@@ 42,9 42,9 @@ This page lists external tools useful for handling Org files.
| [[https://github.com/niklasfasching/go-org][go-org]] | Go | Niklas Fasching | |
| [[https://github.com/tecosaur/OrgMode.jl][OrgMode.jl]] | Julia | Timothy | [[https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87o85zpdi8.fsf@gmail.com/][Message]] |
-* Org-mode exporters
+* Org-mode exporters and importers
-- https://github.com/zzamboni/ox-leanpub
+See [[file:~/archive/fromweb/src/worg/org-translators.org][org-translators]] for various tools to import data to Org-mode and export Org-mode data.
* Specific purpose tools
@@ 79,6 79,7 @@ toOrg(head(mtcars))
: | Hornet 4 Drive | 21.4 | 6 | 258 | 110 | 3.08 | 3.215 | 19.44 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 1 |
: | Hornet Sportabout | 18.7 | 8 | 360 | 175 | 3.15 | 3.44 | 17.02 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 2 |
: | Valiant | 18.1 | 6 | 225 | 105 | 2.76 | 3.46 | 20.22 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 1 |
** ascii R package
- Authors: David Hajage [aut], Mark Clements [cre, ctb], Seth Falcon [ctb], Terry Therneau [ctb], Matti Pastell [ctb], Friedrich Leisch [ctb]
@@ 351,22 352,6 @@ https://github.com/cashTangoTangoCash/orgFixLinks/wiki provides a
degree of documentation.
-** exchange2org - Extracts Exchange calendar data in Org-mode format
-:CREATED: [2023-04-09 Sun 12:41]
-- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
-- Website: https://github.com/novoid/exchange2org
-- License: GPL 3.0
-- Technology: Python 3
-- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/exchange2org/issues
-- State of development: 2023-04-09 worked for many years but author isn't using Exchange after 2019.
-This tool was very handy for getting Exchange-based appointments into
-my Org-mode agenda. Not used after 2019 so it might need some
** orgformat - Utility library for providing functions to generate and modify Org mode syntax elements
:CREATED: [2023-04-09 Sun 12:44]
@@ 391,26 376,6 @@ make sure that there aren't many hidden bugs.
If you want to contribute further functions, please do send pull
requests via GitHub.
-** Memacs - Collecting data from all sorts of external data sources
-:CREATED: [2023-04-09 Sun 12:52]
-- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
-- Website: https://github.com/novoid/Memacs
-- License: GPL 3.0
-- Technology: Python 3
-- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/Memacs/issues
-- State of development: 2023-04-09 some modules were written and used
- by the author. Most modules are contributions from other users of
- Memacs.
-If you want to (re-)collect your own data from various sources such as
-text messages, visited web pages, photographs, emails, git commits and
-so forth, this framework allows for using or writing modules that
-convert non-[[https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/README.org][Orgdown]] formats to Orgdown. This way, you get a really
-detailed agenda with all of your activities.
** org-contacts2vcard - Converting Emacs Org-mode org-contacts contact information to VCard
:CREATED: [2023-04-09 Sun 14:40]
@@ 429,22 394,6 @@ versions. Karl gave up analyzing it because he ran out of
ideas. However, for the contact information without images, it's
working flawlessly so far.
-** orgdepend_to_orgedna - Tool for the transition from [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-depend.html][org-depend]] to [[https://www.nongnu.org/org-edna-el/][org-edna]]
-:CREATED: [2023-04-09 Sun 14:44]
-- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
-- Website: https://github.com/novoid/orgdepend_to_orgedna
-- License: GPL 3.0
-- Technology: Python 3
-- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/orgdepend_to_orgedna/issues
-- State of development: 2023-04-09 used by the author to convert his setup once. Might need maintenance with newer versions.
-Most use-cases for org-depend can be migrated to org-edna using that
-tool. Please refer to the documentation to learn what can be converted
-and what not.
** appendorgheading - Append a new [[https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/README.org][Orgdown]] heading to an existing Orgdown file
:CREATED: [2023-04-09 Sun 14:46]
@@ 492,25 441,6 @@ This tool post-processes iCal export results such taht you can hide
some data for privacy reasons or add reminder alarms defined as
Org-mode tags.
-** jira2org-story.py - Extract Jira Issues and Generate Org-mode Headings
-:CREATED: [2023-04-09 Sun 14:53]
-- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
-- Website: https://github.com/novoid/jira2org-story.py
-- License: GPL 3.0
-- Technology: Python 3
-- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/jira2org-story.py/issues
-- State of development: 2023-04-09 stable.
