@@ 11,13 11,13 @@ module.exports = [
const user = getUser(req)
const settings = user.getSettingsOrDefaults()
const data = await fetchChannel(path, id, settings.instance)
- const subscribed = user.isSubscribed(id)
const instanceOrigin = settings.instance
// problem with the channel? fetchChannel has collected the necessary information for us.
// we can render a skeleton page, display the message, and provide the option to unsubscribe.
if (data.error) {
const statusCode = data.missing ? 410 : 500
+ const subscribed = user.isSubscribed(id)
return render(statusCode, "pug/channel-error.pug", {settings, data, subscribed, instanceOrigin})
@@ 34,6 34,7 @@ module.exports = [
video.watched = watchedVideos.includes(video.videoId)
+ const subscribed = user.isSubscribed(data.authorId)
return render(200, "pug/channel.pug", {settings, data, subscribed, instanceOrigin})