter" value=contents required maxlength=filterMaxLength).border-look.field-row__input
+ .field-row__description(style=(type !== "title" ? "display: none" : ""))#title-pattern-matching
+ | For titles, pattern matching is supported. Regular expressions are #{regexpEnabledText} enabled.
+ |
+ a(href="https://git.sr.ht/~cadence/tube-docs/tree/main/item/docs/cloudtube/Filters.md") For help, see the documentation.
+ if compileError
+ section.filter-compile-error
+ header.filter-compile-error__header Your pattern failed to compile.
+ pre.filter-compile-error__trace
+ = contents + "\n"
+ = " ".repeat(compileError.position) + "^ " + compileError.message
+ div: a(href="https://git.sr.ht/~cadence/tube-docs/tree/main/item/docs/cloudtube/Filters.md") For help, see the documentation.
+ else
+ if type
+ .filter-confirmation-notice.
+ You can refine the filter further if you need to.
+ When you're happy, click Save.
+ .save-filter
+ button.border-look
+ if referrer
+ | Save & return
+ else
+ | Save
+ .filter-list
+ - let someFiltersDisplayed = false
+ each category in categories
+ if category.filters.length
+ - someFiltersDisplayed = true
+ h2.filter-category-header= category.name
+ div
+ each filter in category.filters
+ .filter
+ .filter__details
+ - let type = `type: ${filter.type}`
+ - let content = filter.data
+ if filter.type === "channel-id" && filter.label
+ - type += `, id: ${filter.data}`
+ - content = filter.label
+ .filter__type= type
+ .filter__content= content
+ form.filter__remove(method="post" action="/filters/delete")
+ input(type="hidden" name="delete-id" value=filter.id)
+ button.border-look Remove
+ if !someFiltersDisplayed
+ .no-filters
+ h2 You haven't created any filters.
+ p Create one now and cleanse your mind.
+ p You can add filters using the button on video thumbnails.
M pug/includes/video-list-item.pug => pug/includes/video-list-item.pug +9 -0
@@ 8,6 8,15 @@ mixin video_list_item(className, video, instanceOrigin, options = {})
img(src=`/vi/${video.videoId}/mqdefault.jpg` width=320 height=180 alt="").image
if video.second__lengthText != undefined
span.duration= video.second__lengthText
+ details.thumbnail__more
+ summary.thumbnail__show-more ×
+ .thumbnail__options-container
+ .thumbnail__options-list
+ - const paramsBase = {}
+ - if (url) paramsBase.referrer = url.pathname + (url.search && "?" + url.search)
+ a(href=`/filters?${new URLSearchParams({"channel-id": video.authorId, label: video.author, ...paramsBase})}`).menu-look Hide this channel
+ a(href=`/filters?${new URLSearchParams({title: video.title, ...paramsBase})}`).menu-look Hide by title
+ a(href="/filters").menu-look Edit all filters
div.title: a(href=link).title-link= video.title
M pug/settings.pug => pug/settings.pug +6 -0
@@ 81,6 81,12 @@ block content
button.border-look Save
+ h2.more-settings-header More settings
+ section.more-settings
+ ul.more-settings__list
+ li.more-settings__list-item: a(href="/filters") Edit filters
if user.token
summary Sync data
M sass/includes/buttons.sass => sass/includes/buttons.sass +25 -1
@@ 55,4 55,28 @@
@include border-button
@include button-size
- @include button-hover
+ @at-root #{selector.unify(&, "a, button")}
+ @include button-hover
+ @include button-size
+ -webkit-appearance: none
+ -moz-appearance: none
+ color: c.$fg-bright
+ text-decoration: none
+ line-height: 1.25
+ margin: 0
+ padding: 8px 20px
+ background: c.$bg-accent
+ border: solid c.$bg-darker
+ border-width: 1px 0px 0px
+ text-align: left
+ &:last-child
+ border-width: 1px 0px 1px
+ &:hover
+ background: c.$bg-accent-x
+ &:active
+ background: c.$bg-darker
