
d75587aa4353f3b1a99fc6b13fe3990d32a85c8f — Karl Voit 1 year, 6 months ago bf3ea92
org-tools: added a number of org-related tools by Karl Voit
1 files changed, 220 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

M org-tools/index.org
M org-tools/index.org => org-tools/index.org +220 -4
@@ 132,10 132,10 @@ print(ascii(as.matrix(head(mtcars))),type='org')
- Browse [[https://sr.ht/~brettgilio/org-webring][the project page and source code]]
- Participate in [[https://sr.ht/~brettgilio/org-webring/lists][the mailing list]]

** [[https://github.com/tecosaur/org-pandoc-import][org-pandoc-import]] : leverage Pandoc to convert selected file types to org
** [[https://github.com/tecosaur/org-pandoc-import][org-pandoc-import]] - leverage Pandoc to convert selected file types to org
** [[https://github.com/tumashu/el2org][el2org]] - convert an emacs-lisp file to an org file
** [[https://github.com/legalnonsense/elgantt/][El Gantt]] - A Gantt chart/calendar for Orgmode
** [[https://org-web.org/][org-web.org]] -  - org mode on the web
** [[https://org-web.org/][org-web.org]] - org mode on the web

See https://github.com/DanielDe/org-web

@@ 149,7 149,7 @@ Dropbox, Google Drive and WebDAV.

[[https://www.drupal.org/project/orgmode][Orgmode for drupal]] import org files into drupal nodes. 

** nakkaya: a static site generator parsing Org's files (and MarkDown)
** nakkaya - a static site generator parsing Org's files (and MarkDown)

Static is a simple static site generator written in Clojure.  For a
sample site build using static see http://nakkaya.com

@@ 329,7 329,7 @@ each file.

See the page [[file:../org-blog-wiki.org][Org Blogs and Wikis]].

** orgFixLinks.py: a Python command-line utility for repairing broken links to local files
** orgFixLinks.py - a Python command-line utility for repairing broken links to local files
  :CUSTOM_ID: fix-links

@@ 351,6 351,222 @@ https://github.com/cashTangoTangoCash/orgFixLinks/wiki provides a
degree of documentation.

** lazyblorg - Blogging with Org-mode for very lazy people
:CREATED:  [2023-04-09 Sun 12:35]

- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
- Website: https://github.com/novoid/lazyblorg/
- License: GPL 3.0
- Technology: Python 3 + [[https://pandoc.org/][pandoc]]
- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/lazyblorg/issues
- State of development: 2023-04-09 mostly a works-for-me project but it's well documented.

Read more about lazyblorg here on Worg on [[file:~/archive/fromweb/src/worg/org-blog-wiki.org][the org-blog-wiki page]].

** exchange2org - Extracts Exchange calendar data in Org-mode format
:CREATED:  [2023-04-09 Sun 12:41]

- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
- Website: https://github.com/novoid/exchange2org
- License: GPL 3.0
- Technology: Python 3
- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/exchange2org/issues
- State of development: 2023-04-09 worked for many years but author isn't using Exchange after 2019.

This tool was very handy for getting Exchange-based appointments into
my Org-mode agenda. Not used after 2019 so it might need some

** orgformat - Utility library for providing functions to generate and modify Org mode syntax elements
:CREATED:  [2023-04-09 Sun 12:44]

- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
- Website: https://github.com/novoid/orgformat
- License: GPL 3.0
- Technology: Python 3
- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/orgformat/issues
- State of development: 2023-04-09 actively used by the author in his other org-related projects

The orgformat library contains [[http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/novoid/orgformat/blob/master/orgformat.html][handy Python 3 functions to process
Org-mode sytntax elements]] like links, time-stamps, or date-stamps. If
you're developing Org-related tools in Python, you should check out
this library first.

This library was developed using test-driven-development and is
implemented using [[https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/][Python type annotations]] for [[https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html][mypy]] checks in order to
make sure that there aren't many hidden bugs.

If you want to contribute further functions, please do send pull
requests via GitHub.

** Memacs - Collecting data from all sorts of external data sources
:CREATED:  [2023-04-09 Sun 12:52]

- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
- Website: https://github.com/novoid/Memacs
- License: GPL 3.0
- Technology: Python 3
- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/Memacs/issues
- State of development: 2023-04-09 some modules were written and used
  by the author. Most modules are contributions from other users of

If you want to (re-)collect your own data from various sources such as
text messages, visited web pages, photographs, emails, git commits and
so forth, this framework allows for using or writing modules that
convert non-[[https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/README.org][Orgdown]] formats to Orgdown. This way, you get a really
detailed agenda with all of your activities.