-The script is accessing the API of Altlassian's Jira to generate
-[[https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/README.org][Orgdown]] content. The author is using it to extract whole epics from
-Jira and create more detailed workflows within Org-mode.
-This principle can be adapted to all sorts of use-cases. The author is
-using multiple variations of this script for specific workflows.
** orgmode-balance - feedback on how you are doing with your Org-mode tasks
:CREATED: [2023-04-09 Sun 14:55]
@@ 22,58 22,154 @@ export Org-mode data and import external data into the Org-mode system.
* Org-mode Export Tools
- - [[https://www.drupal.org/node/1977240][From Org-mode to Drupal]] by [[file:users/davidam.org][David Arroyo Menéndez]].
+The tools listed here do take Org-mode files and convert them to a different format:
- - From Org-mode to Freemind by Marco Vezzoli, this is available in
- the contrib directory of the distribution.
+** [[https://www.drupal.org/node/1977240][From Org-mode to Drupal]] by [[file:users/davidam.org][David Arroyo Menéndez]].
- - From Org-mode to [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICalendar][ICal]]endar applications:
+** From Org-mode to Freemind
- - there are an export tool already implemented in org mode, is
- [[https://orgmode.org/manual/iCalendar-export.html#iCalendar-export][explained at the org manual]].
+... by Marco Vezzoli, this is available in the contrib directory of the distribution.
- - For Google users, read [[file:org-tutorials/org-google-sync.org][this tutorial]].
+** From Org-mode to [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICalendar][ICal]]endar applications
+- there are an export tool already implemented in org mode, is
+ [[https://orgmode.org/manual/iCalendar-export.html#iCalendar-export][explained at the org manual]].
+- For Google users, read [[file:org-tutorials/org-google-sync.org][this tutorial]].
+** [[https://github.com/zzamboni/ox-leanpub][ox-leanpub: Org-mode exporter for Leanpub books]]
* Org-mode Import Tools
- - [[http://www.olafdietsche.de/palm/palm2orgmode.pl][From Palm TODO database to Orgmode]]. This Translator was
- written by [[http://www.olafdietsche.de/][Olaf Dietsche]].
+The tools listed here do take non-Org-mode files and convert them to Org:
+** [[http://www.olafdietsche.de/palm/palm2orgmode.pl][From Palm TODO database to Orgmode]]
+This Translator was written by [[http://www.olafdietsche.de/][Olaf Dietsche]].
+** From [[https://list.orgmode.org/20080112175502.0fb06b66@linux.site][Remind to Org]] by Detlef Steuer
+** From [[http://bitbucket.org/legoscia/of2org][OmniFocus to Org]] by Magnus Henoch
+** From [[http://www.hogbaysoftware.com/products/taskpaper][TaskPaper]] to Org by Carsten Dominik
+A quite complete translation can be achieved by a compact Perl program:
+ #+begin_src perl
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ /^(\t*)-(.*?)((@\w+ *)*)$/;
+ @u=grep{$_ ne'@done'}(@t=split/ +/,$3);
+ @v=@u?('',@u,''):();
+ $t{$_}++for@u;
+ $_="*"x(2+length$1).(@t==@u?" TODO":" DONE").$2.join(":",@v)."\n"if$&;
+ s/^\w.*:\s*$/* $&/;
+ END{printf "* Setup\n#+TAGS: %s\n",join' ',keys%t}
+ #+end_src
+ This program is quite unreadable because it resulted from a
+ [[https://list.orgmode.org/0277B507-1486-4172-B1C6-1B73B84148DD@science.uva.nl][contest for the most compact translator]] - but it works very well
+ anyway.
+** From [[https://bitbucket.org/josemaria.alkala/odt2org/wiki/Home][ODT to Org]], by Jose Maria Alkala
+** From ICalendar to Org
+There are some tools and documentation related:
+- There is a mention of some tools at the [[file:org-tools/index.org][org-tools]] section, [[file:org-tools/index.org::*ical2org.awk - convert ics files to Org][here]].
+- For Google users, see [[file:org-tutorials/org-google-sync.org::*From Google Calendar into org using .ics files][this]].
+- For a command line tool that converts files, URLs (e.g., Google
+ Calendar), email attachments, and other sources into org-mode
+ events, see [[https://github.com/rjhorniii/ical2org][this]]. It can integrate with crontab, systemd,
+ etc. for automatic updating. An example of [[https://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/mu4e.html][mu4e]] integration for
+ processing email attachments with ics content is shown.
+** From Microsoft Exchange to Org
+:CREATED: [2023-04-09 Sun 16:14]
- - From [[https://list.orgmode.org/20080112175502.0fb06b66@linux.site][Remind to Org]] by Detlef Steuer.