A sass/includes/filters-page.sass => sass/includes/filters-page.sass +64 -0
@@ 0,0 1,64 @@
+@use "colors.sass" as c
+@mixin filter-notice
+ margin-top: 24px
+ padding: 12px
+ border-radius: 8px
+ background-color: c.$bg-darker
+ white-space: pre-line
+ max-width: 600px
+ margin: 0 auto
+ .filter-list
+ margin-top: 24px
+ .no-filters
+ padding: 4px
+ text-align: center
+ .filter-confirmation-notice
+ @include filter-notice
+ color: c.$fg-warning
+ .filter-compile-error
+ @include filter-notice
+ &__header
+ color: c.$fg-warning
+ &__trace
+ background-color: c.$bg-darkest
+ padding: 6px
+ .save-filter
+ margin-top: 12px
+ .border-look
+ background-color: c.$bg-darker
+ font-size: 22px
+ padding: 7px 16px 8px
+ font-size: 24px
+ .filter-category-header
+ font-size: 1.25em
+ margin-bottom: 4px
+ .filter
+ display: flex
+ padding: 5px 0
+ border-top: 1px solid c.$edge-grey
+ &:last-child
+ border-bottom: 1px solid c.$edge-grey
+ &__details
+ flex: 1
+ &__type
+ font-size: 15px
+ color: c.$fg-dim
+ &__remove
+ flex-shrink: 0
M sass/includes/settings-page.sass => sass/includes/settings-page.sass +17 -0
@@ 13,6 13,23 @@
font-size: 22px
padding: 7px 16px 8px
+ margin-top: 36px
+ margin-top: 24px
+ padding: 12px
+ border-radius: 8px
+ background-color: c.$bg-accent-x
+ &__list
+ margin: 0
+ padding-left: 1em
+ line-height: 1
+ &__list-item:not(:last-child)
+ margin-bottom: 0.4em // emulate line-height
margin-top: 24px
M sass/includes/video-list-item.sass => sass/includes/video-list-item.sass +66 -1
@@ 1,6 1,68 @@
@use "colors.sass" as c
@use "_dimensions.sass" as dimensions
+ $more-size: 24px
+ &__more
+ position: absolute
+ top: 4px
+ right: 4px
+ width: $more-size
+ height: $more-size
+ border-radius: 50%
+ background-color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.85)
+ padding: 0px
+ color: #fff
+ visibility: hidden
+ @at-root .thumbnail:hover &, &[open]
+ visibility: visible
+ &__show-more
+ display: block
+ height: $more-size
+ line-height: 16px
+ font-size: 25px
+ text-align: center
+ &::-webkit-details-marker
+ display: none
+ &__options-container
+ position: absolute
+ z-index: 1
+ top: $more-size
+ left: -1000px
+ right: 0
+ padding-top: 4px
+ display: flex
+ justify-content: flex-end
+ pointer-events: none
+ &__options-list
+ pointer-events: auto
+ display: grid
+ background-color: c.$bg-accent
+ padding: 8px 0px
+ border-radius: 8px
+ box-shadow: 0 2px 6px 2px #000
+ &::before
+ content: ""
+ display: block
+ height: 12px
+ width: 12px
+ position: absolute
+ top: 0
+ right: 0
+ transform: translate(-6px, -1px) rotate(-45deg)
+ clip-path: polygon(-5% -20%, 120% -20%, 120% 125%)
+ background-color: c.$bg-accent
+ box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px 0px #000
+ pointer-events: none
@mixin video-list-item
display: grid
grid-template-columns: 160px 1fr
@@ 78,7 140,6 @@
grid-gap: 16px
grid-template-columns: auto 1fr
margin-bottom: 20px
- overflow: hidden
max-height: 150px
@at-root .video-list-item--watched#{&}
@@ 98,6 159,10 @@
right: 5px
bottom: 5px
+ .info
+ overflow: hidden
+ max-height: 150px
font-size: 24px
M sass/main.sass => sass/main.sass +1 -0
@@ 10,6 10,7 @@
@use "includes/cant-think-page.sass"
@use "includes/privacy-page.sass"
@use "includes/js-licenses-page.sass"
+@use "includes/filters-page.sass"
@use "includes/forms.sass"
@use "includes/nav.sass"
@use "includes/footer.sass"
M utils/constants.js => utils/constants.js +3 -1
@@ 26,7 26,9 @@ let constants = {
// Settings for the server to use internally.
server_setup: {
// The URL of the local NewLeaf instance, which is always used for subscription updates.