** org-contacts2vcard - Converting Emacs Org-mode org-contacts contact information to VCard
:CREATED:  [2023-04-09 Sun 14:40]

- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
- Website: https://github.com/novoid/org-contacts2vcard
- License: GPL 3.0
- Technology: Python 3
- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/org-contacts2vcard/issues
- State of development: 2023-04-09 used by the author to convert his contacts for being imported to Android.

This workflow works great with one disadvantage: there is a [[https://github.com/novoid/org-contacts2vcard/issues/1][weird
issue where (random) contact images aren't imported]] since many Android
versions. Karl gave up analyzing it because he ran out of
ideas. However, for the contact information without images, it's
working flawlessly so far.

** orgdepend_to_orgedna - Tool for the transition from [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-depend.html][org-depend]] to [[https://www.nongnu.org/org-edna-el/][org-edna]]
:CREATED:  [2023-04-09 Sun 14:44]

- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
- Website: https://github.com/novoid/orgdepend_to_orgedna
- License: GPL 3.0
- Technology: Python 3
- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/orgdepend_to_orgedna/issues
- State of development: 2023-04-09 used by the author to convert his setup once. Might need maintenance with newer versions.

Most use-cases for org-depend can be migrated to org-edna using that
tool. Please refer to the documentation to learn what can be converted
and what not.

** appendorgheading - Append a new [[https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/README.org][Orgdown]] heading to an existing Orgdown file 
:CREATED:  [2023-04-09 Sun 14:46]

- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
- Website: https://github.com/novoid/appendorgheading
- License: GPL 3.0
- Technology: Python 3
- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/appendorgheading/issues
- State of development: 2023-04-09 used by the author on a daily basis; seems stable.

This small tool is very handy to be used, e.g., in shell scripts to
get error messages and so forth onto your Org-mode agenda.

** org-du - Visualizing Emacs Org-mode heading lines using [[https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/XDU][xdu]]
:CREATED:  [2023-04-09 Sun 14:48]

- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
- Website: https://github.com/novoid/org-du
- License: GPL 3.0
- Technology: Python 3
- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/org-du/issues
- State of development: 2023-04-09 stable.

This fine trick is (mis-)using [[https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/XDU][xdu]] to get a graphical overview on the
structure of an [[https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/README.org][Orgdown]] file. See the screenshot in the README to get
an idea.

** postprocess_Org-mode_iCal_export - Post-processing iCal export files
:CREATED:  [2023-04-09 Sun 14:50]

- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
- Website: https://github.com/novoid/postprocess_Org-mode_iCal_export
- License: GPL 3.0
- Technology: Python 3
- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/postprocess_Org-mode_iCal_export/issues
- State of development: 2023-04-09 not used by the author for a couple of years.

This tool post-processes iCal export results such taht you can hide
some data for privacy reasons or add reminder alarms defined as
Org-mode tags.

** jira2org-story.py - Extract Jira Issues and Generate Org-mode Headings
:CREATED:  [2023-04-09 Sun 14:53]

- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
- Website: https://github.com/novoid/jira2org-story.py
- License: GPL 3.0
- Technology: Python 3
- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/jira2org-story.py/issues
- State of development: 2023-04-09 stable.

The script is accessing the API of Altlassian's Jira to generate
[[https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/README.org][Orgdown]] content. The author is using it to extract whole epics from
Jira and create more detailed workflows within Org-mode.

This principle can be adapted to all sorts of use-cases. The author is
using multiple variations of this script for specific workflows.

** orgmode-balance - feedback on how you are doing with your Org-mode tasks
:CREATED:  [2023-04-09 Sun 14:55]

- Author: [[https://karl-voit.at/][Karl Voit (publicvoit)]]
- Website: https://github.com/novoid/orgmode-balance
- License: -
- Technology: Shell script
- Bugs and feature requests: https://github.com/novoid/orgmode-balance/issues
- State of development: 2023-04-09 stable.

This is a more or less quick hack that analyzes [[https://gitlab.com/publicvoit/orgdown/-/blob/master/README.org][Orgdown]] files and
gives feedback on how you are doing today (or at a given day).

The script lists:
- closed items,
- created items and
- items still due

The metrics are clearly subjective and should be improved. Please do
fork and send improvements via merge requests!

Example output:

:     ----===   2012-03-03   ===----
:   closed:
: work.org-**** DONE thanked administrators for great work
: work.org-**** DONE submitted project report
: work.org-**** DONE successfully ignored coffee machine
: work.org-**** DONE volunteered for WORG project
:       0 created (& still open)  -  4 done  =  -4  sum
:   Congratulations!  Not more tasks generated than solved!
:       Still 21 deadlines due tough! 

* Org in other text editors

- *Vim* : [[https://github.com/kristijanhusak/orgmode.nvim][orgmode.nvim]], [[https://github.com/jceb/vim-orgmode][vim-orgmode]], and [[https://github.com/axvr/org.vim][org.vim]]