+*** exchange2org - Extracts Exchange calendar data in Org-mode format
+:CREATED: [2023-04-09 Sun 12:41]
- - From [[http://bitbucket.org/legoscia/of2org][OmniFocus to Org]] by Magnus Henoch.
+- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
+- Website: https://github.com/novoid/exchange2org
+- License: GPL 3.0
+- Technology: Python 3
+- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/exchange2org/issues
+- State of development: 2023-04-09 worked for many years but author isn't using Exchange after 2019.
- - From [[http://www.hogbaysoftware.com/products/taskpaper][TaskPaper]] to Org by Carsten Dominik. A quite complete
- translation can be achieved by a compact Perl program:
+This tool was very handy for getting Exchange-based appointments into
+my Org-mode agenda. Not used after 2019 so it might need some
- #+begin_src perl
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- /^(\t*)-(.*?)((@\w+ *)*)$/;
- @u=grep{$_ ne'@done'}(@t=split/ +/,$3);
- @v=@u?('',@u,''):();
- $t{$_}++for@u;
- $_="*"x(2+length$1).(@t==@u?" TODO":" DONE").$2.join(":",@v)."\n"if$&;
- s/^\w.*:\s*$/* $&/;
- END{printf "* Setup\n#+TAGS: %s\n",join' ',keys%t}
- #+end_src
+** From Altlassian Jira to Org
- This program is quite unreadable because it resulted from a
- [[https://list.orgmode.org/0277B507-1486-4172-B1C6-1B73B84148DD@science.uva.nl][contest for the most compact translator]] - but it works very well
- anyway.
+*** jira2org-story.py - Extract Jira Issues and Generate Org-mode Headings
+:CREATED: [2023-04-09 Sun 14:53]
- - From [[https://bitbucket.org/josemaria.alkala/odt2org/wiki/Home][ODT to Org]], by Jose Maria Alkala.
+- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
+- Website: https://github.com/novoid/jira2org-story.py
+- License: GPL 3.0
+- Technology: Python 3
+- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/jira2org-story.py/issues
+- State of development: 2023-04-09 stable.
- - From ICalendar to Org. There are some tools and documentation related:
+The script is accessing the API of Altlassian's Jira to generate
+[[https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/README.org][Orgdown]] content. The author is using it to extract whole epics from
+Jira and create more detailed workflows within Org-mode.
- - There is a mention of some tools at the [[file:org-tools/index.org][org-tools]] section, [[file:org-tools/index.org::*ical2org.awk - convert ics files to Org][here]].
+This principle can be adapted to all sorts of use-cases. The author is
+using multiple variations of this script for specific workflows.
- - For Google users, see [[file:org-tutorials/org-google-sync.org::*From Google Calendar into org using .ics files][this]].
+** Memacs - Collecting data from all sorts of external data sources
+:CREATED: [2023-04-09 Sun 12:52]
- - For a command line tool that converts files, URLs (e.g., Google
- Calendar), email attachments, and other sources into org-mode
- events, see [[https://github.com/rjhorniii/ical2org][this]]. It can integrate with crontab, systemd,
- etc. for automatic updating. An example of [[https://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/mu4e.html][mu4e]] integration for
- processing email attachments with ics content is shown.
+- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
+- Website: https://github.com/novoid/Memacs
+- License: GPL 3.0
+- Technology: Python 3
+- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/Memacs/issues
+- State of development: 2023-04-09 some modules were written and used
+ by the author. Most modules are contributions from other users of
+ Memacs.
+If you want to (re-)collect your own data from various sources such as
+text messages, visited web pages, photographs, emails, git commits and
+so forth, this framework allows for using or writing modules that
+convert non-[[https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/README.org][Orgdown]] formats to Orgdown. This way, you get a really
+detailed agenda with all of your activities.
+* Org-mode to Org-mode
+:CREATED: [2023-04-09 Sun 16:15]
+Sometimes, people write software outside of Elisp that has Org-mode files as input as well as output:
+** orgdepend_to_orgedna - Tool for the transition from [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-depend.html][org-depend]] to [[https://www.nongnu.org/org-edna-el/][org-edna]]
+:CREATED: [2023-04-09 Sun 14:44]
+- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
+- Website: https://github.com/novoid/orgdepend_to_orgedna
+- License: GPL 3.0
+- Technology: Python 3
+- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/orgdepend_to_orgedna/issues
+- State of development: 2023-04-09 used by the author to convert his setup once. Might need maintenance with newer versions.
+Most use-cases for org-depend can be migrated to org-edna using that
+tool. Please refer to the documentation to learn what can be converted
+and what not.
* Bi-directional