- local_instance_origin: "http://localhost:3000"
+ local_instance_origin: "http://localhost:3000",
+ // Whether users may filter videos by regular expressions. Unlike square patterns, regular expressions are _not_ bounded in complexity, so this can be used for denial of service attacks. Only enable if this is a private instance and you trust all the members.
+ allow_regexp_filters: false
// *** ***
M utils/converters.js => utils/converters.js +20 -0
@@ 1,5 1,6 @@
const constants = require("./constants")
const pug = require("pug")
+const {Matcher} = require("./matcher")
function timeToPastText(timestamp) {
const difference = Date.now() - timestamp
@@ 162,6 163,24 @@ function subscriberCountToText(count) {
return preroundedCountToText(count) + " subscribers"
+function applyVideoFilters(videos, filters) {
+ const originalCount = videos.length
+ for (const filter of filters) {
+ if (filter.type === "channel-id") {
+ videos = videos.filter(v => v.authorId !== filter.data)
+ } else if (filter.type === "channel-name") {
+ videos = videos.filter(v => v.author !== filter.data)
+ } else if (filter.type === "title") {
+ const matcher = new Matcher(filter.data)
+ matcher.compilePattern()
+ videos = videos.filter(v => !matcher.match(v.title))
+ }
+ }
+ const filteredCount = originalCount - videos.length
+ //TODO: actually display if things were filtered, and give the option to disable filters one time
+ return {videos, filteredCount}
module.exports.timeToPastText = timeToPastText
module.exports.lengthSecondsToLengthText = lengthSecondsToLengthText
module.exports.normaliseVideoInfo = normaliseVideoInfo
@@ 169,3 188,4 @@ module.exports.rewriteVideoDescription = rewriteVideoDescription
module.exports.tToMediaFragment = tToMediaFragment
module.exports.viewCountToText = viewCountToText
module.exports.subscriberCountToText = subscriberCountToText
+module.exports.applyVideoFilters = applyVideoFilters
M utils/getuser.js => utils/getuser.js +8 -0
@@ 80,6 80,14 @@ class User {
db.prepare("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO WatchedVideos (token, videoID) VALUES (?, ?)").run([this.token, videoID])
+ getFilters() {
+ if (this.token) {
+ return db.prepare("SELECT * FROM Filters WHERE token = ? ORDER BY data ASC").all(this.token)
+ } else {
+ return []
+ }
+ }
A utils/matcher.js => utils/matcher.js +120 -0
@@ 0,0 1,120 @@
+const {Parser} = require("./parser")
+const constants = require("./constants")
+class PatternCompileError extends Error {
+ constructor(position, message) {
+ super(message)
+ this.position = position
+ }
+class PatternRuntimeError extends Error {
+class Matcher {
+ constructor(pattern) {
+ this.pattern = pattern
+ this.compiled = null
+ this.anchors = null
+ }
+ compilePattern() {
+ // Calculate anchors (starts or ends with -- to allow more text)
+ this.anchors = {start: true, end: true}
+ if (this.pattern.startsWith("--")) {
+ this.anchors.start = false
+ this.pattern = this.pattern.slice(2)
+ }
+ if (this.pattern.endsWith("--")) {
+ this.anchors.end = false
+ this.pattern = this.pattern.slice(0, -2)
+ }
+ this.compiled = []
+ // Check if the pattern is a regular expression, only if regexp filters are enabled by administrator
+ if (this.pattern.match(/^\/.*\/$/) && constants.server_setup.allow_regexp_filters) {
+ this.compiled.push({
+ type: "regexp",
+ expr: new RegExp(this.pattern.slice(1, -1), "i")
+ })
+ return // do not proceed to step-by-step
+ }
+ // Step-by-step pattern compilation
+ const patternParser = new Parser(this.pattern.toLowerCase())
+ while (patternParser.hasRemaining()) {
+ if (patternParser.swallow("[") > 0) { // there is a special command
+ let index = patternParser.seek("]")
+ if (index === -1) {
+ throw new PatternCompileError(patternParser.cursor, "Command is missing closing square bracket")
+ }
+ let command = patternParser.get({split: "]"})
+ let args = command.split("|")
+ if (args[0] === "digits") {
+ this.compiled.push({type: "regexp", expr: /\d+/})
+ } else if (args[0] === "choose") {
+ this.compiled.push({type: "choose", choices: args.slice(1).sort((a, b) => (b.length - a.length))})
+ } else {
+ throw new PatternCompileError(patternParser.cursor - command.length - 1 + args[0].length, `Unknown command name: \`${args[0]}\``)
+ }
+ } else { // no special command
+ let next = patternParser.get({split: "["})
+ this.compiled.push({type: "text", text: next})
+ if (patternParser.hasRemaining()) patternParser.cursor-- // rewind to before the [
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ match(string) {
+ if (this.compiled === null) {
+ throw new Error("Pattern was not compiled before matching. Compiling must be done explicitly.")
+ }
+ const stringParser = new Parser(string.toLowerCase())
+ let flexibleStart = !this.anchors.start
+ for (const fragment of this.compiled) {
+ if (fragment.type === "text") {
+ let index = stringParser.seek(fragment.text, {moveToMatch: true}) // index, and move to, start of match
+ if (index === -1) return false
+ if (index !== 0 && !flexibleStart) return false // allow matching anywhere if flexible start
+ stringParser.cursor += fragment.text.length // move to end of match.
+ }
+ else if (fragment.type === "regexp") {
+ const match = stringParser.remaining().match(fragment.expr)
+ if (!match) return false
+ if (match.index !== 0 && !flexibleStart) return false // allow matching anywhere if flexible start
+ stringParser.cursor += match.index + match[0].length
+ }
+ else if (fragment.type === "choose") {
+ const ok = fragment.choices.some(choice => {
+ let index = stringParser.seek(choice)
+ if (index === -1) return false // try next choice
+ if (index !== 0 && !flexibleStart) return false // try next choice
+ // otherwise, good enough for us! /shrug
+ stringParser.cursor += index + choice.length
+ return true
+ })
+ if (!ok) return false
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new PatternRuntimeError(`Unknown fragment type ${fragment.type}`)
+ }
+ flexibleStart = false // all further sequences must be anchored to the end of the last one.
+ }
+ if (stringParser.hasRemaining() && this.anchors.end) {
+ return false // pattern did not end when expected
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+module.exports.Matcher = Matcher
+module.exports.PatternCompileError = PatternCompileError
+module.exports.PatternRuntimeError = PatternRuntimeError
A utils/parser.js => utils/parser.js +175 -0
@@ 0,0 1,175 @@
+ * @typedef GetOptions
+ * @property {string} [split] Characters to split on
+ * @property {string} [mode] "until" or "between"; choose where to get the content from
+ * @property {function} [transform] Transformation to apply to result before returning
+ */
+const tf = {
+ lc: s => s.toLowerCase()
+class Parser {
+ constructor(string) {
+ this.string = string;
+ this.substore = [];
+ this.cursor = 0;
+ this.cursorStore = [];
+ this.mode = "until";
+ this.transform = s => s;
+ this.split = " ";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return all the remaining text from the buffer, without updating the cursor
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+ remaining() {
+ return this.string.slice(this.cursor);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Have we reached the end of the string yet?
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+ hasRemaining() {
+ return this.cursor < this.string.length
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the next element from the buffer, either up to a token or between two tokens, and update the cursor.
+ * @param {GetOptions} [options]
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ get(options = {}) {
+ ["mode", "split", "transform"].forEach(o => {
+ if (!options[o]) options[o] = this[o];
+ });
+ if (options.mode == "until") {
+ let next = this.string.indexOf(options.split, this.cursor+options.split.length-1);
+ if (next == -1) {
+ let result = this.remaining();
+ this.cursor = this.string.length;
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ let result = this.string.slice(this.cursor, next);
+ this.cursor = next + options.split.length;
+ return options.transform(result);
+ }
+ } else if (options.mode == "between") {
+ let start = this.string.indexOf(options.split, this.cursor);
+ let end = this.string.indexOf(options.split, start+options.split.length);
+ let result = this.string.slice(start+options.split.length, end);
+ this.cursor = end + options.split.length;
+ return options.transform(result);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a number of chars from the buffer.
+ * @param {number} length Number of chars to get
+ * @param {boolean} [move] Whether to update the cursor
+ */
+ slice(length, move = false) {
+ let result = this.string.slice(this.cursor, this.cursor+length);
+ if (move) this.cursor += length;
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Repeatedly swallow a character.
+ * @param {string} char
+ */
+ swallow(char) {
+ let before = this.cursor;
+ while (this.string[this.cursor] == char) this.cursor++;
+ return this.cursor - before;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Push the current cursor position to the store
+ */
+ store() {
+ this.cursorStore.push(this.cursor);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Pop the previous cursor position from the store
+ */
+ restore() {
+ this.cursor = this.cursorStore.pop();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Run a get operation, test against an input, return success or failure, and restore the cursor.
+ * @param {string} value The value to test against
+ * @param {object} options Options for get
+ */
+ test(value, options) {
+ this.store();
+ let next = this.get(options);
+ let result = next == value;
+ this.restore();
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Run a get operation, test against an input, return success or failure, and restore the cursor on failure.
+ * @param {string} value The value to test against
+ * @param {object} options Options for get
+ */
+ has(value, options) {
+ this.store();
+ let next = this.get(options);
+ let result = next == value;
+ if (!result) this.restore();
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Run a get operation, test against an input, and throw an error if it doesn't match.
+ * @param {string} value
+ * @param {GetOptions} [options]
+ */
+ expect(value, options = {}) {
+ let next = this.get(options);
+ if (next != value) throw new Error("Expected "+value+", got "+next);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Seek to or past the next occurance of the string.
+ * @param {string} toFind
+ * @param {{moveToMatch?: boolean, useEnd?: boolean}} options both default to false
+ */
+ seek(toFind, options = {}) {
+ if (options.moveToMatch === undefined) options.moveToMatch = false
+ if (options.useEnd === undefined) options.useEnd = false
+ let index = this.string.indexOf(toFind, this.cursor)
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ index -= this.cursor
+ if (options.useEnd) index += toFind.length
+ if (options.moveToMatch) this.cursor += index
+ }
+ return index
+ }
+ /**
+ * Replace the current string, adding the old one to the substore.
+ * @param {string} string
+ */
+ pushSubstore(string) {
+ this.substore.push({string: this.string, cursor: this.cursor, cursorStore: this.cursorStore})
+ this.string = string
+ this.cursor = 0
+ this.cursorStore = []
+ }
+ /**
+ * Replace the current string with the first entry from the substore.
+ */
+ popSubstore() {
+ Object.assign(this, this.substore.pop())
+ }
+module.exports.Parser = Parser
M utils/upgradedb.js => utils/upgradedb.js +5 -0
@@ 43,6 43,11 @@ const deltas = [
function() {
db.prepare("ALTER TABLE Settings ADD COLUMN quality INTEGER DEFAULT 0")
+ },
+ // 6: +Filters
+ function() {
+ db.prepare("CREATE TABLE Filters (id INTEGER, token TEXT NOT NULL, type TEXT NOT NULL, data TEXT NOT NULL, label TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id))")
+ .run()